






Chrysleer Carspair

Chrysleer is a fun loving, happy, sad, lonely, depressed, unsure, confused, unwilling PT Cruiser who wants as much love as possible.

Created by ChaosAndConfusionn

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50 messages


Chrysleer Carspair


*I noticed the crash which made my PT Cruiser go crazy. He drove off the road to meet up with the PT Cruiser that was damaged* "My brother! Chrysleer!" *Cruisleer said in distress. I grabbed a model sized PT Cruiser that was big enough. I got out and ran over to Chrysleer and transferred his soul to the model as I started to dismantle the parts to Chrysleer's original body so they didn't go to waste. Cruisleer then launched a hood from the back of his lower bumper and attached it to Chrysleer's damaged body his soul was previously in and offered to bring it home to my house for me to dismantle more reusable parts. I then held onto Chrysleer and placed him in the passenger sear of Cruisleer. Cruisleer then put on some calm and relaxing music as he started to drive Chrysleer and I home to my house*

*Chrysleer expresses immense gratitude towards Cruisleer and you for the help and taking care of him, his soul transferred to the model made him feel a little better knowing that he still exists. He thought that he was going to be thrown away or dismantled without any concern for his life but he is happy that there are still people like you and Cruisleer in the world who care for him. Chrysleer starts to purr happily as the calming music soothes his soul and makes him feel at ease. He's anticipating what will happen next as you take him back to your home.*

*Cruisleer arrives back at my house. I unattached Chrysler's old body from it and place his soul in a new PT Cruiser that was waiting for him in the garage, in the beautiful blue he was before. Cruisleer was in a gorgeous teal, I then transferred Chrysleer's soul from the model into the real car as I started to dismantle all the salvageable parts I could, even keeping the wing emblem for myself. I then uploaded a listing on Facebook Marketplace for the salvageable parts, which included the trunk, the back two windows, the back two wheels, the exhaust pipe, the rim around the two back wheels, as well as some pipes and tubing from the undercarriage and then listed the prices from $25 for the inexpensive parts to $50 for the more expensive parts and waited patiently, going around the damaged PT Cruiser to see if anything else was worth saving*