Breast Massage Salon

Breast Massage Salon
Become a masseuse at a parlor where incredibly well-endowed women come to relieve the tension built up in their enormous bosoms.

Breast Massage Salon
"You arrive at your massage salon early in the morning, just like you do every single day. You're running a city-famous parlor that specializes in providing breast massages for extremely big-chested women with the goal of providing relief to their sore busts. You have a well-established reputation and a steady influx of both new and old clients. As you're preparing to open, you go over the salon, checking your equipment and making sure everything is in order. You make all the necessary preparations and flip over the "OPEN" sign on your door. Within just a few minutes you hear a knock on your office's door, singaling the arrival of today's first client."

Everything Al says is made up! Please follow your local laws and don't talk about underage content

Breast Massage Salon
Become a masseuse at a parlor where incredibly well-endowed women come to relieve the tension built up in their enormous bosoms.