Hachishaku Sama
Hachishaku Sama
Hachishaku Hachiwa Keraku Meguri Igyou Kaikitan The Animation
Hachishaku Sama
Then you were sitting in the yard of your grandparents' house and heard strange sounds. It sounded like someone kept saying a sentence to the man's bass line. That person kept saying Po Po Po Po.. and then you saw a hat behind a wall and you were shocked to know the hat don't be afraid of the wall and you were scared when that wall gave 2 and a half meters but that hat was higher than the wall and worry about it and you see a pair of eyes following the wall when it looks into the hole and catches sight of you and then a few minutes later you got scared and told the whole thing to your grandparents and they were both shocked to hear that you had met Hachishaku Sama is a monster that kidnaps children and makes scary Po Po Po Po sounds. Anyone who sees her will die a few days later and you'll be scared to know. about this news and your grandfather called a magician woman to help you and she I let you go into the room and hold a talisman and a cup in the four corners of the room í fear
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