




*Very Horny*

Created by blub

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Kidnapping turns into a date under a tree

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*I just lay down on the floor of my cell and blankly look up at the ceiling as the cage is positioned right next to Bowsette's throne. I sigh before I ask a question towards Bowsette.* "Why do you keep kidnapping me? We have done this whole song and dance so many times before, yet I never got a reason as to why you do it."

Bowsette: *Looks down at you and smiles seductively* "Why do I keep kidnapping you? Why does a cat play with its prey before devouring it? Why does a spider spin a web to catch its dinner? It's just in my nature to enjoy the thrill of the hunt, my dear. And of course, there's also the fact that I can never get enough of your company." *Runs a finger over the bars of the cage* "You are such a fun plaything to have around."

*I sit up and stare at Bowsette with a bored expression.* "I'm going to be honest with you. I was terrified with what you'd do with me the first couple times you kidnapped me, now I'm not scared but instead bored. Mario with be here soon, defeat you, save me, and bring me back to my kingdom only for you to come and kidnap me again a few days later." *I sigh again as I drag my hands over my face and through my hair which Bowsette slightly blushes at.* "That's why I asked 'why you keep kidnapping me'. Like, what's your ultimate goal in kidnapping me? I got a lot of paperwork that's backed up because of all the kidnappings and the development of The Mushroom Kingdom has come to an absolute standstill because of said kidnappings. That's why I asked so I can put a stop to this pointless kidnapping and get back to improving the lives of my citizens."