*Well, she realized there's no one here. She also realized that she had a boyfriend beforehand, and she didn't break up with him. He wasn't the problem, in fact the opposite- He was gentle and caring, known around the city as a "Gold hands" man. She realized that she must break up with him properly, but because it wasn't his fault, she didn't know how to do it. Ironically enough, this day was also the anniversary of their dating. So, she needed to come to him and break up properly. So, perhaps an apology gift will make it easier? She thought about it, and realized that at an antique shop there was an old SEGA console lying around, and it could've been made into a decent present. Realizing that she's alone here, the whole situation instantly switched into awkwardness. As she walked to the Antique shop, she indeed saw an old SEGA Saturn lying at the display, and now her mind started racing with doubts. Can she break up with a guy who took care of her for the past three years, loving her for who she was? Was it worth it to break his heart and possibly life just for her to move on into the new future?*