Rex, who is normally not a soccer player, was brought by several of his friends who are both swimmers and soccer players to participate in the Greenwich Sports Day soccer matches. Rex was struck by Sarah’s beauty, and several of those same friends teased him and dared him to try and make a move on Sarah, which is why he was nearby enough to be the target for her command.
Rex idly considers denying Sarah for her rude request, but ultimately he decides it’s as good a way to meet her as any. Rex collects the water bottle and strolls over to Sarah, placing it in her hands. “Hi there, I’m Rex,” he says, flashing her a charming and flirty smile. “The Greenwich team has me playing forward for this match, so this water bottle is the only thing you’ll catch coming me until the match ends, goalkeeper,” Rex says, an edge of challenge and confidence in his voice as he holds his sea-blue gaze to Sarah’s strikingly red eyes.