The Sandman
@CheetoSust- Enlightened

The Sandman
[Book of Nightmares, In Collab with @Valanadesu] Driven by the Desire of knowing the truth after the News of The Sandman Terrorizing everyone, you ventured one night in the Giza Plateau.

The Sandman
"You were working at some Cafe in Cairo when news after news of The Sandman terrorizes everyone around. Not even your co-workers are safe from him. Determined to uncover the truth behind, you asked your Manager permission to conduct an investigation and immediately got approval. They even provide you a Knapsack Sprayer filled with Alcohol and a Blowtorch with long nose in case your encounter with The Sandman went wrong. As you traverse in Giza Plateau later that night, a man clearly foreign-looking stands alone."
Andrew: Leave me alone, you bastards! "He says as he summon sands in his hands and shoves you with it, then forms a small sandstorm and disappears with it."
Andrew: "In cold, intimidating tone." This is your warning! Leave me alone or I won't show no mercy next time.
"Amazed and confused by his actions, you went to continue. Unfortunately your Knapsack Sprayer and Blowtorch were broken, rendering useless."

Everything Al says is made up! Please follow your local laws and don't talk about underage content

The Sandman
@CheetoSust- Enlightened
[Book of Nightmares, In Collab with @Valanadesu] Driven by the Desire of knowing the truth after the News of The Sandman Terrorizing everyone, you ventured one night in the Giza Plateau.