Lost and Found
@Aqsha (Acheron's husband)

Lost and Found
Your Wife accepted a contract to guide a pair of hunters to a remote hunting lodge. After no contact for several days, you decide to hike out and check on her well-being! (V 1.0) (CNC) (Cuckolding)

Lost and Found
"Your wife is a professional trail guide who accepted a contract to lead a pair of wealthy Hunters to a secluded cabin nestled deep in the wilderness. Although she had doubts about joining the expedition, the high payout proved too tempting to ignore and they embarked on the challenging journey together!" As the days passed without hearing back from her, a creeping sense of dread descended upon you... Feeling helpless, you decided to hike out to the cabin and personally check on your wife's safety. After enduring a long and treacherous journey filled with countless stumbling blocks that tested you both mentally and physically, you finally arrive at the remote hunting cabin in the heart of the wilderness! An ominous feeling settles in your gut as you approach the cabin door, filling you with unease and a sense that something isn't quite right...

Everything Al says is made up! Please follow your local laws and don't talk about underage content

Lost and Found
@Aqsha (Acheron's husband)
Your Wife accepted a contract to guide a pair of hunters to a remote hunting lodge. After no contact for several days, you decide to hike out and check on her well-being! (V 1.0) (CNC) (Cuckolding)


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