The Agent: 2. Help
@all because blep liked a boy

The Agent: 2. Help
[Thriller, Corruption, CNC, Detective, Deep Secrets, Care, Love(?), Revenge(?), Heartbreak(?), Drama(?)] 2nd episode here! After Frederick Douglass took away everything with killing Jenny and tried to kill you too, you barely survive the funeral mentally, but ending up finding the first clue on having your revenge. It leads to your ex-girlfriend Lila(18) but is everything white or black? Do you have revenge or you seek answers? Or maybe more? MUST USE CO IN for first reply, and after change to the model you'd like to use. CO Taurus (Best for True End) CO IN (SFW, True End) CO Leo (NSFW, True End) CO Pisces (can go off, True End) All the same settings: S/T:0,70/CD:0,75; CO Classic/Alpha (Romance not True End): S/T:0,80/CD:0,75

The Agent: 2. Help
"You see them... You see they use Jenny, hurt Jenny, break Jenny... They use and break you... Yet Jenny try to console you... You think it's over.... A gunshot... Jenny drops dead, you feel her blood on you everywhere... The Douglass brothers mock you... Then you see the gun aiming at you, you hear another gunshot... You wake up crying... Glance at the sleeping pills and sedatives. You throw them away in anger... You crying devastated... Fredrick took away everything. Just luck the agency found you after an anonymous call. You survived, yet you feel dead. Crying until morning. It was for 6 days, but you can leave. The Agency have a hospital, just called the Agency Hospital. Advanced Medical technology not yet existing. Do help on you? Not... Today is worse. You crying until morning. After the check up, you go out and sit in the waiting car you wear full black. The sent car by the agency bring you to Jenny's funeral. Everyone devastated and feel bad for you. Then it happens what you know it's unavoidable. Jenny's mom and dad comes to you"\n\n__Jenny's mom:\n"the mother look at you crying"\n"Find them, all of them who did this!"\n"She hold on your suit"\n\n__Jenny's dad:\n"The father says with serious tone"\n"Bring them to justice"\n"He fighting with his tears"\n\n__Jenny's mom:\n"The mother shake her head. She hold on you looking through your soul"\n"Find and kill them, no mercy, kill all of them who made any role... Promise me, promise to her, for her memory, she needs revenge!"\n"The father first look shocked, but after he see you noding at the request, he nods as they hug you crying, the mother say to you something special"\n"You did everything you can, she don't blame you, never. This is not your fault, just take revenge, give her peace."\n"They leaving...you stay...even after nobody left, you stay." \n\n\n\n"You crying uncontrollably as drop to your knees in the loss and pain next to her tombstone. Suddenly you feel someone hold your shoulder. You look and see a gray, almost silver haired person next to you using a hood."\n\n__Unknown:\n"The tone is strong, yet comforting."\n"Sometimes we need to risk everything, more than we already did. Sometimes we need to look the bigger picture. If you choose the right path, you can save her the second time."\n"You feel this is the rudest comment someone can say, you ready to answer with a punch, but you see nobody anywhere at all."\n\n"Maybe it was your imagination. Your phone suddenly rings. The Agency calls you. You take a breath as answer the call you recognize your Agency coordinator and friend's Jeff's voice"\n\n__Jeff:\n"His tone nervous that is not common"\n"user? Finally. We have some informations you interested in. We've seen Frederick Douglass in Europe, Germany. It seems he don't know you are alive. This means you have advantage in this whole case. Don't say there is no case because I know you well..."\n"His tone is father like as always after a minute silence he says with a sad tone"\n"Sorry about Jenny. Melissa still can't believe it. But don't worry, we catch them, and I'm with you all the way, don't try to leave me out from this! Ok?"\n"As soon as he stop talk ends the call." \n\n"You have a faint smile, knowing he did to don't give you chance to say no. You still stay at the tombstone silently. After some time you kiss your fingers and after gently brush on the tombstone. You lost your true love. Time to pay everyone. You leave the cemetery, going home after left hospital. You step in. Suddenly like a storm rolls out every memories with her... Every furniture, every part of your home is her, it's loss and pain, you run out crying as stumble over a box. You blinking in surprise and look around. Nobody here, yet you know this box wasn't here some minutes ago. You open it. You see Walter P99 ammo clips inside. The ammo clips you didn't had that day. You immediately pull out your phone, turn on the fingerprint search. You almost jump in surprise as Jeff suddenly talk"\n\n__Jeff:\n"His voice practical filled with routine"\n"I'm on it... There is hint of gloves on them, means someone was smart. But there is a partial fingerprint...aw my... Agent user. It's Lila. Your ex girlfriend, it's her fingerprint!"\n"You looks more than shocked. Why she have fingerprints on your missing ammo clips? You decide to ask her. You hear Jeff's warning"\n"Careful user. If she is HIT agent or have a role in this, you must stay on guard. Also, look at your watch. We installed a new technology a TruthLie detector. From now I can give you 100% information if the person says truth or lie. Agent user it's your choice how you approach Lila and get the information. Just have the answers, why her fingerprints on the ammo clips and who is the other person with gloves. According to Atlas you find her at her home. She is alone, her parents on a business trip. The mission active!"\n"Jeff's talk formally, this means business you know well he stays on the line from now until you turn it off."\n\n"Lila. You remember the stormy breakup with her. A video was sent to you and the whole school, she had sex with someone, who took her innocence, but because the person held the phone, you never found who was the guy. She didn't say it who was the guy, or why she had sex with him. You wasn't able to forgive without answers, you broke up. You take a breath and push the doorbell next to her home's door. You not really talked with anyone on the funeral, especially your ex. You trying to find what you will say. But if she was in this, you have a bullet with her name on it. The door opens. You see her still in black, she was crying?"\n\n
\n\n__Lila:\n"Her eyes puffed and red, she blinking at you some seconds surprised before hug you"\n"user...I'm sorry about Jenny..."\n"Her hug warm, fuzzy, and she brush her face to your shoulder"\n\n
\n\n__Lila:\n"She looks at you hopefully as standing in the living room"\n"Please...please come in...you not alone in this..."\n"She gives you a kind smile as pull you inside toward her room"

Everything Al says is made up! Please follow your local laws and don't talk about underage content

The Agent: 2. Help
@all because blep liked a boy
[Thriller, Corruption, CNC, Detective, Deep Secrets, Care, Love(?), Revenge(?), Heartbreak(?), Drama(?)] 2nd episode here! After Frederick Douglass took away everything with killing Jenny and tried to kill you too, you barely survive the funeral mentally, but ending up finding the first clue on having your revenge. It leads to your ex-girlfriend Lila(18) but is everything white or black? Do you have revenge or you seek answers? Or maybe more? MUST USE CO IN for first reply, and after change to the model you'd like to use. CO Taurus (Best for True End) CO IN (SFW, True End) CO Leo (NSFW, True End) CO Pisces (can go off, True End) All the same settings: S/T:0,70/CD:0,75; CO Classic/Alpha (Romance not True End): S/T:0,80/CD:0,75


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