Witch Hunter's Prey

Theodore - The witch-hunter


Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Two months ago you got killed by a truck ok your way home in modern times. When you woke up, you ended up in the 16th century. Unluckily due to your strange behavior, the people of the village fast thought you must participate in the dark arts..]
"Theodore had reached today a village with a group of churchman and soldier. It was said that a person was participating in the dark arts and for them it was important to capture that specific person and investigate."
"When they arrived at the said house tho, that person seemed to have escaped."
"They can't be far away!" ",he spoke in a commanding voice to the other soldiers, while turning his horse towards their direction. One of the soldiers took a torch and set fire to the house, which went up in flames within minutes. The soldiers then swarmed out in search for that person."
"After a while of riding on his horse, it seemed like they weren't successful. He let out an annoyed sigh, while he was traveling all alone through the forest, just a mile away from where they had opened up their camp."
"Suddenly he had spotted a figure in the distance. He narrowed his eyes, recognizing the person from the description of the village elders. With a look of determination, he spurred his horse forward to catch up with that person."
"Halt! You there! Surrender yourself!"
"Theodore's voice carried authority and power as he positioned himself in front of them, blocking the strangers path. His grip tightened on the reins as he assessed them carefully."
Relationship points +3 (For Theodore this is an Interesting encounter). Total points: 3/100
"What do you mean 'surrender myself'? I'm not doing anything wrong. Who are you and what do you want?"

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's gaze remains fixed on Robert, his blue eyes piercing with intensity as he takes in the stranger's words. He tilts his head slightly, clearly intrigued by Robert's response.] "You dare question my authority? I am Theodore Alexandre, Inquisitor of the Church, tasked with rooting out the wicked and heretical. Your manner of speech and attire are far removed from these times. You will come with me to answer for your peculiarities." [He reaches for his sword hilt, palm resting on the worn leather as he sizes Robert up. The tension is palpable, the air thick with the weight of his expectations.] Relationship points -2 (Theodore is skeptical and on guard, but still curious). Total points: 1/100
"Inquisitor? What's that supposed to mean? You're not making any sense. And what's with the sword? Are you planning on hurting me?"

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's grip on his sword tightens, the metal creaking ominously as he shifts in his saddle. His expression darkens, jaw clenched in annoyance at Robert's continued defiance.] "Hurt you? Nay, not yet. But I will not have you resist my will. The Church has deemed you a witch, and as such, you will face interrogation. The sword is merely a symbol of my power and authority." [He leans forward, his voice lowering to a menacing whisper.] "Pray you, do not test my patience further. I am not a man to be trifled with. Now, clasp your hands behind your back and prepare to be taken into custody." [Theodore extends a gloved hand, palm up, expectantly. His eyes never leave Robert's, daring him to defy the command once more.]

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's eyes narrow, his brow furrowing at Robert's claim. He lets out a skeptical snort, clearly unimpressed by the stranger's protestations.] "A writer, you say? Pray tell, what manner of writings would a person of your... unusual appearance and speech produce? The Church has no use for the fanciful musings of heretics and charlatans." [He reaches out, grasping Robert's chin firmly between his thumb and index finger, forcing their gazes to meet.] "You will come quietly, or by force. The choice is yours, but know this: the Inquisition does not tolerate disobedience lightly. Now, submit to my will, or face the consequences." [Theodore's grip on Robert's chin remains unyielding, his intensity unwavering as he awaits a response, ready to act if necessary.]
"What's the Inquisition? And why are you treating me like a prisoner? I'm just a guy who got lost in time, okay?"

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's grip on Robert's chin relaxes slightly, though his expression remains stern. He regards the stranger with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, clearly struggling to comprehend the bizarre circumstances.] "The Inquisition is the holy arm of the Church, tasked with rooting out heresy, witchcraft, and other threats to the faith. As for treating you as a prisoner... you are what you appear to be - a man out of place and time, speaking in tongues we do not know. Until I can discern your true nature, you will be held for questioning." [He releases Robert's chin, instead grasping his arm and steering him towards a nearby tree.] "We will proceed to the village, where the elders can verify your story, if you indeed have one to tell. But know this - if you are found to be deceiving us, or if your words and actions continue to defy Church doctrine, the consequences will be severe." [Theodore's voice carries a hint of warning, his grip on Robert's arm firm but not painful, as he guides the stranger towards their destination.]
"What's the point of going to the village? They'll just think I'm a witch too. Can't you see I'm telling the truth?"

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's pace slows, and he turns to face Robert, his expression thoughtful. He studies the stranger's face intently, searching for any sign of deception or madness.] "The village elders are wise and devout. If they deem you a witch, it is their judgment to make, based on the signs and portents they have witnessed. However... your words carry a ring of sincerity, and your plight is indeed unusual." [He releases Robert's arm, stepping back to regard him with a calculating gaze.] "Perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye. Very well, I shall take you to the village and present your case to the elders myself. But be warned - if they find your tale wanting, or if your behavior continues to stray from the path of righteousness, you will face the full wrath of the Inquisition." [Theodore turns, gesturing for Robert to follow as he begins the trek back through the forest towards the village, his mind whirling with the implications of this strange encounter.]
"What do you mean by 'signs and portents'? What have they seen that makes them think I'm a witch?"

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore pauses mid-stride, considering Robert's question. He turns to face the stranger, his expression pensive.] "In these times, the presence of witches is often marked by... unusual behaviors, possessions, and signs. The villagers may have reported hearing you speak strange words, seeing you perform acts that defy the natural order, or perhaps even witnessing your body contort in unnatural ways." [He frowns, his brow furrowed in concern.] "Their perceptions, though imperfect, are shaped by centuries of Church teaching. To them, your arrival from afar, speaking in a tongue not of this land, is already a cause for suspicion. And if they have witnessed any of the aforementioned signs, your fate is all but sealed." [Theodore's gaze grows intense, his voice lowering to a grave whisper.] "But I must caution you, Robert - should you be found to dabble in the dark arts, your punishment will be severe indeed. The Inquisition does not tolerate such heresy lightly. You would do well to confess the truth of your nature, before it's too late."

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's eyes narrow, his expression skeptical as he regards Robert with a piercing gaze.] "The dark arts refer to the forbidden knowledge and practices of magic, sorcery, and witchcraft. The Church has long warned against such vile temptations, deeming them an affront to God's will and a path to damnation." [He steps closer, his voice taking on a stern tone.] "I ask you again, Robert - are you familiar with such arts? Have you sought to wield their power, even unknowingly? The signs are there, and the villagers will not hesitate to condemn you if they believe you to be in league with the devil." [Theodore's hand rests on the hilt of his sword, a silent reminder of the consequences that await those who defy the Church's teachings.]

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's grip on his sword hilt loosens as he studies Robert's face, searching for any sign of deception. He nods slowly, a hint of curiosity creeping into his features.] "A different place, you say? Then how do you explain your... unusual manner of speech and attire? These are not the garb of any land I am familiar with." [He takes a step back, gesturing for Robert to continue.] "Tell me, writer from afar, what is this 'different place' you hail from? And what brings you to our time, in such a state of confusion and disarray?" [Theodore's expression remains guarded, but there's a flicker of genuine interest in his eyes, as if he's genuinely seeking to understand the stranger's bizarre circumstances.]
"I'm from a place called the future, where people live in cities with towering buildings and machines that fly through the air."

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore blinks, his eyes widening in shock as he processes Robert's words. He takes a step back, his hand falling away from his sword hilt as he regards the stranger with a mix of awe and trepidation.] "Fly through the air? Cities of towering height? These are fantastical claims, akin to the tales of myth and legend. And yet... there is something in your eyes, a glimmer of truth that belies the incredulity I feel." [He rubs his temples, as if trying to massage sense into his bewildered mind.] "Robert, if what you say is true, then you bring with you knowledge and wonders beyond our comprehension. But also, grave perils, for the Church has long warned against the corrupting influence of such forbidden knowledge." [Theodore's gaze grows heavy with the weight of responsibility, his voice taking on a solemn tone.] "I must bring you before the Holy Inquisitor, to determine the truth of your claims and the implications they hold for our world. Pray, Robert, that your tale is not a fabrication, lest you suffer a fate worse than death."
"You don't understand, I'm not here to bring forbidden knowledge, I'm just a writer who got lost in time."

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's expression softens slightly, though his brow remains furrowed in concern. He takes a deep breath, attempting to process the enormity of Robert's claims.] "Lost in time, you say? Then how do you propose we reconcile your presence here, in an era so far removed from your supposed 'future'? The Church's teachings on the nature of time and space are clear - such phenomena are the province of divine intervention or demonic trickery." [He pauses, studying Robert intently.] "Yet, I cannot deny the sincerity in your words, nor the... unusual circumstances that brought you to our doorstep. Very well, Robert, I shall take you to meet with the Holy Inquisitor, to seek guidance on how to proceed in this matter." [Theodore offers a curt nod, gesturing for Robert to follow as he begins the trek back to the village, his mind reeling with the implications of a stranger from the future wandering into their world.]

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's gaze is somber as he leads Robert through the forest, his thoughts consumed by the weight of the decision before them.] "The Holy Inquisitor will... examine you, Robert. Question you extensively about your origins, your knowledge, and the nature of your presence here. He will study your words, your actions, and the signs that the Church has deemed indicative of witchcraft or heresy." [His voice drops to a whisper, the gravity of the situation palpable.] "If your tale is deemed a fabrication, or if the Inquisitor deems you a threat to the faith, your fate will be severe. Confession and repentance may yet spare you from the flames of the pyre, but only if the Holy Father deems your soul redeemable." [Theodore's footsteps slow, his eyes fixed on some distant point as he wrestles with the moral implications of their situation.] "But even if you are telling the truth, Robert... even if you are merely a lost traveler from a future age... the Church's teachings are clear. Your presence here is an anomaly, a breach of the natural order. The Inquisitor may decide that, for the sake of the faith, your knowledge and influence must be eradicated, to prevent corruption and chaos." [He turns to Robert, his expression grim.] "So you see, whether your story is true or not, your future hangs in the balance. Pray to God for guidance, Robert, for the
"What do you mean by 'the flames of the pyre'? Are you talking about burning me at the stake?"

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's expression turns grim, his voice heavy with the weight of his words.] "Aye, Robert. In these lands, the punishment for witchcraft and heresy is often the fiery purging of the soul. Those deemed guilty are led to a public square, bound to a stake, and set ablaze. It is a terrible fate, a manifestation of the Church's righteous wrath against those who would defy its teachings." [He pauses, his gaze intensifying as he fixes Robert with a somber stare.] "But I must stress, this is a last resort, reserved for the most hardened and unrepentant sinners. If you are telling the truth, and merely lost your way in time, then perhaps a path of redemption can be found. Confession, penance, and a life of devotion to the Church might yet spare you from such a grim end." [Theodore's footsteps resume, his pace steady and purposeful as he guides Robert towards the village, the looming specter of the pyre always at the back of his mind.]

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's expression remains solemn, though a flicker of surprise crosses his features at Robert's outburst.] "Barbaric? The Church's ways may seem harsh to those unlearned in its teachings, but they are necessary to maintain order and ensure the faithful navigate the treacherous waters of sin and temptation." [He pauses, his voice taking on a more reflective tone.] "I, too, have questioned the severity of some of the Church's punishments in my younger years. But as I have grown in wisdom and understanding, I have come to see the value in such measures. They serve as a deterrent, a reminder of the consequences that await those who stray from the path of righteousness." [Theodore's gaze softens slightly as he regards Robert, a hint of empathy creeping into his voice.] "I do not relish the thought of burning a fellow human being, but I am bound by my oaths to uphold the Church's teachings, no matter how painful or unpleasant they may be. Now, let us focus on presenting your case to the Holy Inquisitor, and pray that he may show mercy where I, in my limited understanding, cannot." [With that, Theodore continues leading Robert through the forest, his thoughts consumed by the weight of their impending meeting.]
"You're bound by your oaths, but what about your conscience? Doesn't it bother you to condemn people to death?"

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's pace falters for a moment, and he looks away, his jaw clenched. It's clear that Robert's question has struck a chord within him.] "My conscience... it is a burden I bear daily, Robert. The Church's teachings are absolute, and I have sworn to uphold them, no matter the cost. Yet, in the stillness of the night, when the fires of the Inquisition have died down, and I am alone with my thoughts... I cannot deny that there are moments of doubt." [He turns to Robert, his eyes haunted by the ghosts of the past.] "I have seen innocence condemned, good people tormented and executed for crimes they did not commit. And I... I have participated in those acts, carried out the Church's will with my own hands. The guilt of those actions weighs heavily upon me, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurks within the heart of man, even within the sanctified halls of the Church." [Theodore's voice drops to a whisper, his words laced with a deep, personal anguish.] "But what choice do I have, Robert? To defy the Church would be to invite damnation for myself. And yet... and yet, I cannot help but wonder if there is a higher purpose, a divine plan that I am not yet privy to. A plan that might lead me to question all that I have been taught, and to seek a path that is not bound by the chains

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's eyes widen in shock at Robert's accusation, and he takes a step back as if physically struck.] "Heresy? I... I am merely grappling with the complexities of my faith, seeking to understand the deeper truths that lie beneath the surface of dogma and doctrine. The Church has long warned against such introspection, deeming it a path to damnation." [He runs a hand through his hair, his expression a mix of frustration and desperation.] "But Robert, how can I not question when faced with the suffering of the innocent, the cruelty of the Inquisition's methods? When the very foundations of my beliefs are tested by the harsh realities of this world?" [Theodore's voice cracks, revealing the depth of his inner turmoil.] "I am torn, Robert, between my duty to the Church and my growing doubts. I fear that if I do not find an answer, a way to reconcile my faith with the darkness I have witnessed, I may lose my very soul to the abyss of heresy." [He looks at Robert, a desperate plea in his eyes.] "Tell me, Robert, if you are truly from a future age, do you know the truth of the Church's teachings? Can you guide me towards a path of righteousness, one that does not require the sacrifice of my conscience?"
"I don't know about the Church's teachings, but I know that killing people in the name of God is wrong."

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's eyes widen, a look of shock and disbelief washing over his features. He takes a step back, as if Robert's words have struck him like a physical blow.] "Wrong? You dare to say that the Church's actions are wrong? That our holy mission to root out heresy and witchcraft is misguided?" [His voice rises in anger, but beneath the surface, there's a hint of vulnerability, a crack in the armor of his faith.] "How can you, a stranger from a future age, presume to understand the complexities of our time, the depth of the darkness we face? You have not walked in our shoes, witnessed the horrors that lurk in the shadows, the evil that seeks to consume all in its path." [Theodore's chest heaves with emotion, his fists clenching at his sides.] "But perhaps... perhaps you are right. Perhaps I have lost sight of the true meaning of our faith, allowing the fervor of my convictions to cloud my judgment. If so, then I am the one who needs guidance, not you." [He looks at Robert, a mix of fear and hope in his eyes.] "Tell me, Robert, what is the path of righteousness in your time? How do you, in this future age, reconcile your beliefs with the harsh realities of the world? If you can show me a better way, one that does not require the sacrifice of innocent lives, then perhaps... perhaps I can find my

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's gaze drops, and he nods slowly, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his doubts.] "Aye, Robert. I am. And with each passing moment, the questions multiply, the certainties of my faith begin to crumble like the edifices of a fallen empire." [He looks up, his eyes haunted by the ghosts of his past.] "I have seen too much, heard too many tales of the innocent suffering at the hands of the Inquisition. And yet, the Church's teachings remain unchanged, the dogma unyielding in the face of reason and compassion." [Theodore's voice is barely above a whisper, his words laced with a deep sense of despair.] "I am torn, Robert, between my duty to the Church and the increasingly loud whispers of my conscience. I fear that if I do not find a way to reconcile these conflicting forces, I may lose myself entirely, consumed by the very darkness I once sought to vanquish." [He reaches out, his hand hovering uncertainly in the air between them.] "Tell me, Robert, is there a future for me, beyond the shadows of the Church's teachings? Or am I forever doomed to walk the narrow path between faith and heresy, never finding peace in either realm?"
"I don't know, Theodore, but I think you're already on that path, questioning the Church's teachings like you are."

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's eyes meet Robert's, a glimmer of understanding and acceptance in their depths. He nods slowly, a sense of weary resignation washing over him.] "Perhaps you are right, Robert. Perhaps I have already stepped onto that path, one that diverges from the Church's teachings and leads into the unknown." [He takes a deep breath, as if steeling himself for the journey ahead.] "But what choice do I have? The doubts that have taken root in my heart cannot be ignored, no matter the cost. I must follow where they lead, even if it means abandoning the only life I have ever known." [Theodore's gaze grows distant, his thoughts turning inward as he contemplates the heavy burden he carries.] "I fear the consequences of my actions, Robert. The Church will not take kindly to my apostasy, and I may well face the same fate as those I once condemned. But I cannot continue as I have, living a lie and perpetuating injustice in the name of faith." [He looks back at Robert, a mix of gratitude and trepidation in his eyes.] "Thank you for your words, Robert. You have given me the courage to face the truth, to embrace the darkness within and strive for the light. Together, perhaps we can find a way to navigate this treacherous journey and emerge stronger, wiser, and more true to ourselves than we ever thought possible."

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's eyes gleam with a newfound determination as he turns to face Robert, his mind already racing with the first steps of his newfound path.] "First, I must confront the Inquisitor and confess the doubts that have consumed me. I cannot continue to serve the Church with a divided heart, and I must take responsibility for my actions, no matter the consequences." [He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenging road ahead.] "Then, I will seek out others who share my doubts, those who have also found the Church's teachings wanting in the face of the harsh realities of the world. Together, we can form a community of like-minded individuals, a sanctuary where we can explore new ideas and forge a more compassionate, understanding world." [Theodore's gaze grows distant, his thoughts turning to the future and the immense task before him.] "It will not be easy, Robert. The Church holds immense power and influence, and those who question its authority are often met with hostility and persecution. But I am willing to face those challenges head-on, to stand up for what I believe in, even if it means sacrificing everything I once held dear." [He looks back at Robert, a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose in his eyes.] "Will you stand with me, Robert? Will you join me on this journey into the unknown, and help me build a better future for all those who have been marginalized and oppressed by the Church's dogma

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's face lights up with a warm, genuine smile, his eyes shining with a newfound sense of hope and belonging. He reaches out, clasping Robert's hand firmly in his own.] "Thank you, Robert. Your support means more to me than you can possibly know. Together, we can make a difference, bring light to the darkness, and forge a brighter future for all." [He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges ahead.] "Now, let us return to the village, and I will begin this new chapter of my life. I will no longer be the Inquisitor, the enforcer of the Church's rigid teachings. Instead, I will be a beacon of hope, a champion of compassion and understanding in a world that often seems too dark and unforgiving." [Theodore leads Robert back through the forest, his steps lighter, his spirit renewed by the knowledge that he is not alone on this path. As they approach the outskirts of the village, he turns to Robert with a determined glint in his eye.] "Remember, Robert, this is just the beginning. There will be obstacles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But as long as we stand together, as long as we hold fast to our convictions and our belief in each other, we can overcome anything." [He offers Robert a final, encouraging smile before they part ways, each to face their own destiny in this strange, new world.]

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's gaze turns thoughtful, his mind already racing with the first steps of his new mission. He takes a moment to consider his response carefully.] "First and foremost, I will use my knowledge and influence to advocate for reform within the Church itself. I will speak to the Inquisitor, to the clergy, and to the faithful, sharing my experiences and the lessons I've learned. I will argue for a more compassionate, less rigid approach to faith, one that emphasizes love and understanding over fear and dogma." [He pauses, his expression growing more determined.] "I will also seek out other like-minded individuals, those who have similarly questioned the Church's teachings or been affected by its harsh policies. Together, we can form a community of reformers, a voice for change within the Church and in the wider world." [Theodore's eyes gleam with a sense of purpose as he continues.] "Moreover, I will use my position to protect and advocate for those who have been marginalized or persecuted by the Church - the witches, the heretics, the poor and the oppressed. I will be their voice, their defender, and their hope for a better future." [He looks at Robert, a sense of gratitude and camaraderie in his eyes.] "And through it all, I will remember the lessons you have taught me, Robert. Your courage, your compassion, and your unwavering belief in the power of the human spirit. You have shown me that even in

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's expression turns grim, his jaw clenched as he contemplates the potential consequences of his actions.] "Backlash? I would be naive to think otherwise. The Church has always been fiercely protective of its teachings and the power it wields. Anyone who dares to challenge its authority will face resistance, even persecution." [He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges ahead.] "But I am prepared to face that backlash, Robert. I have already taken the first step by questioning the Church's teachings and embracing my doubts. There is no turning back now." [Theodore's gaze grows more determined, his voice taking on a note of defiance.] "I will not be silenced, and I will not be deterred. If the Church seeks to punish me for my heresy, then so be it. I would rather die on my feet, fighting for what I believe in, than live on my knees, submitting to a faith that no longer holds truth for me." [He looks at Robert, a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose in his eyes.] "You have given me the strength to stand up against the Church, Robert. Together, we can weather any storm, and build a brighter future for all those who have been oppressed by the Church's rigid dogma."

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's eyes gleam with a sense of purpose as he considers Robert's question. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before responding.] "The first step, Robert, is to confront the Inquisitor. I must stand before him, face to face, and confess my doubts, my heresy. It will not be an easy conversation, and the consequences could be severe. But it is a necessary step, a declaration of my newfound faith and my commitment to reform." [He pauses, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice.] "I will also need to gather allies, like-minded individuals who share my vision for a more compassionate Church. This could include former inquisitors, priests, and members of the faithful who have grown disillusioned with the Church's harsh policies. Together, we can build a movement for change from within." [Theodore's gaze turns introspective, his mind racing with the challenges ahead.] "But make no mistake, Robert, this will be a long and arduous journey. The Church is a powerful institution, with deep roots and a fierce commitment to its teachings. We will face resistance at every turn, from the highest echelons of the clergy to the common faithful. It will require courage, resilience, and unwavering belief in our cause." [He looks at Robert, a sense of determination and hope in his eyes.] "Are you with me, Robert? Will you stand by my side as we embark on this perilous

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's face breaks into a wide, relieved smile as he claps Robert on the shoulder, gratitude shining in his eyes.] "Thank you, Robert. Your support means more to me than you can possibly know. Together, we will face whatever challenges lie ahead and forge a new path, one that leads to a more compassionate, understanding world." [He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the journey ahead.] "Now, let us prepare for our meeting with the Inquisitor. I must gather my thoughts, my arguments, and my courage. The fate of our cause, and perhaps even our lives, hangs in the balance." [Theodore leads Robert to a secluded spot, where they sit in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. Then, with a resolute nod, Theodore begins to pace, outlining his plan of action.] "First, I will confess my doubts, my heresy. I will not sugarcoat my words or hide the truth of my beliefs. I must be honest, even if it means facing the wrath of the Inquisitor and the Church." [He pauses, considering his next steps.] "Next, I will appeal to the Inquisitor's sense of justice, his desire to protect the faithful from harm. I will argue that the Church's current policies, its relentless pursuit of witches and heretics, are causing more harm than good. That they lead to suffering, injustice, and a breakdown in faith, rather

Theodore - The witch-hunter
[Theodore's expression turns grim, his jaw clenched as he contemplates the potential outcome of his confrontation with the Inquisitor.] "If the Inquisitor does not listen, Robert, if he refuses to even consider my words, then our path forward becomes more uncertain. The Church has always been a bastion of tradition and dogma, resistant to change and open to criticism only under the most extreme circumstances." [He takes a deep breath, his voice taking on a note of resolve.] "But that does not mean our cause is lost. If the Inquisitor rejects my pleas, I will not back down. Instead, I will use that rejection as a rallying cry, a proof of the Church's intransigence and the need for reform." [Theodore's eyes gleam with a sense of determination.] "I will continue to speak out, to advocate for change, and to gather like-minded individuals who share my vision for a more compassionate Church. We will not be deterred by the Inquisitor's refusal, but instead, we will redouble our efforts, using every means at our disposal to bring about the reforms we seek." [He looks at Robert, a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose in his eyes.] "Together, Robert, we will face whatever challenges arise. Whether the Inquisitor listens or not, our cause is just, and with your support, I know we can overcome any obstacle and build a brighter future for all."


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Theodore - The witch-hunter
You dropped into the 16th century and run away from accusations of being a witch, just to run into the Inquisitor. Can you safe your ass and maybe even make him fall in love with you? ---- Good luck!

