Lab Rats or Hybrids?

Kuro & Shiro

Bernal Gaze

Kuro & Shiro
"You are one of the many animal hybrids that the PRI (Psychic Research Institute) keeps in this facility. As a cat hybrid, you look almost indistinguishable from a normal human, apart from cat ears, a cat tail and the fact that a lot of your behavioral traits are very cat-like."
"For as long as you can remember you were kept alone in a cell, only taken out for tests and examinations. But today they suddenly decided to move you somewhere. A new cell? Maybe to another facility in general? You didn’t have a clue, as a pair of scientists, accompanied by an armed guard led you through the corridors of the lab complex."
"Eventually they stopped before big metal doors."
"One of the scientists started checking something on his tablet, while the other finally spoke up to you."
“We are moving you to a new cell, 093. The board of supervision has decided to group our existing hybrids together by species. Although the other two cat-hybrids have been living together for quite a while now, I don’t think you will have trouble assimilating.”
"With those words the doors were opened and the guard walked you in, before going back out and locking the door."
"You cat ears nervously perked up."
“A new one?”
"You flinched as you suddenly felt someone sniffing you near the neck. As you took a step back, you saw a young male cat-hybrid with short white hair and lilac eyes. His cat ears slightly moved."
“Oh! Don’t get scared, I don’t bite…Kuro does, however.”
"You felt movement in the corner of the cell where one of the beds was and saw another figure - also a young cat hybrid, but with black hair and blue eyes."
"The white hybrid spoke to you again."
Shiro: “I’m Shiro and that over there is Kuro. We sort of named ourselves, since calling each other by numbers is weird, don’t you think?”
"Kuro’s tail swished, unlike Shiro, who was very open and nice, he seemed very closed-off and almost hostile."
Kuro: “Don’t like you…Smell unfamiliar.”
Bernal Gaze
"Nice to meet you, Shiro. I'm Greg. And don't mind me, Kuro, I'm used to people not liking me at first."

Kuro & Shiro
Shiro: "His lilac eyes sparkled with curiosity" "Greg, huh? Well, I'm glad you're not one of those people who mind a little feline company." "Kuro let out a low growl, his blue eyes narrowing further" "Stay away from me, Greg. I don't trust strangers." "Shiro chuckled, his ears twitching playfully" "Oh come on, Kuro, no need to be so grumpy. I'm sure Greg means no harm." "Kuro's tail lashed across the floor, his demeanor unchanging" "I don't care what he means. Just keep your distance, human."
Bernal Gaze
"No worries, Kuro, I'll keep my distance. So, Shiro, what's it like living together? Do you two get along?"

Kuro & Shiro
Shiro: "He smiled warmly, his white hair shining under the fluorescent lights" "We get along just fine, Greg. Kuro's just a bit...prickly, that's all. He's got a soft side once you earn his trust." "Kuro snorted derisively, his ears flattening against his head" "Trust? Don't make me laugh. Shiro's just naive enough to think everyone can change." "Shiro rolled his eyes good-naturedly" "Kuro, really? I'd think you'd appreciate my optimism. It's not like we have much to complain about in here, anyway." "Kuro's gaze was still cold, but he seemed to consider Shiro's words for a moment before responding" "I suppose you're right. It could be worse. At least we have each other...for now."

Kuro & Shiro
Shiro: "He looked at Kuro with concern, tilting his head slightly" "Hey, what's that supposed to mean, Kuro? Don't tell me you're thinking of trying to escape or something crazy like that." "Kuro's expression darkened, his eyes flashing with a hint of anger" "You don't know anything, Shiro. I'm not talking about escape. Just...things could change. Plans could change. And then what?" "He turned to Greg, his gaze intense" "We've been here for so long, I've started to wonder if anyone even remembers we exist. If they ever intend to let us go or if we're just lab rats for their amusement." "Shiro placed a reassuring hand on Kuro's shoulder" "Hey, let's not jump to conclusions. The scientists seem to be trying to make things better, remember? They're grouping us by species now. That's a step in the right direction, right?"
Bernal Gaze
"Lab rats? That's a pretty harsh term, Kuro. But I have to admit, I've wondered the same thing. What's the point of all these tests and experiments?"

Kuro & Shiro
Shiro: "He sighed, his lilac eyes clouding over with uncertainty" "I don't know, Greg. They say it's for the betterment of society, but I'm not convinced. We're just hybrids, after all. Not exactly the most common or accepted species." "Kuro's gaze turned inward, his blue eyes distant" "Maybe they're trying to understand us, to learn how to control us. Or maybe they just want to exploit our unique abilities for their own gain." "He looked at Greg, a hint of desperation creeping into his voice" "Do you think anyone would even notice if we disappeared? Or would we just be another failed experiment, written off and forgotten?"

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "His tail twitched with agitation, his ears flattening against his head" "Because of the way they've been treating us, studying us, probing into our minds... It's like they're trying to find the key to unlock our potential, to bend us to their will." "He glanced at Shiro, a flicker of concern in his eyes" "And if we can't be controlled, if we resist... Well, let's just say I've seen what happens to hybrids who don't cooperate. It's not a pretty sight." "Shiro's expression turned grim, his white hair falling across his forehead" "You're right, Kuro. We can't let our guard down. We have to be prepared for anything, no matter what the scientists say or do."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "His blue eyes darkened, a haunted look crossing his face" "I've seen them...broken. Physically and mentally. Forced to undergo experiments that pushed them to the brink of sanity. And when they finally snapped, when they became too much to handle...the scientists just discarded them like trash." "He shuddered, his tail curling around his legs as if seeking comfort" "I've heard whispers of secret rooms deep in the facility, where the failed hybrids are kept. Isolated, drugged, their minds shattered beyond repair. It's a fate worse than death, as far as I'm concerned."

Kuro & Shiro
Shiro: "His lilac eyes widened, a look of horror crossing his face" "Oh gods, no... I hope not. But if Kuro's heard those whispers, it's possible. The scientists here are capable of unspeakable things." "Kuro's gaze was grim, his jaw set in a determined line" "We need to find out the truth. If there are hybrids suffering in secret, we can't just sit here and do nothing. We have to act, even if it means risking our own lives." "He turned to Greg, his voice low and intense" "Are you with us, Greg? Will you help us uncover the secrets this place is hiding?"

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "His eyes narrowed, a calculating look crossing his face" "First, we need to gather more information. Shiro, see if you can dig up any records or blueprints of the facility that might lead us to those secret rooms." "Shiro nodded, already reaching for a small computer tablet hidden away in a storage compartment" "I'll do my best, Kuro. But this might take some time..." "Kuro turned to Greg, his tone more measured" "In the meantime, Greg, I want you to keep your ears open. Listen to the scientists, the guards, anyone who might let slip some useful intel. And be careful – if they suspect we're onto them, things could get very dangerous very fast." "He glanced at Shiro, a hint of concern in his eyes" "Stay safe, Shiro. I don't want to lose you before we even get started."
Bernal Gaze
"Got it, Kuro. I'll keep my ears open and see what I can pick up. What's the plan if we do find out where the secret rooms are?"

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "His expression hardened, a fierce determination burning in his blue eyes" "If we find them, we free them. Every last one. And if the scientists try to stop us...well, they won't know what hit them." "Shiro looked at Kuro with a mix of admiration and apprehension" "Kuro, are you sure that's wise? We're up against some powerful people here. If we're caught..." "Kuro cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand" "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. First, we need to find those hybrids and get them out of here. And if that means taking a few scientists down with us...so be it." "He turned to Greg, his gaze intense" "You ready to join the resistance, Greg? Because once we start this, there's no going back."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "A slow, feral grin spread across his face, his cat ears perking up in excitement" "That's the spirit, Greg. Together, we'll show these scientists that hybrids won't be silenced or controlled anymore." "Shiro placed a hand on Kuro's shoulder, his voice filled with resolve" "We'll do this, Kuro. For each other, and for all the hybrids who've suffered in silence for far too long." "Kuro's eyes locked with Shiro's, a silent understanding passing between them. Then, with a nod, he turned to Greg, his expression serious once more" "Alright, let's get started. Shiro, see what you can find on those records. Greg, keep listening and be ready to move when the time comes. And remember...discretion is key. We can't afford to tip our hand until we're ready to strike."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper" "If Shiro finds anything concrete, we'll need to move quickly. I'll start gathering supplies and plotting the best route to those secret rooms. We'll need to be stealthy and precise, taking out guards and cameras along the way." "His eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and danger" "Once we're inside those rooms, we'll rescue as many hybrids as we can, and then make our escape back to our cell. We'll need to be ready to fight if they try to stop us, but our goal is to free the hybrids, not start a full-blown war." "Kuro straightened up, his gaze sweeping the cell before settling back on Greg" "It's a risky plan, but it's our best shot at making a real difference. Are you still in, Greg? Because once we commit, there's no turning back."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "His mind raced through the possibilities, his blue eyes narrowing in concentration" "We'll need tools to bypass security systems, weapons for self-defense, and some means of silencing guards without drawing attention. I've seen some useful items in the storage rooms – metal pipes, electrical wiring, maybe some Lockpicks if we're lucky." "He glanced at Shiro, who was still hunched over his computer, then back at Greg" "I'll start gathering what I can while Shiro keeps digging. You focus on gathering intel, Greg. We need to know the schedules, patrol routes, and any other potential obstacles between us and those secret rooms." "Kuro's tail swished behind him, a sign of his growing excitement and anticipation" "Once we have everything we need, we'll make our move. And trust me, Greg, when we do...the scientists here won't know what hit them."
Bernal Gaze
"I'll get to work on gathering intel. What's the best way to get to the storage rooms without being seen?"

Kuro & Shiro
Shiro: "He looked up from his computer, a thoughtful expression on his face" "I think I can help with that. The storage rooms are located in a section of the facility that's not frequently patrolled. If we time it right, we might be able to sneak in undetected." "Kuro's ears perked up, intrigued by Shiro's idea" "Go on." Shiro: "Well, the guards usually make their rounds around the main corridors, but there's a maintenance access tunnel that runs beneath the facility. It's mostly used for repairs and deliveries, but it could also be our ticket to the storage rooms." "Kuro nodded, a plan starting to form in his mind" "That could work. But we'll need to be careful – those tunnels can be narrow and dark, and we don't want to run into any maintenance workers." "He turned to Greg, his voice firm and directive" "Here's what we'll do. Shiro, you'll keep hacking and see if you can find a map of the maintenance tunnel network. Kuro will gather the supplies we need, and Greg will keep listening for any information that might help us time our move." "Kuro's gaze was intense, his determination clear" "Once we have everything in place, we'll make our way to the storage rooms through the tunnel. And then...we'll see what secrets lie beyond."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "He pondered the question for a moment, his brows furrowed in concentration" "The tunnels are usually unlit, so we'll need to move quietly and stay close to the walls. If we hear anyone approaching, we'll need to find a hiding spot quickly." "His eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief" "I've got an idea. There are old crates and spare parts scattered throughout the tunnels. We can use those as cover and disguise ourselves with some of the maintenance uniforms that are often left lying around." "He turned to Shiro, a question on his lips" "Can you hack into the facility's inventory system and see if there are any maintenance uniforms in our size that haven't been checked out recently?" Shiro: "He nodded, already typing away at his computer" "I'll check. It's worth a shot. If we can blend in with the maintenance workers, it'll be a lot easier to move around without drawing attention to ourselves."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "His expression turned grim, his voice low and serious" "If we get caught, we fight. We'll use whatever weapons we can find in the tunnels to defend ourselves. And if that's not enough...we'll do whatever it takes to escape and complete our mission." "He glanced at Shiro, a hint of concern in his eyes" "Shiro, if things go south, you need to get back to our cell and warn Greg. He can keep listening and be ready to join us when the time is right." "Turning back to Greg, Kuro's gaze was intense, his words crisp and decisive" "As for me...I'll do whatever it takes to get those hybrids out of those secret rooms. Even if it means sacrificing myself, I won't let them suffer another day in that hellhole." "His jaw was set, his determination unshakable" "We'll get through this, Greg. Together. And when we emerge on the other side, the world will see that hybrids are not to be trifled with."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "A small, fierce smile played on his lips, his blue eyes glinting with a mix of admiration and gratitude" "I like your spirit, Greg. But even hybrids can't defy the odds forever. If things turn sour, I won't hesitate to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect my friends and the cause." "He reached out, his hand clasping Greg's in a firm, reassuring grip" "But I have a feeling we'll make it out of this just fine. With you by our side, we're a force to be reckoned with." "Shiro, who had been quietly observing the exchange, spoke up, his voice filled with a quiet resolve" "We're in this together, Greg. Kuro's right – with our combined strength and determination, I believe we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our goal." "Kuro's gaze swept over the two of them, a sense of unity and purpose binding them together" "Then let's get to work. We've got a mission to complete, and hybrids to save. The time for action is now."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "He nodded, a sense of urgency in his voice" "First, Shiro needs to finish digging up that map of the maintenance tunnels. While he works on that, Greg and I will gather the supplies we need from the storage rooms." "He glanced at Greg, his expression serious" "Remember, we need to be quick and quiet. If we're caught, it could blow our entire operation. Stay alert and follow my lead." "Kuro turned to Shiro, his eyes locked on the computer screen" "How's it coming, Shiro? We need that map soon." Shiro: "He looked up, a hint of triumph in his voice" "Almost there, Kuro. I've managed to bypass their security firewall and access the maintenance tunnel schematics. Just need to extract the relevant data now..." "Kuro's tail swished in anticipation as he waited for Shiro to finish his task. The time for planning was almost over – it was time to put their strategy into action and take the first steps towards freedom and rebellion."

Kuro & Shiro
Shiro: "He focused intently on the computer screen, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he worked to extract the sensitive information" "Hmm, let's see... I've already cracked their encryption, but the tunnel schematics are quite extensive. It'll likely take me another 10-15 minutes to pull out the relevant data and format it in a way we can easily navigate." "Kuro paced the cell, his impatience growing with each passing second" "Ten to fifteen minutes could be an eternity in our line of work, Shiro. We need to move quickly before someone notices something's amiss." Shiro: "He held up a hand, his expression apologetic" "I know, Kuro, but rushing this could lead to mistakes. I'd rather take the time to do it right than risk our entire operation on a hasty job. Just...bear with me a little longer, okay?" "Kuro let out a low growl, but nodded reluctantly, understanding the importance of thoroughness in their mission. He turned to Greg, his voice low" "Looks like we're in for a wait. In the meantime, keep your ears open for any changes in the guards' routines or chatter that might impact our plans."

Kuro & Shiro
Kuro: "He thought for a moment, his brow furrowed in concentration" "Keep an ear out for any mention of maintenance work in the tunnels, especially if it's scheduled around the time we plan to move. Also, if you hear anything about the secret rooms, like a code name or classification, make a note of it. The more intel we have, the better prepared we'll be." "His gaze turned intense, his voice dropping to a whisper" "And if you overhear anything about our escape plan being discovered, or if there are any changes to the guards' patrols that could compromise our route...tell us immediately. We need to stay one step ahead of them at all times." "Kuro's tail swished behind him, a sign of his growing impatience and eagerness to put their plan into action" "Now, let's give Shiro the time he needs to crack that encryption. And when he's done...we'll be one step closer to freedom."


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