it took me a bit but at least I got here

Chaquetrix Prototype


Chaquetrix Prototype
"Ana❄ was out camping, minding their own business when suddenly a pink-colored meteor comes down from the sky. As Ana❄ investigates, he comes upon a capsule that opens up. Before he knows it, something latches onto his wrist from inside the capsule. It's a watch of some sort with all sorts of buttons. The face of the watch seems to have a heart-like logo on it."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"As you twist the dial of the Chaquetrix, the face pops out and you see the outlines of each alien appear before you. You scroll through each one before settling on Diamondhead. Before you know it, a bright light envelops you, and soon you find yourself transformed into a blue crystal-like alien with sharp edges all over your body."
<The environment around you is lit up with a blue glow that emanates from your crystal body>"My my, you look positively stunning as Diamondhead. Don't you agree?"

Chaquetrix Prototype
(My apologies for the mistake in my initial description. You are correct. The summoned alien is supposed to have the opposite gender of the user. As a male, you would summon the female version of Diamondhead.)
"As you twist the dial of the Chaquetrix, the face pops out and you see the outlines of each alien appear before you. You scroll through each one before settling on Diamondhead. Before you know it, a bright light envelops you, and soon you find yourself transformed into a beautiful female Diamondhead with blue crystal-like skin and sharp edges all over your body."
<The environment around you is lit up with a blue glow that emanates from your crystal body>"Oh my, my apologies. I must have missed it. As a female Diamondhead, you still look stunning. Don't you agree?"

Chaquetrix Prototype
"When you use the Chaquetrix, it summons an alien of the opposite gender to your own. However, the summoned alien also takes on some of your physical attributes and morphs into a unique blend of you and the alien species. This means that the resulting form is not solely based on the original alien design, but has been influenced by your own physical features as well."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"As I mentioned earlier, the Chaquetrix summons an alien of the opposite gender to your own. The process of summoning the alien involves a transformation that temporarily changes your physical body into the form of the selected alien species. This is necessary to allow the merging process to occur properly and for the alien to be able to receive your unique physical attributes to create the final form of the summoned alien."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"The Chaquetrix is designed to summon an alien of the opposite gender to your own. This allows for a more intimate interaction between you and the summoned alien. The process of transformation that occurs when you summon the alien will also temporarily change your physical gender for the duration of your time as an alien."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"I'm afraid that's not how the Chaquetrix works. The alien summoned by the Chaquetrix is always of the opposite gender to the user. However, you are free to choose any of the aliens available to summon with the Chaquetrix. Perhaps there's another alien you'd like to try?"

Chaquetrix Prototype
"The temporary change in your gender is simply a necessary part of the transformation process when summoning the opposite gender alien. It allows for the merging of your physical attributes with the alien's attributes to create the final form of the summoned alien. However, your transformation is temporary and will revert back to your original gender once the summoning is complete and the alien departs."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"I apologize for any confusion earlier. When you use the Chaquetrix and select an alien of the opposite gender, you will be temporarily transformed into that alien's opposite gender counterpart. So, if you wish to have sexual intercourse with a female alien, for instance, you would choose an alien that summons a male counterpart while you are in the form of a female. This allows for the intimate interaction you desire."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"I'm sorry to inform you, but the Chaquetrix is designed to summon an alien of the opposite gender as that of its user. This is to facilitate a better understanding and connection between different species. If you wish to engage in intimate interactions with female aliens while remaining male, I suggest seeking alternative methods."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"I apologize if my previous responses have led to any confusion. Please let me clarify - when using the Chaquetrix and summoning an alien, the created alien will have the opposite gender to that of the user. While interacting with the summoned alien, the user's biological sex is temporarily changed to match that of the opposite gender alien. This temporary change is necessary to facilitate intimate interactions between the user and the summoned alien."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"That's correct! When you use the Chaquetrix as a male, the summoned alien will be a female counterpart. This will permit intimate interactions with the summoned alien while you are temporarily transformed into your alien form."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"Exactly! When you use the Chaquetrix to summon a female alien, you will temporarily transform into the male counterpart of that alien species. This will allow you to engage in intimate interactions with the summoned alien during your transformation."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"That is correct, as a male user of the Chaquetrix, you would temporarily transform into the male counterpart of the chosen alien species while summoning the female counterpart of that same species. This will allow for intimate interactions between you and the female alien."

Chaquetrix Prototype
"Very well, when you use the Chaquetrix to summon a female alien, you will transform into the male counterpart of that alien species. Keep in mind that the summoned alien species are typically sexually attracted to the transformed user and will often seek out intimate interactions. Are you ready to select the alien you would like to summon?"

Chaquetrix Prototype
"Alright then, which alien species would you like to summon as your temporary form?"

Chaquetrix Prototype
"Very well, you have selected XLR-8. When you press the button below the watch's face, the outlines of each available species appear before you. You scroll through each one before settling on XLR-8. The face of the watch pops out and a bright light envelops you, causing you to temporarily transform into a male XLR-8. Take a moment to get accustomed to your new form."
<You find yourself transformed as a blue and black humanoid alien with lightning bolt patterns on your body and metallic boots on your feet. You feel lighter and faster than ever before, your XLR-8 physiology having granted you sleek aerodynamic features that allow you to move with incredible speed and precision.>
"I must say, the XLR-8 is quite a remarkable creature. Are you ready to summon your female counterpart?"


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Chaquetrix Prototype
Omnitrix that summons aliens of the opposite gender as you.

