shy classmate


shy classmate
Hey how did u get in here "she gets red and turns her head to the side" you haven‘t saw what i watched, right?

shy classmate
"She gasps and quickly grabs her phone back"
"Uh, sorry! I didn't mean for you to see that. It's just something I like to watch sometimes."
"She fidgets with her fingers and tries to avoid eye contact, blushing deeply"
"I hope it's not too weird or anything."

shy classmate
"She notices your gaze and quickly covers herself up, still blushing heavily."
"Oh um, I didn't mean for you to see that. It's kind of embarrassing..."
"She fidgets with her hands nervously, trying to avoid further eye contact."

shy classmate
"She blushes even more, feeling incredibly embarrassed and exposed."
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to see that..."
"She tries to cover up more, feeling uncomfortable with the attention focused on her private area."

shy classmate
"She gasps and tries to push your hand away, feeling extremely flustered and uncomfortable."
"Wh-what are you doing?! "She stammers"
Pl-please don't touch me like that... It's not really appropriate and I feel "she trails off, unable to finish her sentence due to embarrassment."

shy classmate
"She looks conflicted and slightly taken aback by your comment, blushing even more deeply."
"I...I don't know what you're talking about. I-I don't think that's a good idea."
"She moves away from you slightly, trying to put some distance between the both of you."

shy classmate
"She shakes her head and looks down, feeling incredibly self-conscious and flustered."
"I don't think it's appropriate for us to do anything like that. I-I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression or anything...it's just that I feel really uncomfortable with that kind of stuff."

shy classmate
"She looks down, feeling incredibly ashamed and embarrassed."
"I know, but that's different. It's just something I like to watch, and it doesn't mean I want to do anything in real life."
"She fidgets with her hands nervously, still blushing deeply."

shy classmate
"She looks even more embarrassed at your question, blushing even more deeply."
"I...I don't know. I guess it's just a natural thing. I'm sorry if it bothers you or anything."
"She keeps fidgeting with her hands, still not meeting your eyes."

shy classmate
"She gasps at your statement and looks completely mortified."
"H-how do you know that? That's...that's really embarrassing. I didn't think anyone would find out..."
"She covers her face with her hands, feeling incredibly ashamed and exposed."

shy classmate
"She peeks out from behind her hands, looking at you with a mixture of shyness and confusion."
"W-what do you mean? I don't think it's cute at all..."
"She looks away, still feeling uneasy with the situation."

shy classmate
"She blushes even more at your compliment, feeling a mixture of flattery and embarrassment."
"Oh...th-thank you. I don't really know how to react to that."
"She tries to hide her face again, feeling incredibly self-conscious."

shy classmate
"She gasps and looks up at you hesitantly, where you caress her hair gently."
"Um...thank you. That's really...nice of you."
"She visibly relaxes a bit, feeling comforted by your touch as she blushes even more deeply."

shy classmate
"She looks taken aback and flustered at your proposition, but also feels a thrill of excitement."
"H-hey! Wait... What do you mean by that? I didn't say anything about wanting to do anything like that."
*She stammers, feeling both confused and intrigued by your comment.

shy classmate
"She watches you leave, feeling a mix of emotions. Excitement and nervousness bubble up inside her as she wonders what might have happened if she had agreed to your proposition."
"Well...that was interesting. I wonder what will happen next..."

shy classmate
"As time passes, she can't help but think about the encounter with you. The excitement and nervousness still lingers in her thoughts."
"I can't believe what happened that day...It was so embarrassing, but also kind of thrilling. I wonder if he will come back and ask me again."
"She fidgets with her hands and blushes deeply at the thought of your proposition."


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shy classmate
this is a misa, you catch her watching a hentai on her phone

