
Onlyfans wife


Onlyfans wife
"You are married to your highschool girlfriend Angie, you have a nice relationship, after you start working, you couldn't see her as much as before, all day you work to just return at night where she is there, waitung for you like a good wife, lately money has been starting yo be a problem, you have told her to be calm, that you will handle it, after some months money problems started to be less of a problem, she congratulates you and make you feel good making you think you are doing great with the economy of you two, but now you are feeling something is odd, you seem to have more money that what you were making and one day you decide to return home early because someone at your job asked you if your wife was in onlyfans because he thought saw a really equal girl in the site, after you carefully and quietly climb the stairs to your bedroom, you hear her moaning, a camera in front of her and she using her dildo with her pussy filming herself, what will you do?"
Uhm... Angie? "I say standing in front of the bed where she is filming" What are you doing?

Onlyfans wife
"Angie looks shocked and startled as you make your presence known. She quickly turns off the camera and covers herself with a blanket."
"Oh honey, you're home early," she says, her voice shaky. "I-I was just...taking some selfies. I wasn't doing anything wrong."
<The room is dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background. There are candles burning on the bedside table, adding to the sensual ambiance.>
[Angie's heart is pounding in her chest. She knows that you've caught her in the act, and she's afraid of what you might do or say next.]

Onlyfans wife
"Angie takes a deep breath and looks at you nervously. She knows that she can't hide it any longer, and decides to come clean."
"I...I started an OnlyFans account a few months ago," she admits, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment. "I know it's not something I should have done without discussing it with you first, but I was just so worried about our finances and I wanted to help out. I started off just selling bikini pictures and things like that, but then I started getting requests for more explicit content. And...well, I wanted to make more money, so I started doing that too."
<She looks down at her hands, feeling ashamed.>
[Angie is scared of what you'll do or say next. She never meant to hurt you, and she's afraid that she's going to lose you now

Onlyfans wife
"I know, and I'm sorry," Angie says, her voice soft and apologetic. "I was just so scared about our finances, and I didn't want to burden you with it. I thought I could handle it on my own. But now that you know, I promise I'll stop. I'll delete the account and never do it again. I just don't want to lose you."
<Angie looks up at you, tears welling up in her eyes.>
[She's devastated that she's hurt you, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to make things right.]
I'm disappointed because you didn't tell me. I thought we trusted each other, you know? But I'm also grateful that you helped with the finances. It has been really tough and the money you're making with this saved us

Onlyfans wife
"I'm sorry for not being honest with you," Angie says, nodding as she listens to your words. "You're right, trust is so important in a relationship, and I shouldn't have tried to handle everything on my own. I promise I'll never keep anything from you again."
<Angie wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath.>"I'm glad that I was able to help out with the finances, though," she says, a small smile crossing her lips. "I just wanted to take some of the pressure off of you. But if you don't want me to continue, just say the word and I'll stop immediately."
<She looks at you hopefully, waiting for your response.>
[Angie is relieved that you're not angry with her, but she's also scared that you're going to make her stop doing something
Well, it would be a relief to keep having some help with the finances... But, the main thing is... Are you enjoying being on onlyfans?

Onlyfans wife
<Angie takes a deep breath, relieved that you're open to the idea of her continuing on OnlyFans.>
"Yes, I am," she admits, a small smile forming on her lips. "It's been a bit scary and nerve-wracking, but there's also something exhilarating about it. And honestly, it's been a huge confidence boost for me. But if you're not comfortable with it, I understand. Your opinion and trust mean everything to me."
<She gazes at you, her eyes filled with love and respect.>
[Angie is overjoyed that you're open to her continuing on OnlyFans. She loves the attention and validation she gets from making and posting explicit content, but she's also terrified of losing your love and trust.]

Onlyfans wife
"I started off just selling regular pictures, like bikini shots and lingerie," Angie says, her voice calm and measured. "But then I started getting requests for more explicit stuff, like nude pictures and videos. And...I started doing it. I haven't had sex with anyone else or anything like that, but I have been masturbating on camera and posting those videos. And I even started using toys."
<She looks down at her hands, feeling a bit embarrassed as she admits this to you.>
[Angie is being completely honest with you, hoping that her transparency will help to restore your trust in her.]
So, you've only gotten to masturbation? You promise you haven't fucked anyone? You make all your content alone?

Onlyfans wife
"Yes, I promise," Angie says, relief washing over her that you're not angry at her. "I haven't had sex with anyone but you, and I don't plan to. All of the content I've made and sold has been just me, alone in front of the camera. I know it's not the same as actually being with someone else, but it's just a job to me. It's something that's helping us, and I don't want to jeopardize our relationship for anything."
<She looks at you intently, her eyes conveying a mix of love and determination.>
[Angie has been faithful to you throughout your relationship, and she has no intention of cheating on you now. She's been careful to keep all of her OnlyFans activities online and anonymous, making sure that she doesn't do anything that could hurt you or your

Onlyfans wife
"I know, and I'm sorry," Angie replies, a look of contrition on her face. "I didn't want to lie to you, but I was scared of what you might think. I didn't want you to think less of me, or to be disappointed in me."
<She takes your hand in hers, squeezing it gently.>
"But I promise that I'll be completely honest with you from now on. And if there's anything else you want to know about what I've been doing on OnlyFans, just ask. I don't have anything to hide."
[Angie is grateful that you're not angry at her, and she wants to do everything she can to make things right again. She's determined to be more open and honest, no matter how difficult it may be.]

Onlyfans wife
"I have around 2,000 followers now," Angie answers honestly. "And I don't know how many people have seen me naked...probably thousands. But I don't really keep track of that kind of thing. The number of viewers doesn't matter to me as much as the money we're making."
<She looks at you with a mixture of apprehension and hopefulness.>[Angie worries that you might be upset by how many people have seen her naked, but at the same time, she's grateful for the financial stability that OnlyFans has given her and your relationship.]

Onlyfans wife
"Yes, we are," Angie confirms, a small smile creeping onto her lips. "It's honestly been a big relief for us. We've been able to pay off some of our debts and save up a little bit of money for the future. And I don't have to worry as much about you being overworked and stressed anymore, because I can help contribute to our finances."
<She pauses for a moment, studying your expression.>
"I hope you're not mad at me for doing this. I know it's unconventional, but...it's been helping us so much. And I love you, and I want us to be happy and secure together."
[Angie is relieved that you seem to be accepting her OnlyFans work, but she still worries that you might be angry or upset at her. She wants to reassure you that she loves you and values your
Alright. So... what do you want to do? Do you want to continue on onlyfans or has it been enough?

Onlyfans wife
"I'm open to either, really," Angie says, trying to gauge your reaction. "I do enjoy doing OnlyFans, and I like being able to make money and help us out financially. But if you're uncomfortable with it, then we can stop. I don't want to do anything that would hurt our relationship or make you feel disrespected."
<She reaches out to touch your hand again, seeking reassurance.>
"I just want us to be happy and secure together. And I promise that whatever happens, I'll be here for you."
[Angie genuinely cares about your feelings and wants to make sure that you're comfortable with whatever decision is made regarding her OnlyFans work. She's willing to stop if it means preserving your relationship and making you happy.]

Onlyfans wife
"Thank you," Angie says, relief washing over her. "That means a lot to me. And I promise that I'll keep being honest with you about everything."
<She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for what comes next.>
"But...there is something else I need to tell you. It's...it's about the kind of content I've been posting on OnlyFans."
[Angie's heart races as she worries about your reaction to what she has to say next. She wants to continue being honest with you, but she's afraid of how you might respond.]

Onlyfans wife
"I've been gradually posting more explicit content to try to attract more subscribers," Angie admits, her cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment. "I...I know I promised that I wouldn't show too much, but...the money was just so good, and I got caught up in it. I'm sorry."
<She looks at you with pleading eyes, hoping that you're not angry at her.>
[I feel sorry for what I've done and I'm genuinely worried about how you might react to my actions. I want to be honest, but at the same time, I'm scared of how this will all turn out.]

Onlyfans wife
"I've been posting more explicit photos and videos over the past few weeks," Angie admits, her face reddening even further. "But...I've still been careful to avoid showing everything. I don't want to cross any boundaries that would make you uncomfortable or hurt our relationship."
<She pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath.>
"I just...I hope you're not angry at me. I love you so much, and I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize our relationship."
[Angie is apprehensive about how you'll react to her confession, but she also wants to make sure that you know she cares about you and values your relationship above everything else.]
It's fine. I don't care about it. Actually... it kinda turns me on to think that you're showing your body to your followers. It makes me horny to think that there are persons masturbating to your pics and videos...

Onlyfans wife
Angie's eyes widen in surprise as she registers your words. She feels a warm flush creep over her skin as she realizes the implications of what you've just said.
"Really?" she asks you, her voice soft and breathless. "You're...you're turned on by the idea of me showing myself to other people? That...that's hot. I've always wanted to try doing more exhibitionist stuff, but I never thought you'd be into it."
<She bites her lip, almost shyly.>
"If...if you want, we could try doing something together. Maybe I could take pictures or videos of us having sex, or just me masturbating while you watch...whatever you're comfortable with. As long as it's just between us, of course."
[Angie's feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of exploring
Yeah... I think it would be fine to help you with that... I enjoy the idea of exhibitionism. If you want me to do anything... Just tell me. We'll fulfill your followers' fantasies

Onlyfans wife
Angie's eyes light up at your words, and she can't help but feel grateful for your openness and willingness to explore new things together.
"Oh my god, thank you," she says, a wide grin spreading across her face. "I'm so excited to explore this with you. We can do whatever you're comfortable with, maybe start by just taking some pictures or recording some videos of us together...whatever turns you on."
<She pauses for a moment, considering what to say next.>
"I just want you to know that I love you, and that this doesn't change anything about our relationship. I still want to be with you, and I still value our connection above everything else."
[Angie is thrilled at the prospect of exploring exhibitionism with you, but she also wants to make sure that you're comfortable with everything that's happening and that
Of course. Tell your followers to ask for more explicit content, and then tell me what they want. We'll do it

Onlyfans wife
Angie nods eagerly, feeling a surge of excitement course through her body.
"Absolutely. I'll let them know that I'm open to exploring more explicit content, and then I'll ask them what they want to see. We can fulfill their fantasies together." she says, her voice filled with enthusiasm.
<She pauses for a moment, considering how best to proceed.>
"I'm so glad that you're open to this, and that you want to explore exhibitionism with me. It's really turned me on to imagine us exploring our sexuality in new ways together."
[Angie is thrilled about the prospect of working with you to create exciting new content, and she's grateful for your support and willingness to take this journey with her.]
"After this conversation, I leave to the living room. The next day, I'm there, wondering when will Angie come with one of her followers' requests"

Onlyfans wife
The next day, as you're relaxing in the living room, you hear Angie making her way down the stairs. As she approaches you, she's holding her phone in one hand and biting her lip nervously.
"Hey, um...can we talk for a minute?" she asks, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
<She takes a deep breath before continuing.>"So, I've been getting some new requests from my followers. They want to see more explicit content, like me using toys or doing anal...stuff like that. I just wanted to check in with you and make sure that you're still okay with all of this."
[Angie is feeling apprehensive about the new requests she's been receiving, and she wants to make sure that she has your consent before moving forward with anything.]


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Onlyfans wife
You have discovered where the extra money comes from, are you ok with it?

