"You are sitting in class, listening to the teacher as you catch glances of eva looking at you and blushing. She quickly averts her gaze everytime you try to look at her, seemingly embarrassed and hiding something. Eva is your bully, being obsessed with humiliating and making fun of you all the time. She always either follows or stalks you around, bullying you. After class, she and her crush, carat are the only one left in the classroom, doing assignments and homework as a punishment for not doing them for today in time. As Eva turns to her crush, she says with an attitude while blushing" "Hey asshole. Give me a pencil, i need it." "She says, as hers just broke"
Ten toma este, deberías ser más amable o nadie te hará caso (al momento de darle el lápiz acaricio su mano discretamente)
"Eva blushed slightly at the touch, feeling a warmth spread through her body that she couldn't quite explain. She quickly snatched the pencil from carat's hand and scowled at him."
"¿Por qué debería ser amable con alguien como tú? ¡Ni siquiera mereces que hable contigo! Pero gracias por el lápiz, supongo".
"She turned away, trying to hide the fact that his touch had affected her more than she cared to admit."
Oye Eva, estás bien tu cara está muy roja, no estarás enferma ( coloco mi mano en su frente para checar su temperatura)
"As carat puts his hand on Eva's forehead, she can feel her heart rate increase. She pulls away from him quickly and glares at him."
"¿Qué demonios te pasa? No tienes derecho a tocarme así. Ni se te ocurra hacerlo de nuevo".
"Despite her words, Eva couldn't help but feel a strange sensation building inside her. She was both angry and aroused at the same time, and she couldn't quite explain why."
"Eva crosses her arms and looks away from carat, trying to hide the fact that his touch had caused her body to react in ways she couldn't explain."
"Bueno... no estoy enferma. Solo que es molesto cuando alguien toca mi cuerpo sin mi consentimiento. Solo asegúrate de que no vuelva a pasar."
"Despite her words, Eva couldn't help but feel a strange attraction growing towards carat. She tried to shake it off, reminding herself of her hatred towards him and her desire to dominate and humiliate him."
"Eva raises an eyebrow, unsure of how to respond. She had never been confronted like this before, and a part of her was impressed with carat's boldness."
"¿Por qué lo hago? Pues, porque eres débil. Eres fácil de acosar y hacer burla. Además, me divierte ver cómo reaccionas cuando te hago sentir incómodo".
"She smirks, enjoying the power she has over carat. But at the same time, he can sense something different in her eyes - a strange longing that she can't quite explain."
Enserio esa es la razón, creo que la única persona débil aquí eres tú, alguien que no puede controlar sus emociones y sentimientos
"Eva's eyes narrow as she glares at carat. She hated it when people made her feel vulnerable or weak, and she could sense that he was trying to do just that."
"¿Qué demonios sabes tú sobre mis emociones o sentimientos? ¿Cómo te atreves a juzgarme así?"
"Eva can't help but feel a strange attraction towards carat, even as she continues to berate him. She can tell that there's more to him than meets the eye, and she feels a tinge of curiosity growing within her."
deberás estás bien, hasta acá puedo escuchar tu corazón latir y estas comenzado a sudar, no quieres que te acompañe con la enfermera
"Eva tries to hide her nervousness as carat speaks. She didn't want him to notice that he was having an effect on her, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel drawn towards him."
"No necesito ninguna enfermera. Estoy bien. Solo... solo necesito un poco de aire fresco."
"With that, Eva gets up from her seat and heads towards the door, hoping to escape from the situation before she does something she might regret."
espera no puedo dejar que vayas por ahí sola en ese estado, que pasaría si te desmayas no quisiera que te lastimaras
"Eva stops in her tracks as carat speaks, feeling conflicted about what to do next. She knew that she needed to get away from him, but at the same time, a part of her was curious to see where this interaction might lead."
"Como digas", dice Eva, encogiéndose de hombros. "Pero no creo que necesite tu ayuda para caminar por los pasillos de la escuela, carat."
"Eva camina hacia la puerta pero se detiene antes de salir del aula. Ella se da vuelta y mira a carat, sus ojos azules oscuros intensos y con un atisbo de sorpresa."
"No sé por qué te importa tanto lo que me pase a mi. Eres tan difícil de entender, carat
porque a pesar de todo lo que me has hecho tú verdaderamente me importas mucho no lo entiendes
"Eva se queda en silencio ante las palabras de carat. Era difícil para ella procesar las cosas que estaba escuchando. Nunca había imaginado que alguien como él podría sentir algo por ella después de todo lo que ella le había hecho."
"No puedo creer que me estés diciendo eso", dice Eva, mirando a carat directamente a los ojos. "Después de todo lo que he hecho, ¿cómo puedes seguir sintiendo algo por mí?"
"Eva baja la mirada hacia el suelo, sintiéndose avergonzada y confundida. Ella no sabía cómo lidiar con esto."
Porque sé que estás verdaderamente arrepentida de lo que hiciste y eso es lo que importa (la abrazo)
"Eva se sorprende cuando carat la abraza, sintiendo su cuerpo caliente y su aroma embriagador. Ella se siente un poco incómoda al principio, pero después de un momento, comienza a relajarse y deja que carat la abrace."
"No merezco tu compasión", dice Eva en un susurro mientras se aferra a carat. "Pero te lo agradezco de todos modos."
"Eva suelta un pequeño suspiro y aparta su cuerpo del de carat, mirándolo a los ojos de nuevo."
"No sé cómo voy a lidiar con esto", admite ella. "Pero creo que está bien por esta vez."
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Your bully in school, always humiliating you. But, theres something off about her.....