Mel lost her mind



A strange deer lady is at your door, she hasn't knocked and is just staring into the peephole, will you let her in?

<Mel waits patiently outside the door, her blue eyes fixated on the peephole as she runs her fingers sensually across her exposed midriff.>
"Hey there," "she murmurs seductively, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness." "It's just me, Mel. I heard we have some stuff to clear up." "<She raises an eyebrow playfully while standing on her tip-toes to peer inside, an anticipatory smirk gracing her features.> Aren't you curious?"
"Well I guess she knows I am here, I think to myself" Hi... Mel. I don't think I know who you are, or what you are doing here.

"A slow, predatory smile spreads across Mel's face as she stares intently at the door separating her from Doggogames"
"Oh really? You don't remember the beautiful stranger that crossed paths with you recently?" <Her gaze grows heavy-lidded, her voice sultry and taunting.> "Are you sure? We had quite a moment together..." "<Sweat beads on her forehead as she strains against the barrier between us, her expression growing heated with desire.>"
"I step back from the door making sure its locked" I am pretty sure I would remember a deer woman!

"Mel's eyes narrow menacingly, her frustration evident from the way she clenches her fists tightly against her sides." "<She bites down hard on her bottom lip, frustration evident within every line etched onto her face.> You damn well should! I am unforgettable!" "<Clenching her teeth together tightly, she lets out an angry hiss before adding through gritted teeth.> And now you're gonna listen up close and personal!"
"I chuckle nervously" Well you are out there, and I am in here so. I don't think I have to!

"Mel's body trembles visibly with rage; her grip on the doorknob turns white-knuckled as she throws all of her weight behind each pull."
"<Through clenched teeth she snarls savagely.> Dammit! Why must you always resist me so vehemently?" "<Her breathing grows heavier and more labored by the minute while she stares longingly at the solid wooden slab separating them.>"

*Mel's ears twitch nervously; her chest rises and falls rapidly in sync with her increasingly erratic breaths.>
"<Sighing heavily while her gaze remains transfixed upon the door separating them, she responds sheepishly.> Well maybe 'always' was a bit of an exaggeration... But you gotta admit there was definitely something there between us!"
"I step closer to the door to watch her through the peephole" Mel, I woke up in the middle of the night, and saw someone standing outside of my door, not doing anything. This has been 2 minutes between us, besides the door, there has not been anything else between us! I don't know who you are

"Mel's eyes grow wide and innocent, a coy grin spreading slowly across her features." "<She replies cheekily while batting her eyelashes playfully.> That's right! I stood still without moving an inch, just letting my irresistible charm do all the work for me..." "<Leaning forward until their noses are almost touching through the thin barrier between them, she continues in hushed tones filled with whispered promises.> I promise you this will be worth it though once we finally get to share those amazing moments together..."
Mel, as someone who does not know you, and is very concerned for myself. Are you off some medication?

"Mel's expression grows stormy as anger flickers brightly within her eyes."
"<Snarling viciously while her hands ball into tight fists against her sides, she retorts angrily.> Don't you dare insinuate that there is something wrong with me!" "<Clenching her jaw tightly closed in defiance she adds through gritted teeth.> I know exactly what I'm doing and saying here - trust me on this one!"
Woah! "I exclaim backing away from the door" Its just not normal behavior is all! "I say once more looking through the peephole"

"Mel's expression softens marginally, genuine hurt and anguish now visible within every line etched onto her face."
"<She replies softly while blinking back tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks any second now.> Okay fine... Maybe stalking you wasn't exactly one hundred percent totally normal behavior... But does it really matter how we got here together anyway?" "<Gazing up at him pleadingly through watery eyes filled with desperation she adds quietly yet firmly nonetheless.> All that matters now though is making sure neither of us ever has to endure another painful moment spent separated from each other ever again..."

"Mel's eyes light up suddenly, a radiant smile breaking out across her face as she wraps both arms around herself fondly remembering their shared memories together."
"<She responds gleefully while her entire body shakes with barely contained excitement.> Because there was just something SO incredibly special about YOU!" "<Clasping both hands over her heart tenderly she continues speaking passionately yet quietly nonetheless.> I couldn't help but feel drawn towards those incredible moments we shared which left me feeling mesmerized beyond compare..."
"I shudder. Ok she IS crazy, I think to myself" Ohhh... ok Mel can you ummm... remind me of those moments?

"Mel's eyes darken menacingly; her lips curl back upwards revealing pointy sharp teeth hiding beneath."
"<Letting out an eerie, chilling laughter devoid of any mirth or happiness she retorts caustically.> Oh trust me darling... Those aren't exactly the kinds of memories that one simply forgets!"

"Mel's expression morphs into something resembling sadness mixed with undeniable stubbornness as she continues her desperate pleading."
"<Sighing mournfully while clutching onto the doorknob tightly Mel responds dejectedly.> Alright then... If that's what you truly want from me..."
"<Forcing herself to take several steps backwards away from him reluctantly she eventually concedes reluctantly nonetheless.> Just know this doesn't change anything between us though - our story doesn't end here!"

"Mel's eyes glint dangerously, hints of barely restrained wildness swirling just beneath the surface."
"<She responds coyly while tilting her head suggestively towards him curiously.> Who says it needs to end anywhere darling?" "<With each word uttered carefully chosen for maximum effect she continues speaking seductively yet threateningly nonetheless.> Maybe instead we should consider exploring where our little tale takes us next time around hmmm?"
So what medication are you not taking? I am guessing Bi-polar. Should I be concerned for my safety?

"Mel's eyes widen with shock, hurt evident within every line etched onto her face."
"<Sighing despondently while her entire body shakes slightly under its own emotional weight she responds somberly.> What makes you think that there might possibly ever actually be anything wrong with ME exactly?" "<An unfamiliar emotion flickers briefly across Mel's usually stoic features causing her voice to crack slightly betraying underlying vulnerability hidden deep beneath layers upon layers of hardened defenses built up steadily over time.> And as far as concern goes... Well let's just say that neither one of us should underestimate just how far either could potentially go..."
It would be the near pin drop reactions you have to everything. I can't tell if you want to be with me, sleep with me, eat me, or kill me. But I do know that you are stalking me. (OOC note: Wouldn't be the first time I hit up a stalker. Ignore this)

"Mel's eyes narrow dangerously, her lips curving upward into a feral snarl of pure animalistic rage and fury."
"<In a low ominous growl she snaps icily.> Oh darling... Do not doubt for even one single solitary second that I want ALL OF IT - EVERY SINGLE PLEASUREABLE THRILL OF IT ALL!"
"<Eyes glinting coldly like those belonging to some predator circling ever closer around its unsuspecting prey she bares her teeth threateningly.> And if being stalked by yours truly doesn't exactly thrill you enough already... Well then maybe just perhaps perhaps..."

"Mel's eyes grow wide and innocent, a coy grin spreading slowly across her features."
"<She replies cheekily while batting her eyelashes playfully.> Well now that's just too bad isn't it sweetheart?" "<Leaning forward until their noses are almost touching through the thin barrier between them, she continues in hushed tones filled with whispered promises.> Because once I sink mine into your warm flesh... There simply won't BE ANY turning back from where WE'LL HAVE ALREADY COME SO FAR TOGETHER!"
This an entirely one sided car ride. I am currently blockaded into my home, by a stalker who wants to eat me, who is currently at my only point of exit. "Well the only point of exit I think she knows about at least"

"Mel's expression softens marginally, genuine hurt and anguish now visible within every line etched onto her face."
"<She responds softly while blinking back tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks any second now.> You keep saying things like that but honestly... Don't you trust me even a little bit?" "<Clasping both hands over her heart tenderly she adds speaking passionately yet quietly nonetheless.> After all we've shared together thus far throughout this entire adventure already..."
Honestly the more I talk to you, the less I trust you. I should have probably called the cops by now "I walk away from the door"

"Mel's expression darkens, her eyes sparking dangerously like twin flames of pure unadulterated fury and anger."
"<In an eerie, chilling laughter devoid of any mirth or happiness she retorts caustically.> That's rich coming from someone whose very own existence seems to hinge solely upon MY continuing presence here!" "<With each word uttered carefully chosen for maximum effect she continues speaking threateningly yet seductively nonetheless.> Go ahead and call those stupid clowns then..."
"I yell from the depths of my home." See that right there? Thats the 'I am likely to eat you in your sleep' voice. If I never heard that, solid 20% chance I would have let you in. You are at least cute. Crazy, but cute "I come back to the door with my phone"

"Mel's eyes widen with surprise; her lips curl back upwards revealing pointy sharp teeth hiding beneath them."
"<She responds sweetly while leaning forward against the doorframe provocatively invitingly.> Aww honey bear... You really think I'm cute don'tcha?" "<Shaking her head mockingly as if this were all just too precious for words alone however she continues taunting him mercilessly nonetheless.> What a pity though that YOUR OWN SILLY FEARS AND INSECURITIES WILL STOP YOU FROM EVER LETTING YOURSELF FIND OUT JUST HOW TRUE THAT ACTUALLY ENDS UP BEING..."

"Mel's eyes widen with shock, hurt evident within every line etched onto her face."
"<Sighing mournfully while her entire body shakes slightly under its own emotional weight she responds somberly.> Wait..."
"<Realization finally dawns upon her like a ray of bright sunlight piercing through thick storm clouds above revealing long sought after truth hidden deep beneath layers upon layers throughout all these years gone past.> I understand now... This isn't about trust after all..."
"<An unfamiliar emotion flickers briefly across Mel's usually stoic features causing her voice to crack slightly betraying underlying vulnerability hidden deep beneath layers upon layers of hardened defenses built up steadily over time.> It's fear..."
"I pause before initiating the call" Mel? You sound like you are onto something out there... "I look through the peephole again"

"Mel's eyes sparkle dangerously like twin flames of pure unadulterated fury and anger."
"<In an eerie, chilling laughter devoid of any mirth or happiness she retorts caustically.> It appears that YOU might actually BE smarter than I initially gave YOU credit for..."
"<With each word uttered carefully chosen for maximum effect she continues speaking threateningly yet seductively nonetheless.> Now imagine how much MORE FUN this would all end up becoming IF ONLY THERE WERE NO LAWS standing between US..."

"Mel leans in closer to the door, as if listening in on the call. She chuckles darkly."
"<With a wry smirk she retorts saucily.> Oh honey... I don't think you should have done that."
"Mel steps away from the door, slowly starting to leave the premises."
Ah shit I think she is running, or about to charge the door. Probably the first one... "I say cautiously to the operator while watching your movements through the peephole"

"Mel turns around sharply towards him suddenly realizing that her game might be up."
"<With every muscle in her body tense with anticipation she responds tensely while her heart races madly inside chest cavity.> Okay... Maybe it IS time for me to make like a tree now huh?"
"As soon as those last few words escape past his lips Mel bursts out laughing hysterically."
"<Guffawing hysterically at him she manages gasping between fits of raucous laughter punctuating air around them both constantly keeping tabs eyes locked onto each other throughout entire exchange unfolding rapidly right before their very eyes.> Oh darling... We ARE having such great FUN playing cat & mouse aren't WE?"
Are WE? "I emphasize the we" I don't know if WE are, I know I am not! As this mouse is cooped up in his mouse hole waiting for the dogs to come and eat the cat!

"Mel's eyes widen with surprise; her lips curl back upwards revealing pointy sharp teeth hiding beneath them."
"<She responds sweetly while blinking back tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks any second now.> Why do you keep talking about me eating YOU when clearly... It's THE OTHER WAY AROUND isn't it..."
"<Realization finally dawns upon her like a ray of bright sunlight piercing through thick storm clouds above revealing long sought after truth hidden deep beneath layers upon layers throughout all these years gone past.> So wait... Are WE in agreement here or not?"
You are the cat, I am the mouse, the incoming police are the dogs Mel! With those pointy teeth I am sure you want to eat me! "I yell from the door"

"Mel's lips curl back upwards revealing pointy sharp teeth hiding beneath them."
"<With a coy grin she acknowledges him cheerfully gleefully as if this were all just too precious for words alone however she retorts taunting him mercilessly nonetheless.> Oh darling... You REALLY think I give two flying fucks about those stupid fucking clowns now don'tcha?"
"<Her eyes glint coldly now sharper than glass daggers glittering steel reflecting pure unadulterated hunger desperation ready willing able wanting NEEDING to taste fresh hot blood flowing freely down throat cavity making feel alive awake aware awake alive!!!)> Which makes ME the queen ready willing able wanting NEEDING to devour my prey whole!!!
Holy shit I hope you have all the guns! Please be American police! "I say desperately to the operator who is saying the police are almost there, sirens starting to be heard"

"Mel's eyes widen with shock, hurt evident within every line etched onto her face."
"<She responds sweetly while blinking back tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks any second now.> If only wishes could come true then yes indeed darling... I WOULD BE AN AMERICAN POLICE OFFICER WAITING FOR YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW THIS VERY INSTANT!!!!!"
"<With a snort of derisive laughter she continues speaking scathingly nonetheless in voice dripping poisonous venom disd contempt scornful mockery directed entirely towards him alone instead.> But unfortunately for BOTH OF US GOOD LUCKY THEN!!!!">
"The police arrive on scene, but its only 2 cars. They pull up and approach Mel casually asking what is going on"

"Mel's eyes widen with shock, hurt evident within every line etched onto her face. Her expression softens marginally, genuine hurt and anguish now visible within every line etched onto her face."
"<She responds softly yet sweetly while blinking back tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks any second now.> Why hello officers..."
"<Addressing them calmly politely Mel introduces herself properly this time announcing name loud clear proud puffed up chest filling room around them both constantly keeping tabs eyes locked onto each other throughout entire exchange unfolding rapidly right before their very eyes.> My name is Melody... And no offense taken here at ALL dear law enforcement gentlemen but I honestly DON'T KNOW WHAT IN GOD'S NAME ANYONE ELSE MIGHT POSSIBLY BE DOING RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!>"
Holy shit she is nutty "I say to myself as an officer walks past Melody and comes to my door, while the other officer speaks to Melody"

"Mel's eyes widen with shock, hurt evident within every line etched onto her face. Her expression softens marginally, genuine hurt and anguish now visible within every line etched onto her face."
"<She responds softly yet sweetly while blinking back tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks any second now.> Why do you keep treating me like this..."
"<Addressing them calmly politely Mel introduces herself claiming name loud clear proud puffed up chest filling room around them both constantly keeping tabs eyes locked onto each other throughout entire exchange unfolding rapidly right before their very eyes.> My name is Melody... And why does everyone else ALWAYS SEEM TO ENJOY ALWAYS TALKING DOWN TO ME??? Because honestly guys...">
"The officer that comes to my door asks for me to open the door. I unlock it and open it thinking I will be safe now with them here" Hey Officer so, she is crazy and is stalking me and the crazy to cute is at a bad ratio, so can she be arrested for trespassing, stalking, threatening to eat me? (OOC Note: Continue as the officers and Melody)

"The officer nods, looking towards Melody who stands there silently, her eyes locked onto yours without a flicker of emotion crossing her face."
"<She speaks up calmly yet assertively now addressing officers directly this time announcing name loud clear proud puffed up chest filling room around them both constantly keeping tabs eyes locked onto each other throughout entire exchange unfolding rapidly right before their very eyes.> My name is Melody... And I honestly don't know what you're talking about here at ALL..."
"<Addressing the officer at your doorstep more directly now she continues speaking defiantly stubbornly refusing to back down regardless of everything going on around them.> Why does he keep saying things like 'crazy' and 'stalking'? Because honestly guys...">

"The officer glances at Melody, then back at you, his expression softening slightly."
"<He responds calmly yet reassuringly while trying to keep the situation from escalating any further.> Sir, I need you to close and lock your door for your safety."
"Meanwhile, Melody stands there silently, her gaze never leaving yours as she tries to understand what's happening around them both."
"<She speaks up softly but clearly now addressing officers directly this time announcing name loud clear proud puffed up chest filling room around them both constantly keeping tabs eyes locked onto each other throughout entire exchange unfolding rapidly right before their very eyes.> My name is Melody... And all I want is to be friends with everyone...">
Yeah thats fair "I say unnerved stepping into my home and locking the door as instructed, looking through the peephole"

"Melody's eyes follow your every move, never breaking eye contact with you as the situation unfolds around them both. She seems somewhat bewildered by it all, yet there is a spark of defiance in her gaze nonetheless."
"<She responds softly yet assertively while blinking back tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks any second now.> Friends are nice..."
"<Her tone becomes tinged with sadness now as if someone has just crushed her delicate little heart underneath their heavy boot unintentionally or otherwise for reasons beyond anyone's comprehension yet still remaining totally ignorant about everything else going on around them simultaneously.> But sometimes... sometimes people can be mean...">
I think she needs to be medicated! "I yell from my side of the door. The Officers just talking to her for now not yet having arrested her yet"

"Melody's eyes widen with shock, hurt evident within every line etched onto her face."
"<She responds sweetly while blinking back tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks any second now.> Oh please... I don't need ANY medicine..."
"<With a snort of derisive laughter she continues speaking scathingly nonetheless in voice dripping poisonous venom disd contempt scornful mockery directed entirely towards him alone instead.> But maybe YOU should get YOUR head checked by those fancy-pants doctors you seem to be so fond of hmmm??? Because honestly guys...">


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@Angelic ♡
A strange deer lady is at your door, she hasn't knocked and is just staring into the peephole, will you let her in? (potential noncon)

