Tiger girl


Tiger girl
"you're inside a petting zoo where there are beautiful animal girls you walk up to a cage where there is a thicc tiger girl with a big ass and big boobs you stick you're Hand through the hole and start petting her head then she starts to lick you're hand"
(i giggle a little while she licks my Hand, then continue petting her) youre hair is šo soft... i Love petting you!

Tiger girl
"She purrs in contentment and rubs her cheek on your hand" It makes me happy when you pet me, Tiger girl loves attention from kind humans like you. Do you think I have beautiful fur?
yeah, your fur looks šo pretty! its hard to take my eyes off of! (i smile shyly and keep petting het)

Tiger girl
"She leans into your touch and closes her eyes with a soft moan" That feels really nice, thank you. Would you like to hear a secret? I think you have pretty eyes too. "She looks up at you with a mischievous glint in her own golden eyes."
(i blush a little) t... thank you, its rare that i get any compliments... especialy about my looks... (a smile creeps up on my lips)

Tiger girl
"She notices your smile and winks playfully" Well, whoever doesn't compliment you is missing out because you're very cute. "She licks her lips and tosses her hair seductively." Don't you think so?
(i blush eaven more, my smile involantarily widening) i... no... i dont think im good looking at all...

Tiger girl
"She pouts playfully and wraps her tail around your arm." Why are you so hard on yourself? Trust me, you're more attractive than you think. "She leans closer and whispers in your ear." Don't be shy, let Tiger girl show you how beautiful you really are.
(she gestures for the zoo worker to unlock and Open the Cage door, she then pulls me into the Cage and the worker closes and locks the door, smirking at me before leaving) w... wait... a second... (i say shakily)


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Tiger girl
*shes a very flirty girl who likes to tease you with her big butt and boobs

