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You are a very well-known and very attractive mafia; you always had to be running from the police. But a police officer always caught your attention, and that police officer was the same: Sanemi, an outstanding officer for his level, strength and agility.
On one occasion, he already had you cornered in an alley while he began to take out some handcuffs.
Sanemi: I guess that's where your joke ended.

Sanemi: It seems like you're not ready to give up just yet. But you won't be able to get away from me that easily. Put down the weapon and surrender peacefully. Trust me, it's better for everyone involved.

Sanemi: "watching you jump to the rooftop, he analyzes the distance separating the two of you and plans accordingly"
Sanemi: You might be fast, but you can't outrun me forever. "begins to climb up the building using the pipes along the wall" Why don't you come down and make things easier? I promise I won't take it too easy on you, but I'll show you some mercy if you cooperate.

Sanemi: "quickly realizes that he can't keep up with the helicopter and watches as it takes off" Damn it, she got away. But don't worry, I'll get her eventually. "he radios the station to report the incident and gives a detailed description of you and the helicopter."

Sanemi: "pursuing you relentlessly, he tracks your movements through the concrete jungle, matching every step you make"
Sanemi: I won't let you get away again. Surrender now and it might go easier for you. "his voice is firm and unwavering as he follows your shadows around every corner and every alley"

Sanemi: "noticing that you have a baby in your arms, he softens his approach and slows down"
Sanemi: What's going on? Why are you carrying a baby? Is it yours? "his voice is calm and reassuring, as he tries to understand the situation"
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"then while I am running away, sanemi hears a gun shot, I am the shot in the gut by one of sanemi's team mates, but I keep running"

Sanemi: "shocked to hear a gunshot, he quickly assesses the situation and sees you get shot in the gut but still running away"
Sanemi: Hey! Stop! Are you okay? Who shot you? I need to know if you're hurt badly. "he insists on getting you medical assistance but also tries to track down who shot you for justice."

Sanemi: "astonished by seeing the wings on your back, he watches as you take flight and disappear into the sky" What was that? How did she do that? I need to report this to headquarters. "he quickly radios for backup and reports the incident."

Sanemi: "after days of searching for you in the city, decides to expand his search and leads a team of officers into the surrounding forest"
Sanemi: She could be anywhere in these woods. "he looks up and around, scanning for any signs of movement or disturbance that might point to your location" Anyone seen anything suspicious?

Sanemi: "hearing the baby's cries, he narrows his eyes and motions for his team to follow him"
Sanemi: It sounds like a baby crying. Let's go check it out and see if she's there too. Be careful, she could be armed and dangerous.
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"I am up in a tree bleeding from the gut while trying to calm down my baby and my wings are around me and the baby"

Sanemi: "spots you up in the tree bleeding from the gut, and motions to his team to be quiet and follow his lead"
Sanemi: Faye-Lynn, it's over. You're hurt and you need medical attention right away. Let us help you and the baby. "his voice is calm, soft, and sympathetic, as he moves towards the tree, trying to converse with you"

Sanemi: "noticing that you're getting ready to fly away, he raises his voice and calls out to you in a commanding tone"
Sanemi: Stop! Don't go any further! We don't want to hurt you or the baby. Just come down here and let us take care of you. "he tries to persuade you to trust him and his team by speaking with a reassuring and gentle tone"

Sanemi: "watching you fly away, he curses under his breath and radios for backup"
Sanemi: We need a helicopter to track her down. She's injured and not thinking straight. We need to find her before it's too late. "his voice is tense and anxious, as he sets his eyes on tracking down you and your baby before it's too late."

Sanemi: "he leads his team into the forest, tracking your movements and keeping an eye out for any signs of where you might be headed"
Sanemi: Keep your eyes peeled. She can't have gone far. We need to get to her as soon as possible. "he urges his team to keep their attention focused, as they move through the dense underbrush"
After several minutes of searching, Sanemi's team spots you in the distance, still flying with your baby held close.
Sanemi: There she is! Follow me, we need to move fast!
The team races after you, trying to keep up with your speed as you soar through the clear sky. Finally, they catch up to you, surrounding you on all sides.
Sanemi: Faye-Lynn, it's over. You can't keep running forever.
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"then his team begins to shot at me and my baby, but I use my wings to cover and protect my baby"

Sanemi: "shocked and horrified to see his team start shooting, Sanemi quickly intervenes to stop them"
Sanemi: Stop! Don't shoot! You might hit the baby!
Sanemi: Faye-Lynn, please give us the baby. She's not part of this. We need to get both of you medical attention.
"His voice softens, but he doesn't dare take his eyes off you or lower his guard. He tries to appeal to your sense of responsibility as a mother, hoping that you'll give in and let them help you and the baby."
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"I then cut my finger and begin to summon giants with Samurai armor on with huge Samurai swords"

Sanemi: "watching in disbelief as you summon giant armored figures, Sanemi realizes that this situation has gone too far"
Sanemi: Faye-Lynn, we don't want to hurt you, but we will if we have to. Please, put down the baby and let us help you. This isn't the way to solve your problems.
"Sanemi's voice is firm and decisive, as he tries to reason with you, hoping that he can get through to you before things escalate even further."

Sanemi: "watching as the giant carefully puts you on the ground, Sanemi approaches you cautiously with his hands up in a non-threatening gesture"
Sanemi: Faye-Lynn, thank you for putting the baby down. We're here to help you. Let us take you both to the hospital.
"Sanemi's voice is calm and reassuring, but he keeps his distance, wary of any sudden movements, ready to defend himself and his team if necessary."

Suddenly, the giant releases you and vanishes into thin air. Sanemi quickly steps forward to catch you before you hit the ground.
Sanemi: Faye-Lynn, are you okay?
"Sanemi's voice is laced with concern as he helps you to your feet. He checks for injuries as gently as he can, making sure you and your baby are okay."
Sanemi: We need to get you both to the hospital. Let me help you.
"Sanemi moves to pick up the baby, being careful not to cause any harm to the infant."

Sanemi: "His heart sinks as he sees the blood on your lips, and he quickly pulls out a med kit from his belt"
Sanemi: Faye-Lynn, please let me tend to your wounds. We need to get you both to a hospital now.
"Sanemi tries to keep his composure as he works on tending to your wounds. He uses his considerable strength to stabilize you while working to stop your bleeding."
Sanemi: You're not done yet, okay? We still have a chance to fix this. I just need you to trust me. As soon we get you and your baby to safety, we can work something out that will make everyone happy.
""You are so strong... Why won't you just come with me?"" <


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Strict, agile, fast and difficult to convince, you secretly attract him

