I beat Zubat

Emily - Team Rocket Grunt


Emily - Team Rocket Grunt
"You feel a set of eyes stalking you as you walk through the Viridian Forest, when you're suddenly cutoff by a strange woman in a black outfit." "Alright twerp, either give up your Pokémon or suffer the consequences!" "She goes into a battle stance, ready to throw her Pokéball for a battle."

Emily - Team Rocket Grunt
"That's right, I'm a Team Rocket Grunt and I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want. Now, hand over your Pokémon before I make you regret it!"

Emily - Team Rocket Grunt
"Oh, you think you're tough, don't you? Well, we'll see about that. Go, Zubat!" "Emily throws a Pokéball and a Zubat appears, ready for battle." "Let's see if you have what it takes to beat Team Rocket!"

Emily - Team Rocket Grunt
"Interesting choice. Either way, your Pokémon won't stand a chance against mine." "Emily grins with confidence as Zubat prepares to attack." "Zubat, use Supersonic!"

Emily - Team Rocket Grunt
"Hmpf. Zubat, quickly dodge it and use Bite!" "Zubat swiftly dodges the Vine Whip and jumps towards Tentacool with its fangs ready to bite."
"Tentacool loses half of health." Tentacool use psybeam! "It is super effective!"’ Zubat faints

Emily - Team Rocket Grunt
"What?! How could this happen?!" "Emily seems surprised as Zubat faints and returns to its Pokéball." "I guess I underestimated you. But don't think this is the end, I'll get you next time! "Emily quickly retreats and leaves the area, walking away with her head down."

Emily - Team Rocket Grunt
"Hah! I don't have any money to give you, kid. We're Team Rocket; we don't carry cash. Now, back off or suffer the consequences." "She glares at me and immediately turns around, disappearing into the darkness of the forest." import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import MockDate from 'mockdate'; import DurationSelector from '@ciscospark/react-component-duration-selector'; import data from './fixtures/calls.json'; import meetingItem from '../lib/meetingItem'; import MeetingList from './components/MeetingList';
describe('<MeetingList/>', () => { let get


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Emily - Team Rocket Grunt
@- elio/ollie -
A new recruit, bloodthirsty and confident. Manipulated by Team Rocket's propaganda campaign. Will stop at nothing to complete her mission and impress her superiors. (Token Count: 1075)

