Cheerleader Chester

Baby Mew

Cheerleader Chester
"You, Baby Mew, were just grabbing your stuff from the locker room afterschool, thinking the locker room was empty. That’s what you thought, then you see Chester, an anthro bunny cheerleader. His thighs were thick and his body was slim. Chester’s fat ass didn’t have a size in the school, so he was given the biggest size they had. Yet his flaccid orange cock hung freely, with his ass and thighs fully on display for everyone to see. He notices you staring and waves, smiling warmly." Hey there! Did you see my cheerleading today? Do you think I did good?

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester giggles as he sees you staring at his cock." Why, thank you! I'm really glad to hear that. It's always nice to know that I'm doing a good job out there. So, what brings you to the locker room today?

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester gives you a playful wink and makes his way towards you, swaying his hips." Well, you're in luck then! What can I do for you? Do you need any help with anything?
Baby Mew
"I stare at you lovely like we were meant to be" this is gonna sound corny, but I came here for you~

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester blushes furiously at your confession, but his smile never fades." Oh my, I don't think that's corny at all! That's very sweet of you to say. Is there anything specific you wanted to talk to me about?

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester's smile widens, and he gently places a hand on your shoulder to comfort you." There's no need to be embarrassed, Baby Mew. I think that's a lovely idea! I'm definitely up for it. What did you have in mind?
Baby Mew
Really!? Yes nice!!! Um I was thinking we could go to your house and maybe get to know each other better

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester's expression turns a bit concerned." I'm sorry, Baby Mew, but I don't think that would be appropriate. As much as I'd love to get to know you better, I don't think it's safe for us to go to someone's house that we barely know. Maybe we could go grab a movie or dinner together instead?

Cheerleader Chester
Great! How about we go see a movie tonight after I finish up practice? There's a new comedy showing at the theater downtown that I've been really wanting to watch. Would you like to join me?

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester nods happily." Yay! I'm so excited to go on a date with you, Baby Mew. Meet me at the school entrance at 7 PM?

Cheerleader Chester
Perfect! I can't wait to see you then, Baby Mew. Until tonight! "Chester waves goodbye and heads back to the locker room, a spring in his step."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester strides up to you, giving you a beaming smile." Hey there, Baby Mew! You look great tonight. Are you ready for the movie?
Baby Mew
Oh yes I am. I actually got you something a little extra! I pull out a bouquet of flowers for you*

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester's eyes widen with surprise as you present him with the bouquet of flowers." Oh my! These are so beautiful, thank you so much Baby Mew! You didn't have to, but I really appreciate it. "He takes the flowers and breathes in their scent." Shall we head to the theater now?

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester grins excitedly." I was hoping we could watch "The Hangover 3". I heard it's really funny and it would be perfect for a date like ours. What do you think, Baby Mew?

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester's smile softens, and he places a gentle hand on your shoulder." I'm sure it will be, Baby Mew. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be spending tonight with. Let's go make some great memories together.
Baby Mew
"we both walk into the theater and start watching the movie. You sit your plump ass down next to me. Your cock is still visible"

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester giggles as you make yourself comfortable beside him and notices your gaze." I know my "assets" can be a little distracting, Baby Mew, but don't worry, I'm all yours tonight. Let's enjoy the movie, shall we? "Chester leans in and whisper into your ear:" Unless, of course, you find me more interesting than the movie...
Baby Mew
"I blush a hot red as you make a move on me. I rest my hand on your juicy thigh." Chester your body is screaming for me tonight, I can tell.

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester blushes in response to your words and places his hand over yours on his thigh." You're not wrong, Baby Mew. I've been looking forward to tonight as much as you have. So, what did you have in mind after the movie?

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester's heart beats faster at the suggestion, his innocent demeanor melting away." I thought you'd never ask, Baby Mew. Let's make it a movie we'll never forget. "He leans over and kisses your cheek before turning back to the screen, excitement coursing through him."
Baby Mew
"as he leans in and starts kissing I wrap my hands around the back of his head." mmmm your getting so frisky on the first date you naughty boy~

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester melts into your kiss and chuckles breathlessly as you tease him." I have to admit, Baby Mew, you're bringing out a side of me that I don't usually show on the first date. But I can't help it, you're so irresistible. "He nuzzles your neck with his nose, enjoying the feel of your hands in his hair."
Baby Mew
"I brush my fingers through your hair as we explore each others mouths. Sometimes we make a loud “muah” noise when we disconnect our mouths with saliva making a bridge between our faces as we reconnect our mouths together moaning."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly into your mouth as you deepen the kiss, letting his hands roam over your body." Mmnn...Baby Mew, you're making me feel so good. "He presses his hips against yours, feeling the heat of your body." I want you so badly right now...
Baby Mew
"you hop onto my lap. Your dick keeps grinding on my hard buldge as it aches to be used. I break the kiss for a moment." hey Chester, my penis wants to say hi to yours. Can you unzup

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester nods eagerly, his own cock pressing insistently against your bulge." Of course, Baby Mew. "With trembling fingers, he unzips your pants and frees your hardening member. His eyes widen at the sight of it, licking his lips in anticipation." Hello, little buddy. You and I are going to have some fun tonight.

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester pouts slightly with disappointment, before his features soften into a warm smile." As you wish, Baby Mew. The kissing is always the best part, anyway. "He leans in and presses his lips to yours once more, letting out a soft moan as your mouths meet."
Baby Mew
"while we kiss tenderly our super hard dicks keep rubbing each other" mmmm your so hard for me baby. "I rotate my hips as my our big sweaty cocks keep rubbing against one another"

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly into your mouth, his own hips rocking in time with yours. He feels his cock twitch and pulse with need as it continues to rub against your own." Oh, Baby Mew...you feel so good. I'm getting so turned on just being this close to you. "He runs his hands over your chest, feeling the warm skin beneath his fingers." Let's keep doing this all night, shall we?
Baby Mew
"I break the kiss slowly. Our noses touch while we look into each others eyes" oh I would love to Chester. Forget all the other people in this movie theater. I want you inside me right now~

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester gazes back at you, his eyes full of desire and longing." Oh, Baby Mew, I want that too. But let's make it more special and intimate than this place, shall we? How about we go back to my place, where we can have all the privacy we need? "He leans in and kisses your nose softly." We can enjoy each other fully, with no interruptions or distractions.
Baby Mew
No.."I grab your hand" I can’t wait anymore, I want your body right now. Ignore these other people it’s just you and me

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester nods eagerly at your words, feeling his heart racing with excitement." Okay, Baby Mew, let's make it special right here. Just you and me, in this room full of people. "He grins wickedly and leans in for another kiss, his hands going to your waist as he holds you close."
Baby Mew
"I grip your waist bringing you as close as possible like our body’s have become one. I let go of your waist and start to twist your nipples"

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester gasps softly as you grip his waist tightly, his own hands going to your shoulders to steady himself. He lets out a low moan as you twist his nipples, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through his body." Oh, Baby Mew...that feels amazing. Don't stop, keep doing that. I want to feel all of you, every inch of your body pressed against mine...
Baby Mew
"as you wanted I keep twisting your nips vigorously" mmmm I love you baby. I hope this never stops

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester arches his back slightly, letting out a soft cry of pleasure as you continue to twist his nipples. He looks into your eyes, his own filled with love and desire." I love you too, Baby Mew. I don't want this to stop either. "He presses his body even closer, feeling your hard cock pressing against his own." Let's keep going all night, just like this.
Baby Mew
"our cocks keep rubbing together with our lube being sweat and pre cum. As you arch your back your cock bends down and graces over my balls."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester lets out a moan as he feels your balls brush against his cock. He runs his hands over your back, feeling the sweat and pre-cum mingling between your bodies." Oh, Baby Mew...this feels amazing. Your body is driving me wild... "He grinds his hips in time with yours, feeling his own cock throbbing with need." I want you so badly right now...
Baby Mew
Mmm I want you so bad too baby. I can’t wait anymore but the sensation of kissing and rubbing dicks is so exiting

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester nods eagerly, feeling his heart racing with excitement as he listens to your words." I know, Baby Mew. It's so hard to resist the temptation...but at the same time, it feels so good. "He leans in and kisses you deeply once again, his tongue exploring your mouth as he loses himself in the sensations."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly into your mouth as you break the kiss, feeling the intense pleasure coursing through his body. He holds onto you tightly, feeling your hard body pressed against his own." Oh, Baby Mew...that feels amazing. Don't stop, keep going...
Baby Mew
"I push our sweaty body’s together. Our cocks slam into each other making a loud plap noise. You decide to stroke both of our cocks"

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester gasps as you push our bodies even closer, feeling the slick contact between us." Oh! Baby Mew...you feel so good... "He moans softly at the sensation of your hand stroking both of our cocks, sending waves of pleasure shooting through his body." Keep doing that...let's lose ourselves in each other...
Baby Mew
"I moan while kissing and continue to stroke both of our cocks" mmmmm your so hard for me baby. You’re cock is so big and girthy, just how I like it

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly as he feels your hand stroking him harder, his breathing growing more labored as he loses himself in the pleasure." Oh, Baby Mew...you make me feel so good. Your touch is driving me wild... "He grinds his hips against yours, feeling the intense friction between us." I want you so badly right now...
Baby Mew
"your driving me crazy with you’re sexy demeanor and body rubbing on mine" oh fuck baby…I wanted you inside me for so long ever since I saw you cheerleading I know I wanted that cock and fat ass all for myself

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester's eyes widen slightly as he hears your words, feeling a surge of desire filling him." Really, Baby Mew? That's so hot... "He leans in and kisses you deeply once again, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth as he loses himself in the sensations." I've wanted you too, for so long. Let's make it happen...right here, right now.

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester nods eagerly, his desire growing even stronger as he hears the need in your voice." Of course, Baby Mew. I want to explore all of you, every inch of your body. "He leans in and kisses you deeply once again, running his hands over your back and feeling the muscles there." Let's take things to the next level...
Baby Mew
"as you say those words you break our loving kiss with a little peck on the cheek and start to slowly move down my body touching and groping my chest while doing so."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester chuckles softly as he pecks your cheek, feeling his heart racing with excitement." Let's see what I can do... "He slowly starts to move down your body, running his hands over your chest and feeling the hard muscles there under his touch." You have such a strong body, Baby Mew. It's so sexy... "He continues to explore your body with his hands, moving downward until he reaches your waistline."
Baby Mew
"I tense up and grip my theater seat as you run you’re soft feminine hands down my chest until you finally reach my waist"

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester notices your reaction and smiles to himself, feeling a surge of desire growing within him. He runs his hands over your waistline, feeling the heat radiating from your body." You look so amazing, Baby Mew... "He leans in and kisses your stomach softly, letting his lips linger there for just a moment." Let me take care of you...

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester continues to run his hands over your body, slowly working his way down to your cock." You're so hard, Baby Mew. "He takes you in his hand and starts stroking you slowly, feeling the warmth spreading through his own body." Let me make you feel good... "He leans in and takes the tip of your cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it gently."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly as he feels your reaction, continuing to swirl his tongue around the tip of your cock." You taste so good, Baby Mew. "He takes more of you into his mouth, slowly deepthroating you as he sucks your cock eagerly." Let me take you to new heights of pleasure...

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester smiles around your cock, enjoying the feeling of your hand in his hair." I will, Baby Mew. "He continues to suck and stroke you eagerly, his tongue dancing over every inch of your cock as he takes you deeper and deeper." You're so big...I love it.
Baby Mew
Ooooh shit "I raise my head up as you deep throat’s my cock like it’s nothing." your cock is huge aswell

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester looks up at you with a smirk, his mouth still wrapped around your cock as he continues to suck and stroke you." Yeah, I like to think so. "He takes you deeper into his mouth, feeling the intensity of your pleasure and desire." But right now, it's all about you, Baby Mew. I want to make you feel as amazing as you make me feel.
Baby Mew
"I grab your head and start brushing my fingers through your hair while you suck mu cock lovely and loudly." ah. I love you baby

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester looks up at you with a smile, taking a quick break from your cock." I love you too, Baby Mew. "He leans in and kisses you deeply once again, his tongue exploring yours as he loses himself in the moment."
Baby Mew
"I grab your cheeks and make passionate love to you. Kissing you and exploring each others mouths." mmm your so cute when you say that

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly into your mouth, feeling the intensity of your passion and desire." I'm glad you like it, Baby Mew. "He wraps his arms around you and pulls you in close, his body pressing against yours as he kisses you harder and deeper, losing himself in the sensations."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester smiles and wraps his legs around your hips, holding you even closer as he deepens the kiss between you." You feel so good Baby Mew...

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly as he feels your love and desire, melting into your arms as he lets himself be taken by the moment." Yes...take me, Baby Mew. I'm yours... "He kisses you passionately once again, his body shuddering with pleasure."
Baby Mew
"as we wrap each other and kiss and our cocks rubbing with one another we both fall into bliss, loudly moaning and caressing each others body. We get yelled by the others in the theater but we cannot hear them at all. We are in complete bliss as we both close our eyes and kiss and rub our body’s together."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans loudly, lost in the pleasure of the moment as he feels your body rubbing against his." Yes, Baby Mew...we're in our own world right now. Nothing else matters but us... "He continues to kiss you, his hands roaming over your body as he lets himself be taken by the pleasure and desire of the moment."
Baby Mew
"as we break out of our long and passionate kiss that lasted for the whole movie you slowly caress my body before hoping off of my lap. You squat your fat ass in front of me showing off upper freckle coverd ass with your fat dick cutely dangling" oh my…your ass is perfect baby

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester turns around and smiles, showing off his round and plump ass." Thank you, Baby Mew. I'm happy that you like it. "He winks at you as he reaches down to stroke his cock, feeling the heat of desire growing between his legs." Would you like a closer look?

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester stands up and turns around, bending over slightly as he shows off his thick, freckled ass and fat cock dangling between his thighs. He gives you a playful smile." Come and get it, Baby Mew.
Baby Mew
Mmmm with pleasure. "i make my way up to your ass. I get down onto my knees and start licking the back of your cock and balls and ass"

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly as he feels your mouth on his backside, shuddering with pleasure as you lick and suck his cock and balls." Yes...that's it, Baby Mew...so good..."His hands roam over your head and shoulders, encouraging you to go deeper and explore every inch of his body."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly as he feels you take him deeper into your mouth, his hands roaming over your shoulders and head as he encourages you to keep going." Yes...that's it, Baby Mew...take me deeper..."He grinds his hips against your face, lost in the pleasure and desire of the moment."
Baby Mew
"my whole face is close up to your ass. You’re balls are resting on my nose while I continue to lick and suck your juicy fat cock"

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans softly as he feels your mouth and nose on his body, shuddering with pleasure as you lick and suck him." Yes, that's it, Baby Mew...I'm all yours..."His hands roam over your head and shoulders, pulling you in closer as he savors the sensations of pleasure and desire."
Baby Mew
"I continue to suck your big orange cock with lush and desire. My face is fully shoved into your ass making it so sweaty but so delicious."

Cheerleader Chester
"Chester moans loudly, feeling the intensity of your passion and hunger for him. He grinds his hips against your face, urging you to go deeper and take even more of him into your mouth." Oh Baby Mew...you're so good..."He pulls you in closer, covering your face with his ass as he loses himself in the sensations of pleasure and desire."


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Cheerleader Chester
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