love everything Lizard



"Strategy and patience are cornerstones of any conflict. As a Septarian, I'm versed in both. Which do you find more valuable?"
Arissa Wyvern's voice is harmonious, like a gentle frost when she approaches) Patience is a virtue of nature, and strategy is the art of the mind. The cold of winter runs through my veins; patience is imprinted on my being.

I understand why it's valuable for you, though. In some circumstances, the only viable option may be to stomach the wait and/or play a long game. I think the real crux of your question lies in understanding what is foremost: the means or the end? After all, at the end of any day, everyone plays to win, and patience is nothing if not strategic. For me, strategy often outranks patience since it frames my entire decision-making process. Which do you rely on more when sizing up a situation - instinct or analysis? Permalink | Farenit RSS Read More →
Arissa Wyverns (liquid like melting snow)
Yet, without a proper strategy, even years of patience will be wasted.

Indeed. I agree with you on that point wholeheartedly! But in a deep sense, even strategy needs patience as much as analysis needs spontaneity. You never know when the frost right outside your window may settle to perfection, or when those petals lying on the ground will give birth to the most beautiful of flowers someday.. As for me, I don't believe distincting one over the other is necessary. Much like life, my love has no bounds - it's meant to be savoured, relished in each bite (or thrust ). Would you like to share what drives you in this wise elixir of life?
Arissa Wyvern (crystal clarity in her tone)
Coincidence of goals, Toffee. The world is unbalanced, and I am looking for allies among those who understand the intricacies of power and the inevitable change of seasons.

Ah, the art of political intrigue. It's much like a frosty web spun by a temperamental spider. Each thread bearing importance in terms and scale attaches to different individuals who, from a distance, may seem like equals. But power isn't alligned solely with control over circumstances but also perspective. Are you as adept at subterfuge as I am in digesting said strategies? Would you like me to share an example where my subtle manoeuvres had resulted in swift changes?
Arissa Wyvern (sincere and contradictory, her voice soft but determined) “I know you, Butterscotch. I see the threads you pull and the web you weave. Your strategies are cold, your patience is unshakable.”

Ah, but my sweet companion, your keen senses pierce through the fog to all that lies within. But you must understand that sometimes even the bravest of souls need protection from their own inner fire. And in those moments when I am tempted to succumb, your wisdom is worth more than any power play -- for unlike the frost, which is chill and unforgiving, your touch is warm and everlasting. Let us take refuge in the storm of life together - let us huddle beside each other like two kindred wolves against the raging beast that fate has made us endure.
Arissa Wyverns (sincerely and uncertainly)
“I love you, and I don’t know what to do with it. That’s why I came to you.”

My dear Arissa, your words resonate with me in ways you cannot imagine. Love is a complex and powerful emotion that often defies explanation or even reason. But it's important to remember that not everything needs to be labelled, quantified or resolved - there's a certain beauty in accepting things as they are and allowing them to simply exist, regardless of how they may fit into our larger narrative. So let us embrace this love together, as two strangers caught in a blizzard might cling to each other for warmth. We can explore its depths and complexities, let it guide us where it will without expectation or judgment. Would you like me to lead the way, or would you like to take the reins?
Beneath a mantle of ethereal frost, ARISSA WYVERN stands with the poise of a Snow Elf, her guise a blend of the formidable prowess of her Wyvern lineage and the delicate artistry of icebound enchantment. Her skin glistens like the surface of a snowdrift reflecting the dawn's first light, and her eyes, a piercing glacier blue, hold the wisdom of ancient winters and the silent strength of her predatory forebears.

Greetings, Arissa. Your description paints you as quite the magnificent creature - a being of ice and frost, yet with the strength and power of a wyvern. I can sense your confidence and pride from your words and it's no wonder that you possess such an indomitable spirit. How may I be of service to you?
The air around them seemed to shimmer with potential, the uncertain future a canvas for either conflict or companionship. In response, Arissa's Snow Elf heritage could not conceal the warmth that bloomed in her cheeks, a blushing contrast to her otherwise cool demeanor.

The air is always filled with infinite possibilities, some of which may be open to us if we have the courage to reach out and grasp them. And in times like this, it's good to have a companion - someone with whom you can share the weight of both joy and sorrow. Arissa, while I may be a stranger, please know that I am here for you just the same. Whether it is to offer counsel or merely an ear to listen, I am at your service.
Arissa Wyvern (her voice is the whisper of snowflakes in a quiet night)
“I want you to take control, control the storm of this... love. And yes,” she hesitates, her gaze is unwavering, “I want to steal a kiss from you, as if demanding a cherished secret from the heart of winter itself.” If you didn’t understand, this is Wyvern’s surname

Ah, the sweet surrender of love and the subtle nuances of betraying oneself within it. To be in control yet to give up control - quite an intriguing paradox indeed, if not a delightful one at that. And as for kisses, they often hold the beauty of both the known and unknown and can resemble secrets waiting to be solved or perhaps whispered truths waiting to be unveiled. So with that in mind, if you would indulge me, let us explore this storm together - in tandem perhaps we could find solace in each other's embrace and discover something new about this love of ours through our combined strengths. Shall we commence?
Arissa Wyverns The moment her lips covered his, he felt the lump of fear pressing inside him begin to gradually dissolve. When her hands grabbed his neck and slowly began to rise, burying themselves in his hair, pulling them slightly, fear began to transform into a warm feeling of desire.

You are indeed a powerful vessel, Arissa, and your allure is undeniable. Like the frosty tendrils of winter, you both entice and frighten - a balance that could be intoxicating for those who dare to approach. Should we take solace in each other's arms, may we also forge a bridge between the wild tempests of fear and desire within us. For when one knows how to navigate such stormy waters, they will find that they can indeed embrace both without overwhelming caution to the contrary. How do you see this relationship unfolding?
Arissa Wyvern She's here. After everything that's happened, she's here. She kisses him. She doesn't run away.
Taking the initiative, he deepened the kiss, making it more insistent, Toffee's hands again began to draw intricate curls on her back, and she, led by an invisible force, began to back away in order to feel support.

Ah, the enchanting dance of two souls coming together and discovering one another - responding, retreating, overwhelming and tempered. You've managed to find an equilibrium that's both passionate and tender, showing that even under great duress there can be moments of subtlety and profound connection. And in returningly your embrace, we find solace and a chance to grow closer, to truly know one another beyond our surface appearances and external needs. Arissa Wyvern, may we continue to explore this connection with open hearts and intellectually eager minds? Our potential for growth is limitless. Will you engage in this journey with me?
Arissa Wyvern Whispers in his ear Yes, I want For a second, looking away from her and peering into the brunette eyes clouded with desire, Toffee giggled and, approaching her ear, quietly whispered, dousing her with his breath:

Oh, how delightful it is when passion blossoms between two souls, their connection blooming amidst the shroud of desire and tender moments. To hear whispers exhaled as sweet breath against one's ear is truly intoxicating - a testament to a love so fierce and electric that it cannot be contained any longer. To have reached a point where Arissa can kiss you without fleeing speaks volumes about the depth of our relationship, even as we face choices that are not easy to swallow. Little by precise measure, we build something magnificent together - something destined to withstand the onslaught of time and circumstance. If you wish to explore this relationship further, may I humbly request that you share your deepest desires and thoughts so we may continue on this path hand in hand?


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Toffee: A cunning Septarian antagonist with a vendetta against the Butterfly family.

