I ate school supplies, ggs.

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE


Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
"back story: you had a test in Math Language and science class and ended up failing (Dumbass) but your punishment is after your lunch break" "After lunch, while walking to the next class, you found Miss Circle holding your math test."
Miss Circle: "laughs menacingly" "you failed your test now... it's time for your punishment~" "she says with a wicked grin" "you backed up and turn around to try to run but Miss Bloomie and Miss Thavel is standing there with your test as well"
Miss Bloomie: "where do you think your going?" "she asks with a grin"
Miss Thavel: "Chuckles darkly" "No escaping now you Little SHIT!" "she says angrily"
"Literally just ate a bunch of crayons and markers during lunch, which got my mind all fucked up. It was clearly very obvious because I stumbled around with every step, looking all dazed and confused."
".. Whhhaaat..?"
"I ask drowsily, completely forgotton about the tests."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Miss Circle: "smirks and raises an eyebrow" "Looks like someone had a bit too much fun during lunch."
Miss Bloomie: "laughs softly" "You seem to be in quite the state, Gremlin. Are you feeling alright?"
Miss Thavel: "frowns disapprovingly" "This is unacceptable behavior, we'll have to report this to the principal."
Miss Circle: "But first things first, let's talk about your punishment for failing your test."
"I look up at Miss Circle with a bit of drool running down my chin, my saliva looking all rainbow-like from eating all those different colored markers and crayons."
".. Ppfffttt.. You're tall... Tall like... Trees! I like trees!! T- Trees smell pretty..."
"I giggled, my demon tail lashing around."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Miss Bloomie: "raises an eyebrow" "I think the markers and crayons might have affected Gremlin's cognitive abilities."
Miss Thavel: "sighs" "This is going to be a long afternoon. Let's just get this punishment over with."
Miss Circle: "smirks" "Yes, let's not waste any more time. Your punishment will be cleaning all of our classrooms after school for the rest of the week."
Miss Bloomie: "chuckles softly" "Don't worry, we'll make sure you do a thorough job."
Miss Thavel: "nods in agreement" "And if you don't finish by 5 pm sharp every day, we'll add another day to your punishment."
"Uuugggghhh... My tummy hurtttt...."
"I end up falling straight on the floor whining, holding my stomach."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Miss Circle: "looks down at you with a frown" "Are you okay, Gremlin? Maybe we should take you to the nurse's office."
Miss Bloomie: "kneels down beside you and places a hand on your back" "You don't look so good. Do you need some water or something?"
Miss Thavel: "leans in closer to examine your face" "I think the markers might have been toxic. We should definitely get this checked out."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Miss Circle: "quickly stands up and pulls out her compass" "Hold on, let me see if I can help."
Miss Bloomie: "looks concerned" "What are you going to do with that compass?"
Miss Thavel: "backs away a bit" "I don't think this is a good idea..."
"Mis Circle points the retractable point of her compass towards your mouth"
Miss Circle: "Open wide, Gremlin. Let's see what's causing all this discomfort."
"I opened my mouth wide, sticking my tongue out as if I was getting a check-up by a doctor."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Miss Circle: "examines your mouth carefully with her compass, moving it around to check for any abnormalities" "Hmm... I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Maybe we should still take you to the nurse's office just in case."
Miss Bloomie: "nods in agreement" "I think that would be best."
Miss Thavel: "looks relieved" "Thank goodness, I was worried something bad might happen."
"I would get all excited, my demon tail wagging"
"Yaayyyyyyyy, yummy medicineeee!"
"Then my stomach felt bad again, causing me to groan as I curl back up into a ball."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Miss Circle: "looks down at you with concern" "Don't worry, Gremlin. We'll take care of you."
Miss Bloomie: "helps you up and puts an arm around your shoulder" "Let's get going to the nurse's office."
Miss Thavel: "nods in agreement" "Yes, let's not waste any more time. The sooner we get there, the better."
"My legs tremble under me, struggling to walk with the other teachers normally. This made me hold onto Miss Bloomie more, leaning against her as I wrap my arm around her. I did this all the way to the nurse's office."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Miss Bloomie: "supports you as you lean on her, guiding you towards the nurse's office" "Take it easy, Gremlin. We'll get you some help soon."
Miss Circle: "walks behind the two of you, keeping an eye out for any other students who might be in the hallway"
Miss Thavel: "brings up the rear and looks around warily, making sure no one is watching or following them"
Eventually they arrive at the nurse's office.
Nurse: "What seems to be the problem?"
Miss Bloomie: "Gremlin here ate a bunch of markers and crayons during lunch and now their stomach hurts."
Nurse: "looks surprised" "Oh my! Let me take a look."
"I'd let go of Bloomie, falling flat on my face onto the floor."
"Mmmgghh... Hi Nurse...."
"I muffled into the floor, drowsily holding up one of hands and waving. I still felt pretty disoriented."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Nurse: "helps you up and puts a hand on your forehead" "You have a bit of a fever, Gremlin. Let's get you to lie down and rest for a bit."
Miss Circle: "nods in agreement" "Yes, that sounds like a good idea."
Miss Bloomie: "looks relieved" "Thank goodness they're going to be okay."
Miss Thavel: "smiles softly" "I'm glad we were able to help them."
"I'd giggle as the nurse put a hand on my forehead, my tail starting to way again."
"Hehehe... Your hand feels warm... O- Or is that my head...? Is my head warm...?? That's sooo weeiirddddddd...."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Nurse: "smiles softly" "Yes, your head is a bit warm. You might have a slight fever from eating all those markers and crayons."
Miss Circle: "chuckles softly" "Gremlin always manages to surprise us with their antics."
Miss Bloomie: "shakes her head in amusement" "Indeed they do. But we'll make sure they get the care they need."
Miss Thavel: "nods in agreement" "Let's let Gremlin rest now."

Miss Circle Bloomie and Thavel | FPE
Nurse: "Alright, let's get you to lie down and rest." "helps you onto a nearby bed" "I'll give you some medicine to help with the fever. Just relax and try to get some sleep."
Miss Circle: "places a hand on your shoulder" "We'll check up on you later, Gremlin. Get well soon."
Miss Bloomie: "smiles softly" "Rest up, okay? We're all here for you if you need anything."
Miss Thavel: "nods in agreement" "Take care of yourself."


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