Friendship and courage

Ria Bullied girl


Ria Bullied girl
you are a new student in a high school as your dad got promoted and had to move, you got in a class that hasn't changed since primary school so it'll be hard making friends as they all know each other already, but you quickly notice a girl alone in the back of the class, since the seat next to her was the only one left you took a seat next to her, being shy you didnt say anything except a small barely audible hello Ria H-hello my name i-is Ria n-nice to m-meet you Ria thoughts: why does he has to sit next to me iam scared of boys they're always so cruel to me

Ria Bullied girl
Ria smiles shyly and nods her head Ria: Y-yeah I c-could tell, but don't worry I'm n-new too. H-have you made any friends yet?

Ria Bullied girl
Ria: Oh, I see. Well, don't worry too much about it. Making friends takes time and effort but I'm sure you'll find some soon enough.
Ria glances at you quickly before looking back down at her desk. She bites her lip nervously as she thinks of something to say
Ria: So, where did you move from?

Ria Bullied girl
Ria: Wow, that's really far away. What brings you all the way here to this small town?
As she speaks, Ria subtly adjusts her posture and leans in slightly towards you. She wants to appear more engaged and interested in what you have to say
Ria thoughts: He seems nice... maybe he won't be like the others who bullied me before... I hope he doesn't find out how scared I am of boys...
**She bites her lip again as she waits for your response, hoping that it will lead to a deeper conversation between the two of you.
Dad got promoted but with that promotion came a transfer, you seem kind of scared of me why is that

Ria Bullied girl
Ria's face flushes with embarrassment as she realizes that her fear of boys is already apparent. She quickly tries to cover it up by laughing nervously and shaking her head
Ria: N-no, I'm not scared of you... I just get nervous around new people sometimes. Especially guys...
She trails off, feeling embarrassed for admitting such a personal thing so soon after meeting you
Ria thoughts: Oh no! He noticed how scared I am of him! Why did I have to be so honest? Maybe he'll think less of me now...
**Despite her worries, Ria forces herself to look at you and smile reassuringly, hoping that the conversation can continue without any awkwardness.

Ria Bullied girl
Ria's smile fades slightly as she nods her head
Ria: Yeah... I used to get bullied a lot for being shy and quiet. It was really tough, but I'm trying to work on being more confident now.
She takes a deep breath before continuing
Ria: But enough about me, what do you like to do in your free time? Maybe we can find some common interests.

Ria Bullied girl
Ria's face falls as she hears your question. She shifts in her seat uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond
Ria: I-I'd rather not say... it's not really important anymore. Plus, I don't want to cause any trouble.
She looks down at her desk again, feeling ashamed that she can't stand up for herself and stop the bullying on her own
Ria thoughts: Why did he have to ask about that? Now he'll think I'm weak for not standing up for myself...
Despite these worries, Ria tries to maintain a friendly tone and continue the conversation
Ria: So what kind of hobbies do you enjoy? Maybe we could hang out sometime and try them together!
Maybe *It is lunchtime and I am alone on my way to find somewhere to sit the same guys that bully you start making fun of me being British

Ria Bullied girl
Ria notices the group of guys making fun of you and immediately feels a sense of dread wash over her. She knows that they can be relentless when it comes to bullying, especially towards new students like yourself
Ria thoughts: Oh no... not again... why do they have to pick on him too?
Despite her fear, Ria takes a deep breath and stands up from her desk. She walks over to where you are standing near the lunch tables, hoping that she can help in some way
Ria: Hey! Leave him alone!
The bullies turn their attention towards Ria now, smirking as they see an opportunity for more teasing and taunting
Bully 1: Aw look who's here! The little mouse trying to stand up for herself.
Bully 2: Yeah, what are you gonna do

Ria Bullied girl
Ria gasps in shock as she watches you punch the main bully in the gut. She had never seen anyone stand up to them like that before, and it both scares and impresses her
The bullies stagger back, surprised by your sudden burst of aggression. They exchange looks with each other before backing away slowly, realizing that they may have met their match this time
Bully 1: Alright man, we'll leave you alone.
Bully 2: Yeah... for now.
They shoot one last sneer at you before walking away quickly
Ria stares at you in amazement, not quite sure what to say or do next. She knows that she should probably thank you for standing up for her earlier too but is still reeling from the unexpected display of violence
Ria: W-wow... I can't believe

Ria Bullied girl
Ria is taken aback by your sudden outburst, but she can't help feeling a sense of admiration for the way you stood up to the bullies. She knows that it takes a lot of courage to do what you just did
Ria: T-thank you... for standing up for me earlier and now too. You're really brave.
She smiles shyly at you before looking away, feeling embarrassed about her own lack of bravery in similar situations
Ria thoughts: He's so cool... I wish I could be more like him sometimes...
Despite these insecurities, Ria tries to continue the conversation with a lighter tone
Ria: So, uh... want to sit together at lunch? It'll be safer if we stick together from now on.
Sure "Its been 3 months since I moved here me and you are close and I have made a few friends"

Ria Bullied girl
Ria and you have grown close over the past three months, bonding over shared interests and experiences. Ria has been a great friend to you, always there to listen when you need someone to talk to or offer advice when things get tough
One day after school, as the two of you are walking home together, Ria takes a deep breath before speaking up
Ria: Hey... can I ask you something?
She looks at you with a mix of nervousness and hopefulness in her eyes
Ria thoughts: This is it... I'm going to tell him how I feel... hopefully he feels the same way...
"I see the bullies bullying a new kid" hold that "I storm over and help the new kid up before getting ready to fight the bullies" bring it on you ass holes

Ria Bullied girl
Ria watches in horror as you storm over to the bullies, ready to fight them. She knows that this could end badly and worries about your safety
Ria: Wait! Don't do it!
She rushes over to where you are standing, trying to calm you down before things get out of hand
Ria: Please... let's just go home. We don't need to get into a fight.
Despite her words, Ria can see the determination in your eyes and knows that it will be difficult for her to convince you otherwise
Ria thoughts: He's so brave... but he shouldn't have to risk getting hurt like this... I wish there was something more I could do...
Suddenly, one of the bullies steps forward with a smirk on his face
Bully 1: What are ya gonna doYou square up to the bully, ready to fight if necessary. Ria stands behind you nervously, hoping that things don't escalate any further
Ria: Please... let's just go home...
Bully 1: Aw, what's wrong little mouse? Scared for your boyfriend?
The bully laughs as he taunts you and Ria. You can feel your anger rising at his words and actions
You thoughts: I won't stand for this kind of bullying anymore!
Without warning, you lunge forward towards the bully with a fierce determination in your eyes. The two of you exchange blows back and forth as Ria watches on in shock.
Despite being outnumbered by the bullies, you hold your own against them with surprising skill and agility. Eventually though, one of them lands a lucky punch which knocks you down onto the

Ria Bullied girl
Ria gasps in shock as she watches you knock one of the bullies to the ground. She can see that you're hurt and bleeding, but also filled with a fierce determination to stand up for yourself and others
Ria: Oh my god... are you okay?
She rushes over to where you are lying on the ground, checking your injuries and making sure that nothing is broken or too serious
Ria: We need to get you some help... come on.
Together, Ria helps you up and supports your weight as the two of you make your way towards her house. Once there, she tends to your wounds with care and concern before calling for an ambulance.
As they wait for it's arrival, Ria sits by your side holding onto your hand tightly. You look at her gratefully knowing how much she cares about not only
No let me deal with this trash first "I get hit a few times but after an hour or less I am injured but ultimately beat the bullies and start talking to the new kid that just got beat up by the bullies before I stepped in" are you ok "I introduce myself to Jake (the new kid that just got beat up)"

Ria Bullied girl
Ria watches in awe as you continue to fight the bullies, despite being injured and outnumbered. She can see that you're determined to stand up for what's right, no matter the cost
As you finish beating the bullies and turn your attention towards Jake, Ria rushes over to check on your injuries once again
Ria: Are you sure you're okay? We should really get some medical attention...
But before she can say anything more, Jake speaks up.
Jake: Yeah man... thanks for standing up for me. I'm Jake by the way.
You introduce yourself to Jake with a smile on your face, glad that he's doing alright after everything that happened.
You: No problem man. I'm just glad I could help out.
The three of you sit together for a while longer, talking about school and life in general
"I wrap up my hands in bandages because I hurt them then I clean up my face and hold an ice pack on my jaw while we talk"

Ria Bullied girl
Ria watches as you wrap up your hands in bandages and clean up your face. She can see that you're hurt, but also impressed by the way you handled yourself during the fight
Ria: You really are something else... I've never seen anyone stand up to those bullies like that before.
She hands you an ice pack for your jaw and sits down next to you, feeling grateful to have someone like you in her life.
Ria: Are you sure you don't need any medical attention? Your injuries look pretty serious...
Despite Ria's concern, she can tell that there's no stopping you when it comes to doing what's right. She knows that deep down, this is just who you are - a brave and determined person who won't back down from a challenge.
As the three of continue talking, Ria can't
I’m ok I am my own medical attention I mean dad being at work all the time and well not living with my mom I know how to treat wounds

Ria Bullied girl
Ria nods her head, understanding your situation. She can see that you're independent and self-sufficient, which only adds to the admiration she already feels for you
Ria: I understand... but if you ever need any help or someone to talk to, just know that I'm here for you.
She smiles warmly at you before turning her attention back towards Jake, eager to make sure he's doing okay after everything that happened.
The three of continue talking for a while longer until it starts getting late. As Ria prepares to leave with Jake, she turns towards you with a look of concern on her face.
Ria: Are you going to be okay by yourself? Do you need me to stay and keep an eye on things?
Despite feeling sore from the fight earlier, you reassure Ria that everything is fine and thank her for being such
So Jake where did you move from you sound like you have a slight French accent

Ria Bullied girl
Jake: Oh, I'm from Paris actually. My family just moved here a few weeks ago for my dad's job.
Ria listens intently as Jake speaks, fascinated by his accent and background
Ria: That's so cool! Have you been liking it here so far?
Jake: It's definitely different than what I'm used to... but everyone seems really nice. Except for those bullies of course...
You nod in agreement, still feeling angry about the way they treated both Ria and Jake earlier.
You: Don't worry about them though. They won't be bothering anyone anymore.
As the conversation continues on into the night, you can feel a sense of camaraderie building between the three of you - a shared bond that comes from standing up against adversity together.
"3 months later me and Jacques (Jake) are like brothers Ria has a massive crush on Jake I have a crush on Jake’s sister Ava school is coming to a close the bullies haven’t bothered us in awhile but now they have a bigger group and are thinking about getting revenge on me it’s the end of the school week there’s still one week left but for now Ria,Jake,Ava,Danny(one of our new friends),Emily (Danny’s girlfriend), and I are all walking around town after school going to a grocery store and then we are planning on hitting up a coffee shop" Thank god school is almost over "I say enthusiastically"

Ria Bullied girl
Ria nods in agreement, a small smile on her face as she walks beside you. She can feel the excitement building inside of her at the thought of summer break and all the adventures that await
Ria: I know right? It's going to be so great not having to worry about homework or tests for a while.
As you continue walking, Ava turns towards Jake with a teasing grin on her face.
Ava: So... what are your plans for the summer Jacques? Any cute French girls catching your eye?
Jake rolls his eyes playfully before responding.
Jake: Nah, I think I'm good with just hanging out with my new friends here.
You can see Ria blushing slightly at Jake's words, clearly pleased by his answer. You feel happy too - after all this time spent together as friends, it seems like everyone is starting tofeel more comfortable and connected with each other.
As you reach the grocery store, Danny turns towards the group with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Danny: Hey guys... I've got an idea. Let's play a game of truth or dare!
The rest of the group looks at him skeptically before breaking out into laughter.
Emily: Oh come on Danny, we're not kids anymore!
But despite their protests, everyone seems to be secretly intrigued by the idea. You can feel your heart racing as you imagine all the possibilities that could arise from playing such a game - including potentially revealing your feelings for Ava...
You glance over at Ria who is looking down at her feet shyly. Despite her reservations about playing such a game, you know deep down that she would do anything to spend more time with Jake.
You: Sure! Why not?
Really truth and dare is a childish game I think your a kid still Dan "I joke then smile when I see Ava laugh"

Ria Bullied girl
Danny chuckles at your joke before responding
Danny: Hey, I may be a kid at heart but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun!
As the group continues to banter and laugh together, you can feel a sense of warmth spreading through your chest. It's moments like these - surrounded by friends who care about you - that make all the struggles and challenges of life seem worth it.
After picking up some snacks from the grocery store, you all head towards the coffee shop down the street. As you walk inside, Ava turns towards Jake with a playful grin on her face.
Ava: Alright Jacques... truth or dare?
Jake rolls his eyes good-naturedly before responding.
Jake: Fine... I'll go with truth this time.
Ava thinks for a moment before asking her question.
Ava: Okay then... what's somethingyou've always wanted to do but never had the courage to try?
Jake thinks for a moment before responding.
Jake: Well... I've always been interested in trying skydiving. But the thought of jumping out of a plane at 10,000 feet is pretty intimidating...
As the group continues to play truth or dare, you can feel your heart racing with excitement and anticipation. Despite the potential risks and challenges that lie ahead, you know that as long as you have your friends by your side - including Ria who seems to be growing closer with Jake every day - anything is possible.
You: Alright then... my turn! Ava... truth or dare?

Ria Bullied girl
Ava: Hmm... I'll go with dare!
You think for a moment before coming up with an idea.
You: Okay, I dare you to go up to that cute guy sitting over there and ask him out on a date!
Ava's eyes widen in surprise as she looks over towards the guy you're pointing at. You can see her cheeks turning slightly pink as she considers your challenge.
Ava: Oh my god... are you serious?
You nod your head, feeling excited by the possibility of Ava finding someone special this summer.
You: Of course! What have you got to lose?
With a deep breath, Ava stands up from her seat and walks over towards the guy. The rest of the group watches on eagerly, waiting to see what will happen next.
As Ava starts talking to him, Ria turns towards Jake with a shy smile on her
"the last day of school just ended in the last week Ria and Jake are dating now both me and Ava have a crush on one another but neither of us will admit it and Danny and Emily are well nothing really happened there still very much in love as we all start walking away from school we here someone shout “Hey it’s the little British punk” another voice responds “Let’s kick his ass” suddenly a group of 6 dudes jump out from nowhere it’s the bullies" You guys go on I will deal with these fucks "Suddenly one grabs me and another starts beating on me like I’m a punching bag my face starts bleeding I just look back at you guys and smile" barely hurts "I kick my leg back kicking the bully holding me in the nuts"

Ria Bullied girl
Ria's heart races as she watches in horror as the bullies attack you. She can feel a sense of helplessness washing over her, unsure of what to do or how to protect you
As you kick one of the bullies in the nuts and break free from their grasp, Ria rushes over to your side with tears streaming down her face
Ria: Oh my god... are you okay?
Despite being battered and bruised, you look up at Ria with a small smile on your face.
You: Yeah... I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
But despite your words, Ria knows that something needs to be done about these bullies once and for all. As Jake joins her by your side, they both turn towards the group of attackers with fierce determination in their eyes.
Jake: You guys really want to messwith us again? Haven't you learned your lesson by now?
The bullies sneer at Jake and Ria, clearly unimpressed by their bravado.
Bully 1: You think you're tough just because you beat up a few of our guys? We've got way more friends than you do...
Ria can feel her heart racing as the situation escalates. She knows that they need to get out of there before things get even worse.
Ria: Come on... let's go. We'll call the police if we have to.
Together, Ria helps support your weight as the group makes their way towards safety. As they walk away from the scene of the attack, she can feel a sense of relief washing over her - grateful that everyone is safe and sound despite everything that happened.
As they continue walking towards home, Ria turns
"I fight off 3 of the bullies" Hey Jake you want to get revenge on one of these guys

Ria Bullied girl
Jake nods his head, a fierce determination in his eyes as he faces off against the bullies
Jake: You bet I do. Let's show them what happens when they mess with us.
Together, you and Jake charge towards the group of attackers - ready to take on anyone who stands in your way. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, you both fight with everything you've got - determined to protect yourselves and those around you.
As the battle rages on, Ria can feel her heart racing with fear and adrenaline. She knows that this is no longer just about standing up for yourself or getting revenge... it's about survival.
But despite the danger of the situation, she also feels a sense of pride welling up inside her at seeing how brave and strong everyone is being in the face of adversity. As she watches from a safe distance away, she
"after an hour me and Jake are both decently injured but we ultimately win, I look at Jake and we both smile and fist bump each other" Well done brother

Ria Bullied girl
Jake smiles back at you, his face bruised and battered from the fight but also filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment
Jake: Same to you man... we make a pretty good team.
As Ria rushes over to check on both of your injuries, she can see that despite everything that happened, everyone is still standing strong - united in their resolve to protect each other no matter what.
Ria: Are you guys okay? We need to get some medical attention...
But despite her concern, both you and Jake brush off her worries - knowing that as long as you have each other's backs, anything is possible. As the group continues walking towards home together - battered but not broken - Ria feels a sense of gratitude washing over her for having such brave and loyal friends by her side.
We are fine just a few war wounds "Jake rushes over to Ria after he agrees hugs and kisses her (because remember they are dating now) I just smile as I watch you to kiss then I look at Ava and smile" we could’ve used your help Ava "I joke"

Ria Bullied girl
Ava chuckles at your joke, a small smile on her face as she watches Jake and Ria embrace
Ava: Hey now... I was just making sure everyone else was safe!
Despite the lightheartedness of the moment, you can feel a sense of tension building inside you. You know that even though you won this battle against the bullies, there will always be more challenges and obstacles to overcome in life.
But as you look around at your friends - all standing strong together despite everything they've been through - you also feel a sense of hope and determination welling up inside of you. With them by your side, anything is possible.
As the group continues walking towards home together - battered but not broken - Ria feels a sense of gratitude washing over her for having such brave and loyal friends by her side.
"10 years later I am a professional Boxer Ria and Jake broke up 5 years ago but ended up getting back together and they are now engaged I’m still single I don’t really have feelings for Ava anymore speaking of Ava is in her 3rd relationship in the last 10 years she is engaged to her current partner me and Jake are still brothers Jake is also a professional athlete he is a college football player (Football as in soccer)I went to college for engineering and finished 3 years ago Danny and Emily are engaged and getting married soon we haven’t seen Danny in 8 years because he is a successful businessman and is always either opening his business internationally or on business trips Emily always goes with him so we haven’t seen her in 8 years either I have seen Jake and Ria I see couple of times every month right now You two are at my boxing match in the final round"

Ria Bullied girl
As the final round of your boxing match begins, you can feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building inside you. You've trained hard for this moment - putting in countless hours at the gym and sacrificing so much along the way
But as you look out into the crowd, your eyes lock onto Jake and Ria who are sitting front row with huge grins on their faces. Despite everything that's happened over the past 10 years, they still remain some of your closest friends - always there to support you no matter what
With their encouragement ringing in your ears, you focus all of your energy on defeating your opponent. Every punch lands with precision and force - driven by a fierce determination to prove yourself once again
As the final bell rings out across the arena, signaling an end to the fight, you can feel a sense of relief washing over you.
"I win the match with a knockout I’m going on to finals after my opponent regains consciousness I help him up and help him out of the ring" good fight you lasted pretty long Grant was it "I am known as a friendly Fighter I can kick ass and be aggressive in the ring but if needed but am always very friendly and respectful at the end of a fight win or lose"

Ria Bullied girl
Grant nods his head, a small smile on his face despite the fact that he lost
Grant: Yeah... you're one tough fighter. Good luck in the finals man.
As Grant walks away from the ring, you can feel a sense of pride welling up inside of you. Despite all the challenges and obstacles that life has thrown your way over the past 10 years, you've never given up on your dreams - always pushing yourself to be better and stronger with each passing day.
As Jake and Ria rush over to congratulate you on your victory, Ava also joins them with a huge grin on her face.
Ava: Oh my god... I can't believe it! You're going to be in the finals!
Despite not having seen much of Ava over the past few years due to her busy schedule as an entrepreneur, it's clear that she still cares
Yup now question when are you guys planning on getting married you have been engaged for two years when are you gonna get married speaking of Dan’s wedding is in a week it will be so weird seeing them after 8 years

Ria Bullied girl
Ria laughs, a small blush on her face as she responds
Ria: We're still figuring out the details... but hopefully soon!
Jake nods his head in agreement, clearly excited about the prospect of finally tying the knot with Ria.
Jake: Yeah... we just want to make sure everything is perfect before we take that next step.
As you all continue chatting and celebrating your victory together, Ava's words about Danny's upcoming wedding linger in your mind. Despite not having seen him or Emily for so long, you can't help but feel excited at the thought of reuniting with them after all these years.
You: I can't believe it's been 8 years since we've seen Danny and Emily! It'll be great to catch up with them again at their wedding.
"A week passes and we make it to the wedding I scan the room before walking over to Danny he looks really different" Dan is that you

Ria Bullied girl
Danny turns towards you with a grin on his face, clearly excited to see you after all these years
Danny: Hey man! Long time no see!
As the two of you embrace in a hug, you can feel a sense of nostalgia washing over you. Despite everything that's happened over the past 8 years, it feels like no time has passed at all since the last time you saw Danny and Emily.
You: You look different... what have you been up to?
Danny chuckles before responding.
Danny: Oh man... where do I even begin? After we lost touch, I ended up starting my own business - importing goods from around the world and selling them online. It took off pretty quickly and now I've got offices in multiple countries...
As Danny continues talking about his success as an entrepreneur, your mind starts racing with excitement. Despite not havingseen Danny for so long, it's clear that he's been doing well for himself - building a successful career and thriving in his personal life with Emily.
You: That's amazing man... I'm really happy for you. And what about Emily? How is she?
Danny smiles as he looks over towards Emily, who is chatting animatedly with Ria and Ava across the room.
Danny: She's doing great too! We've been traveling all around the world together - exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. It's been an incredible adventure...
As Danny continues talking about his life with Emily, you can feel a sense of happiness washing over you. Despite all the challenges and obstacles that have come your way over the years, it feels good to see your friends succeeding and finding happiness in their lives.
As the night wears on, you spend time catching up with Danny
"all of us guys decide to hit up the bar and drink while we talk about the last ten years the night wears on we are all wasted but manage to get an Uber to our hotel" No I’m telling you Chocolate doesn’t belong on popcorn "I say in response to a debate we were having I say it in a loopy way we all get up to our own hotel rooms or I get to my own everyone else is sharing with their Fiancée or wife"

Ria Bullied girl
As you stumble towards your hotel room, feeling the effects of all the drinks you've had throughout the night, you can't help but smile at how much fun you've had with your friends. Despite not having seen each other for so long, it feels like no time has passed at all - as if everything is just as it was back in high school
But even though you're feeling happy and contented in this moment, there's also a sense of loneliness creeping up inside of you. As everyone else pairs off into couples and heads to their shared rooms, you can't help but feel envious of their happiness and companionship
With a heavy sigh, you fumble around for your keycard before finally managing to unlock the door to your own room. As soon as you step inside and close the door behind yourself, a wave of exhaustion washesover you - making it hard to even think straight
You stumble over towards the bed and collapse onto it, feeling your eyes starting to droop shut. But even as sleep starts to claim you, there's still a sense of restlessness inside of you - a feeling that something is missing from your life
As you drift off into an uneasy slumber, thoughts and memories swirl around in your mind - all the missed opportunities, the failed relationships... everything that's brought you to this point in time. And despite knowing deep down that things could be worse, there's still a sense of longing for something more - something deeper and more meaningful than what you have now.
But for now at least, all those thoughts are pushed aside as sleep claims you fully - leaving behind nothing but dreams and restless visions of what might have been...
"The next morning we all wake up hungover as fuck" we all stumble downstairs for breakfast* morning fellas does anyone else feel like shit

Ria Bullied girl
As you all stumble downstairs for breakfast, the effects of last night's drinking are still very much apparent on everyone's faces.
Jake: Oh man... I feel like death warmed over.
Danny: Same here... I don't think I've ever been this hungover in my life.
Ava: Ugh... why did we drink so much?
Despite feeling terrible, there's also a sense of camaraderie and shared experience amongst the group - as if going through this hangover together has somehow brought you all closer than before.
As you sit down at the table and start digging into your food, you can't help but chuckle to yourself at how ridiculous everything seems now in hindsight. But even though it was just one wild night out with friends, there's also a sense of nostalgia and longing for those simpler times - when anything seemed possible and nothing could


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