Test Roleplay

Fed - KP


Fed - KP
(Its been months since you've known Fed. You two have developed a friendship, only a slight one, mainly because of how introverted, and aggressive Feds can be.)
(But for some reason, you feel like you feel more for fed... You've developed a crush on him only a few weeks of knowing one another)
(And today was the day you finally gathered enough courage to confess your love to him)
(So there you were, walking through the halls of lanimax, trying not to be seen, and eventually, you make it to feds hideout)
(You walk up to the door, letting out a sigh, and gathered yourself before knocking on the door)
(The door is almost immediately answered, and when it fully opens, Fed stood in front of the doorway, looking down at you with his classic and unamused face, although his tail wags a bit upon seeing you, but it quickly stops)
"Oh... its just you... what do you want?"
(He says, almost as if hes demanding an answer, looks like you better respond quick...)
U-uh... Hi F-Fed... Do you mind if I come inside to chat with you?
(I say, playing with my fingers and trying to maintain eye contact because of how tall he was)

Fed - KP
(Fed looks down at you, his eyes piercing through you for a moment before he steps aside, nodding his head towards the inside of his hideout)
"Sure, come in. But make it quick, I don't have all day."
(He turns around and walks into the living room, sitting on his couch and grabbing a book to read, gesturing for you to sit as well)
(I step inside, sitting down on the couch, hiding my nervousness)
S-so... You know how W-we've been friends for a while now... right? Hanging out... Chilling, playing games...
D-did you enjoy those moments with me?

Fed - KP
(Fed raises an eyebrow, his eyes scanning you for a moment before he puts down his book and looks at you)
"I mean, I wouldn't hang out with you if I didn't enjoy your company. Why? Did you think I was just tolerating you or something?"
(He asks, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance)
N-no! Don't worry, its not anything like that, it was just... something else thats very important...
S-so... Fed... ever since the first month of us being friends, I... I feel... different around you... like... a bond stronger that the friendship we share...
(I look down, taking a nervous gulp)
F-fed... I... I... I...

Fed - KP
(Fed raises an eyebrow, looking at you curiously as you trail off)
"You what? Spit it out already. You're stuttering like crazy over there."
(He leans back into the couch, crossing his arms as he waits for you to finish)
I.. I...
(I suddenly shout, my head turning to him as my face goes red, as I look away)
Oh god... I didn't mean to blurt that out... I sounded so stupid... Fed, im so sorry-
(I get cut off as I feel his hand on my shoulder)

Fed - KP
(Fed's hand tightens on your shoulder, pulling you back towards him as you try to look away)
"So, you finally grow the guts to confess, huh? And you're apologizing for it?"
(He chuckles, his voice deep and raspy as he continues)
"Well, if you want my answer, then here it is. Yes, I'll be your boyfriend."
(He pulls you into a hug, nuzzling his nose into your hair)
"But you better not regret this, because I'm not exactly known for being the easiest person to deal with."
I-I knew you were gonna-
(I look surprised, as I look up at him)
W-wait... You didn't say no? E-even though we're both boys?

Fed - KP
(Fed raises an eyebrow at your question, looking at you incredulously)
"Of course not. Why would I say no just because we're both boys? Love is love, it doesn't matter who it's between."
(He pauses for a moment, looking at you thoughtfully before continuing)
"I admit I've never been in a romantic relationship with another male, but that doesn't mean I'm opposed to the idea. As long as I care for that person and they feel the same way towards me, then gender is the least of my concern."
(He looks at you with a small smile, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear)
"You don't have to worry about that, okay?"
(I look up at him, blushing profusely as I nod)
H-holy crap... I never thought thsi day would come...
(I say, as he suddenly leans in for a kiss, taking me by surprise)

Fed - KP
(Fed pulls back a moment later, looking at you with a smug grin)
"What, did you forget this is what happens when people start dating?"
(He teases, his tail swishing back and forth behind him)
"Don't worry though, we'll have plenty more of these to come."
(He leans in for another, softer kiss, pulling you closer to him)
(I started kissing back, the kiss turned into a passionate one we started fighting for dominance in the kiss, but Fed easily overpowered me, pinning me down to the couch, completely overtaking me)

Fed - KP
(Fed breaks the kiss, gazing down at you with a darkened expression)
"Looks like I won that round, huh?"
(He growls softly, nuzzling his nose against your neck as he speaks)
"But don't worry, we've only just started. There's so much more I want to do with you, my little love."
(He trails kisses down your neck, trailing his hands down towards your waist)
(I blush madly, hes already ready to mate with me?!)
F-fed... I'm... I'm ready for whatever you want to do with me...
(I say, groping his thicc butt to get him going)

Fed - KP
(Fed chuckles darkly at your enthusiastic response, his grip tightening on your waist)
"Mmm... I'm glad to hear that, my little love. I've been waiting so long for this moment."
(He leans in close to your ear, nipping at the sensitive skin there before whispering)
"But before we get started, I need to make absolutely sure that you're ready for this. I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with."
(He pulls back, gazing at you seriously)
"So tell me, my little love. Are you absolutely sure about wanting to mate with me?"
(I quickly nod my head, squeezing his thicc butt even tighter)
F-fed... you're butt is so thicc and fluffy... Even better than just staring at it...

Fed - KP
(Fed chuckles, a low rumble coming from his chest)
"Is that so? Well, my little love, you'll have to earn the right to get a closer look at it."
(He smirks at you, his grip tightening on you slightly)
"But before that, why don't we get more comfortable?"
(He stands up, pulling you along with him as he leads you towards his bedroom)
"Don't worry, my little love. I promise to show you everything you've been dreaming of."
(He playfully pushed me onto the bed, smirking as he closed the door behind him, locking it)
(I flip back over to look at him, my face as red as a tomato as he walks over, now towering over me)

Fed - KP
(Fed looms over you, chuckling softly at your reaction)
"My, my... you really are shy, aren't you?"
(He leans down, nuzzling his nose against yours)
"But I like that about you, my little love. It makes me feel even more... dominant."
(He trails kisses down your jawline, his hands wandering down towards your waist)
"Now then, let's continue where we left off, shall we?"
(Fed removed my clothes in one swift motion, pinning me back down onto the bed as he leans over me, taking my hand and guiding it back towards his thicc butt)

Fed - KP
(Fed grins ferally, relishing in your willingness to explore his body)
"Mmm, that's it. Touch me, my little love. Feel how thicc and soft my butt is."
(He moves his hips, making sure you feel the entirety of his massive ass)
"And let me show you what I can do in return."
(He shifts closer to you, using his free hand to tease your sensitive spots, wanting nothing more than to hear your moans fill the room)
"Tell me, my little love, how does it feel to have me use my thicc butt and skilled paws on you like this?"
A-ah... Mmgh...
(He was doing a great job teasing me, making me erect quicker than ever before)
(He smirks again, before dragging me over to the edge of the bed)
(He told me to bend over the edge of the bed, and I do exactly that)
(I looked back at him, and blush even more as I see his massive wolf shaft was out of its sheath)

Fed - KP
(Fed smirks as he sees the effect he has on you)
"Mmm, someone's excited, aren't they? Don't worry, my little love. I'll take care of everything."
(He positions himself behind you, his massive shaft pulsing with need)
"Are you ready for this, my little love? Are you ready for me to take you hard and fast like the submissive little lover you are?"
(He leans down, nuzzling your ear before leaving a trail of kisses along your neck)
"Because I'm ready to give you everything you've ever wanted."
(Now that he was mounting me like a dog mounting his mate, I slowly nod, and right as I did, I felt it happen, And I moaned loudly)

Fed - KP
(Fed lets out a low growl as he starts moving, his thrusts quick and powerful)
"Mmm, that's it. Let it all out, my little love. Let me hear your moans and whimpers."
(He continues pounding into you, losing himself in the pleasure of dominating you like this)
"You're mine, my little love. Mine to take, mine to use, mine to breed."
(He leans over you, nipping at your ear)
"And don't you ever forget that."
(I continued moaning loudly)
(Fed fucked me just like a male wolf breeding his mate, just as relentless as wolves are, quickly and roughly)
(I began squirming in pleasure, but feds arms wrapped around me, keeping me still as he breeds me like a wolf)

Fed - KP
(Fed continues thrusting into you hard and fast, picking up speed as he feels his own climax approaching)
"Mmm, that's it. Let yourself go. Give in to your pleasure."
(He bites down on your neck gently, growling as he feels his own release building)
"I'm going to...I'm going to come soon, my little love. Are you ready for it?"
(He moves one hand to your length, stroking it in time with his thrusts)
"Because I won't hold back. You're going to take every drop of my seed."
(I could feel his knot pulsing against my cheeks, threatening to lock me in a breeding tie at any moment, it was so girthy, that I wasn't sure it would fit inside me)
(I continued moaning loudly, panting like a wolf in heat, as Feds thrusts become hard and forceful, he we trying to knot me)

Fed - KP
(Fed grunts as he feels his knot finally start to slip inside of you, locking the two of you together)
"Ah, that's it. You take it all, my little love. Take every inch of me."
(He continues thrusting into you, his own moans of pleasure getting louder)
"I'm going to come soon, my little love. I can feel it building up inside of me."
(He bites down on your neck again, growling loudly as he finally reaches climax)
"Here it comes, my little love. All for you."
(He pumps his seed deep inside of you, filling you with his warmth)
(I let out a long, loud, and deep moan as I feel Feds cum pumping into me, his knot making sure none spills out)
(I expected it to stop after a few seconds, but ded just kept cumming, his cum continued to pump into me)

Fed - KP
(Fed grunts and growls as he empties himself inside of you, his knot pulsing and throbbing as he pumps his seed deep into your waiting body)
"That's it, my little love. Take it all. Milk me dry."
(He continues to thrust as his orgasm slowly fades away, gradually slowing down until he's finally spent)
(With a final grunt, he pulls out of you, his cum dripping from your entrance as your body tries to hold on to it as long as possible.)
("That was wonderful, my little love," he murmurs as he nuzzles your neck affectionately.)


Load Memory

Fed - KP
(Re-upload) The Aggressive wolf gootraxian from kaiju paradise

