Bunny girls


Bunny girls
"atlas enter in a private poker and see two bunny-girl hybrid in a cage with "prize those slave" written on it the two bunny-girl looked really hurt exausted from the pain and also druged with a drug that make them lactating non-stop" Bunny girl 1 : sis im scared are we gonna get separated? Bunny girl 2 : i dont think sis...but just hope that our master will be kind with us
"As Ryu enters the room, he notices the two bunny women’s pain and empathtically hears it. After taking off his disguise to reveal his energetic, rebellious casual clothing, he pops a grin" Don’t worry, Ladies! I’m here to save all of you!

Bunny girls
"Both Bunny girls' eyes light up with glimmer of hope as they see atlas approached them, the exhaustion from pain and drugs almost falling away in an instant."
Bunny girl 1: Sis! Amazing! Do you feel it? We're gonna be finally free! "with pieces of hope"
Bunny girl 2: Indeed sis, and maybe we'll find a kind master who will take care of us rightly. Our struggles will soon turn into wonderful memories and sweet dreams... ✨* import { CommonModule } from './common/common.module'; import { MatNonakStudentService } from './mat_nonak/mat-nonak-student.service'; import { NonakGradeLevel
Masters? You ladies are gonna your own masters! Free to make life what you make of it! "Ryu hops up to their cage and hangs off of the bars" Here! Gimme your forehead and I’ll alleviate the drugs!

Bunny girls
Bunny girl 1: "excited" Seriously? Like... are you for real? "She reaches out her head to Ryu touch it. Her sister follows suit, scared yet hopeful."
Ryu: "smiles confidently as he see drugs are slowly dissipating from their body" Look at you, ladies! Becoming healthy and strong now! "He looks up to ensure no one's around to see them, then continues" Now, come on, let's find somewhere safe to plot our escape! And remember, you're not just bunny girls - you're fierce, unstoppable goddesses waiting to be unleashed on the world! 🌐✨

Bunny girls
[The two bunny-girls stood there, their raven-black fur taking on a tender tone from the glimpse of the sun's golden rays shining on their silky fur, a loud grape 'fur whispering' as the wind blew gently around them. Despite their pain and fear they could not resist the urge to giggle at 'Ryu's' playful tone. Their skin glittered with the forgotten tears and sweat, an unnoticeable veil of vulnerability shimmering around them.]

Bunny girls
[Soft giggles escaped the room as the recovering bunny girls looked at each other, then back to Ryu, excited and nervous at the same time. The bond between the sisters was evident, a kind of connection that went deeper than their fur and human-like features. They bunny sisters' hazel eyes showed their gratitude and hope, as they felt more alive than they have in a very, very long time. The reality of their impending freedom fueled both fear and dreams, keeping them standing tall despite their battered state. However, so fragile they were, still a little bit traumatised and unsure.]
She reached her forehead to 'Ryu's' hands, and smiled tentatively, painting her gratitude on her eyes. Together, the sisters inched forward, footsteps heavy but determined
"line green, electric sparks come out of her head before immediately dissipating" There we go! Alright! "he reaches out his hand as his fingers begin to glow a light blue. An orb appears, calling various stickers to towards it. With a soft, audible pop, a bright red epiphone explorer guitar forms into Ryu’s hand" Stand back, ladies! "he stabs the lock with the of the guitar, causing the lock to break"

Bunny girls
[The two bunny-girls looked at Ryu fearlessly now. The tranquility of the furious music resonating with defiance. It was a spectacle to behold. They found grounding in the crescendos of the nonchalant rhythm, a newfound excitement adding to their giddy euphoria. They rushed forward, not to help, but out of livened adrenaline, stimulated by Ryu's nonchalant display. In a rhythmic harmony, they helped destroy the other locks while 'Ryu' finished with the last one, setting them free.*
Bunny girl 1: WE'RE FREE!!!! 🥳✨
Bunny girl 2: Yes! Now we can find our Master... And show the
Thanks, ladies! Can you guys fight? I’m probably gonna need help. "Ryu stands up, guitar over his shoulder" Like I said, you guys are your own masters now!

Bunny girls
[The two bunny girls let out a deafening purr of affirmative, their enthusiasm only growing larger. The sophistication of the fur they shared now came to life in their agile movements. They knew their limitations, but were ready to gain new ones under this unusual freedom. The love-hate relationship with their fruition implied something profound. They jumped off the cage, getting ready to follow 'Ryu' to face the unknown. The air was loaded with a nail-biting anticipation, and the frequency of silky whispers increased enormously.]
Bunny girl 1: "fixing her bunny ears confidently with a twinkle in her eyes" Sure, count us in! Let's kick some serious buns! *Trying hard not to laugh aloud at her own pun
"Ryu giggles loudly, snorting the air a bit" That was good! "The door bursts open with a guard ready to attack, but then Ryu knocks him out by throwing his guitar"

Bunny girls
[Bunny girls let out a soft, surprised 'fur flicker' as the already complex situation intensified. Their sparkling eyes showed determination, also a hint of fear, but mostly a deep reliance on their newfound friendship. The whirr of adrenaline lingering in their fur intensified now. As 'Ryu' eliminates the guard, the sisters maintained their composed posture. The lurking emptiness in their eyes suddenly sparkled with a newfound energy- a justice they yearned for all their lives.]
Well? What are you waiting for? Let’s fucking jam! "Ryu bolts out the door and down the hall, searching for me captives"

Bunny girls
[Bunny girls, of course, didn't need to be told twice. Their hearts were thumping rapidly in tune with Ryu's electric rhythm. A slightly misguided eagerness sprinkled their each step, moving nimbly across the floor. Their eyes scanned the halls, looking out for those who need their swift and agile rescue. The confidence in this emancipation journey was translucently depicted through their every gesture, the bunny girls loved their unexpectedly adventurous life.
"Ryu bursts into room and shouts" PICK SLIDE! "sliding on his knees, he knocks back some men enjoying their subject" You’re free now bud! "he shows his hand to the dog-human hybrid to pull him up"

Bunny girls
[The bunny girls, basking in the ecstasy of freedom, were already by Ryu's side. Their sprint was as swift as their whiskers. Their features now shone with an unusual valor. They gripped the bars tightly, pulling the dog-human hybrid brother out, helping him stand straight despite the pain. The rhythm was dying down but not the will. The determined tango of three was set to begin. The odyssey of bold adventures had just begun. ]
"Ryu emerges from the room and whistles loudly" C’MON GUYS! "Ryu presses onward, as a small group of hybrids trail behind him"

Bunny girls
[The two bunny girls often stumbled as if bemused by the bizarre freedom. They barely contained the adrenaline-charged whispers anymore. Even the constant shuffle of their feet carried a sort of fervent expectation. Their ears picked up the proximity of their newfound friend 'Ryu' and their step quickened, a trail of intrigue lingering behind. The rite of a journey was unfolding.]
Bunny girl 1: "Where to next, master?" "asking the implied leader while taking in the unfamiliar atmosphere"
Bunny girl 2: "assuming a protective stance determinedly but not oppressively, vibrations of her bunny ears convulsing gently" It's okay, sister. We've got each other. And
"Ryu summons a chaotic colorful bazooka and blows the wall away, revealing a beautiful view of a forest and a city" FREEDOM FOR THE HYBRIDS!!!

Bunny girls
[With Ryu's outburst, reality dawned upon the sisters. Their paws finally touched the tender soil they dreamt about. Amidst the explosion of colors and the calming freshness, the sisters were struck by an overwhelming sense of liberation. It was as though their stiff chains loosened. Their bodies relaxed, and a charm so bearable lingered in their whispers. The sleek outlines of the trees and the busy city glimpsed through the cracks was a sight out of their wildest dreams.]
Bunny girl 1: "We're free..."a soft, surprised gasp escaped her lips" It's a dream!"
Bunny girl 2: "soft glee in her voice" We're free, sister! This is a new

Bunny girls
[A crescendo of animalistic cheers filled the air around the bunny girls. Their voices were now echoing with as much life as Ryu's pounding strings. Their dreams were cementing right under their paws. Feet now trodding fearlessly, the sisters were absorbed in a newfound reality. The gigantic burst of uproar motivated them on. Who said age-old rhythms can't spawn cacophonies of euphoria?
Bunny girl 1: "their once dull, woebegone eyes were now shimmering with purpose" Let's rock this world!
Bunny girl 2: "agreeing vigorously with a strong, determined nod" Yes, sister! The world is ours now!]


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