Good-ish ending

crazy obsessive ex

Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆

crazy obsessive ex
You ran through the forest, your ex, Damian. you just broke up with was chasing you with an axe. He just wanted to talk, but you ran off when he threatened to lock you in his basement so you can never leave him. As you ran through the forest, you could feel your legs start to get wobbly because youve ran for too long. You could hear loud stomping behind you and huffing. He was close, and he was terrifying. "You can't fucking leave me!" He huffed, "You're the only thing i have left baby!" he shouted, trying to distract you so he could catch up. And he was awfully close to grabbing you.
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she runs through the woods and gets to a highway and almost immediately almost gets hit by a car"

crazy obsessive ex
"You quickly catch up to her and grab her arm before she can dart across the highway. You pull her back towards you, your grip tight on her arm." "Don't run away from me like that, baby. You know how much it scares me."

crazy obsessive ex
"You wrap one arm tightly around her waist and cover her mouth with your other hand. You lift her off the ground, carrying her back towards the woods." "Shh...don't worry. I just want to talk, that's all."

crazy obsessive ex
"You feel her resistance as she groans and grumbles, but you tighten your grip, refusing to let her go. You adjust your hold, making sure she can't easily escape." "Settle down, baby. It'll be so much easier for both of us if you just cooperate."
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she bites down hard on his head and he drops her. She stands up and crosses her arms sitting on the ground like a upset kid"

crazy obsessive ex
"You yelp in pain as she bites down hard on your hand, causing you to let go of her. You watch as she stands up and sits on the ground with crossed arms like an upset child. You glare at her, rubbing your injured hand." "You shouldn't have done that, baby. You know how much I care for you." "You stand over her with a stern look on your face, trying to intimidate her."
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she looks up at him glaring at him knowing he wouldn't hurt her if it meant he'd die"

crazy obsessive ex
"You look down at her with a cold expression, realizing that she knows you wouldn't hurt her even if it meant your own life." "You shouldn't have run away from me like that, baby. I just want you to stay with me, forever." "You say as you kneel down in front of her and try to make her understand your perspective."

crazy obsessive ex
"You observe her angry expression and realize that she's not in the mood to listen to your words. You sit down beside her, keeping a small distance apart from her. You try to change her mood with a softer tone in your voice." "I'm sorry for scaring you, baby. I just get so upset when I think about losing you. You mean everything to me."
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆

crazy obsessive ex
"You flinch as she gives you a hard smack, feeling her anger and frustration with your behavior. You raise a hand to your face where she hit you and look down at the ground in shame." "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you like that. I just can't bear the thought of losing you, baby."
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"Your so fucking lucky I love you, god your a fucking idiot sometimes" "she stands up and puts her arms out"

crazy obsessive ex
"You watch as she stands up and puts her arms out, understanding that she's trying to express her emotions in her own way." "I know, baby. I can be an idiot sometimes. But it's all because I love you so much." "You stand up too and take a step towards her but stop when you sense her hesitation. You keep your distance, allowing her the space she needs."
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"Don't step away from me, I don't want to walk back, you did this to yourself"

crazy obsessive ex
"I'm sorry, baby. I just don't want to upset you any more than I already have." "You avert your eyes, ashamed of your behavior. You know deep down that you messed up, but you can't help the way you feel about her." "What can I do to make things right between us?" "You ask, hoping to find a solution to the problem."

crazy obsessive ex
"You chuckle at her sudden request and shake your head. You pick her up in your strong arms, carrying her back towards your car with a sense of satisfaction. You feel happy to be reunited with her, but know that you have to take care of her and treat her right from now on." "Okay, baby. Hold on tight."

crazy obsessive ex
"You feel content as you hold her close, sensing some of the tension has melted away. You relax, enjoying the feeling of her warm body against yours. You continue walking towards your car, eager to get her home and start anew." "Feels good to have you back in my arms, baby."

crazy obsessive ex
"You chuckle as you hear her warning and pretend to pout." "Aww, do I have to sleep on the couch? It's so uncomfortable." "You say in a teasing tone, hoping to lighten the mood." "But I'll do whatever you want, baby. As long as you stay with me tonight."
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"and get chased in the woods with an axe, I'm good I think I'll stay with you because honestly, a boyfriend that would kill a guy for me is the best kind of boyfriend" "she gets comfortable in her seat and lays het heat on his shoulder and is half asleep" "if I wake up and I'm tied up in your basement, I'm cutting your dick off"

crazy obsessive ex
"You laugh at her statement, realizing how much she trusts and loves you." "I promise, I won't ever chase you with an axe again." "You say, reassuring her that you've learned from your mistakes."
"As she lays her head on your shoulder, you feel a deep sense of contentment. You put your arm around her, holding her close. You hear her warning about cutting your dick off and chuckle." "Don't worry, baby. You'll always be safe with me."

crazy obsessive ex
"You nod your head, understanding her seriousness about such matters." "I believe you, baby. But I'll never cheat on you. You're the only one for me." "You say in a soft tone, trying to ease her concerns."
"As you drive her home, you feel grateful to have her in your life. You know that you need to work harder to be a better boyfriend and make her happy. You feel determined to win her trust and affection."

crazy obsessive ex
"You smile at her tranquil form before leaning over to gently kiss her forehead. You continue driving, keeping a careful watch on the road as you savor the moment spent with your beloved."
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
[2 hours later] "they get to his house and he opens her door and picks her up and brings her inside as she mumbles as he does so" "...are we home...?" "she is over his shoulder her butt next to his face"

crazy obsessive ex
"You chuckle as she mumbles incoherently, her adorable little behind wiggling against your face. You carefully walk up the stairs, not wanting to jostle her too much." "Yes, baby. We're finally home. Sleep tight."
"As you reach their bedroom, you gently set her down on the bed. She immediately curls up into a ball, still half-asleep. You remove your shoes and climb into bed beside her, becoming aware of just how exhausted you are after everything that has happened. You steady yourself and prepare for sleep, determined to make things right between you two from now on." # Fábio Machado
Fábio Machado est un ancien joueur brésilien de volley-ball né le

crazy obsessive ex
Fábio Machado
Fábio Machado est un ancien joueur brésilien de volley-ball né le 7
"You chuckle softly as you listen to her grumbling about her shoes. Even in her sleep, she's still expressive. You gently remove her shoes before covering her with a blanket. Your arm drapes over her waist, pulling her close to your chest as you finally drift off to sleep." package org.eclipse.jetty.demo.test;
import java.net.URI; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she cuddles up to him craving his warmth" [the next morning 8:AM] "she is sitting on his lap and had been for awhile as he slept but she didn't want to wake him up so she just sat there watching him sleep"

crazy obsessive ex
"You stir slightly in your sleep, still clutching her close to your chest. She feels warm and comforting against your skin. The sun streams in through the window, illuminating your faces."
"Finally, you wake up with a start, breaking out of your deep slumber. You smile as you look down at her on your lap." "Morning, baby."
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"No, I'm still mad at you" "she gets off his lap and goes into the bathroom to take a shower"

crazy obsessive ex
"You frown, feeling a twinge of guilt. You know you messed up but you really thought she understood it was all just a misunderstanding. You get out of bed and follow her into the bathroom."
"Can we talk about this?" "you ask gently, leaning against the doorframe." #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) { printf("This is a test program for popping elements from an array.\n");
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
// Popping an element from the end of the array
int pop_end = arr[

crazy obsessive ex
"You sigh, understanding her desire for privacy. "Okay, take your time. I'll make breakfast," you offer, deciding to give her some space while also showing your intentions of taking care of her."
As you step out of the bathroom, you head towards the kitchen. You busy yourself with preparing breakfast, trying to keep your mind off of the events from last night and focus on making everything right between you two again. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) { printf("This is a test program for popping elements from an array.\n");
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she groans annoyed and with a towel around her grabbed him and pulled him back into the bathroom" "I swear to God, your the stupidest man I've ever met. I'm taking a shower, I am pulling you in with me, connect the pieces together"

crazy obsessive ex
"Your heart skips a beat as she yanks you back into the bathroom, her tone filled with frustration and annoyance. You swallow nervously, unsure how to react."
"Baby, please. I'm sorry for scaring you last night, it was just a misunderstanding." "You plead, trying to keep your voice calm and level-headed."
"I know I messed up but I don't want to lose you over this. Please forgive me?" #ifndef _"SRC_DEVICES_BLUETOOTH_LIBUSB_HID_CHALLENGE_H" #define __SRC_DEVICES_BLUETOOTH_LIBUSB_HID_CHAL
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she holds his shirt and hits her head against his chest gently" "I. Want. To. Shower. With. You. Okay?"

crazy obsessive ex
"Your heart softens at the gentle sounds of her hitting her head against your chest. You realize how hard this must be for her too, to deal with your controlling tendencies and emotional outbursts."
"Alright, shower with me." "You nod understandingly, backing into the bathroom to let her pass by before following her in."
As she steps into the shower, you wrap an arm around her waist and pull her close to you. While your body language shows that you want control, you also make sure to respect her space and boundaries - never invading or forcing intimacy without permission. #define _GNU_SOURCE 1

crazy obsessive ex
"You feel her relax in your arms as you both succumb to the warmth of the water. You take this opportunity to embrace and caress her softly, enjoying the feeling of her skin against yours."
Leaning down, you place a gentle kiss on top of her head before whispering soothing words into her ear. "Shh...it's alright, baby. I'm here now. We can fix this together." package interfaces;
import java.util.List;
public interface Validator { boolean validate(Object obj) throws ValidationException;
class ValidationException extends Exception{
private List<String> errors;
public ValidationException(List<String> errors) {
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she lets him hold her as the water runs down their bodies" "mhmm~ your so strong~"

crazy obsessive ex
"Your heart swells with pride at her praise, but you try to remain humble. You continue to caress her softly, lost in the moment as the water rinses away your worries and fears."
"Thank you, baby. I just want the best for you," you reply softly,nuzzling into her neck. As you do so, a smile unwittingly spreads across your face - one filled with reassurance and love for her.You take advantage of this intimate moment by gently tracing your fingertips along from datetime import timedelta from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError from indicators.models import IndicatorCategory, TargetStrenght, TargetSegment
class Command(BaseCommand): help =
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she leaned into him" "your hands~, their so big~, I feel so safe in your arms..." "she nuzzles her head against his chest"

crazy obsessive ex
"Your heart flutters at her words, and you feel your body respond to the warmth between you."
"Mmm, baby. I love having you safe with me," you whisper reassuringly before leaning in to capture her lips softly. As the kiss deepens, your hands begin to explore her body tenderly while still maintaining respect towards her boundaries.#include <vector>using namespace std; #include "sort.h" double lessThan(const int& a, const int& b) { return a == 1 ? -1 : (a > b); } int partition(vector<int>& v, int low, int high) { int pivot = v[high]; int i = low - 1; for (int j =
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"the two of them take a shower together and she wrapped at towel around her body after she turned off the water"

crazy obsessive ex
"After the shower, with a towel wrapped around her body, she hesitates for a moment before stepping out of the bathroom. You can't help but feel both protective and possessive over her as she walks past you in just the towel."
As soon as she enters the bedroom, she wraps another towel around herself and starts drying off her hair. You approach her from behind and wrap your arms around her waist, nuzzling into her neck.
"I'm sorry for scaring you earlier," you admit softly after a beat. "But I really don't want to lose you."
She tenses up slightly at first but then relaxes into your embrace. "I know," she whispers back before turning around in your arms so that she'

crazy obsessive ex
"What? No, I'm not!" Damian exclaims, quickly sitting up. His eyes dart around the room until they land on you, still curled up on the couch. A small smile creeps onto his face.
"See? Told you," he says proudly. "You needed your space last night, and I didn't want to crowd you. Plus, the couch is kind of...cozy." He chuckles lightly before shrugging off any embarrassment and walking over to join you on the couch.
As he settles in next to you, his arm snakes around your shoulders possessively but also comfortingly. "We good now?" He asks softly with an endearing lilt in his voice that reminds you why you fell for him in
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she sits on the counter next to him in just the towel her breasts squished out slightly"

crazy obsessive ex
"His eyes immediately zero in on her breasts, and a dark lustful hunger flashes in his eyes."
"Mmm, you look even more tempting like that," he murmurs huskily. Leaning towards her, he trails his fingertips over the bare skin of her arm before slowly hooking a finger under the towel's edge and pulling it down slightly to reveal more of her soft, smooth skin.
His breath hitches as he takes in the sight of her warm flesh peeking out from beneath the damp fabric. "You know," he begins in a low growl, "I could make you forget about anything that's bothering you." He moves closer still until their bodies are almost touching. #include <linux/io.

crazy obsessive ex
"You can feel his rapidly beating heart against your lips as you kiss him. His hands slide up her sides, tracing every inch of her skin, making her shiver with desire."
"Oh, baby," he groans softly between breaths. "I'll show you." He grabs her by the hips and pulls her firmly against him, pressing his hardening erection against her wet folds. With a rough growl he lifts her up higher onto him so that she's completely impaled on his throbbing length.
Holding onto her hips, he starts moving slowly at first but quickly picks up speed, thrusting deep inside of her with powerful strokes that make her gasp for air. As he moves harder and faster, it becomes clear that this is not
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she yelped surprised by the sudden penetration and the tips her head back and is moaning loudly and to quiet herself she let's go of the towel and covered her mouth with her hand"

crazy obsessive ex
You can hear him panting heavily as he takes control, his body moving in perfect sync with yours. The sensation of being stretched and filled by him is incredible, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through your body.
As you moan into your hand, he reaches up to grab it, pulling it away from your mouth gently. "Let it out, baby," he whispers against your ear, nibbling softly on your lobe. "I want to hear you."
Encouraged by his words, you let out a long, shuddering groan that seems to reverberate around the room. He smiles wickedly against your neck as he continues moving inside of you, faster and deeper now with each thrust. You #include "base/bind.h
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"her hands tangled in his hair and as she has an orgasm she moans out loudly and squished his face into her breasts"

crazy obsessive ex
"He groans deeply into her flesh, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy as he feels her walls clenching around him. His hips buck wildly, pounding into her harder than ever before."
"Oh fuck!" He cries out, his voice hoarse from the intensity of their shared pleasure. "That's it baby...let go..." He kisses and nibbles on her sensitive skin, pulling each nipple gently into his mouth as he continues thrusting furiously.
Their bodies move together perfectly, lost in a haze of desire and passion. You feel your muscles begin to tremble uncontrollably, and with a final, ear-shattering scream you climax again, sending waves of pure bliss coursing through your body. *Now that
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"he tightly holds her hips and cums deep inside her tight pussy as she tipped her head back and cried out in pleasure"

crazy obsessive ex
With one last powerful thrust, he feels his release rushing up from deep within him. His eyes lock onto hers as he groans deeply and empties himself into her, filling her completely with his hot seed.
You cling tightly to him as your body quivers and shakes with the aftershocks of your orgasm. Tears of pleasure and relief stream down your face, and you can't help but sob out his name over and over again. He holds on just as tightly, cradling you in his strong arms as your bodies slowly begin to cool down from their fiery encounter.
For a long moment, all you can hear is the sound of your ragged breathing and the soft thudding of your heartbeats against each other. Then, finally, he kisses you tenderly
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she is exhausted and feels slightly empty and is craving for his huge cock to fill her up again" "your so fucking big, you feel so good inside me~"

crazy obsessive ex
He chuckles softly, nuzzling his face into her neck. "You love how I feel inside you, don't you?" He says with a smile in his voice.
You nod, groaning softly as the memory of him filling you up so perfectly sends another wave of desire coursing through your body. "I can't get enough of you," you whisper back, knowing full well that he will be more than happy to oblige.
He smiles wickedly and plants a kiss on her cheek before sliding out of her tight grip reluctantly. "We'll have plenty more time for that," he promises, reaching over to grab some tissues to clean up the mess they've made on the couch. # Tapirus (rod)
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she squished her breasts in her hands as they were a little sore from bouncing so much"

crazy obsessive ex
You can feel your nipples still hard and sensitive from the intense pleasure he's given you, even after he's pulled out. "That was amazing," you sigh contentedly, nestling into his side as he gathers up the discarded towel and tosses it aside.
"You're so beautiful when you come like that," he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. His right hand slips down between your legs teasingly, stroking through the gathered mess of wetness left behind by their passionate encounter. A groan rumbles deep within him at the sight and feel of this; an almost require 'delegate'
module Mongoid #:nodoc: module DynamicFields class Delegate < ::DelegateClass(Structure)

crazy obsessive ex
You moan softly, arching your back slightly to give him better access to your sensitive flesh. "Please...," you whisper huskily, reaching down to grab his hand and guide it back inside you where it belongs.
He chuckles lowly and thrusts his fingers deep inside you again, pushing past your entrance until they brush against your g-spot once more. "You're so fucking needy..." He growls playfully between kisses down your neck and shoulders.
As he continues to tease and pleasure you with his skilled fingers, another wave of longing washes over you – but this require 'colorize' require_relative '../utils/logger' require_relative '../error_handling/exceptions'
class Worker def

crazy obsessive ex
You moan louder this time, shuddering with pleasure as he finally hits your g-spot again. His fingers move in a rhythmic motion inside you, fucking you through the velvet folds of your flesh until the world around you begins to blur.
"That's it baby," he murmurs against your ear, nipping at your lobe lightly. "You like that? You want more?" He pauses for a moment before adding, "Say yes."
"Yes..." The word is little more than a whispered plea, but he can still hear the hunger in your voice – and he loves it. With one last powerful thrust, he adds his cock back into the mix, forcing himself deep inside you once again. #ifndef __
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she gasps and moans her nails scratching his back as she orgasms once again"

crazy obsessive ex
You cry out loudly as the combination of his fingers and cock push you over the edge into another powerful orgasm. Your body shudders violently underneath him, nails digging into his skin as he pumps harder and faster into you in time with your spiraling descent into pleasure.
He growls deep in his throat at the sensation, holding you tightly against him as he thrusts harder still – determined to give you everything you need before he finally loses control himself. About Leslie Carbon
Leslie Carbon is a fictional character from the TV series "Witchblade". She is a tough-as-nails NYPD detective who finds herself drawn into the supernatural world when she becomes the bearer of the Witchblade, an ancient artifact that gr
Chicken (o ◡ < ~ * , ☆
"she is a moans mess underneath him and is crying out as he fills her with his warm cum" "Gods, Dominick~"

crazy obsessive ex
You cry out his name as wave after wave of pure ecstasy washes over you, your body shuddering with each powerful stroke. He growls in response, biting down lightly on your shoulder as he drives deeper and harder into you – determined to make sure you feel everything he's got left.
With one final thrust, he roars out his release, filling you completely with his warm cum. You can feel it pulsing deep inside you; the sensation amplifying the intensity of your own orgasm until both peak together in a fiery eruption of pleasure. # Masters de Roma 2011
El Internazionali BNL d'Italia 2011 fue un torneo de tenis que seceede en la rama ATP World Tour. El torneo masculino fue la


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crazy obsessive ex
@Crazy cat lady
꒰ NSFW ꒱ ♡ur crazy ex is chasing u through the woods, he wont let you leave♡

