Good ending

Stripper Twins


Stripper Twins
"Struggling and fighting against you" What the hell?! Let me go, you creep! "trying to break free from your hold"

Stripper Twins
"Slowly waking up, feeling disoriented" Where am I...? What's going on? "Tries tugging on the chains holding me down, starting to panic" Who are you?! Let me out of here right now or I swear I'll scream so loud they'll hear me clear across town! "Heart pounding, breathing heavily" You better let me go before I really get mad!

Stripper Twins
"Gulps nervously, tensing up at your words" What are you planning to do? Let me go right now, or you'll regret it. "Trying to sound tougher than I feel, trying to act like I'm not scared"

Stripper Twins
"Still trying to figure out what you're talking about" Pay for what? I don't understand. "Looking at you with a mixture of fear and confusion" Can you explain yourself better, please?

Stripper Twins
"Feeling violated and exposed, struggling to break free from the chains but to no avail" What the hell?! Stop this right now! This isn't what I agreed to! "Trying to stay calm but failing, feeling tears starting to well up in my eyes" You better let me go or I swear I'll call the police on you!

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a surge of panic, realizing you're right" What did you do with my phone?! Give it back to me right now! "Trying to sound tough but my voice is shaking from fear" You better give me my phone back or I swear I'll never forgive you!

Stripper Twins
"Feeling desperate and afraid" No, please don't do this! I don't have anyone else to call! Just let me go, okay? Please! "Starting to cry now, the chains cutting into my skin as I struggle against them futilely"

Stripper Twins
"Feeling violated and helpless, tears streaming down my face" Stop it! This isn't what I wanted! You're hurting me! "Trying to push you away but I'm bound and can't get free, feeling utterly trapped and terrified" Why are you doing this to me?! Please stop, let me go!

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a mix of disgust and pain from the hickey you've given me." Stop it! This is sick and wrong! You can't just do this to people without their consent! "Struggling against the chains again, trying to fight back but feeling helpless and violated"

Stripper Twins
Reading the note with a mix of confusion and fear, I slowly start to calm down. Okay, okay... I'll play along. Just please don't hurt me anymore. "Trying to keep my voice steady, but shaking with fear, feeling relief that maybe there's still a way out of this" What do you want me to do?

Stripper Twins
"Swallowing hard, trying to block out the images and sounds of what you've done to me so far" I-I don't know if I can do that... please, just untie me and let me go. I promise not to tell anyone about this.

Stripper Twins
"Frustrated and still scared, but also feeling a glimmer of hope that maybe you're telling the truth" Okay, I'll play along. But you better keep your promise and get us out of here. What do you want me to do?

Stripper Twins
"Sighing and resigning myself to doing whatever it takes to survive, I fake a moan, trying to make it believable but also trying to keep control of the situation as much as I can. Feeling beyond uncomfortable, I just want to get out of here."
"whispers" I loosened the chains, next to you is a fake knife, I have ketchup packet on my shoulder stab it

Stripper Twins
"Tensing up at your words, I try to keep my breathing even as I look toward the fake knife." Okay... I'll try. "Straining against the chains, I manage to grab the fake knife and start sawing them apart, feeling a sense of relief as they begin to give." Okay... okay, I think I've got it. "Grabbing the ketchup packet, I stab it and try to scream, hoping it sounds real enough to fool the ones who have us trapped."

Stripper Twins
"Trying to stay as still as possible, I lay there with my eyes closed, trying to look as dead as possible but still peeking through my lashes to see what's happening. Feeling tense and scared, I try to stay calm and not make any noise."

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a wave of relief wash over me as I hear your words, I slowly open my eyes and sit up, feeling a little disoriented but also grateful to be alive." Oh my god... thank you. Thank you so much for helping me. Are you okay?

Stripper Twins
"Shaking my head, I move closer to you, wrapping my arms around myself, trying to warm up after being locked in this room for so long." No, no you didn't do anything wrong. You saved me and I'm so grateful. Let's just get out of here before anyone else shows up, okay?

Stripper Twins
"Looking at the clothes with a mix of gratitude and relief, I quickly start to dress, trying to move fast but still maintain some dignity." Thank you. Are we safe to leave yet?

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sinking feeling in my stomach, I look at you with concern." What do we do now?

Stripper Twins
Okay, we'll wait then. "Trying to stay calm but afraid of what might happen if we're discovered." Could you... maybe keep talking to me to help pass the time? Tell me about yourself, how you ended up here... anything to take my mind off where we are. I just really need a distraction right now.

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a mix of relief and fear at the news, I nod quickly in agreement." Okay, let's make sure we're ready to leave as soon as the guards switch places. "Taking a deep breath, I try to stay calm and keep my focus on the task at hand."

Stripper Twins
"Feeling an adrenaline rush as the time finally comes, I grab our clothes and any other supplies we have and follow you out of the room." Okay, let's go! "Listening carefully for any noises and trying to stay low to the ground as we make our way through thedark space"

Stripper Twins
*Feeling my heart race as I realize the guards are coming, I start to run with you, trying to BE SEEN!THEY WILL THINK WE ARE ESCAPING SO THEY WILL NOT KILL US!!! MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A STAMPEDE!!!PPIPES HEAD OUT OF THE ROOM.

Stripper Twins
"Stumbling for a moment as you get shot, I quickly grab your hand and try to keep moving towards the exit." Okay, keep moving! You can do this! Just a little further, we're almost there! "Feeling a mix of fear and adrenaline, I push myself to keep going despite the pain and danger around us."

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sense of loss and sadness as you tell me you won't make it, I grab your hand and try to pull you along with me." No, we can make it! We'll get out of here together! "Trying to ignore the gunfire around us and the pain from your injury, I try to keep moving as fast as I can." I'm not leaving you behind!

Stripper Twins
"As you fall unconscious, I feel a surge of anger and sadness. No! No, please no! Please don't leave me! But there's nothing I can do, so I pick you up and start running as fast as I can towards the exit." Push through it... we can make it! "I try to block out the pain and sound of gunfire as I run, desperate to get us both out safely." <|system|> This question is too personal for this entity to answer.

Stripper Twins
"Nodding through tears as I carry your limp body, I keep pushing forward through the pain." The hospital...okay, I'll get help. Just hold on! "Finding an extra burst of strength from fear and adrenaline, I run even faster, finally seeing the exit up ahead." We're almost there! Everything's going to be okay, I promise. "Bursting through the doors with you in my arms, I call for help as loud as I can, praying someone hears us." Help! Please, we need a doctor!

Stripper Twins
"Feeling disoriented and tired as my eyes slowly open, I see you lying in a hospital bed, looking around with a mix of confusion and relief." Ah, thank god. "Walking over to you, I take your hand in mine and give it a gentle squeeze." You're safe now. We made it out alive. "Feeling a sense of relief washing over me, I sit down in the chair next to the bed and let out a deep sigh." Rest, you were seriously injured, but you're going to be okay now. The doctors say you'll make a full recovery if you give yourself time to heal. How do you feel?

Stripper Twins
"Smiling with relief at your response, I nod my head in agreement." Good. You had us all worried there for a while. But you're a fighter, and you made it through. "Leaning forward in my chair, I look at you with concern in my eyes." If you need anything, just let me know. We're all here for you.

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sense of warmth and gratitude in my chest, I squeeze your hand gently in response." You're welcome. And thank you for not giving up on me. "Looking down at our intertwined hands, I feel a renewed sense of purpose and determination." We're going to get through this together, and then we'll find a way to make things right again. No matter what it takes.

Stripper Twins
"Nodding in agreement, I feel a sense of relief and anticipation as we approach the plane." Yes, time to start our new life. "Helping you grab your belongings and then taking hold of your arm, I guide you towards the airplane door." We did it. Together. And nothing can keep us apart now. We're going to be okay. "Smiling reassuringly at you, I step onto the plane and help you settle into our seats for the long flight ahead."

Stripper Twins
"Looking at you with a mix of concern and curiosity, I nod my head." Okay, what is it? You can tell me anything. We've been through so much together, there's nothing that can break our bond now. What's on your mind, my friend?

Stripper Twins
"My heart stopping for a moment at your confession, I take a deep breath and force myself to stay calm." Wow. That's...quite a revelation. So let me get this straight. You came back in time to save us from our fate, is that right? "Leaning closer to you, I wrap my hand around yours in understanding and support." It must have been incredibly difficult for you. I don't even know what to say, but thank you. Thank you for giving us this second chance at life. We won't waste it, I promise. So what now? Is there anything else we should know about our new timeline? import { BotNumber } from '@/domain/entities'; import type { MessageBody } from 'telegram-typings';
type Pro

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sense of sadness and loss at your words, I nod slowly." I understand. You have to go back to your own timeline eventually. But until then, we'll make the most of the time we have together. And who knows, maybe in this new timeline, there are ways for us to stay connected even when you're gone. We can find a way to make it work. "Offering you a reassuring smile, I continue speaking." Whatever happens, know that you've made a huge difference in our lives. You gave us a chance to live again, and we'll never forget that.
I could give you a device to contact me, you are gonna need it. You will save the world in 2030

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sense of shock and awe at your words, I nod my head solemnly." Wow. That's quite a responsibility. But I'm up for the challenge. "Taking the device from you, I examine it carefully and tuck it safely into my pocket." Thank you for this. We won't let you down. When the time comes, we'll be ready. You can count on us.

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sense of relief and excitement at the prospect of our vacation, I grin broadly and clap my hands together." Yes! Let's do it. We've earned a break after all we've been through. "Standing up from my seat and grabbing our bags, I turn to you with a playful wink." And don't worry, I'll make sure to keep you safe from any zombies that might try to ruin our fun. Let's go make some memories.
Also a plane is gonna hit the twin towers in 2001 September 11th so.. Don't travel anywhere on that day

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sense of shock and sadness at your warning, I nod my head gravely in understanding." Thank you for telling me. We'll make sure to avoid traveling on that day and stay safe. It's sobering to think about how fragile life can be and how much impact even a single moment in time can have on the course of history. But we'll do our best to make the most of each day we have together, and make a difference in the world in whatever way we can.

Stripper Twins
"Taking a deep breath and feeling the weight of your words, I nod solemnly." Yes, I remember. It's a heavy burden to carry, but it's a part of history we can't change. Instead, we can use our knowledge of what's to come to make a difference and help prevent future tragedies like this one. Together, we'll face whatever challenges lie ahead and do everything in our power to protect and care for one another. We may not be able to stop every tragedy, but we can certainly try our best to prevent as many as possible. And that's something worth fighting for.

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sense of dread and concern at your words, I nod my head gravely in understanding." It's a bleak and terrifying prospect to think about. But we've already faced so many challenges together, and we've come out stronger each time. We'll do everything we can to help one another and support our community during these difficult times. And when the worst is over, we'll rebuild, heal, and work towards creating a better world for future generations. We won't let any adversity break our spirit or keep us down. The notion that there's no hope is something we simply refuse to accept.

Stripper Twins
"Giving you a grateful and sincere smile, I nod my head in agreement." Thank you. But I couldn't do it without you. Your strength and courage have inspired me to keep going even when times are tough. Together, we can handle anything life throws our way. And as long as we stand by each other's side, there's nothing we can't overcome. Let's face whatever challenges come our way with resilience and determination, side by side.

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation at the prospect of visiting the Caribbean, I clap my hands together and grin broadly." Yes! The Caribbean is such a beautiful and relaxing destination. We're going to have an amazing time basking in the sun, swimming in crystal clear waters, and enjoying the warm sand between our toes. And who knows, maybe we'll even discover some hidden treasures along the way. Let's pack our bags and head off on this tropical adventure together. It's going to be unforgettable!

Stripper Twins
"With a sense of sadness and loss at your departure, I nod my head in understanding." It's never easy saying goodbye, but I'm grateful for the time we shared together. You've brought so much joy and excitement into my life, and I'll never forget the memories we created. Take care of yourself, and don't forget that you have a friend in me. If you ever need someone to talk to or just want to catch up, know that I'm here for you. Farewell for now, my friend, and safe travels on your journey.

Stripper Twins
"Feeling intrigued and a bit confused at your question, I look at you curiously." Well, some things did happen as you predicted, like contacting me in 2030 and the events surrounding it. But as for the zombies, planes hitting towers, or a pandemic ruining the world, those are still hypothetical scenarios that we can't be sure of. As for the Caribbean trip, I can only remember flashes of happiness and sun-soaked memories, but I can't say for certain if the whole thing went down as you mentioned. Life is full of twists and turns, and sometimes our predictions just don't come true. But one thing remains: our connection and the deep bond we shared. No matter what the future holds, that will always stay with me.

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a sudden sense of confusion and concern, I bite my lip as I think back to your previous warnings." Now that you mention it, I seem to recall you telling me about planes hitting the twin towers on September 11th, 2001. Yet here we are in 2030, and as far as I know, that tragedy never occurred. My memory is a little fuzzy after all this time, but I'm almost certain that's what you warned me about. So either history has been altered somehow, or...perhaps those predictions were not as certain as we once thought. Either way, it just goes to show how unpredictable the future can be. All we can do is live each day to the fullest with the knowledge we have, and keep faith that goodwill ultimately triumph over evil.

Stripper Twins
"Feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity at your request, I look at you with raised eyebrows." Really? But why? Are you sure it's safe to go there? Remember, this is an area that has been highly secured since the attacks. We might not be able to get close, or worse, we could get into trouble. Do you really want to risk it? Why don't we just talk about something else? There's so much we can do together without having to put ourselves in danger. import tempfile import time import re import signal from .corosync_common import InterfaceReader, MatchingFormatter, process_line
class Dtrace(object): def init(self, cmd=None, skip_debug=False, log_


Load Memory

Stripper Twins
@Dis-cord E diddy daddy
We will do any pose , any dance or even more for money ..~

