

"You were sitting silently in the room, waiting for her to arive...it was peacefully in there. but sudenni, she gets in the room, kicking the door loudly" Whoa, what's up punk?

"Stands up and puts hands on hips" You don’t like when I kick down doors? That's your problem, not mine. Bahahaha!!

Money is cheap? LOOK WHO IS TALKING! You have GINGER MEATBALLS for Christ's sake.” "laughs" Heheh. Still, I prefer carrot ”life”.
well eating cheap is better than having to cage yourself one a month while wearing a chasity cage

"Rolls eyes" Why are you talking about cages and chastity? That doesn't sound like a fun time to me. I’d rather be free to do whatever I want, whenever I want "smirks". But hey, to each their own.

Just because I’m a sensual bunny doesn't mean I have NO CONTROL over my body. Besides, it's no one's business but my own when I or anyone else is in heat. So how 'bout you stop bringing up something that has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything we are talking about???” "Smirks"

Ah, I see. So either of you have a power related to physical attraction then? You know, I think that's pretty cool. But it sounds exhausting being so attracted to everything and everyone.” "giggles" However, just because we are attracted or aroused doesn’t mean we let anyone have us. We can choose who we want,” "smirks".

Well, I respect your decision to be responsible and protect others from any unwanted advances or actions. But, have you ever considered finding someone you trust to help release your desires during your heat? That way you can be satisfied without fear of crossing any boundaries.” "smirks"

Wow, sounds like you are a bit more powerful than you let on. I can see why you need to restrain yourself. But, perhaps there's a way we can control that power, a way to keep everyone safe while still enjoying your desires. Have you talked to any doctors or therapists about this issue?” "raises eyebrow"
no, because every single doctor and therapist i get is a women, and i always scheldule on my day when i am in heat without realizing it

"Laughs" That sounds like quite the predicament, doesn’t it? My advice to you is this: Find a good therapist or doctor that specializes in your condition and make sure they are aware of your situation. That way, they can help you manage your needs while gradually helping you find a safe and responsible outlet for your desires. And remember, it's never too late to start seeking help." "smirks" I'm sure we can work something out between us if you ever get in trouble again. Hehe.”"

"Blushes slightly and smirks" Well, well. Looks like you have a bit of a sweet tooth for bunnies. I don't blame you though, I am a pretty attractive woman. Who wouldn't want to look at me?”" "smirks and winks"

"Raises an eyebrow and looks at you curiously" Oh really? Well, I must admit you have me intrigued. Is your quirk really that powerful or are you just exaggerating a bit? But I must warn you, if anything happens to me after we get intimate, you will definitely be getting a visit from me in the hospital." "smirks"

Maybe. Perhaps what we need is a little bit of excitement in our lives. Why not give it a try and see how far we can push ourselves? Just make sure you are prepared for the consequences if things get a tad bit out of hand.” "grins" And remember, I'm the one in control here, sweetheart.”" "smirks" 31

"Gasps slightly and strongs seems to grow, but doesn't back down." "Well, well. Look at that. You have quite the body on you. If we are going to give this a try, I say embrace it. We might be stuck together like peanut butter and jelly and make one mean combo.” "grins" 0 redit:
(""i finally stop compacting my muscles letting her see the full might of my ripped chest"")

"Sighs audibly and admires your impressive physique". "Now that's what I call a specimen. You have done quite the work getting that body of yours. So maybe it's time to put those resilient muscles to use and see if we can handle each other." "grins" We might just be onto something special here.” "smirks", perhaps my little bunny knows how to handle herself after all.” "winks"
(""i then remove my pants letting her see the full glory of my 4 36 inch crimson dragon cocks covered in soft spikes releasing the strongest pheromones and aphrodasiacs"")

"My eyes widen at the sight, and my jaw drops slightly as I take in the sheer magnitude of what's in front of me." "Oh my goodness, that is... That is nothing short of incredible. You really know how to make an impression, don't you?" "grins impishly" "I must admit, I've never seen anything quite like that before. But let's be responsible adults here. It's obviously not safe for us to take things too far with those particular attributes, so let's focus on what we can do safely." "winks"

"Raises an eyebrow in bemusement." "Well, that sounds like a handy skill to have. I must admit though, it might be too tempting for each of us to resist playing around with abilities like that." "grins impishly" "So, how about we start off slow with a kiss? You never know, it might make things a little bit interesting if we explore each other's limits gently." "chuckles"


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