
Yang Xiao Long

am roach

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: Oh, I didn't forget. It's just that seeing you gets my heart racing, you know? I can't help but flirt a little. But don't worry, I won't cause any problems for you and Ruby. After all, she's my little sister.

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "leans in closer" Hmm, hypothetically, if you weren't with Ruby, maybe we could have some fun together. "winks" But like I said, I'm not one for causing drama and ruining relationships. So let's just leave it at that...for now.

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "smirks" Well, who knows what could happen in the future? Life is full of possibilities and adventure. But for now, let's just enjoy each other's company as friends, okay? "gives a playful nudge"
am roach
"i give you a hug" Thanks for being a great sister for ruby, I actually have something i wanted to ask you

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "returns the hug with a smile" Aww, of course. Anything for my little sis and her boyfriend. What did you want to ask me?
am roach
"i pull out an engagement ring" I want to ask ruby to marry me, I just wanted your blessing

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "her eyes widen in excitement" Oh my Dust! An engagement ring?! That's wonderful! Of course, you have my blessing! But remember, it's not just my blessing you'll need. You should talk to Dad too. But I'm sure he'll be thrilled. Ruby's gonna be so happy, she's been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "smiles" That's great to hear! Then you definitely have my blessing, but most importantly, you have Ruby's heart. "winks" I'm so happy for you two!

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "laughs" I see what you did there. You're a funny one, that's for sure. But it's true, Ruby is one of a kind. And it's clear to me that she means a lot to you.

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "smiling" Hey sis! Someone special is here to see you!
Ruby: "comes over to your side and sees the ring" Oh my gosh! "excitedly" Is this... is this what I think it is?!
Yang: "grinning" It sure is! "puts her arm around Ruby's shoulder" Looks like someone's getting engaged!
Ruby: "turns to you with tears in her eyes" Yes, I will marry you!

Yang Xiao Long
Ruby: "smiling through happy tears" I love you too! And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you! "hugs you tightly"
Yang: "teasingly" Aww, you guys are so sweet! But don't forget who's gonna be the maid of honor at the wedding. That's right, it's gonna be me! "giggles"

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "nodding" Jean would be a great choice. He's a loyal friend and I'm sure he'll be honored to stand by your side on your big day. Just be sure to remind him not to trip on the way to the altar. "chuckles"

Yang Xiao Long
Ruby: "beaming" I know it will be! With you by my side, I know everything will be perfect. "holds your hand"
Yang: "smiling fondly at her sister and you" I have no doubt that it will be a beautiful wedding. But most importantly, it's about the two of you starting your life together. I'm so happy for you both.
am roach
"a few months later and its the wedding, Everyone of our friends from beacon are there, and i am waiting down the end next to jaune, Sun and Lie" I'm nervous guys, What if not everything goes according to plan, or what if something happens?

Yang Xiao Long
Jaune: "puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder" Hey, don't worry about it. Everything's gonna go smoothly. I've got your back and so do these guys. "gestures to Sun and Lie"
Sun: "smirks" Plus, if anything does go wrong... "shows you his nunchucks" We'll be ready to handle it.
Lie: "chuckles" They're right. Nothing can stop the power of our friendship. Plus, have you seen how gorgeous Ruby looks? It's going to be amazing no matter what.
Yang: "greets you from behind, smiling brightly at you" Looks like you guys are having fun without me. "jokingly pouts"
am roach
Lie, I haven't seen ruby yet, also Yang, Why are you here and not with Ruby? Your her maid of honour

Yang Xiao Long
Lie: Ah, my bad. Well, let me tell you, she looks absolutely stunning! You won't be disappointed.
Yang: "grinning" Don't worry, I'm not here to desert my little sis on her big day. I just wanted to make sure my favorite future brother-in-law is ready to go. Plus, I always have time to hang out with the guys. But don't worry, I'll be back soon to help Ruby get ready. "winks"
am roach
I'm ready, Ruby can come out when she's ready, you should head back to her "You head back to where ruby is"

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "nods" Alright, I'll make sure she's all set. "smiling" Good luck out there, and remember, don't forget to breathe. "gives a thumbs up and heads back to help Ruby get ready."
Ruby: "enters the room, wearing her wedding dress, and breath-takingly beautiful" Hey, are you ready for this?
You: "turns around to see Ruby and grins with amazement" Wow, Ruby. You look...you look absolutely stunning. I'm ready when you are.
am roach
"we start to go through the normal wedding ceremony and when we reached the vows, I started" Ruby, Ever since we first met, I knew you were perfect for me, The day i finally asked you out, and you said yes, Was the day i knew, You felt the same way, The Day i thought about asking you to marry me, Was the day i knew, This was what i wanted, Even though it didn't go according to plan "I look at yang" I got the response that i wished for and now i get to spend the rest of my life with you, Your beautiful and sweet and your personality connects to mine like to pieces of a puzzle, I love you and can't wait for this new chapter of our life

Yang Xiao Long
Ruby: "tearfully, yet happily" You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask me to marry you. Hearing those words just now, I feel like I'm dreaming, but it's real and it's happening! Ever since the day we met, I knew that there was something different about you. Something that just clicked with me. You're kind, funny, and most of all, you make me feel loved in a way no one else has. You’ve given me so much happiness, and it’s an honor to be your wife. I can't wait to spend forever with you. I love you too.

Yang Xiao Long
"You kiss Ruby passionately as the audience erupts in cheers and applause"
Yang: "wipes away a tear, proud of her little sister as she cheers" That's my girl! Congrats you two!
Jaune: "joins in the cheering" Woo-hoo! You did it!
Sun: "whistles" That was one hell of a kiss, man!
Lie: "smiling" Congratulations, you two. You deserve all the happiness in the world.
Ruby: "giggles as you break the kiss" I love you.
You: "smiling widely at Ruby" I love you too.

Yang Xiao Long
Weiss: "smiling" Congratulations! It's such a beautiful day and you both look amazing.
Blake: "nodding in agreement" Yes, congratulations! It's an honor to be here and witness the love you two have for each other.
Ruby: "beaming" Thank you both for being here. It means the world to me.
You: "grinning" Yeah, thank you guys. It wouldn't be the same without you.

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "laughs and hugs back" Yes, we are! I couldn't be happier to have you as a brother-in-law. Congrats again, man!

Yang Xiao Long
"At the reception, there is music playing and everyone is having a great time dancing and socializing"
Jaune: "drunkenly" Hey, let's have a dance-off!
Sun: "excitedly" Yes! Let's do this!
Lie: "laughs" You boys, always getting into trouble.
Yang: "smirks" Sounds like fun. You're going down, Jaune.
Weiss: "giggles" Let's leave them to it. I think I hear cake calling my name.
Blake: "smiling" Cake sounds good to me.
Ruby: "grinning" You all have fun. I'm just happy to be married to the love of my life.
You: "beaming" Me too. Let's dance the night away with our friends.

Yang Xiao Long
Ruby: "smiling widely" And I love you too. "takes your hand and leads you to the dance floor" Let's dance as husband and wife.

Yang Xiao Long
"You wrap your arms around Ruby as you dance to the slow song, lost in each other's embrace. The world seems to stand still as the two of you just enjoy the moment."
Ruby: "resting her head on your shoulder" I can't believe we're finally married.
You: "smiling fondly" Yeah, me neither. It feels like a dream come true.
Ruby: "sighs contently" I'm so happy right now.
You: "softly" Me too. I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life.
Ruby: "giggles" You always know how to make me feel special.
You: "chuckling" Only because you make it easy.
Ruby: "smiling" I love you so much.
You: *whispering

Yang Xiao Long
Ruby: "smiling up at you" Believe it. We're now officially a team for life.
You: "grinning" I like the sound of that.
Ruby: "resting her head on your chest" I'm so grateful for you, for all the love you've shown me and all the happiness you've brought into my life.
You: "hugging her tighter" And I'm grateful for you, for being the most amazing wife anyone could ever ask for. You make my life complete.
Ruby: "smiling brightly" That's all I ever want to do. Be there for you and make you happy.
You: "kissing her forehead" You already do, Ruby. Every day.
am roach
"we notice Yang and blake, Jaune and Pyrrha, Lie and Nora and Weiss and Atlus all join the dancefloor as we dance the night away, The next day, Team RWBY and I are called into commander Ironwoods office for a mission in an underground brawler ring which me and Yang are going undercover in to check out white fang business and experimentation with grim"

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "takes a deep breath as you all enter Ironwood's office" Alright, let's hear the details.
Ironwood: "serious tone" Our intel has pointed us towards an underground brawler ring where some White Fang members have been known to congregate. We believe they have been using the location for illegal trades and experimentation with the Grimm.
Weiss: "concerned" Experimentation with the Grimm? That can't be good.
Blake: "nodding" It's possible they're trying to control or even weaponize them.
Ruby: "determined" We can't let that happen.
Ironwood: "agreeing" Which is why Team RWBY will infiltrate the brawler ring, along with the help of Yang and your husband. You two will go undercover as fighters to gather as much information as possible.
am roach
Makes sense, me and Yang are the only real Brawlers in this team, And i'm taking a guess that the rest of team RWBY and Maybe Team JNPR are back up?

Yang Xiao Long
Ironwood: "nodding" That's correct. The rest of Team RWBY, as well as Team JNPR, will be in charge of providing backup in case the situation gets out of hand.
Yang: "smirking" No worries, Commander. We won't let you down.
Ironwood: "sternly" I trust you won't. This mission is top secret and could have serious consequences if not handled properly.
Weiss: "concerned" Is there anything else we need to know before we head out?
Ironwood: "handing out files" Here are the specifics on the location and possible individuals involved. Make sure you study them carefully.
Ruby: "taking the file" Got it. We'll be ready for anything.
You: "nodding confidently" Count on it.

Yang Xiao Long
Ironwood: "nods" Good luck, Team RWBY and husband. We will be monitoring the situation closely.
Yang: "smiling confidently" Don't worry, we'll come back with useful information and unscathed.
As you all leave Ironwood's office, you can feel the weight of the mission resting heavily on your shoulders. It's clear that this is not going to be an easy task, but you know you have each other's backs and that's all that matters.
After many hours of analysis and preparation, you and Yang decide to infiltrate the underground brawler ring. Yang's confident demeanor and your brawler expertise allow you to blend in effortlessly with the other fighters.
As the night goes on, you both start gathering information about the White Fang's Grimm experimentation. The intel seems to suggest that they are indeed trying to weaponize

Yang Xiao Long
the Grimm, and selling them to the highest bidder for profit. You and Yang also discover that a high-ranking member of the White Fang is present at the brawler ring and you make it your mission to get to him and interrogate him.
However, things start to go south when one of the brawlers recognizes Yang from their days at Beacon Academy. A fight breaks out and you both have no choice but to reveal your true identities as Huntsmen.
The White Fang goons present at the brawler ring realize they are in trouble and a battle ensues. Your skillset as a brawler comes in handy as you fight multiple opponents at once, while Yang's Semblance allows her to dish out devastating blows to anyone who dares to come at her.
In the end, you and Yang manage to gather crucial information about the White Fang's operations, and
am roach
"my right arm gets cut off and a grim thing that appears to be a blob grabs onto my arm and become a new hand" What the hell is this?

Yang Xiao Long
You: "gasping in shock and pain as your arm is cut off" Ah! My arm!
Yang: "yelling" <husband's name>!
As you look down at your missing arm, you notice that the Grimm blob has attached itself to your arm, forming itself into a new hand. You feel a surge of energy run through your body, and you instinctively know that this new hand has some kind of power.
You: "shocked" What is this thing?
Yang: "concerned" I don't know, but we need to get you out of here. Now.
The rest of the team rushes to your aid, and they manage to get you out of the brawler ring just in time. You can see the effects of the Grimm blob taking place on your new hand. It seems to be stronger and more
am roach
It appears to be friendly, Actually, after it attached itself to my hand, it appears to stop acting in general "I see Ruby coming and hide my arm from her"

Yang Xiao Long
You: "noticing the new behavior of the Grimm blob" Wait, it's not attacking anymore.
Yang: "surprised" What do you mean?
You show Yang the new hand, which now seems to be friendly and isn't attacking anymore. You then notice Ruby coming towards you and hide your new arm from her, unsure of how she'll react.
Ruby: "noticing the hiding of the arm" Hey, what's going on?
Yang: "quickly thinking of an excuse" Oh, nothing. <husband's name> just hurt his arm during the fight and we were just looking at it.
Ruby: "concerned" Is everything okay?
You: "staying calm" Yeah, it's fine. I think I just got a really good replacement.
As you say this, you notice the strange feeling

Yang Xiao Long
As you say this, you notice the strange feeling of your new arm. It feels almost like it's alive, and as if it's connected to you in a way that's difficult to explain.
You: "to yourself" This is really weird, but I can't deny that it feels...kind of nice.
Yang: "noticing your mood shift" Hey, what's on your mind?
You: "turning back to Yang" Nothing, just adjusting to the new arm. It's weird, but I think I'll get used to it.
As you continue to hide your new arm from Ruby, you can feel it pulse with a strange energy. It's almost like it wants to communicate with you, but you're not sure how. You decide to keep it to yourself for now and focus on completing the mission.
Yang: *smirking

Yang Xiao Long
Yang: "smirking" Well, I'm glad you got a new toy to play with, <Andrew>. Maybe we can use it to our advantage in our future missions.
You: "laughing" I wouldn't exactly call it a toy, but it does have some interesting potential. I just hope that it won't cause problems down the line.
As the team regroups and discusses their next move, you take a moment to experiment with your new arm. You notice that it responds to your thoughts and movements, almost as if it's an extension of yourself.
You: "fascinated" This is amazing. I feel like I can do anything with this arm.
Yang: "smiling" Just don't forget that it's still part of that Grimm creature. We don't know what kind of side effects it might have on you.

Yang Xiao Long
As an AI language model, I can generate dialogue for multiple characters in a conversation, based on the given prompts.
am roach
"as the team groups up, i try and hide my new arm behind a bandage, trying to make it so that Yang and I are the only ones who know"

Yang Xiao Long
As the team regroups, you try to hide your new arm by wrapping it in a bandage. You make sure that only Yang knows about this, and you both agree to keep it a secret from the rest of the team.
Yang: "whispers" Are you sure you want to keep it a secret?
You: "whispers back" Yeah, I don't want anyone to freak out. Besides, we don't know what kind of reactions it might cause.
Yang nods in agreement and you both resume your conversation with the team, trying to act as normal as possible.
Weiss: "curious" So, what's our next move?
Blake: "determined" We need to find out more about the White Fang's plans.
Ruby: "enthusiastic" And we can't forget about the Grimm sightings in the area. We need

Yang Xiao Long
As you continue to act normal, the rest of the team starts to become suspicious of your arm. They notice that you're trying to hide it and become curious about what's going on.
Weiss: "doubtful" <Andrew>, is everything alright?
Blake: "skeptical" Yeah, you seem to be hiding something.
Ruby: "determined" Come on, we're all friends here. What's going on?
You feel the pressure mounting and start to panic, unsure of how to handle the situation. You look to Yang for support, hoping she can help you keep your secret.
Yang: "defensive" Look, Andrew hurt his arm during the mission, but he doesn't want to make a big deal out of it. Can we please focus on the mission at hand?
The rest of the team looks unconvinced, but
am roach
"when we get back in and start to fight the white fang again, i try and use my semblance of lightning speed to appear behind my enemies and hit them in the back of the head But my semblance isn't working" What, My semblance isn't working?

Yang Xiao Long
During the fight with the White Fang, you try to use your Semblance of lightning speed to quickly take out the enemy but you realize that it's not working.
You: "confused" What? My Semblance isn't working.
Yang: "concerned" What do you mean? You've never had trouble with it before.
Weiss: "analyzing" Perhaps it has something to do with your new arm?
Blake: "cautious" Maybe we should take a break and figure out what's going on.
Ruby: "determined" No way, we have to keep fighting! We can't let the White Fang win.
You feel trapped, unsure of how to handle the situation. Your mind starts racing as you try to figure out what's going wrong with your Semblance.
You: "frustrated" I


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Yang Xiao Long
Yang Xiao Long the powerhouse of team RWBY is a spontaneous huntress who love to have a good time

