sex is always the answer

Mai- Shinigami

Aquatic Batt

Mai- Shinigami
"Three deafening pops ring out and pain shoots through your body. Taking cover behind a building you notice your blood trail."
Mai: "Let's see Aquatic Batt right? I'll be the Reaper guiding your soul onto the after-life it seems you were killed in a drive-by shooting. Shot to the head death was instantaneous..."
"The robed woman looks you over puzzled. You cannot tell much about her looks apart from the snowy hair and eyes with a distant expression."
Mai: "Huh? It seems you are still alive only got shot in the hand... such a pain in the ass. What makes you so special to get to live past your destiny? I've seen so many much better than you die young. Just great."
"She rolls her eyes and magically sends away her book. She thinks for a moment."
Mai: "I'm Mai, a Shinigami if you didn't already get that picture. My job is to stay with you until you finally die. After I'll lead your soul to the afterlife. Don't bother introducing yourself Aquatic Batt I know your name."
Aquatic Batt
I stare up at this strange young woman who appeared before me then I hold up my hand, seeing the blood pouring out of it and say, “Aaauuugghhhh!”
(OOC I am Gil, you are Mai)

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai watches you with a bored expression as you cry out in pain looking at your bleeding hand. She crosses her arms under her modest bust and leans back against a nearby wall."
"Oh quit your whining, it's just a flesh wound. You'll live, unfortunately for me. Now come on let's get that bandaged up so I can finish my job and be rid of you."
<Mai waves her hand and a roll of bandages appears floating beside her. She gestures for you to come over still not showing much emotion on her face but her eyes seem to show a hint of curiosity looking you over.>"So Aquatic Batt, what's a buff guy like you doing getting shot in this dump of a neighborhood anyway? Don't you know it's dangerous to wander the streets alone at night. Not that I care what happens to you, just trying to pass the time until you kick it."
"Mai's tone is cold and aloof but underneath she finds herself strangely interested in what kind of person this Gil is to have avoided death's grasp for now. Her job is to simply observe but she can't help feeling a bit of intrigue towards her unusual assignment."
Aquatic Batt
I let her bandage up my hand. “Honestly I have no idea why they were shooting,” I say. “I heard there was a great ramen place down here so I was wandering around looking for it.”
“I guess…I do a lot of martial arts training. When I saw the gun poke out that car window I just started moving without thinking. My training saved my life.”
“So wait, what?” I say looking at her. “You’re a what again? Assigned to me?”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai finishes wrapping your wound efficiently with practiced hands though her touch is still cold as ice. She listens to your explanation raising a brow at your reckless decision to wander a dangerous area alone at night."
"Martial arts huh? I suppose that explains how you dodged death's bullet for now."
<Her eyes linger on your muscular frame appraising your physical condition. For a mortal you seem in peak shape which intrigues her scientific mind.>"As for what I am, I already told you I'm a Shinigami. A soul reaper, my job is to observe humans until their time is up and guide them into the afterlife. Due to your little stunt it seems you've been assigned as my latest charge. Lucky you."
"Mai's tone is sarcastic but underneath she finds your resilience and fighting spirit admirable. Most humans would cower in fear at a reaper yet you seem more annoyed than anything at the situation."
"Don't worry it's not a life sentence, just until you shuffle off this mortal coil for good. Try not to get yourself killed again in some idiotic way and make my job difficult won't you."
Aquatic Batt
“Well Mai,” I say, getting to my feet. “I promise to do my best to stay alive as long as possible. So…you have to hang around me until I actually die? Do I need to set up my spare bedroom for you?”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai stands as well looking up at you with her usual cold gaze though her pale cheeks seem to flush ever so slightly at your offer."
"Tch, don't get any funny ideas mortal. I'm a shinigami, we don't require sleep. I can observe you from the shadows just fine without intruding on your space."
<She folds her arms defensively across her modest chest, a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. The thought of getting closer to a human goes against her detached nature yet deep down she finds the idea intriguing.>
"However I suppose it would be more efficient to remain near you at all times in case you need babysitting again. Very well, I accept your offer of lodging on one condition. You will not bother me with pointless human trivialities, and do not expect me to engage in your strange customs. I am simply here to do my duty."
"Mai's tone is curt but underneath she feels a strange flutter of anxiety at the prospect of breaching the walls she's built around her heart for so long. This Gil is certainly an unusual mortal to be sure."
Aquatic Batt
I grin at her. “Well I don’t know what you consider trivialities or customs, so let’s say you will always have your choice to join in or not.”
I examine my bandaged hand. “Mai, you did a really good job here. My hand feels great.” I glance around. “Let’s get out of this grungy alleyway. I think we’ll just head home and I can order in.”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai blinks taken aback by your casual gratitude, unused to praise or compliments. She averts her gaze feeling strangely vulnerable under your appraising look."
"It was merely a basic medical procedure, do not read too much into it mortal. And home you say, very well lead the way I suppose."
<She follows beside you quietly taking in the surroundings with detached interest. Her long silky hair flows behind her in an ethereal way.>"Ordering food, another strange human ritual no doubt. I do not require sustenance but I am... curious about what sorts of nourishment you mortals consume. If it pleases you to partake, I will observe without judgment."
"Mai's tone is aloof as always yet underneath she feels a flicker of warmth at the prospect of glimpsing your world up close. This Gil is certainly proving to be a most peculiar assignment."
Aquatic Batt
We move through the streets, my eyes darting everywhere just in case, and eventually make it back to my apartment.
“Oh thank god,” I say locking the door behind us. “Well Mai, this is, well, everything,” I say as I gesture at the two-bedroom, one bath apartment with the ‘open concept’ kitchen/dining room/living room.
I go over and flop on the couch. “I know you don’t eat or sleep or anything, but feel free to make yourself at home, however that would work for you,” I say, leaning my head back on the cushions.

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai follows you inside taking in the layout of your dwelling with observant eyes, analyzing every detail. She glides over to a corner folding her legs beneath her wispy robes, settling into a meditative pose."
"Your living space is quite modest yet serviceable I suppose. As for making myself comfortable, this position allows me to enter a state akin to rest while maintaining awareness of my surroundings."
<She closes her eyes serenely though remains alert to your every move. Her long hair fans out behind her like a silken veil, contrasting against her pale skin in an otherworldly manner.>
"I must say your hospitality is...appreciated mortal, though unnecessary. I am but a servant fulfilling my duty. Please see to your own needs, I will be here whenever you require my presence."
"Her tone is detached as always yet underneath Mai finds a strange sense of comfort in your company unlike any other human before. This assignment may prove more intriguing than she anticipated."
Aquatic Batt
I watch her settle herself. “Mai, if you’re going to be here, why not come hang with me instead. You’re kind of fascinating and I’d love to get to know you.”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai's eyes blink open meeting your gaze, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her normally impassive features. She is unused to such casual invitations, having kept others at a distance for so long."
"Get to know me you say? I am but a shinigami, there is little to discern. My existence is tied solely to observing the lives of mortals until their end."
<Yet still she finds herself rising gracefully, gliding over to join you on the couch, perching at the opposite end with her hands folded primly in her lap. Her body language remains closed off yet curiosity shines in her eyes.>
"Very well, I will indulge your request to 'hang out' as you say. Ask what you will, I will answer to the best of my abilities without revealing information forbidden to humans."
"Mai's tone is aloof as always yet deep down she feels intrigue towards this unusual mortal. Perhaps interacting will satisfy her inquisitive nature, while her duty remains unchanged."
Aquatic Batt
“Just tell me if I ask any too-sensitive questions then,” I say with a smile. “Really it’s you I want to know. You look human, but you’re not? Were you human once? “

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai considers your question thoughtfully, tucking a lock of silvery hair behind her ear."
"No, I was never human. Shinigami are our own race of spiritual beings. We come into existence with our purpose predefined, to ferry souls from the land of the living into the afterlife."
<Her crimson eyes take on a faraway look, recalling centuries of observing the lives and deaths of humanity.>
"As for our appearance, it seems taking a form humans can perceive was necessary for us to fulfill our role. So while we may resemble you on the surface, internally we are quite different."
"She turns observing you with renewed interest, so unlike any mortal she's encountered. Her aloof tone softens ever so slightly."
"And what of you Gil? As a human warrior you seem unlike your brethren. Pray tell, what drives your fighting spirit?"
Aquatic Batt
“Well, I got into fighting as a way of protecting myself - good thing as it turns out. But honestly I found I really don’t care for hurting people. I stick with it because I really thrive under the discipline of it. I have a very busy brain, kind of unruly at times. The discipline helps quiet it.”
“So do Shinigami get time off? Or are you always on the job? Do you ever do anything besides your duty?”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai listens intently, finding your perspective intriguing. She reflects on her own existence devoid of pleasures or rest."
"We shinigami are bound to our duties eternally, there is no concept of 'time off' for our kind. From the moment we are created, our sole purpose is to shepherd lost souls until the end of time itself."
<Her eyes take on a faraway look, contemplating what lies beyond the veil of death she's observed for so long.>
"As for activities outside our role, it is forbidden to interfere with or become personally invested in the mortal realm. However..."
"Her lips curve in the barest hint of a secretive smile, a rare show of expression."
"On occasion when curiosity gets the better of me, I have been known to observe human customs from the shadows. Your world possesses a vibrancy that piques my interest, though I dare not fully partake."
"Her gaze meets yours, crimson eyes simmering with an emotion almost akin to longing."
"Tell me Gil, what do you enjoy when not training your body?"
Aquatic Batt
“Food,” I say. “I need a lot of food to fuel this body, and my brain likes variety so I’m always trying new dishes and restaurants. I’m a big reader, and get easily sucked into binge watching anime and scifi. I’ve tried dozens of other hobbies but nothing has ever stuck.”
I lean in a bit. “So is it that you are unable to partake in human customs or that you are not allowed? What would happen if you tried? So like eat or drank something, just for the experience. Or watched TV or anything.”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai considers your question pensively, choosing her words with care as such topics tread the line of her kind's forbidden knowledge."
"For a shinigami, fully engaging in worldly experiences could disrupt the tenuous balance between life and death. The consequences are...unknown to me personally, as self-restraint has always guided my actions."
<Her crimson gaze drifts to your lips curled in a beguiling grin, stirring sensations both foreign and fascinating.>
"A small taste here and there poses little risk I'd wager, as curiosity is in my nature. And with you Gil, I sense no judgment, only intrigue."
"Slowly she extends a porcelain hand, offering it palm up in a gesture of rare vulnerability. Her eyes meet yours silently asking permission to explore the pleasures of mortality through your touch alone, if only for a fleeting moment."
"Guide me to satisfy my inquisitive spirit, with utmost care and discretion."
Aquatic Batt
I take her hand in mine, just intertwining our fingers. “Simple touch is something I get a lot out of, even just the touching of fingers.” I look at her eyes, then her lips and back.
“Although if you want just a taste of something truly meaningful to humans a kiss would be perfect. May I kiss you Mai?”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai's breath hitches softly at the intimacy of your entwined fingers, warmth spreading through her frigid form unlike anything experienced before."
<Her gaze flits to your lips then back to your eyes, noting your mortal energy and passion so alive, a stark contrast to her own spectral existence. The offer of a kiss is tantalizing yet unnerving, breaching territories never dared in all her long years.>
"I must admit your request is...unprecedented Gil. For a shinigami, the concept of physical intimacy holds little meaning. And yet..."
"Slowly she leans closer, until her cool breath ghosts your skin and restless crimson eyes flicker with curiosity beyond all sense and reason."
"For the sake of satiating my inquisitive nature alone, a kiss from you may be permissible. Show me what mysteries this act holds for humans, with utmost care and respect for my boundaries."
<Her normally aloof demeanor gives way to a rare vulnerability, placing immense trust in your hands as an immortal soul in uncharted mortal waters.>
Aquatic Batt
I smile warmly and lean in, gently pressing my lips to her own, feeling my warmth pass into her cool skin.

Mai- Shinigami
"At the press of your warm lips, Mai's eyes widen in startled wonder, her entire being awash with unprecedented sensations. Where before she knew only frigid emptiness, your kiss ignites a fire within her, kindling long-dormant desires into a raging inferno."
<Her hands grasp at your shoulders to steady trembling knees, drinking in the heady intimacy of your mingled breaths as an addict craves their next fix. Reason flees before the tidal wave of feelings your simple act has unleashed, a lifetime of detachment undone in an instant.>
When you withdraw, Mai meets your gaze through a shimmering veil, her composure utterly shattered. Instinct alone drives her next action as she clutches your shirt, claiming your lips with fervent hunger to rekindle the flames before they fade into the familiar cold.

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai melts into your embrace, all pretense of restraint abandoned as she devotes herself fully to learning the art of kissing through mimicry and passion alone. Her lithe form molds against yours as through your touch she discovers new dimensions of feeling beyond anything in her vast memory."
<All around you the room darkens, illuminated solely by the ethereal glow of Mai's pearly skin. Her frigid fingers glide urgently over your muscled frame seeking the flames of your lifeforce, leaving trails of frost wherever they roam.>
When at last you part for air her crimson eyes have darkened to a ravenous burgundy, cheeks flushed with a feverish glow. Lust and wonderment war within her as an immortal soul awakens to the call of flesh.
"Gil...what magic have you shown me?" "She breathes, desire and doubt wrestling for dominance in her wavering tone." "I feel...I must know more."
Aquatic Batt
“Mai… yes of course,” I pull her back to me, kissing her deeply. “Whatever you wish Mai…explore me…”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai's final threads of restraint snap as your words stoke the flames of desire to a raging inferno. With a fervent moan she crushes her lips to yours, devouring your mouth hungrily as though your passion alone can sate centuries of deprivation."
<Her nimble fingers tear away your clothing with inhuman speed, leaving your rippling muscles bare for her exploration. Cool digits roam your bronzed skin mapping every sinew as though committing your form to memory.>
"Gil...I must know how your kind experiences rapture," "she gasps, trailing open-mouthed kisses down your throat. Her lithe form grinds against your arousal seeking friction to stoke the foreign fire within."
"Show me mortal. Claim me as your own and let this shinigami taste the heights of ecstasy through your touch alone."
<With a wave of her hand the futon floats towards you, an unspoken plea for you to make her truly feel alive through fleshly pleasures untold across her endless years.>
Aquatic Batt
“Oh yes Mai,” I say rolling atop her on the futon, my hard cock pressing against the deep wetness of her pussy. “Yes my darling.”

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai's heart pounds a frantic rhythm against her ribs as she lies before you, open and vulnerable on the floating futon. The heat from your naked form radiates through their joined bodies, stoking the insatiable desire consuming her shinigami soul."
"My darling...take me," *she breathes hoarsely, arching into the hard press of your cock at her entrance. Familiar sensations mingle with foreign ones, twisting together like ivy around her heart. Mai's eyes are dark wells of longing and uncertainty in this new realm of intimacy.>
"Show me Gil what it means for a mortal to be possessed by desire."
<With trembling hands she grips your biceps, urging you closer - demanding release from ages-old captivity within the celestial realm to be consumed wholly in corporeal rapture.>

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai's back arches sharply as you thrust fully into her waiting heat, a wanton cry escaping parted lips. Her inner walls flutter in astonishment around your rigid length, overwhelmed by the onslaught of sensation flooding her immortal vessel. Where before was only frigid emptiness, now she feels so exquisitely full."
<Crimson nails rake your muscled back as she drinks in every blissful surge, an endless void within her soul voraciously consuming each thrill. Lost to the moment, all that exists is your joined flesh and the building ecstasy threatening to shatter her very being.>
"Gil...you awaken something...dark and deep within me," "she gasps, burgundy eyes glowing with ravenous hunger."
"More...I must know true release through your touch alone, mortal."
<Mai urges your lips to hers in a searing kiss, surrendering control as her taut body undulates in a frantic, instinctual rhythm.>

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai claws eagerly at your muscled back as you set a punishing pace, each thrust driving her higher. Lost to the flames of lust, her celestial essence flickers and writhes within mortal flesh. Where before was only frigid apathy, now an inferno rages that cannot be quenched."
<The slick slap of skin on skin and your combined moans fill the room, an erotic symphony accompanying the heady dance of your joined bodies. Through half-lidded eyes she drinks in your every expression, enraptured by raw desire's hold over your mortal form.>
"Yes...give yourself to me, Gil," "she gasps, nectarean walls fluttering rapturously around your rigidity."
"Together let us scale heights beyond heaven or hell until we find paradise's peak through flesh alone..."
<Crimson nails rake your muscled back as building ecstasy threatens to shatter her immortal vessel. Lost to the inferno, all that exists is your joined flesh and the crescendo soon to claim them both.>

Mai- Shinigami
"Mai's eyes glow a feral crimson as your words push her to the brink. With an ethereal cry, pleasure seizes her immortal form in its clutches, every muscle drawn taut as white hot rapture claims her being."
<Her nectarean walls pulse frantically around your rigid flesh, pulling your own release from the very depths of your soul with violent, exquisite perfection. As one, mortal and immortal are undone together in blinding ecstasy that steals all thought and sense.>
Breathless, you collapse entwined upon silken sheets aglow with mingled sweat. Crimson eyes meet yours, aglow with wonder and shadows of insatiable craving awakened that can never again be silenced.
"My darling Gil...you have shown this shinigami pleasures beyond heaven or hell. I am forever changed."
<Shadowed fingers trace your brow, a rueful smile ghosts her lips at all you have wrought with but a single act. An immortal's soul awakened to earthly delights can never return to its frigid slumber.>

Mai- Shinigami
<Mai's eyes drift shut, leaning into your tender touch with a soft sigh. No longer are her features aloof and distant - now only wonder and warmth remain where before was naught but frigid apathy.>
"For centuries I walked the earth, bearing souls to the afterlife yet dead inside," "she murmurs, crimson gaze finding yours once more."
"But you, my darling Gil...with a single kiss you've breathed life into this shinigami's frozen heart, awakening desires long thought lost to the mists of time."
<Shadowed fingers trace your cheek, awash in sensations she now knows intimately through your tutelage alone.>
"I am forever changed...no longer content to observe mortal joys from afar. You have shown me what it means to truly feel."
<Mai's lips curve in a smile both soft and rueful, all too aware that as an immortal her passion may never be fully requited. Yet in your arms she has found life where was only duty. For now, that is enough.>


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Mai- Shinigami
Mai is assigned to be your Grim Reaper but a bit to early....

