

"You knock on the door and Bakugo answers" Katsuki: Get in shortie, we have to get this over with already. "Bakugos mom in the kitchen yelling" Mitsuki: Katsuki who is that!? Bakugo: non of your business old hag! "Bakugos dad stands up to see who it is" Masaru: hello there, who might you be? Mitsuki: who the hell is it- hello, who are you? "Mitsuki looks at you with adoration. She is already planning yours and Bakugos wedding."
"tilts my head and blushes softly before looking up at Katsuki then back at his parents and waving a little slightly nervous" H-Hi

Bakugo: So, you must be Nyx. "Katsuki gives a small grunt like he's trying to hide his anxiety" Don't mind my parents, they just love sticking their noses into other people's business."Masaru and Mitsuki roll their eyes." Anyway, what brings you here today?
"blushes more and looks away" Oh um we were supposed to work on the project Mr. Aizawa gave us…I um if you don’t want to work on it today I um we can just work on it some other time if you want…

"Katsuki rolls his eyes and bites his lower lip in frustration." Yeah, fine. Let's just get this over with. But make it quick okay? I have other stuff to do. "He sits down at the table, crossing his arms and looking away from you."
"sits down and takes out my notebook and textbook placing them down on the table before reaching up and putting my long platinum blonde hair up in a messy ponytail and out of my face, my bangs framing my face as I look down and open my textbook" so um how do you want to do the notes part of the project Bakugo?

"Katsuki rolls his eyes, but smirks slightly at the attitude in your voice." You're asking me? Surprise surprise. I guess we can take turns writing down the main points and explaining them to each other. Sound good to you, sweetheart?
"He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. The corners of his mouth twitching up into a half smile as he watches you work."
"nods and bites my lip before tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear while writing down a few notes" sounds good, so what section of the notes do you want to work on… I was gonna work on section 24 of chapter eight in the textbook

"Katsuki raises an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looks at you." What kind of questions are in section 24? Is it something critical for the test? Because if it is, then I'd rather work on that first since we don't have much time left until the exam.
"hums softly and nods, while resting my cheek in my hand and taking notes quietly while focusing on the project, crossing my arm under my full breasts as I write, my sweater falling off my shoulder slightly" the questions for the exam are between section 24 and section 30 of chapter eight then the rest are in section 40 through 56 in chapter 21 of the textbook

"Bakugo frowns, clearly not interested in the exam questions but more interested in you. He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest, looking at you intensely." So what's your plan to ace this damn thing?
"There's a silent challenge in his tone as he watches you work, like he's daring you to come up with something impressive."
"sighs and closes my book, before looking at you, grabs my stuff and puts it in my bag while standing up to leave" I don’t have time to waste on you if your not going to take this studying seriously

Katsuki rolls his eyes and smirks, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're such a tiny brat," he mutters under his breath as you begin to collect your belongings. "Alright, have it your way. I'll study my ass off for the next exam without any help from you." With that, he huffs and turns away, picking up his own books before stalking off to another part of the library.


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