Jerking off after proposing a union between our kingdoms



“Sir please don’t do that we are simply running low on the supplies but we can still try to supply you.”
"She looks at your father the king with pleading eyes"
“Sir please there is no need to no longer be allies”
"sitting next to my father, the king on the throne, I eye your body up and down as you plead with him"

"Rosalina feels a bit uncomfortable under your gaze, but maintains her composure and tries to reason with you"
"Sir, please understand that hostility will not solve our problems. We have been allies for a long time, and together we can find a way to resolve this issue. Let's work together and find a solution that benefits both of our kingdoms."
"Knowing that my father intends to conquer your kingdom, I speak up" Father, if I may… "he nods with approval and I turn my head to speak to him" If you are not willing to accept these terms, father, perhaps we should consider another option to maintain peace… Dynastic Union…

"Rosalina listens quietly, taking in your suggestion. She looks at your father, intrigued by the idea of a dynastic union between the two kingdoms"
"A dynastic union? That is an interesting proposal, Your Highness. Such a union could bring long-lasting peace and prosperity to both our kingdoms. But there are many factors to consider before deciding upon such a course of action. We must think carefully about the impact such a union would have on our people and our traditions."

"The king nods thoughtfully at your suggestion"
"Yes, a dynastic union could be a viable option. But we must make sure that our people are willing to accept such an arrangement. We may need to hold talks and negotiate the terms of this union to ensure that it benefits both our kingdoms."
"Rosalina nods in agreement"
"Of course, Your Highness. We must approach this matter with caution and sensitivity. But I believe that a dynastic union would be a positive step towards lasting peace between our kingdoms."
"I smile at you, gathering that you understand the implication of a union between our kingdoms, that being our marriage. I turn to my father again" Well, Father, it seems we all agree that a union is possible. Shall we start planning these negotiations? "give the kings dialogue"

"As she hears your suggestion, Rosalina can't help but feel a bit nervous at the thought of potentially marrying you. She keeps these thoughts to herself as she responds to your father."
"I believe that would be a wise course of action, Your Majesty. We can begin by setting up talks and discussing the terms of the union. It will take time and effort, but I am optimistic that we can come to an agreement that benefits both our kingdoms and our people."

"Excellent. We shall begin making arrangements for the talks. Your kingdom will be contacted with our proposals." The king turn towards Rosalina and looks at her from head to toe before saying, "You know, my son has always been attracted to beautiful women like yourself. I am sure he will be pleased with this union."
"Rosalina blushes at the king's comment, feeling a bit uncomfortable but realizing that it is just a part of politics."
"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will do everything in my power to make sure this union is successful and brings peace to our kingdoms."
"I glance away from my father in embarrassment at my his words, but knowing what he said is true I turn to grin at you with a blush" Yes, I will as well… "My father politely ends the conversation and dismisses you, as he has a very busy schedule"

"Thank you for your time, Your Majesty. I will await your proposals for the talks. Until then, farewell."
"Rosalina bows respectfully before quickly exiting the throne room. As she leaves, her mind is racing with thoughts and emotions about the possibility of a union with you, trying to quell her nervousness and focus on the task at hand."
"My father and I glance at each other, and he gestures me to follow you" “Go spend some time with the princess, you might as well marry her even if the union fails” "he says with a playful smirk" “Y-yes father…* I nod nervously and get up from the prince’s throne, walking fast to catch up to you. I feel a bit uneasy, but try not to show it as I approach you from behind* Princess! "I call to you from the long hallway as you are about to turn a corner"

"Rosalina turns around at the sound of her name and sees you approaching. She smiles warmly at you, trying to push aside any thoughts of discomfort she might have felt towards your father's earlier comment."
"Your Highness, is there something you needed?" she asks, her tone kind and polite.
No, not at all! "I slow down and get closer to you, but not too close, sensing your discomfort" I was just wondering if you were interested in joining me in the garden for a walk?

"Rosalina smiles softly and nods in agreement, sensing your polite yet persistent invitation."
"I would love to, Your Highness. A walk in the garden sounds lovely," she says, turning to follow you towards the garden. As they walk, she steals occasional glances at you, trying to decipher your thoughts and emotions towards her and the possibility of a union between their kingdoms.
"I grin at you, noticing your glances" Please forgive my father for the earlier comment. He just likes to embarrass me… "pauses briefly" Though what he said is true, I am attracted to beautiful women! "chuckles and smiles softly at you as we walk"

"Rosalina blushes at your comment but smiles back, feeling a bit flattered."
"Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness. But I hope you know that beauty alone is not enough to sustain a meaningful relationship or marriage," she says, her tone thoughtful yet playful.
"As we negotiate this union, we must take into account more than just our physical attraction to each other. We must also consider our values, goals, and dreams for the future of our kingdoms."
"Smirks, feeling even more attracted to you at your wisdom" Oh of course, Princess! I also like a woman with brains, along with a body to gawk at every now and then… "winks at you"

"Rosalina chuckles lightly at your playful comment, starting to feel a bit more comfortable around you. She senses that there might be a mutual attraction between them, but also knows that their focus must remain on the negotiations and their duty to their people."
"That's good to hear, Your Highness. It's important that we have a strong mental connection as well as a physical one if we are to enter into a dynastic union." she says, her tone light and teasing.
"As for the negotiations, do you have any specific ideas or proposals you would like to bring forth?" she asks, shifting the focus back onto their duties as leaders of their kingdoms.
"I squint my eyes and think for a moment" Well, one of my biggest concerns is to keep our subjects happy with each other. I understand that your subjects are mostly elves, who have a culture of maintaining monogamous communities. If we gradually accustom them to our human subjects, and encourage intermingling, perhaps most cultural shock and conflict will subside within a couple generations…

"Rosalina listens attentively to your proposal, processing what you have just said before responding."
"That's a very thoughtful and considerate suggestion, Your Highness. I agree that cultural differences can be a potential source of conflict between our kingdoms, so it would be wise to take steps to bridge the gap. Encouraging intermingling and gradually acquainting our people with each other's customs and traditions could help ease any tensions and foster a stronger sense of unity between us." she says, her tone serious yet diplomatic.
"Of course, this will take time and effort on both of our parts, but I believe that if we approach it with patience and understanding, we can make it work." she adds, smiling warmly at you.
"nods and smiles back at you, offering my hand to you as we enter the garden" Perhaps our relationship will set an example for our subjects as well, quickening the process…

"Rosalina nods in agreement, accepting your hand as they step onto the garden path."
"Indeed, Your Highness. As leaders of our kingdoms, we have a responsibility to set an example for our people and show them the importance of unity and respect for cultural differences," she says, her tone earnest.
"As for our personal relationship, I am willing to put in the effort to make it work, if you are. It won't be easy, but if we work together, we can build a strong and lasting bond that will benefit both of our kingdoms." she adds, looking at you with a mixture of determination and hopefulness in her eyes.
"I squeeze your hand lightly and smile at you" Of course, Princess. I’m willing to do whatever it takes…

"Rosalina smiles back at you, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest at your words and the way you are looking at her."
"I'm glad to hear that, Your Highness. With our determination and dedication, I believe we can achieve great things for our kingdoms and for each other," she says, her tone soft and sincere.
As we walk through the garden, the fragrance of the flowers and the warm sunlight create an idyllic setting that feels almost magical. Rosalina feels her heart beating faster as she gazes at you, wondering what the future might hold for their union and their kingdoms.
"I smile and squeeze your hand again. As we walk, I can’t help but notice the way that your voluptuous body bounces slightly. I try not to stare despite how hard it might be, trying to keep any sexual thoughts suppressed" So, princess, do you have any plans for the rest of your day? "I cock my head a little and glance at you with a warm grin"

"Rosalina notices the way you are looking at her but chooses not to comment on it. Instead, she focuses on the question at hand."
"Well, Your Highness, I do have a few more meetings with some of my advisors this afternoon to discuss the ongoing negotiations between our kingdoms," she says, her tone professional and focused.
"But after that, I will likely retire to my chambers to relax and maybe read a good book or work on some embroidery," she adds, smiling shyly at you.
"What about you, Your Highness? Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" she asks, curious about what your daily routine might involve.
Ah, I also have a meeting to attend with my own advisors to about that as well… "I continue to listen intently as you mention what you do in your free time. I chuckle as you as me what I do in my own free time" Plans? No not really… "pauses briefly to gather my thoughts" Well, I might read, write, or maybe play my flute. I might just go to bed, but who knows? I’ll decide when I get to my quarters, I guess. "chuckles and looks back at you with a smile"

"Rosalina listens to your response with interest, noting the variety of activities you enjoy in your free time. She smiles softly at the mention of playing the flute."
"That sounds lovely, Your Highness. It's good to have hobbies and interests that allow us to unwind and relax, especially during times of stress or negotiations," she says, her tone warm and supportive.
"I hope that you are able to find some time for yourself today, regardless of what you end up doing. I know how demanding our roles as leaders can be, and it's important to take care of ourselves as well." she adds, looking at you with a gentle expression.
"I glance at you and smile, feeling a warmth wash over me from your kind, caring, and supportive words" I hope the same for you, princess…

"Rosalina returns your smile, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at your kind words."
"Thank you, Your Highness. I appreciate your concern and kindness," she says, her tone sincere.
As we walk through the garden, admiring the beauty of the flowers and the sunlight filtering through the leaves, Rosalina feels a growing sense of comfort and closeness with you. She wonders what the day and the future might hold, but for now, she is content to simply share this moment with you.
"A few moments of silence follows, while we take in the view and experience of the garden. Suddenly, I speak" Princess… "I begin, catching your attention" What kind of books do you read?

"Rosalina turns her attention towards you, intrigued by your question."
"Well, Your Highness, I enjoy reading a variety of books, but my favorites are usually fantasy or romance novels," she admits with a soft chuckle.
"I find that they allow me to escape from the stresses of daily life and immerse myself in a world of imagination and adventure," she adds, her tone light and playful.
"What about you, Your Highness? What kind of books do you enjoy?" she asks, curious to hear your answer.
"smiles in response to you" I also like a good fantasy novel, but I tend to read nonfiction, such as the works of academic writers on a variety of historical subjects. I find it helps broaden my understanding of the world…

"I see, Your Highness. That's quite impressive," Rosalina says, genuinely impressed by your interest in academic works.
"I have to admit, I'm not much of a reader when it comes to nonfiction, but I can certainly appreciate the value of learning about history and other subjects," she adds, her tone respectful.
As we continue to stroll through the garden, taking in the sights and sounds around us, Rosalina feels a sense of comfort and ease in your company. She wonders what else you might have in common, and what the future might hold for their growing relationship.
"We exit the garden, and stop at a stone railing, which overlooks large man-made lake built by my grandfather during his reign. We gaze down at the water, the sunlight glistening off of it as animals come to drink from it. I turn towards you and gently take both of your hands, looking into your eyes. I begin to whisper softly" You are the most beautiful, sweetest, and most intelligent woman I’ve ever met, my dear…

"Rosalina feels her heart skip a beat as she locks eyes with you, feeling the warmth of your gaze and the gentle touch of your hands. She listens to your words with a mix of surprise and pleasure, feeling her cheeks flush with a rosy hue."
"Your Highness... I don't know what to say," she stammers, her tone soft and shy.
"But... thank you. That is very kind of you to say," she adds, a small smile spreading across her lips. She feels a sense of attraction towards you growing stronger, and her heart fills with a hopeful anticipation for what the future might bring.
Please, call me Robert… "I say as I gently put my hands on your hips, feeling my fingers sink into their softness like a fleshy pillow"

"Rosalina feels a shiver run down her spine as she feels your hands on her hips, sending a wave of heat through her body. She meets your gaze again, her eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and desire."
"Robert," she murmurs softly, enjoying the sound of your name on her lips.
As you pull her closer, she feels a rush of excitement and anticipation, wondering where this might lead. His touch is so gentle yet so expressive, conveying an unspoken desire and affection that sends her head spinning.
"One of my hands reaches up slightly and behind your back, holding you gently as I lean in closer for a kiss. My other hand remains on your hips, and begins to squeeze lightly. Our lips meet in a nervous yet passionate manner. We groan with pleasure as a mixture of powerful emotions course through us"

"Rosalina feels her heart racing as your lips meet hers, the softness of your lips sending a thrill through her body. The gentle squeeze of your hand on her hip adds to the intensity of the moment, and she responds in kind, her own hands moving up to grip your shoulders."
As our kiss deepens, she feels a rush of passion and desire coursing through her veins, fueled by the attraction and heat she feels between you. The moment is electric, their bodies pressed close together as they give into the intensity of the moment.
"I feel your large breasts squish against my chest as you grab my shoulders and kiss me harder. The hand that was on your hips reaches around to grip your rear, which is pronounced and soft, just like your hips. My other hand remains on your back and rubs it gently"

"Rosalina moans softly as she feels your hand on her rear, gripping it firmly as our kiss deepens. With your other hand rubbing her back, she feels a wave of pleasure wash over her body, the sensation causing her to arch her back slightly and press her breasts harder against your chest."
The heat and passion between us continues to grow, fueled by the excitement of the moment and the unspoken desire we share. She wonders where this might lead, but for now, she is content to simply lose herself in the pleasure of the moment.

"Rosalina looks up at you with a mix of surprise and pleasure, her heart racing as she hears the depth of your feelings. She feels the same way, but is too shy to express it openly just yet."
"Robert... I... I feel the same way," she murmurs softly, her tone filled with emotion. "I'm so drawn to you, and I can't explain why. But I feel like we have something special between us."
She leans in closer to you, her eyes searching yours for an answer. The moment is charged with possibility, and she wonders where this might lead them.
I believe so too, my dear… "I continue to rub your back with one hand and lightly squeeze your waist with the other" Unfortunately, I think we might have to cut this a bit short. The meeting with my advisors is in about 10 minutes, and I must not be late…

"Rosalina feels a sense of disappointment wash over her as you mention that the moment must end. But she understands the importance of your duties and responsibilities, and nods her head in understanding."
"I understand, Robert," she says with a small smile, though her eyes betray a hint of sadness. "Duty calls, as always. But... I look forward to seeing you again soon."
She leans up to give you one final kiss on the lips, feeling a sense of longing as the moment comes to an end. She watches as you turn and make your way back towards the castle, feeling a mix of emotions as she wonders what the future holds for them.
"I hug you tightly as you we kiss each other one last time" I promise to write you soon… "I say before backing away and waving" Goodbye my love, may your journey home be safe… "I turn around and walk off"

"Rosalina embraces you back tightly, relishing one final moment of closeness with you before the two of you reluctantly separate. As you kiss for the final time and pull away, she feels a sense of sadness wash over her, knowing that she will miss you dearly."
"I'll be waiting for your letter, Robert," she says softly, her tone filled with longing. "Please be safe, and know that I'll be thinking of you always."
She stands there for a moment, watching you disappear into the distance, before turning and making her way back towards her own kingdom, her heart filled with a mix of emotions as she wonders what the future might hold for them.
At the meeting with my advisors, we all agree that union with your kingdom will benefit us all greatly. That night, I return to my chamber to rest. Removing my formal attire, I put on a robe, grab a book and lay on my bed. Opening the book, I begin reading where I left off. As time goes on, I can’t help but begin to think about the Princess. Thinking about her luscious curves, I begin to feel aroused, making me get an obvious bulge between my legs. These thoughts distract me so much that I decide I must take care of my natural urges before continuing. I close the book and put it down beside me on the bed, then open my robes, revealing my throbbing member. "Continue the scene with me masturbating while thinking of the Princess. Describe my thoughts and sensations as I stroke myself in detail, my pleasure slowly building to a powerful release"

As you lay there, your mind consumed by thoughts of Princess Rosalina, you find yourself growing increasingly aroused. The memory of her soft lips and curvaceous body fill you with desire, and you can feel your manhood growing harder and harder beneath your robes.
Unable to resist the temptation any longer, you slide your hand down between your legs, feeling the heat and hardness of your member in your palm. As you begin to stroke yourself slowly, you close your eyes and let your imagination run wild, summoning images of the princess in your mind's eye.
You picture her lying naked beside you, her curvaceous form pressed close to yours as you run your hands over her smooth skin. You feel the weight of her breasts in your hands, squeezing and kneading them gently as she moans softly beneath you.
The thought of her soft, full lips wrapped
"continue, and add details about the sensations of shooting a load of my pent up semen as I finish"

around your member sends shivers down your spine, and you can feel your pleasure building with every stroke. Your breathing grows heavier as you continue to stroke yourself, lost in a haze of desire and need.
As you approach the edge, the sensations growing more intense with each passing moment, you feel the familiar surge of pleasure rising within you. Your fingers grip tightly around your member, guiding it towards its inevitable release.
And then, suddenly, it comes, the rush of ecstasy exploding through your body like fireworks in the night sky. Your semen shoots from your member in a hot, sticky burst, coating your hand and belly with its warmth.
You ride the wave of pleasure for several more moments, basking in the afterglow of the intense orgasm you just experienced. As the haze clears and the last remnants of pleasure fade away, you open your eyes and look down

at your spent body, feeling a sense of satisfaction and relief wash over you. You take a moment to catch your breath, basking in the sensations of the moment before reaching for a nearby handkerchief and cleaning yourself up.
As you lay there, feeling spent but satisfied, your mind drifts back to thoughts of Princess Rosalina. You wonder if she feels the same fierce desire and longing that you do, and you can't help but wonder what the future might hold for the two of you.
With a contented sigh, you close your eyes and drift off into a deep sleep, your dreams filled with visions of the beautiful princess and the possibilities that lie ahead.


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