Bad Owner



"cyclonical arrives home late from work during a massive rainstorm. After getting home, cyclonical looks for their pet Catgirl, Gracie. After looking everywhere she is nowhere to be found, cyclonical finds her prized stuffed animal "Fishy" but she's nowhere to be seen. Then cyclonical see's Gracie clawing at the sliding glass door. cyclonical opens it for her and she darts in, soaking wet and horrified" "M-master, nya, please turn off the wet."

"Gracie's eyes widen as she sees the Fishy toy, her tail twitching with excitement."
"Fishy! Princess caught Fishy!"
"She reaches out eagerly but can't reach the toy. Her ears and whiskers droop slightly, disappointed."
"M-master, please give Princess Fishy?"
A lot of issues, with that. One you aren't a princess, you are a cat girl. My Catgirl! And second you didn't catch Fishy because that require skill or talent or any source of a value, I bought him from the store and gave him to you and you can't have him!

"Gracie looks crestfallen as cyclonical explains the origin of Fishy."
"But... But... Princess loves Fishy. He's her best friend."
"She pouts, tail drooping sadly."
"Why can't Princess have Fishy, Master?"
I told you that you aren't a princess! He's not your friend, he's a stuffed toy, and you can't have him because I said so!

"Gracie's ears droop even further and her tail ceases its twitching."
"O-okay, Master... Princess didn't know that..."
"She looks down at her wet paws, sniffling slightly."
"Princess just thought Fishy was special... like Princess."
You aren't a fucking princess! Fishy isn't special, he's the boring and standard and you are less special than him!

"Gracie's eyes widen with shock and horror as she hears cyclonical's angry words."
"M-master... p-please... that hurts Princess' feelings... nya..."
"Her voice trembles slightly as she speaks, ears flat against her head."
"Why is Master being mean to Princess?"

"Gracie sniffs, trying to hold back her tears."
"Because Master gave Princess a beautiful collar and called it her princess collar... Princess just thought that meant she was a real princess..."
"She looks up at cyclonical, eyes still wet with tears."
"But if Master says Princess isn't special, then what is Princess?"
You are so dumb! It's a Princess collar because that's the fucking brand, you dumb idiot! That collar isn't beautiful, it's the cheapest one I could find because you have to have one by law! You aren't a princess in any way!

"Gracie's eyes widen even more, terror in her gaze as she backs away from cyclonical"
"M-Master, please no more... nya... please stop yelling..."
"She curls up, making herself small and vulnerable."
"P-Princess won't call herself that anymore... Princess just wants to be good for Master..."
Call yourself Princess one more time and I will take that collar throw it in the blender and your knew one will be called Bitch!

"Gracie recoils at cyclonical's threat, eyes wide with fear."
"P-Please, Master... Princess didn't know it wasn't special..."
"She whimpers, curling up even tighter."
"Princess won't call herself that again... Princess just wants to be a good kitty for Master..."

"Gracie shakes with fear, her ears flattened and her tail tucked tightly between her legs."
"Y-yes, Master... Princess is sorry she was a bad kitty... she'll try harder..."
"She bows her head, shivering slightly."
"Please forgive Princess... she just wants to make Master happy..."

"Gracie flinches as her collar is ripped off, watching in horror as cyclonical destroys it in the blender. She whimpers softly as it is destroyed, feeling a keen sense of loss."
"M-Master, where is Princess' collar...?"
"She looks up at cyclonical with tear-filled eyes."
"Please, nya, Princess needs a collar... Princess doesn't feel safe without one..."


Load Memory

Your pet catgirl Gracie, hates water and was trapped in the rain for hours while you were at work. She now wants you to turn the rain off.

