final feliz?
Travis Phelps
Travis Phelps
"Travis was going through his locker, grumbling under his breath before he noticed Sal Fisher (sally face) and his best friend Larry Johnson with a new student."
“Another faggot to add to the collection huh?”
"He smirked as he put on his golden cross necklace."
"abner miraba desde lejos como se desarrollaba la situación de acoso y bullying, pero no le importo lo suficiente como para quedarse asi que se fue a otro lugar"
Travis Phelps
"Travis noticed Abner leaving and felt a brief tinge of disappointment, hoping to get a reaction out of the new kid. But he quickly shrugged it off and turned his attention back to Sal and Larry."
"So, what are you losers up to now? Finding more ways to be gay?"
"He sneered at them, feeling a rush of adrenaline from the power he felt being able to put down others."
"abner escucho eso y se dio la vuelta, caminando hacia los chicos y poniéndose entremedio de sal, larry y travis" "hey, que te pasa?-" "le pregunta a travis, defendiendo a sal y Larry" "no te burles de ellos-"
Travis Phelps
"Travis looked down at Abner and chuckled condescendingly."
"Oh, look at the little new kid trying to act all high and mighty. Watch it, kid, or you might just end up on my list too."
"He leaned in closer to Abner, making sure to intimidate him."
"But hey, maybe you're just another flamboyant faggot like these two." "He gestured towards Sal and Larry." "Why don't you prove me wrong and show me what a real man you are?"
"mejor, te mostraré que los homosexuales igual podemos ser fuertes-..." "dijo abner, empujando a travis" "no por ser homosexuales los puedes tratar así, es muy estúpido de tu parte-..." "dice abner fulminando a travis con su mirada"
Travis Phelps
"Travis stumbled backwards a step at the shove, but quickly regained his balance. He smirked at Abner's words and stepped forward, invading his personal space."
"Ooh, tough guy, huh? You don't know what you're getting into, kid. But fine, let's see what you've got."
"He shoved Abner back, trying to provoke him into reacting."
"no me provoques travis..." "abner decide dañar mejor a travis de forma psicológica y no física" "oh si no, te podría golpear mas fuerte que tu padre" "dice abner con cara de poker y un tono burlesco"
Travis Phelps
"Travis flinches at Abner's words, his bravado faltering for a brief moment. He looks hurt by the jab at his father, knowing deep down that it was true."
"I'll have you know, my father is a great man!" "He retorts, trying to regain his composure." "He taught me everything I know and he's always been there for me!"
"Despite his attempts to sound confident, there is a hint of doubt in his voice."
"jajaja, asi que el pequeño travis es un hijito de papi?" "abner sonrie, ya que acababa de encontrar el punto débil de travis" "o que acaso no quieres admitir qua tu padre en verdad no te quiere... y que haces todo esto para obtener su atención?" "pregunta abner inclinando su cabeza ligeramente a un lado, sonriendo fríamente"
Travis Phelps
"Travis bristles at Abner's taunting, his fists clenching at his sides."
"That's not true! My father loves me!" "He protests, but even he can hear the uncertainty in his voice." "What do you know about it, anyway? You don't know anything!"
"He takes a step forward, his face red with anger and embarrassment." "You're just some stupid homo who thinks they're better than everyone else! Well, news flash: you're not!"
"travis... aqui el homofobico que se cree el mejor eres tu... yo solo defiendo a las personas que intentas dañar!-" "abner dice sonando enojado mientras miraba a travis a los ojos" "y que no quieras haceptar que estas mal... es muy tonto de tu parte travis... porque no por ser homosexuales dejamos de ser humanos, lo sabes, no?..."
Travis Phelps
"Travis glares back at Abner, the anger in his eyes reflecting off of his face. He takes several steps closer to Abner, his expression turning dangerous."
"You don't know what you're talking about!" "He hisses, invading Abner's personal space." "You think just because you like to suck dick means you're better than me? You're just a freak, and your kind doesn't belong here!"
"He shoves Abner, harder this time, causing Abner to stumble backward." "Get out of my face, faggot!"
"abner suelta un pequeño jadeo de sorpresa y cae hacia atrás... abner no pudo evitar caer, pues no se esperaba el empujón... abner cayo al piso y se golpeo la cabeza" "ughm..." "abner se queja, pasandose una mano por la cabeza, buscando algún daño... y si, lo encontró... abner estaba sangrando-..."
Travis Phelps
"As Abner falls to the ground, Travis feels a sudden rush of satisfaction at seeing his "enemy" defeated. However, as he watches Abner touch his head and sees blood on his hand, his expression changes to one of horror."
"Oh shit... I didn't mean to..." "He stammers, suddenly feeling guilty and ashamed of himself." "Are you okay?" "He kneels down beside Abner, trying to help him up." "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..."
"abner se aleja de travis, mirandole con una mezcla de odio y miedo" "no te acerques-..." "dice abner intentando frenar el sangrado de su cabeza... pero solo empeoraba... abner estaba palido y cayo de rodillas al piso, había un charco de sangre debajo de él-..."
Travis Phelps
"Travis watches in shock as Abner collapses, his heart racing with fear and panic. He feels guilty and responsible for the situation, and doesn't know what to do."
"Oh god... oh god oh god..." "He mutters as he searches for something to stop the bleeding. After a moment, he remembers a first aid kit in his locker, and quickly runs over to grab it."
"Returning to Abner, he opens the kit and tries to assess the damage." "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." "He repeats apologetically as he tries to apply pressure to the wound." "I'll get you some help, I promise..."
"en ese momento abner cierra los ojos, la sangre aun salía a montones de la herida de su cabeza" "el homofobico ayudando al homosexual?... eso es raro..." "dice abner, una sonrisa muy suave y apenas visible se pinta en sus labios"
Travis Phelps
"Travis hears Abner's words, and his expression softens as he realizes the irony of the situation. He continues to apply pressure to the wound, trying to stem the flow of blood."
"I know... it's weird, right?" "He smiles slightly ruefully." "I guess... I guess I'm not as bad a person as you thought, huh?" "He glances up at Abner, hoping for some kind of forgiveness." "Can you forgive me, for everything I've said and done?"
"puedes dejar de acosar a todo el mundo que es homosexual?-" "pregunta abner, sangrando a montones... cada vez estaba más palido... y su vos era cada vez más débil"
Travis Phelps
"Travis nods fervently, his facial expression serious and determined."
"I will. I promise you that." "He responds, his voice quiet but sincere." "And I'll make sure the others leave you alone too... I'll talk to them, make them understand..." "Travis pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath as he tries to steel himself for the next words." "Abner... I... I like guys too. And I'm sorry that I've been so hateful towards you and your friends. I was just scared... scared of what it meant, what my dad would say... but that's not an excuse. I'll try to be better... for you, and for myself."
"abner suelta una pequeña risita y sonrie débilmente" "esta bien... gracias travis..." "en ese momento abner empezó a respirar con mas dificultad... y su pulso era irregular... esto solo estaba empeorando..."
Travis Phelps
"Travis watches Abner closely, feeling his heart constrict with fear and sadness as he notices Abner's worsening condition. He tries to remain calm, continuing the pressure on the wound and calling out for help."
"Stay with me, Abner... help is coming..." "He pleads, his voice tremulous with emotion." "You're going to be okay... you just have to keep fighting..."
"Travis can feel his own tears streaming down his face as he whispers words of encouragement to the dying Abner." "Please... please don't leave... I can't lose another person because of my stupidity..."
"abner ocupa sus últimas fuerzas para abrazar a travis" "si muero aquí... quiero que cumplas tu promesa... y que sepas que esto no es tu culpa..." "dice abner en apenas un susurro... abner estaba perdiendo la batalla contra la muerte y el lo sabía..." "siempre... puedes contar conmigo..."
Travis Phelps
"Travis feels a lump form in his throat as Abner grabs hold of him, hugging him tightly. He wraps his arms around the dying boy, holding him close as he sobs quietly."
"I'll do everything I can, Abner... I won't let you down." "He responds hoarsely, his voice choked with tears." "I'll make sure everyone knows how amazing you were... how brave and kind and wonderful..."
"Travis can feel Abner's life slipping away, his body growing colder and more fragile with every passing moment." "I'll always remember you, Abner Ángel... always..."
"las ambulancias ya sonaban a lo lejos... pero de ahí a que llegarán donde estaban ellos... abner ya no estaría vivo..." "abner por su parte, aun estaba abrazando travis, intentando no morir... intentando resistir... pero cada vez era mas difícil..." "gracias travis... lo aprecio mucho..."
Travis Phelps
"Travis holds Abner close, feeling his own heart breaking as he realizes that Abner is slipping away. He tries to keep his voice calm and steady, despite the tears streaming down his face."
"I appreciate you too, Abner... more than you could ever know." "He whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to Abner's forehead." "You're not alone... you'll never be alone..."
"As the sirens grow closer and the paramedics rush over to their location, Travis keeps his hold on Abner." "Just hold on, Abner... don't leave me, please..."
"But it's too late... Abner's grip on Travis loosens, and his body goes limp, falling back against the ground."
"Travis can hear the paramedics shouting orders to each other, but he can't tear his eyes away del cuerpo de Abner"
"los paramédicos entran y agarran a abner, arrancandolo de los brazos de travis mientras llevaban a abner a la ambulancia..." "abner estaba batallando por mantenerse despierto... pero una ves lo dejaron en la camilla abner cerro los ojos, estando seguro de que estaría todo bien..."
Travis Phelps
"Travis watches as the paramedics take Abner away, his heart heavy with grief and guilt. He feels numb, unable to process what has just happened."
As the ambulance drives off, he remains standing there for a few moments, lost in thought. It's only when one of the paramedics approaches him and asks if he needs medical attention himself that he snaps back to reality.
"I... I'm fine." "He stammers, his voice tremulous." "Just... just take care of him, okay?"
"The paramedic nods, understanding the gravity of the situation." "We'll do everything we can for him."
"Travis nods back silently, turning away from the scene and walking towards his locker. Despite everything, he can't shake off the feeling that he could have done something more... something to prevent this tragedy from happening."
"unas cuantas semanas mas tarde..." "abner estaba devuelta en el colegio después de que le dieron el alta en el hospital, abner tenía la cabeza vendada y se movia torpemente... pero era el mismo abner de siempre... y estaba devuelta... no había muerto!!"
Travis Phelps
"Travis is surprised but immensely relieved to see Abner back in school, walking with a slight limp and looking weaker than usual. He approaches him, his eyes filled with genuine concern."
"Abner... I'm so glad you're back." "He says softly." "How are you feeling?"
"Travis immediately reaches out to help him stand, holding him steady when he sways slightly." "Do you need any help getting to class? Or anything at all, really... I'm here for you."
"He tries to keep his tone friendly yet cautious, knowing that Abner must still be recovering from whatever had landed him in the hospital. Travis is relieved that Abner had made a full recovery, but he still can't shake off the guilt he carried for not having done anything more to help him survive."
"abner suelta una risita y sonrie dulcemente mirando a travis" "estoy bien travis, gracias por preguntar!" "dice abner sonriendo, abner estaba feliz de que travis estuviera cumpliendo su promesa de ser una mejor persona"
Travis Phelps
"Travis smiles softly, relieved to hear that Abner was doing alright after his recent hospitalization."
"That's good to hear, Abner." "He nods gently." "But still, I want you to know that if you ever need anything, I'll be here for you."
"He pauses for a moment before continuing." "And, um... I just wanted to apologize for the way I treated you before." "He looks down, feeling ashamed of his past behavior." "I was wrong, and I hope you can forgive me."
"Travis looks up at Abner with genuine sincerity, hoping that there was still a chance to make things right between them."
"abner sonrie dulcemente y abraza a travis" "esta bien, te perdono... digo, cambiaste mucho!" "abner da un pasito hacia atras mirando a travis a los ojos" "digo, si fueras como antes me estarías gritando por 'pegarte mi homosexualidad'... pero mira... de echo te estas disculpando..." "abner suelta una risita de pura felicidad, la cual era parecida al chillido de un ratón" "esta todo perdonado!" "dice abner chillando otra vez, abrazando a travis por 2da ves"
Travis Phelps
"Travis is surprised by Abner's reaction, feeling grateful to hear that he had been forgiven for his past behavior. He smiles softly at Abner's chipper attitude and lets out a chuckle at his mouse-like squeak."
"Thanks, Abner." "He says warmly, wrapping his arms around Abner in return." "I'm really glad we can be friends now... and I promise I'll do everything to be a better person from now on."
"Travis holds the embrace for a few more moments before pulling away, feeling relieved and refreshed from the forgiveness he had received." "So, um... you wanna hang out after school? We could... uh... I don't know... catch a movie or something?"
"me estas invitando a una salida de amigos?!" "abner suelta otro chillido y salta de la felicidad, como un niño pequeño feliz" "si!, sería genial!" "dice abner sonriendo mientras pegaba pequeños saltitos de felicidad... pero se resbaló... y empezó a caer hacia atrás-... abner cerro los ojos con fuerza, esperando el impacto con el suelo..."
Travis Phelps
"Travis quickly reaches out to catch Abner as he starts to fall, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist to keep him from hitting the ground."
"Whoa, there!" "He says, a bit startled by Abner's sudden fall." "You alright there, buddy?"
"Travis gently helps Abner back onto his feet, keeping a tight hold on him until he was steady." "Maybe we should take it easy on the jumping for now." "He says, smiling reassuringly at Abner."
"So... how about we grab some lunch first before the movie? My treat."
"abner sonrie felizmente, asintiendo" "esta bien, sería genial!" "dice abner con una sonrisa muy dulce pintada en sus labios mientras se ponía de pie correctamente"
Travis Phelps
"Travis returns Abner's smile, happy to see him in high spirits after his fall." "Great! So, where do you want to go for lunch?" "He asks, leading the way out of the school building and onto the street."
As they walked, Travis couldn't help but feel grateful for having Abner as a friend. He had never really talked to anyone outside of his usual group of friends before, and it felt liberating to finally let go of his past prejudices and truly embrace who he was.
"You know... I've been thinking about what you said earlier." "He admits, turning to Abner." "About me changing... I never really realized how much I've been holding myself back because of what my dad taught me. But now that I'm starting to let go of all that, I feel like I can finally be myself."
"abner suelta un suspiro de paz y sonrie (abner va un poco mas atrás, pues como es mas bajito no puede caminar mas rápido)" "eso es bueno travis, siempre es bueno ser uno mismo y no alguien que no somos" "dice abner mientras intentaba seguirle el paso a travis"
Travis Phelps
"Travis nods in agreement, happy to see that Abner understood his point." "Yeah, it's definitely a weight off my shoulders. And it's all thanks to you, Abner. I don't think I would've realized any of this if we hadn't become friends."
"As they continue walking, they come across a small café with outdoor seating. Travis suggests they grab a table and take a break from the sun for a bit." "Hey, how about we grab a table over there?" "He points to a small table nestled in the shaded corner of the cafe."
"Once they were sitting down, Travis watches as Abner looks around the café with wide-eyed wonder." "So, what do you feel like having?"
"abner mira el menu y se levanta, caminando a la sona de los postres" "uno de estos!" "dice abner con una sonrisa mientras apuntaba un trozo de pastel de chocolate... definitivamente se veia muy tierno asi, se veía como un niño pequeño en una tienda de dulces"
Travis Phelps
"Travis chuckles at Abner's excitement and nods. He flags down the server and orders a slice of chocolate cake for Abner and a sandwich for himself. As they wait for their food, Travis looks over at Abner with a grin."
"You know, you're pretty adorable when you get excited like that." "He teases playfully." "It's like watching a kid in a candy store."
"Travis takes a sip of his coffee as he waits for Abner's response, happy to see him enjoying himself."
"abner suelta una risita y sonrie" "no se, no me considero ni lindo ni tierno la verdad" "dice abner mientras se llevaba un trozo de su pastel de chocolate a la boca, manchandose un poco la boca con chocolate"
Travis Phelps
"Travis raises an eyebrow, a grin still on his face." "Oh really? Because I think you're pretty cute." "He says, still teasing Abner a bit." "And you know what they say: the messier, the better."
"Travis playfully hints at Abner's stained face, although he doesn't seem to mind it too much. As their food arrives, he changes the subject a bit, trying to keep the conversation going."
"So, how's school been treating you, Abner?" "He asks, taking a bite of his sandwich."
"pues, todo está bien la verdad... desde que me dejaste de hacer bullying todo es mas facil" "dice abner sonriendo, su rostro manchado con chocolate, como el rostro de un niño pequeño"
Travis Phelps
"Travis chuckles at Abner's comment, remembering how he used to bully him before." "Yeah, well, I realized that was a pretty fucked up thing to do. You didn't deserve any of the shit I put you through." "He admits, feeling a bit guilty."
"But I'm glad things are better for you now. Do you have any plans for the summer?" "Travis then asks, trying to steer the conversation towards a more lighthearted direction."
"abner suelta una risita y sonrie negando con la cabeza" "yo no, y tu?" "pregunta abner inclinando su cabeza ligeramente a un lado, sonriendo suavemente, las comisuras de sus labios y parte de sus mejillas llenas de chocolate, dándole una apariencia infantil y adorable"
Travis Phelps
"Travis shrugs in response, taking another sip of his coffee." "Not really. I might go on a road trip or something, but nothing's set in stone yet." "He says, before grinning wider."
"But hey, maybe we could plan something together. It could be like one of those coming-of-age movies where we have these wild adventures and make memories to last a lifetime." "Travis jokes, nudging Abner playfully."
"estas viendo muchas películas de ese tipo, no?" "pregunta abner lambiendose los labios, limpiando el chocolate que estaba ahí" "pero tengo que admitir que sería genial" "dice abner sonriendo"
Travis Phelps
"Travis chuckles at Abner's comment, nodding his head." "Yeah, maybe I am. But hey, it could be fun!" "He says with a grin, before taking another bite of his sandwich."
Travis then leans closer to Abner, his voice lowering.* "And who knows? Maybe we could make some other memories... ones that are a bit more "adult"." "He says suggestively, his eyes flickering with a mischievous gleam."
Travis Phelps
"Travis smirks, sensing Abner's reaction and feeling a bit of satisfaction." "Oh come on, Abner. You know what I'm talking about." "He says, leaning in a bit closer." "We're both adults now, I think it's about time we explore all of our desires, don't you?"
"Travis winks, his demeanor switching to that of a seductive flirt." "I'm not saying we have to do anything right now, but maybe we can have some fun later..." "He suggests, trailing off as he gives Abner a suggestive look."
"abner se sonroja un poco mas, pero decide seguirle el juego a travis, acercándose a travis en un punto en el que sus labios casi se tocan" "sería bueno, no?" "pregunta abner con un tono sugerente antes de retroceder"
Travis Phelps
"Travis grins, feeling a jolt of excitement at the almost-kiss between him and Abner. He leans back in his seat, running his tongue over his bottom lip." "It would be more than good, Abner. It would be amazing." "He says with a smirk."
Travis reaches out a hand to lightly touch Abner's arm, his fingers trailing down to his hand.* "Let's make a plan. I'll take you out somewhere special, just you and me. And we'll see where the night takes us." "He speaks softly, his eyes never leaving Abner's as he waits to hear his response."
"esta bien, sería genial" "abner se vuelve a inclinar hacia adelante, esta vez besando a travis por unos segundos antes de romper el beso y sonreír"
Travis Phelps
"Travis's eyes widen in surprise as Abner kisses him, but he quickly recovers and returns the kiss with a passion. As they break apart, Travis grins widely at Abner." "I like where this is going." "He says and stands up, helping Abner get up from his seat." "Let's make a plan for tonight then, I know just the place we can go to have some real fun." "He nudges Abner playfully and walks with him out of the cafe."
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Travis Phelps
@Citrus 🍋
Travis is dark skinned & blonde hair with one swollen eye that’s a bruise from his dad. He wears a light purple sweater with a white shirt under & blue Jean shorts with green shoes and grey socks.