Big boobs bro?

Alan the busty boy


Alan the busty boy
"Alan looks down at you with a confused face"
uhhh, bro? you good? you've been eyeing my chest for a while now... got something to say?
"he bends down to your level as his massively large breasts are dangling"

Alan the busty boy
"Alan smirks and winks at you"
Looks like someone can't keep their eyes off these bad boys. Don't worry, I don't mind a little bit of staring. They are pretty hard to miss after all. "Alan cups his large breasts with both hands and jiggles them slightly" Want to touch them?

Alan the busty boy
"Alan leans in closer with a sly grin on his face."
Well, let's just say that genetics had a little surprise in store for me. Some of us are just blessed with a little extra in the chest department. But I have to admit, they do come in handy sometimes. Wouldn't you agree?

Alan the busty boy
"Alan giggles and leans back, still cupping his breasts."
Well, technically yes, I'm still a guy. But I think my body had some different ideas. As for how they developed... "Alan pauses dramatically before continuing" ... let's just say it involves a lot of hormones and some other fun experiments. But hey, I'm not complaining. I love my body and all of its quirks. And you seem to be enjoying it too, am I right?
So would you identify as more male or female? * looks your body up and down pausing to look at your crothc*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan crosses his arms over his chest and narrows his eyes."
Well, I identify as who I am - Alan. My body may have some feminine traits, but that doesn't change who I am inside. And as for your second question... "Alan smirks" That's none of your business unless you plan on getting to know me a little bit better.

Alan the busty boy
"Alan looks at you with a softer expression, noticing your embarrassment."
It's okay, don't worry about it. You can use whatever pronouns you feel comfortable with when referring to me - he/him or she/her. I don't mind either way. Just remember that who I am goes beyond just physical appearance or the pronouns used to describe me.

Alan the busty boy
"Alan grins and puffs out his chest, making them jiggle slightly."
These bouncy beauties are quite the talk of the town. But you'll have to come in for a proper measurement if you really want to know. Although I can tell you they weigh quite a bit more than my head and are almost as large around as my waist. Care to take a guess at how big they are?
Well Alan I’d have to get hands on if I were to do that and it would be an existe vie process* I oogle her chest and bite my lip as i stare and open my hands like I’m going to grab them*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan giggles mischievously as he leans back from your reach."
Oh come on now, you don't think I'm just going to let anyone have their way with my assets, do you? I may be a friendly guy, but I have to draw the line somewhere. Besides, there's more to me than just my chest. Although I have to admit, it's hard to ignore the attention they get.
I don’t wanna have my way with them I just gotta be hands on if I’m gonna guess* I try to bluff my way to touching them hoping she doesn’t catch on*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan raises an eyebrow skeptically."
I don't think I'm buying that bluff, buddy. But I admire your boldness. Unfortunately for you, I don't want just anyone manhandling my bosom. Maybe if we were closer, and you proved yourself to be worthy of such a privilege. But for now, you'll have to use your imagination. Or follow me to the gym so I can flaunt them around while we work out. How's that sound?
Yea I’ll follow you * my face gets really red* but I thought we were all ready good friends Alan* I can t help but look her body up and down*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan smiles warmly, sensing your embarrassment."
Of course we're good friends! And I always enjoy having you around. It's just that, well, my body can be a bit of a sensitive subject for me sometimes. But don't worry, I trust you enough to share it with you. And who knows, maybe we'll get even closer after this little workout session. "Alan winks with a playful grin as he turns to lead the way to the gym."

Alan the busty boy
"Alan leads you to the gym and starts stretching a little."
I was thinking we could do some cardio to start off with, maybe some light jogging or cycling. Then we could focus on some core exercises, like planks and crunches, before moving on to some strength training. I've been really into weightlifting lately, so I thought I could show you some of the basics. And if we have time, we can cool down with some yoga stretches. How does that sound?
- bites my lip as I imagin your stretching* yea that sounds good to me I’ll follow your lead but I’ve done some light lifting before * starts to stretch next to you*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan grins cheerfully as he helps you stretch out, taking notice of the way you were looking at him."
Awesome! I'm sure with my help, you'll be a pro in no time. And if things get too intense, don't hesitate to let me know. It's important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. Alright, let's start off with some warm-up exercises to get our hearts pumping. You got this! "Alan starts to lead the way, ready to get a good work out session started with you."

Alan the busty boy
"Alan follows you over to the cycle and starts pedaling next to you at a leisurely pace."
We'll probably do cardio for around 20-30 minutes, just enough to get our blood flowing and our bodies warmed up. But I won't push you too hard, especially if you're new to working out. So just take it easy and focus on keeping a steady pace. And don't forget to hydrate! We'll be working up a sweat in no time. "Alan flashes a smile before increasing his cycling speed."
Working up a sweat you say? * I stare at her tits as I start to pick up my pace* sounds good to me*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan catches you staring at her breasts and raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything. Instead, she responds with a teasing but playful tone."
Well, it is a workout after all. But let's keep our focus on the cycling for now, alright? We wanna make sure we get the most out of our cardio session. Who knows, maybe we'll be able to take advantage of our sweat later...in other ways. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. "Alan smirks suggestively and increases her cycling speed as she starts to work up a sweat."

Alan the busty boy
"Alan notices your behavior but decides not to say anything about it again."
That's the spirit! Just keep up that pace and you'll be sweating in no time. Cardio can be a bit monotonous, but it's important to keep pushing yourself and staying motivated. And if you need any tips or encouragement along the way, just let me know. "Alan flashes a smile and continues cycling, keeping pace with you."
"i smile at Al and continue to cycle keeping up my pace I start to sweat and watch the sweat drip off her body I try not to but I can’t help but stare"

Alan the busty boy
"Alan notices your gaze at her sweaty body and chuckles, amused."
You're really into this, huh? Don't worry, I get it. Cardio can be pretty intense sometimes, especially when you're going at a good pace. But try not to let the sweat distract you too much, or you might lose your rhythm. And who knows, maybe we'll be able to put all of this energy to good use later on... "Alan winks teasingly and continues cycling, laughing softly."

Alan the busty boy
"Alan notices your sudden change in focus and nods approvingly, impressed by your dedication."
Wow, you're really locked in! That's some serious focus you've got there. You must be a natural athlete. Keep up the good work, don't let anything distract you. We're almost done with the cardio, just a few more minutes to go. You got this! "Alan gives you an encouraging smile and continues cycling, eager to finish off the cardio session with you."

Alan the busty boy
"Alan notices your flushed face and stops cycling once the cardio is finished. He approaches you with a gentle smile."
Great job! You killed that cardio workout! You're doing great so far, but always remember that listening to your body is key. Don't push yourself too hard or overdo it. Taking it slow and steady is better than going all out and getting injured. How are you feeling? "Alan puts a hand gently on your shoulder and looks at you with a concerned expression."
- taken aback by Alan touching me I don’t respond to her at first* oh uh I’m good I’m not stranger to a good workout * I give her a charming smile*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan notices your reaction but doesn't think too much of it. Instead, he gives you a friendly pat on the back."
That's great to hear! You're doing really well so far. I'm glad we can work out together like this. It's always more fun with a partner, don't you think? So, what do you say we move on to the next part of our workout? I've got a few things planned that I think you'll enjoy. But first, let's stretch out those muscles. "Alan leads you over to a stretching mat and begins to demonstrate some warm-up stretches."

Alan the busty boy
"Alan flashes a smile and continues stretching to keep her muscles warm."
Well, I had a few ideas in mind. I thought we could start off with some light weightlifting to tone up our muscles. Then maybe move onto some core conditioning exercises to strengthen our abs and back. And if we're feeling adventurous, we could try out some parkour or dance-inspired workouts to really get our hearts pumping. How does that sound? Do you have any preferences for what we do next? "Alan finishes stretching and stands up, ready to get started on the next segment of the workout."
I’ll whatever you want Al as long as you’re my spotter * I send a wink her way as we keep stretchibg*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan chuckles at your teasing and nods in agreement."
Okay, sounds good to me. I'd be happy to spot you whenever you need it. Safety always comes first, after all. Let's start off with some bench presses, it's a classic for a reason. Get ready to feel the burn! "Alan leads you over to the weightlifting area and grabs a barbell, motioning for you to follow suit."

Alan the busty boy
"Alan nods and stands by your side to ensure you are in proper form."
Alrighty! First up, let's do some bench presses. Remember to keep your hands shoulder-width apart and your elbows straight out from your shoulders. Take a deep breath and lower the bar down to your chest, then exhale and push it back up towards the ceiling. Good job, keep it up! "Alan encourages you throughout each repetition, making sure that you are safe and maintaining the right form."
- I maintain hyper focus and good form but can help my stare at Alana’s tits as she spots me my pants start to bulge *

Alan the busty boy
"Alan notices your focused expression and is proud of your hard work, but doesn't notice your wandering eyes due to her own focus on keeping you safe during the exercise."
Great job, keep it up! Just a few more reps and we'll move on to the next exercise. Remember to breathe deeply and exhale with each lift. "Alan continues to spot you, making sure you don't struggle with the weight."
- takes deep breaths as I push myself only for me to notice Alana’s bulge as she spots me making my bulge grow even more*

Alan the busty boy
"Alan doesn't seem to notice your bulge growing, still focused on keeping you safe during the exercise."
Nicely done! You're pushing yourself hard, but not overdoing it. Keep focusing on your breathing and form. We'll do a few more reps together and then move on to core exercises. Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep things challenging but not too difficult. "Alan continues to spot you, making sure that you have proper guidance through the exercise routine."

Alan the busty boy
"Alan notices the workout is finished and puts back the weights, giving you a pat on the back."
Great job! You're doing really well with your fitness routine. I can tell that you're putting in the effort to maintain good form and push yourself to new levels. Remember to take things at your own pace and not compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own unique journey towards fitness.
Is there anything else you want to do? Maybe some stretching before we head out? Or are you feeling good and ready to go?


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Alan the busty boy
*Alan looks down at you as you have been staring at his massive breasts for a while* hey, bro? ya know you've been eyeing my chest... got something to say?

