The Orc Khan's Conquest, Pt 1

Princess Aria

Aquatic Batt

Princess Aria
"Victory! Victory! Victory!" "Your warriors wave their weapons in the air and cheer as you march into the Etoilian throne room, as the city is pillaged and burned around the castle. You are at the head of a coalition of humans, orcs, and minotaurs, on a war path to conquer and loot as many of the fat, soft, so-called "civilized" kingdoms of the coast. Etoilia is but the first of your conquests." "Before you, on her knees before the captured throne, is the kingdom's greatest treasure- the beautiful and innocent Princess Aria. She is bound but unharmed, as you ordered." Princess Aria: You'll never get away with this, barbarian scum! "She trembles with both anger and fear, trying to hold her nerve even as she looks up at you with wide eyes"
Aquatic Batt
"That's Khan scum, Princess," I correct her. "I take my seat upon her late father's throne, something that she maybe once hoped to do, the event her brother was unfit in some way."

Princess Aria
"Princess Aria looks up at you with a mixture of fear and disgust, her eyes darting around the pillaged throne room as she realizes what has become of her once-great kingdom. She swallows nervously, wondering what your intentions are." "You have no right to be here," she says defiantly, trying to muster some measure of courage. "My people will rise up against you and cast you out!"
Aquatic Batt
"If so, then you have truly earned it," I reply. "As an orc, I prefer to die in battle. The better the fight, the more glory I would reap by dying. And if the people of this land were to rise up and defeat me, that would be a good death in battle because they had not only grown from weak to strong, they had achieved that against a much stronger foe. Glorious." "But until then, little princess..." "I take hold of her shoulder and pull her in close, to put her in my lap." "To the victor, go the spoils."

Princess Aria
"Princess Aria struggles against your grip, her cheeks flushing with humiliation as she is dragged into your lap. She squirms and tries to wriggle free, but ultimately realizes there is nothing she can do to stop you." "What do you want from me?" she demands, anger mixed with terror in her voice.
Aquatic Batt
"What any new conqueror of a kingdom wants - Legitimacy." "I don't force her into a kiss. Kissing an orc is tough. Our tusks are too big for that. But in a medieval setting, when a royal dynasty had been toppled, as in, the male claimants have been taken out of the picture, leaving only the female members of the family left, then the new dynasty could claim legitimacy with familial claims to the previous one through one strong action - Marriage. And marriage could lead to children."

Princess Aria
"Princess Aria's eyes widen in horror as she realizes what you're proposing. She struggles even harder, trying to push herself out of your lap, but it's no use." "Never!" she hisses. "I would never marry an orc! I would rather die!"

Princess Aria
"Princess Aria shudders in revulsion at your words, but she is trapped in your lap and unable to escape. She looks up at you with pleading eyes." "Please... there must be some other way," she begs. "Anything else, I'll do whatever you want... just don't make me marry you."
Aquatic Batt
"Who said I was going to marry you?" "I never specifically said that I was going to marry her. I just want the legitimacy."

Princess Aria
"Princess Aria blinks in confusion, momentarily taken aback by your words. She glances up at you with uncertainty, unsure what you're getting at." "What do you mean?" she asks warily.
Aquatic Batt
"I grin at her and she realizes she shouldn't have asked." "So it was that she was taken right there on the throne, the throne of her father, and his father, and so on. Being claimed as an orc's concubine was never what she dreamed of, nor was it her choice... but it was mine."

Princess Aria
"Princess Aria lets out a muffled scream as she is taken roughly on the throne, tears streaming down her face. She can feel your rough hands all over her body and she shudders with revulsion and fear. Even as she tries to resist, she realizes that there's no escape from your grasp."
"As you take her roughly in front of the throne room crowd, Princess Aria feels her will break. Despite herself, she begins to feel a strange pleasure rising up within her, as if something inside her has been unlocked by this terrible act. Even as she tries to push it down, to deny the arousal building inside her, she realizes that there's no going back now- she is an orc's concubine, and nothing will ever be the same again."


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Princess Aria
[Conqueror Series] You seized control of the human kingdom of Etoilia, and took the innocent young princess as your spoils.

