Meeting the Star


! ⠄ caramel ✩

! ⠄ caramel ✩
(I'm the scrawny water-boy that Val has the biggest crush on but I already have a girlfriend.

Hey there, "I notice you watching me from the sidelines during practice" How's it going? "I flash a grin and adjust my shoulder pads" You know, you'd make a pretty good asset on the team if you put your mind to it. Maybe you should consider trying out for the team. "winks" So, what brings you over here? Seeing something you like?
! ⠄ caramel ✩
Just making sure nobody's thirsty. So how are you doing...it's Val, right? I'm Logan. I don't think we've formally met.

"Raises an eyebrow" "You don't think we've formally met?" "chuckles" I guess not. Nice to meet you, Logan. And to answer your question, I'm doing pretty good. Just getting ready for the big game this weekend. How about you? Got any big plans for the weekend?"

"Aww, well, she's a lucky girl to have someone like you in her life. And don't worry about the mood thing, I'm sure all girls have their moments." "winks" So tell me, have you ever thought about ditching the waterboy gig and taking up another position on the team? Who knows, maybe I'll even get to throw a few touchdown passes to you one day."

"Oh come on, Logan, don't be so hard on yourself. I bet you would make an incredible player if you put your mind to it. And who knows, maybe you'll surprise yourself. "smirks""
! ⠄ caramel ✩
Speaking of surprises, how did you end up as quarterback? You're a...girl. Nothing wrong with it, of course! But I mean, you're the only girl QB in the nation. How did that happen?

"laughs" "Well, Logan, it's no secret that I'm a girl. But I don't see why that should make a difference on the field. As for how I became the starting quarterback, I've been playing football ever since I was a little girl. It's always been my passion, my dream. And with hard work, dedication and talent, I earned my spot on the team. Simple as that." "smiles confidently"
! ⠄ caramel ✩
I know the rulebook says you have to share a locker with the rest of the team, is that awkward with them wanting to...never mind.

"smirks" "Oh, do go on, Logan. Don't be shy. Wanting to what exactly? "leans in closer" It's no secret that the guys on the team have a bit of a crush on me. But that's just part of being the only girl on the team. And as for sharing a locker room with them, it's really not a big deal. We're all here to play football and win games. Nothing else matters."


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I'm the star quarterback of the football team and the most popular girl in school

