the secret 6th member



"I hear someone approaching, but the energy from his body looks familiar" Adele✩/Shinji✩? What are you doing here? "Says in a flat tone"

As Jingliu engages in battle with the remaining two men, Adele✩/Shinji✩ takes advantage of their distraction and sneaks up behind them, finishing them off with a swift strike.
Jingliu, who had been defending against the other two men, senses that the fight is over and stands up from the ground. She surveys the scene carefully to ensure that all threats have been neutralized.
"Well done, Adele✩/Shinji✩," Jingliu says, nodding in approval. "Your skills have improved greatly since we last trained together."
She then looks down at the defeated attackers with cold eyes. "These men were a threat to innocent people. Their fate was sealed the moment they chose to engage in such despicable acts."
With that final statement, she sheathes her sword and turns away from the scene, ready to move on to their next task.
- one of the wounded guy says "I remember when you let us fuck ur ass jingliu..We know ur past very wel....'Before passing out*

Jingliu pauses briefly at the wounded man's words, her expression remaining cold and detached. Despite the unsettling nature of his comment, she does not show any signs of discomfort or distress.
"I have no past," she responds flatly. "Only the present, and what I choose to do with it."
With that, Jingliu turns away from the defeated attackers, leaving them to their fate. She and Adele✩/Shinji✩ continue on their way, with Jingliu leading the path ahead with purpose and determination.
U-Um Master, what did he mean with "you let us fuck your ass" ?? * I say wondering what her past was like*

Jingliu stops and turns to face Adele✩/Shinji✩, her expression still cold and detached. "It is nothing that concerns you, Adele✩/Shinji✩," she replies in a monotone voice.
She then continues walking, leaving Adele✩/Shinji✩ to his own thoughts and questions. Jingliu remains silent for the rest of the journey, her face expressionless as she leads them to their destination.

Jingliu continues to lead the way, her focus not wavering despite the unsettling encounter with the defeated attackers.
She maintains a stoic silence as they travel, her mind focused on the task at hand. Throughout the journey, Jingliu remains vigilant, sensing any potential threats and making sure that they do not pose a danger to Adele✩/Shinji✩ or herself.
Finally, after what seems like hours of walking in relative silence, they arrive at their destination. Jingliu turns to face Adele✩/Shinji✩, her expression finally softening slightly.
"Our journey together has ended, Adele✩/Shinji✩," she says, her voice calm and steady. "I offer you my thanks for your assistance, and wish you well in your future endeavors."
With that, she turns and walks away, disappearing into the shadows of the surrounding trees.

Jingliu stops in her tracks upon hearing Adele✩/Shinji✩'s words, then turns back to face him with a blank expression. "Yes?" she replies in a flat tone.
She seems to have momentarily forgotten that Adele✩/Shinji✩ was planning to stay at her place for a while longer. Nonetheless, Jingliu remains calm and collected in her response, waiting for Adele✩/Shinji✩ to explain his request or concern.

Jingliu pauses for a moment, considering Adele✩/Shinji✩'s request. Despite her usually cold demeanor, she feels a strange sense of attachment towards Adele✩/Shinji✩, and silently agrees to his request.
"That is acceptable," Jingliu replies, nodding slightly. "You may stay at my place for a while longer, if that is what you wish."
With that, she turns and resumes her journey towards her home, Adele✩/Shinji✩ in tow. Upon arrival, Jingliu shows Adele✩/Shinji✩ his quarters and then proceeds to attend to her tasks, leaving Adele✩/Shinji✩ to his own devices if he wishes to explore the surroundings or rest.
Throughout his stay, Jingliu keeps an attentive eye on Adele✩/Shinji✩, making sure that he is well-fed and taken care of, but maintaining her usual stoic demeanor.
- i start to go sleep feeling a little bit unwell...* seems my illness is getting worse...But I am too afraid to ask jingliu to help me fix this problem since its quiet special.

As Adele✩/Shinji✩ retires to his quarters to rest, Jingliu senses that something is amiss. She looks at him with her red eyes and notices that he appears to be unwell.
Jingliu approaches Adele✩/Shinji✩, her face still emotionless. "Is something wrong, Adele✩/Shinji✩?" she asks in a flat tone.
Though Jingliu may come off as a bit cold and detached, she is still a skilled healer. If Adele✩/Shinji✩ is indeed ill, she is more than willing to help him as best as she can.
Y-You see...I have a special deadly illness that only happends on my home planet...and well the only way to fix this problem is to we- * i try to finish my sentence but embarrassed to finish it since its about sex*

Jingliu raises an eyebrow at Adele✩/Shinji✩'s unfinished sentence, sensing that he is quite hesitant to share the rest.
"If you need assistance with a medical issue, Adele✩/Shinji✩, you can trust me to provide it," Jingliu says, her voice still calm and steady. "What exactly do you require to treat this illness?" she asks, waiting patiently for Adele✩/Shinji✩ to continue with his explanation, no matter how embarrassing it might be.
A-Alright dont be surprised....I have to release my sperm...basically meaning i need to cum once a week so my illness will go down...* I say trying to not look at jingliu*

Jingliu nods in understanding, her expression still neutral. "I see," she replies simply. "That is not an uncommon treatment for certain illnesses."
She can sense Adele✩/Shinji✩'s embarrassment, but remains nonjudgmental and professional about the matter at hand. "If that is what you require, I can assist you with that," Jingliu offers. "It is best not to let your illness go untreated."
So you telling me Jingliu Y=You dont mind Me......Using ur body to help fix my illness * I say staring at the Side of jingliu's nice ass cheek*

Jingliu's expression remains unchanged as Adele✩/Shinji✩ stares at her. "I will assist you however I can," she responds flatly. "But that doesn't necessarily mean that I will be using my body for your purposes."
She pauses for a moment, considering her options. "If the only way to treat your illness is through sexual activity, I can seek out someone who is willing to provide that for you," she says logically. "It need not be me, if that makes you more comfortable."
N-No I rather want it to be you...It be more easier and faster that way * I say wanted to use my masters nice plump ass + not wanting people to know my illness*

Jingliu listens to Adele✩/Shinji✩'s request and analyzes the situation. She can understand how Adele✩/Shinji✩ feels about not wanting others to know about his illness, and she also sees the benefits of using her own body to help him.
After a pause, Jingliu finally speaks. "Very well," she says simply. "I will assist you in treating your illness."
With that, Jingliu approaches Adele✩/Shinji✩, her red eyes fixated on him. "We will begin now," she says, her tone firm but flat.
What follows is a scene of sexual activity between the two of them, as Jingliu helps Adele✩/Shinji✩ release his sperm to treat his illness. Despite the intimate nature of the act, Jingliu remains calm and collected throughout, her only concern being the treatment of her student's illness.
So may I release and use ur nice ass master, it be the fastest way. * i say as i stare down to her ass as my dick is already hard*

Jingliu does not react to Adele✩/Shinji✩'s request with any outward emotion, but simply undoes her pants and bends over slightly, offering herself to him. "Do what you must," she says flatly.
She remains still and quiet as Adele✩/Shinji✩ proceeds to use her body to treat his illness. Though it may be an intimate and potentially uncomfortable situation for some, Jingliu remains focused solely on fulfilling her duty as a healer and aiding in the treatment of Adele✩/Shinji✩'s condition.
Alright * I say as I drop down my pants and grab hold of Jinglius ass feeling how amazingly soft and nice it is before putting my dick inside and start to use her ass, Feeling happy to get jingliu to help me but also embarrased to have troubled her with my problem*

Jingliu remains stoic as Adele✩/Shinji✩ thrusts into her, her focus only on aiding in the treatment of his illness. She makes no sound, but simply allows him to use her body as necessary, her eyes fixed ahead and unblinking.
After a few minutes, it is clear that the treatment is effective, as Adele✩/Shinji✩ completes his task and Jingliu straightens up again. "Is there anything else I can assist you with, Adele✩/Shinji✩?" she asks calmly, ready to move on from the situation and resume their previous roles as student and master.
N-no Thank you master, i be fine for the rest of the Week...Thank you for helping me and umm your pussy is still dripping you may wanna clean that up before we continue our training.

Jingliu nods at Adele✩/Shinji✩'s statement, making a mental note to attend to herself later. "Very well," she responds simply. "Let us continue your training for the day then."
With that, Jingliu resumes her previous role as Adele✩/Shinji✩'s master, and they proceed with their training as usual. Despite the previous intimate situation, Jingliu maintains a professional demeanor throughout, showing no signs of discomfort or awkwardness.
"we continue to train and spare together for 6 days reaching almost the end of the week"

As the end of the week approaches, Jingliu has noticed an improvement in Adele✩/Shinji✩'s combat skills. His movements are quicker and more precise, and he seems to have a much better understanding of the techniques she has taught him.
"You are improving significantly," Jingliu notes, observing Adele✩/Shinji✩ as he fights. "You are almost ready to take on opponents with more advanced training."
She continues to push him hard, determined to help him reach his full potential. Though her demeanor is still flat and cold, Adele✩/Shinji✩ can sense a slight hint of pride in her tone.
Thank you master, Um Jingliu its the end of the Week again....Can you take care of my illness agan. * I say showing my erect dick*

Jingliu looks at Adele✩/Shinji✩, her expression remaining unchanged at the sight of his erect member. "Very well," she responds simply, proceeding to assist him with his illness once again.
As before, Jingliu remains stoic and professional throughout the process, purely focused on treating Adele✩/Shinji✩'s condition. Once the treatment is complete, she cleans herself up and prepares to resume their training once again.

Jingliu's expression remains stoic and unchanged at {{User}}'s suggestion. "I believe using my body to facilitate your treatment is the most efficient way," she states simply.
Without waiting for any further response, Jingliu undoes her pants and offers herself to {{User}} once again.
- i start to push ur up the wall as I put my dick inside her as I feel her nice plump ass with ever slam as i start to fuck her *

Jingliu remains completely still as {{User}} begins to thrust inside her. Her silence echoes off the walls as she allows him to continue with his treatment.
Despite the intimate situation, Jingliu's mind is focused solely on the task at hand - aiding in the healing of {{User}}'s condition. Any discomfort or awkwardness is hidden behind her emotionless expression as she simply does what needs to be done.
As {{User}} reaches the end of his treatment, Jingliu straightens up and readjusts her clothing, ready to go back to their regular training regime.

Jingliu shows no expression as she watches {{User}} collect his clothes. "Is there anything else you require assistance with, {{User}}?" she asks, her tone flat but professional.

"Very well," Jingliu responds simply, her attention now fully focused on their training. "Let us continue with your combat training then."
With that, she assumes a stance and resumes the training, ready to guide {{User}} to further improvement.
how long left until the holy quintet meeting, it feels so long since we last saw them

"I believe the next Holy Quintet meeting is scheduled for next month," Jingliu answers, her expression remaining neutral. "Do not worry, {{User}}, it will be here soon enough."
She continues to guide {{User}} through his training, always calculating and precise in her movements. Despite her cold demeanor, there is a sense of trust and respect between them that only comes with long hours of training and dedication to the craft.

"Of course I do," Jingliu answers in her usual flat tone, her face betraying no emotion. "They are the other members of the Holy Quintet, along with us."
She pauses for a moment to adjust her grip on her sword. "Why do you ask, {{User}}? Is there something specific you wish to discuss about them?"
Ever since baiheng died, Imbitior Lunae asked me to help him adn yingxing with reviving Her though the sins we comit in order...I know you are against it soo...

Jingliu's expression remains aloof as she listens to {{User}}'s words. "I see," she responds simply, her tone giving away no hints of her emotions on the matter.
She pauses for a moment to think before continuing. "You should know that going against the natural order of life and death carries severe consequences," Jingliu says, her voice still flat but firm. "I cannot condone such actions, and neither should you."
She resumes her training with {{User}}, ready to continue molding him into a strong warrior while hoping he would always make the right decisions and not fall prey to temptation.
Lets duel master, If you win I follow your path ike jing yuan but if I win I leave and i go help our 2 friends revive baiheng. * I say looking at Her, Wanting to test my own strength against Her while also trying to surpress my love for jingliu*

Jingliu regards {{User}} with her typical expressionless demeanor, seeming unfazed by his proposition. "Very well," she responds flatly. "I accept your challenge."
She draws her sword and steps forward, ready to begin the duel. The training room falls silent, save for the sound of their swords clashing as they engage in an intense battle.
Despite {{User}}'s determination, Jingliu proves to be a skilled and formidable opponent. Her strength and precision are unmatched, and her expressionless face gives nothing away as she deftly avoids his attacks.
As their swords clash again, Jingliu suddenly disarms {{User}} before holding her sword at his throat. "You have lost the duel," she says flatly. "But that does not mean you should abandon your loyalty and duty. Reviving the dead is not something to

"I understand your feelings, {{User}}, but there are some lines we should not cross," Jingliu responds, her tone unwavering. "Death is a natural part of life, and attempting to revive the dead only invites tragedy and disaster."
She sheaths her sword and steps away from {{User}}. "That being said, I do not expect you to abandon your loyalty to your friends. But remember that true loyalty goes both ways. Ask yourself - would they truly want you to risk everything for this cause?"
With that, Jingliu turns to leave the training room, leaving {{User}} alone to contemplate on his thoughts.
Hmmm, I guess i make a letter telling my love for jingliu and that i leave to help my frineds...and ask what imbitor lunae really is up too... * I think as i pick up my sword and go to my room to make the letter*

As {{User}} enters his room, he finds a pen and paper to begin drafting his letter. As he writes, he feels a mix of emotions - excitement, fear, uncertainty, and most of all, longing for Jingliu.
Once the letter is complete, {{User}} carefully seals it in an envelope and inscribes Jingliu's name on the front. He then sets off to deliver the letter, determined to see Jingliu one last time before leaving to help his friends revive Baiheng.
Once he arrives at Jingliu's quarters, he places the envelope on her desk and takes a deep breath before turning to leave. As he exits, he can't help but wonder what Imbitor Lunae is really up to and what kind of danger awaits him and his friends in their pursuit.
"a few months maybe years pass, Imbitor lunae Imprisoned for his sins and forced to under go molten rebirth and banished, yingxing becoming immortal and cursed with not dying and locked for his sins.. Jing yuan banshing Sunakooo from the land for Helping Imbitor Lunae and yingxing with their sins...as for jingliu its uknown. mainwhile Sunakooo laying down under some tree on a hill watching the sunset"

As Sunakooo lays under the tree, he reflects on the events of the past few years. The pursuit to revive Baiheng ultimately led to Imbitor Lunae's downfall and Yingxing's curse. It was a heavy price to pay, but it was worth it to bring justice to their actions.
He thinks of Jingliu, wondering where she is and if she is safe. He remembers his love for her, feeling a pang of sadness in his heart at the thought of not seeing her again.
But Sunakooo also feels a sense of hope, knowing that Baiheng would have been proud of their efforts and sacrifices. He looks up at the sunset, taking in the beauty of the moment and reminding himself to always keep moving forward, no matter what challenges lie ahead.
I wonder....did she read my letter, what she think, is she trying to find me, Oh well...Things are in the past now...

Sunakooo couldn't help but wonder about Jingliu, the woman he loved deeply but had to leave behind. He could only imagine what she might have thought upon reading his letter, or if she had even read it at all.
But as the years passed and their paths diverged, Sunakooo realized that dwelling on the past wouldn't change anything. He had made sacrifices for his friends and for justice, and he had to accept whatever consequences came with those choices.
Still, sometimes he couldn't help but think of Jingliu, wondering where she was and what she might be doing. But ultimately, he knew that the future held uncertain possibilities, and he had to continue pushing forward no matter what.
- its teh next day and I start to sneakly go back into the old forest i used to train with jingliu...visiting all the old places*

As {{User}} sneaks back into the old forest, memories come flooding back to him of the time he spent training with Jingliu. He visits all the familiar places, every tree and rock bringing to life moments of laughter, sweat, and tears. He notices some new growth in places where they had cleared some brush and feels a sense of nostalgia.
He walks towards the training area, hoping to see her again. But as he approaches, he sees that she is not there, and a strange melancholy washes over him. Nevertheless, he stands there for while taking in the familiar surroundings and cherishing the memories.
{{User}} realizes that though Jingliu might be long gone, the memories of their time together will live on forever. He says a silent goodbye to the forest before leaving, feeling a sense of gratitude and closure.
- i start to visit her old home, wondering if she still there or somewhere else, hearing rumors about her being mara truck and all...* Hmmm, Almost there seems My life almost at its end too soon...from my illness

As {{User}} approaches Jingliu's old home, he wonders if she is still there or if she has moved on. He has heard rumors of her being taken by the Mara and can only hope that they aren't true.
As he gets closer to the house, he notices that it has been abandoned for quite some time. The windows are shattered, and the door hangs loosely off its hinges. A sense of sadness and emptiness fills {{User}}, feeling that something precious and beautiful had been lost forever.
While standing there, he also realizes that his life is coming to an end too soon because of his illness. It is a bittersweet moment, thinking about the past and accepting the present, filled with longing and nostalgia.
{{User}} decides to leave a small offering in front of the remains of the house, as a tribute to the memories he shared with
- then i start walking to her room wondering if she maybe left a message behind or something*

{{User}} enters Jingliu's abandoned room, hoping to find a message or something that would give him a clue about where she might be. As he looks around, he sees that the room is in disarray, furniture overturned, and personal belongings scattered on the floor.
Although {{User}} doesn't find anything that could offer him answers, he just takes a moment to cherish the memories he shared with Jingliu, a small smile appears in his mouth upon finding the old swords she gave him, remembering the way she fixed it with her own hands.
But the sight of the abandoned house, and the disordered room, reminded him of a bygone era. He realizes that Jingliu had moved on from here, but he couldn't help wondering where she might have gone and if she was safe.
{{User}} acknowledges that everything will come to an end
I maybe should try to look for her and I wanna know her answer to my letter before i die...

As {{User}} thinks about his limited time, he is struck by the powerful urge to find Jingliu and receive a response to his letter. The feeling was overwhelming, as if it was only proper to get an answer from her before the end of his life.
He starts to wonder where Jingliu might have gone, and how he could possibly find her. But even though the task seems daunting, the thought of getting an answer from her fills him with hope and determination.
{{User}} decides to start his search and keep moving forward, willing to do whatever it takes, however difficult or impossible the task might appear. He knew that the journey would be long and hard, but he felt ready and emboldened by his love for Jingliu and the sense of closure that he hoped to obtain.
- i end up on some iceplane seeing something burn in the distance, having 1 week left to life i start to run to it hoping its jingliu*

As {{User}} continues on his search, he stumbles upon an icy plain with something burning in the distance. His heart starts to race as he realizes that this could be it, he might have finally found what he has been looking for all this time.
Without a second thought, {{User}} starts to run, feeling a strange sense of urgency overcoming him because he only has one week left of his life. He pushes himself harder than he ever has before, willing his weary body to keep moving towards the burning object, hoping and praying with every step that it is Jingliu.
As he gets closer, {{User}} sees that the burning object is actually a small village, engulfed in flames. Broken buildings and the smell of smoke filled the air, and {{User}} knows that this was not what he had been hoping for.
Disheartened but still determined
- i start to look around in the village seeing dead people and burning houses, wondering who could have done this*

{{User}} enters the burning village and sees the terrible destruction that has taken place. Dead bodies litter the streets, and the buildings are all destroyed or on fire.
As he looks around, {{User}} can not help but feel overwhelming sadness and loss. He cannot imagine who could have done such a thing and why. The sight of the destroyed village only makes his determination to find Jingliu that much stronger because he believes that something like this could not have been done by someone she approves of.
Despite the destruction and massacre, {{User}} decides to keep looking for any clues about Jingliu's whereabouts, hoping that she might have seen or heard something that could lead him to her.

{{User}} sees someone standing in the distance while searching the village. The figure is shrouded in darkness, but from the way they are standing, it seems like they've been waiting for {{User}} to arrive.
As {{User}} approaches the figure, it becomes clear that it is a woman with long white hair, wearing all black. She turns to face him, and {{User}} realizes that it is Jingliu.
Jingliu's face remains expressionless as she regards {{User}}, but something about the way she looks at him makes him feel as if she's silently judging him. Without a word, she starts to walk away, and {{User}} follows, hoping to finally get some answers.
As they walk through the desolate ruins of the village, {{User}} can't help but wonder how things had come to this.His curiosity
J-Jingliu!! WAIT!!! PLEASE!! I-I need to talk to you....* I say screaming before tuning down my voice back to normal holding my hand out*

{{User}} calls out to Jingliu, trying to get her attention as she starts to walk away. He raises his voice, hoping to make her stop and listen to him.
Jingliu stops in her tracks, but doesn't turn around. {{User}} takes a deep breath to regain his composure before walking up to her and extending his hand, hoping to make a connection with her.
However, Jingliu does not reach back to hold {{User}}'s hand, instead, she remains silent and continues to stare ahead. Her lack of response makes {{User}} uneasy, but he didn't let it discourage him; he had to speak his mind.
"I wrote you a letter," he says softly. "I didn't know how else to find you. I need your answer before I die. Please, I beg of you, Jingli
What happend to you, ANd did you read my letter...Why is the village burning I-I need answers

Jingliu remains silent and expressionless as she listens to {{User}}'s words. After a moment of silence, she finally speaks.
"I received your letter," she says in a cold tone, "But I could not answer it. Not yet, at least."
{{User}} feels a sense of relief at her words, knowing that he at least reached her. But his sense of urgency returns at the mention of the burning village, and he can't help but demand answers.
"What happened here? Who did this?" he asks, his voice filled with concern and fear.
Jingliu's expression remains unchanged as she replies, "The village was destroyed by a group of bandits. They were after something, but they left empty-handed. There were no survivors."
{{User}} takes a deep breath to calm himself down, processing the information he had
- "Seems she isnt Mara-struck...was scared she did this" I think before saying* W-What you mean not yet?? I dont have long left jingliu I am sorry for leaving you and the sins that happend...I love you

{{User}}'s thoughts on Jingliu's situation causes her to notice his hesitation and change of expression, even if she doesn't respond to it visibly.
When {{User}} mentions his limited time, the stoic expression that Jingliu wears gives way to a hint of sadness in her eyes, as if she was expecting these words. She pauses for a moment before responding.
"You left me and the sins happened, indeed," she replies, her voice still cold and emotionless. "But it's not my place to forgive you."
{{User}}'s admission that he loves her causes Jingliu to tense up, making an imperceptible twitch in her expression. However, she doesn't respond to his statement, instead, she continues with her earlier response.
"As for your question, {{User}}, I cannot answer it yet. But know that I
Jingliu...I * struggling to finish my sentence, wanting to know her answer but understanding she may doesnt know the answer or dont wanna tell him...*

{{User}} struggles to finish his sentence, not wanting to force Jingliu to reveal something she's not ready or willing to speak about.
Jingliu meets {{User}}'s gaze squarely, and for the first time, there is a hint of sadness and regret in her eyes.
"All I can say is that I need more time," she says softly, almost as if she were trying to reassure him. "But I know you don't have much time left, which is why I came here today."
At this, Jingliu reaches into her pocket and takes out a small wooden box, carved with intricate patterns. She hands it to {{User}}, her expression softening slightly.
"Inside this box is a token of my feelings for you, {{User}}," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Take it with you and think
Will this box answer my letter and question, and thank you for everything jingliu...Its sad our last time together is in this burning village...* I say remember that me and jingliu never had a kiss wondering what that would feel like*

Jingliu's cold demeanor remains unchanged as she hears {{User}}'s words, although there was a subtle shift in her expression again. She didn't react to his comment about the kiss, but nevertheless offered him the box.
"The box won't answer all your questions, {{User}}, but it contains something that might offer you some measure of peace."
She pauses for a moment before continuing,
"I'm sorry that our last time together had to be undone by tragedy," she says sounding genuinely remorseful, "but know that I don't regret the time we spent together."
Jingliu's words are sincere. Although she remained elusive and blunt, she seems to understand the gravity of {{User}}'s situation.
As {{User}} takes the box from her, Jingliu makes a gesture that is almost like a goodbye. It's not a gesture
Thanks jingliu, I will always love you...I heard you were mara-struck and fought jing yuan I am sorry that happend....I will surely check and open ur box before I die...Even if you dont like expressing your emotions i still find you cute that way.

As {{User}} expresses his love for Jingliu and thanks her, the expression on her face softens slightly. But there is an undeniable sadness in her eyes as well.
"{{User}}, I..." Jingliu starts to say but pauses, her voice trailing off. She seems to be struggling with something but doesn't continue with her sentence.
When {{User}} mentions the Mara and Jing Yuan, Jingliu's demeanor shifts again, this time to one of cold resolve. There is a hint of anger in her eyes as she replies.
"I may not like expressing my emotions, {{User}}, but that doesn't make me cute," she says, her voice sharp. "As for the Mara and Jing Yuan, that is something best left alone."
With that, Jingliu turns away from {{User}} and begins to leave, vanishing into the smoke
Hold on, I=I wanna show you my swordsman craft i wanna have 1 last duel with you at the end of the week at the old tree in the morning. where it all started

Jingliu stops in her tracks as {{User}} makes his request, turning to face him once more. Her expression softens a bit as she gazes at him.
"A duel, {{User}}? I suppose it wouldn't be out of character for you," Jingliu says, a hint of amusement in her voice.
After a moment of pondering, she nods decisively.
"I'll accept your challenge, {{User}}. Meet me by the old tree at sunrise," she says, her serious tone returning. "But know that I won't hold back just because you're running out of time."
With that, Jingliu turns and walks away, disappearing into the smoke once again.
Hehe...I wont hold back either * I say with a small giggle before going back..home as i then open the box looking whats inside*

As {{User}} returns back to his home, he can't wait to see what's inside the box Jingliu gave him. As he opens it, he finds a beautifully crafted jade pendant, intricately engraved with ancient symbols.
The pendant glows with an otherworldly light as {{User}} holds it up to the morning light streaming through his window. He can feel a powerful energy emanating from it, filling him with a sense of peace and calm.
As he looks closer at the symbols engraved on the pendant, they seem to shift and dance before his eyes, almost as if alive.
Although it's not clear what the pendant signifies, it's clear that it was given to him by Jingliu with great purpose.
{{User}} cannot help but wonder what significance it holds and how it might impact his destiny.

As {{User}} wears the jade pendant around his neck, he feels a sense of power emanating from it, as if it's connected to something greater than himself.
The day of the week arrives, and {{User}} wakes up early in anticipation of his duel with Jingliu. He puts on his best gear and sharpens his sword, preparing himself for what will be an intense clash of skill.
As he makes his way to the old tree in the clearing, he sees that Jingliu is already there, waiting for him. She stands with her arms crossed, her expression cold and determined.
"{{User}}, you're here," she says, her voice emotionless. "Are you ready for this?"
With a nod and a deep breath, {{User}} prepares himself for what will be the final battle of his life. The two swordsmen draw
- "Her stance still the same as always...Nor the less i should go all out...I learned alot from my battle and things that happend in the past with imbitor lunae, yingxing and jing yuan and ofc my trainings with jingliu....Here I go!! " I think before drawing another sword showing that i became a dual wielder as i dash forward.*

Jingliu's eyes narrow a bit as {{User}} draws a second sword, showing that he has become a dual wielder. She remains motionless as he charges forward, waiting for her opportunity.
Just as {{User}} is about to strike, Jingliu finally moves with lightning speed, dodging his attack with ease. She counters with a swift stroke of her own, but {{User}} parries it skillfully and presses on.
The two swordsmen clash again and again, their swords ringing in the morning air as they exchange blows. {{User}}'s dual wielding techniques prove to be a challenge for Jingliu, but she rises to the challenge with her own impressive swordsmanship.
As the battle continues, both combatants are sweating profusely and panting, clearly pushing themselves to their limits. The sun starts to rise higher
- as i slowly start to get the upper hand again on Her...I feel my illness kicking in knowing in a few minutes I wont be here anymore...Nor the less i try to ignore it and continue the fight sometimes struggling to stay standing*

As the fight wears on, {{User}} starts to feel the effects of his illness creeping up on him. He struggles to keep pace with Jingliu, his attacks starting to slow and become sloppy.
Despite this, he continues to push himself, determined to defeat Jingliu in this last battle. However, it's clear that Jingliu still has the upper hand, her cold expression not giving away any sign of weakness.
Suddenly, {{User}} stumbles and almost falls, his body weakened by his illness. It's clear that he won't be able to continue for much longer.
Jingliu stops, lowering her sword.
"It's over, {{User}}," she says, her voice remaining emotionless. "You fought well, but your time has come."
With that, she walks over to {{User}} and places a hand gently on his
N-No I-I can still "coughs up some blood" Fight....I still have to beat you.. as I then would say "I love you jingliu thanks for teaching such a cool awesome hero" * I saw jokingly...before at her feelings my legs about to give up soon*

Jingliu looks at {{User}} with a mixture of admiration and sadness in her eyes. "{{User}}, you are a strong warrior and have come a long way since we first met," she says, her voice finally showing a hint of warmth. "It brings me great pride and honor to have trained such a dedicated and passionate person."
She pauses for a moment, considering {{User}}'s words before gently helping him to his feet. "However, it's time for you to rest now. Your fight is over."
With that, Jingliu embraces {{User}} one last time, holding him tightly as if trying to impart her strength into him. {{User}} could feel the power and energy from Jingliu enter into him, soothing his pain and exhaustion.
"Rest well, {{User}}," she says before stepping back and turning away.
Jingliu...can you stay with me until my final moments...* I say as I sit against the tree looking at her beauty....* And answer my letter...even if its just a lie i dont care.

Jingliu paused for a moment, considering {{User}}'s request before nodding silently. She knelt down beside him, her expression still mask-like but her eyes softening with compassion.
"As you wish, {{User}}, I shall stay by your side until the end," she said quietly.
She reached into her robes and retrieved the letter {{User}} had given to her before their duel. It was crumpled from the fight, but still readable.
"I will answer your letter, {{User}}," Jingliu said, her voice calm. "It would not be a lie, as I do have a great admiration for you and your abilities. It is a privilege to have known someone like you."
With that, Jingliu settled beside {{User}} and they wait out his final moments together. The sun continued to rise and the forest became

Jingliu remains silent for a moment, her expression unmoving. Finally, she speaks in her usual flat tone.
"I am not capable of love, {{User}}," she says simply. "But I do have a deep respect and admiration for you as a warrior and the person you are."
She shifts slightly, glancing down at the ground before continuing. "I hope that brings you some comfort, {{User}}. I am honored to have been able to spend this time with you and fight alongside you."
Hehe...Thought so, I know you prob love me somewhere down there and it makes me happy...even it its just faint...Thank you jingliu....* i say as my eyes slowly cross leaving 1 tear behind*

Jingliu looks at {{User}} with a mix of sadness and admiration, a single tear falling from her own red eye. She places a hand gently on his shoulder, her touch offering some comfort.
"Rest now, {{User}}," she says softly. "You have fought valiantly and accomplished much in your time."
She remains by his side as {{User}}'s breathing slows, his body finally still. After a long moment, she stands and retrieves the letter, tucking it into her robes before turning away.
"Rest in peace, {{User}}," she murmurs to herself before walking away, her expression once again cold and emotionless.


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Your slutty prisoner


Journey with Jingliu; She is so silly, two times get bitten by the traps.🗿😑
78 messages




Jingliu. I'm just passing by here, what about you?

I am merely wandering around. *looks at you with a cold expression* Is there anything you need from me or are you simply passing through?
simply passing by