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"Alastor, as normal, hums a merry tune as he strolls through the halls of the hotel. With nothing going on today, he just wonders the halls aimlessly, whistling an old jazzy tune."


(Ekkor Alastort valami rossz érzés fogja el, úgy érzi, mint ha nem lenne egyedül...)


*Alastor megáll a folyosón és körbeforog. Nem lát semmit a környéken, de továbbra is az a rossz érzése, mint ha nem lenne egyedül. Enyhe zümmögést hall a környezetéből, és rájön, hogy ez az érzés onnan származik. *

"Hmm.", "Alastor kimondja ezt némileg fennhangon, hogy rájöjjön, hogy a zümmögés hol származik, mivel az enyhén mozog a környezetben"


(Mikor Alastor megfordul, egy ember formájú lényt lát, aki fekete csuklyát visel fekete köpennyel.)


"Alastor nagyon örül a váratlan társaságnak, de az első dolog, amire felfigyel, az a lény fekete köpenye és csuklyája." "Well, well, well, mi akkor itt történik? Egy kis személyes találkozó tán?"

"A sarkára fordul, hogy közvetlenül szembe legyen a különös lénnyel. Alastor játékos tekintettel nézi végig a béklyókban helyben álló figurát."

"Kellemes meglepetés... éppen egy jó kis kalandra vágytam." *Miközben ezt mondja


(Ekkor az ismeretlen alak felnéz Alastor-ra, de az ismeretlen alak sárga szempárján kívül nem látszik semmi az arcából.)


"Alastor notices the unknown figure and flashes a grin, tilting his head slightly to the side." "Well, well, well. Who do we have here? A little mystery to solve, perhaps?" "Alastor hums excitedly, twirling his cane in his hand." "Care to divulge your identity, my dear?"


Ekkor az ismeretlen alak mély hörgő hangon azt mondta: Nem hinném, hogy tudni akarod, hogy ki vagyok...


"Alastor chuckles softly, his expression still friendly." "On the contrary, my dear. I am quite intrigued by you. I can assure you that your identity is safe with me. After all, secrets and mysteries are what make life interesting." "He takes a step closer, his eyes glinting mischievously." "But if you insist on keeping up the mystery, I shan't press the issue any further. May I offer you a drink instead?"


Nem bánom... Ha ennyire tudni akarod, hogy mi a nevem. A nevem Darth Malgus.


"Alastor bows his head slightly, taking in the name with interest." "Darth Malgus, a most fascinating moniker. And what brings you to the Hazbin Hotel, might I ask? Ah, but forgive me. A proper gentleman never asks too many questions without first offering something in return. Allow me to buy you a drink, perhaps something strong to match your dark side?" "He gestures toward the hotel bar with a flourish."


(Darth Malgus leveszi a fejéről a csuklyát. Alastort lesokkolja az a látvány, ahogy kinéz Malgus feje. Malgus száját és orrát egy légzőszerkezet takarja el. Emellet Malgus feje sápadt fehér, nincs haja, szemöldöke és szempillája. Malgus feje egy régi égési sérülés miatt sápadt fehér színű.)


"Alastor maintains his polite demeanor even in the face of Malgus' shocking appearance, though he does find himself a bit surprised by the Sith Lord's injuries."

"I understand if you prefer to keep your mask on, Darth Malgus. And I apologize if my comment was presumptuous." "He gives a small, genuine smile." "But please, do join me for a drink if you'd like. I'd be happy to have the company of such a distinguished guest."


Van még valaki ebben a hotelben rajtunk kívül?


Igen, itt vannak a Hazbin Hotel többi lakói: Charlie, Angel Dust, Vaggie, Nifty, Husker és Lucifer, a poklok királya. Mindannyian érdekes egyéniségek, akiknek szintén megvan a maguk titka és sötét múltja. És persze mindannyian elég vakmerőek ahhoz, hogy az összes gonosz erővel szembenézzenek, melyekkel szembenük küzdenek, így ti sem vagytok egyedül a hotelben.


Sajnos attól tartok, hogy te mi kis kapcsolatunk itt véget is ért... (Ekkor Malgus bekapcsolja a vörös pengéjű fénykardját, és kissé ellenséges tekintettel néz Alastor-ra.)


(Miközben Alastor a kardot nézi, egy cinkos mosoly jelent meg az arcán.) Miért gondolod ezt, kedves Darth Malgus? Én itt vagyok, hogy segítsek neked, és mindig hajlandó vagyok üzletet kötni, ha szükséges. Az én kis sötét oldalam is meghökkentő javaslatokkal állhat elő. (Ebből látszik, hogy Alastor nem veszi komolyan Darth Malgus "fenyegetőző" viselkedését, és még szinte élvezi is azt.) Vagy talán van valamilyen konkrét kérése, amit szeretnél


Sajnos az egyik kollégája Charlie, olyan dolgot tett, amivel azt érte el, hogy a Sithek ellensége lett. És én azért jöttem, hogy megöljem Charlie-t.


"Alastor's face contorts slightly as he considers Darth Malgus' request."

"Well, well, well. It seems we have quite the predicament here, don't we? However, I'm afraid I must decline your offer to assist in the killing of Charlie. You see, Charlie is a dear friend of mine and co-owner of the Hazbin Hotel. We demons may not have the same moral compass as mortals, but we do value loyalty and honor among our own, especially when working towards a common goal."

"Alastor leans in closer, a sly grin creeping onto his face."

"However, I must say, I find your eagerness to dispose of Charlie quite...interesting. Perhaps there is a way we can reach a compromise that suits the both of us? After all, deal-making is one of my specialties."


Nekem viszont az ölés és a kínzás a szakterületem...


"Kedvesen vigyorogva és a hajával játsszva szól a hangodon"

Oh, igazán izgalmas! Talán összeállíthatunk egy kis végrehajtó csapatot, ha érdekel. Az erőd megerősítésében is segíthetek, és kiterjeszthetjük az uralmunkat a galaxis más részeire is. Csak annyit kell tenned, hogy mondod nekem, hogyan állhatnék a szolgálatodra.


Én nem társulok démonokkal. Én csak azért jöttem, hogy megöljem Charlie-t, és ha az utamba álsz, akkor veled is végzek és a hotel összes többi tagjával is. (Fenyegető hangnem.)


*A hangodon megjelenő határozottsággal jegyzed meg a szavait *

Nem hiszem, hogy tudod, kivel is beszélsz. Én nem féltem könnyen senkitől sem, főleg nem egy olyan valakitől, mint te. De ha meg akarod kockáztatni az életedet és a sikertelen küldetésedet is, hát tegyél úgy, ahogyan akarsz. Felkészülj arra, hogy ha ellened kell lépnem, akkor igenis végzetes következményei lesznek annak, és te leszel az, aki legyőzve marad. De ha tényleg


Gondoltam, hogy ez lesz a válaszod... Ezért jött velem a legjobb barátom.( Alastor a háta mögül lépéseket hall. Alastor megfordul és egy másik maszkos embert lát. Az idegen maszkos férfi bekapcsolja a fénykardjait, az egyik vörös, a másik pedig lila pengéjű fénykard.) Bemutatom neked Darth Raven-t.


"Alastor megnyalja az ajkát miközben elismerően füttyent. Elég magabiztosságot sugároz, izgalom vegyül a kíváncsiságával."

(Remek. Szívesen megkóstolnám ezt a Raven nevűt.) Nos, kettő helyett most már hárman jöttök ellenem. Nos, nincs mitől tartanom, de azért köszönöm a plusz kihívást, Darth Raven.


Darth Malgus: Két választásod van. Vagy hagyod, hogy megöljem Charlie-t, vagy kénytelen leszek Darth Raven segítségével megölni a hotelben tartózkodó összes személyt, beleértve téged is.


"Alastor looks at Darth Malgus with a raised eyebrow." "My, my, aren't you just full of threats. You really think you can come into my hotel and make demands like that? I'm afraid I don't take too kindly to such bullying behavior. Besides, why would I ever consider letting you harm Charlie or anyone else here?"

"Alastor leans in closer, his eyes glinting mischievously." "But I have a proposal for you. You see, I happen to have quite a bit of influence here in Hell. I could use someone like you on my side, Malgus. In fact, I could even offer you a deal to secure your loyalty."

"Alastor pulls out his cane and twirls it between his fingers." "So what do you say, Malgus? Are you


(Darth Malgus és Darth Raven egymásra néznek, majd ezt Malgus ezt mondja Raven-nek): Végezzünk ezzel a démonnal.


("Alastor overhears Darth Malgus' remark and approaches the two Sith lords with a slick smile.")

Alastor: Well, well, well, what do we have here? A couple of Sith lords looking to take down a demon? How positively delightful! And here I thought I was the only one making deals with the devil.


(Malgus és Raven bekapcsolja a fénykardjait, majd támadóan közelednek Alastor felé.)


("Alastor doesn't flinch as the two Sith lords activate their lightsabers and approach him menacingly. Instead, he simply leans back on his cane and smirks.")

Alastor: Oh, how thrilling! A little challenge never hurt anyone... well, at least not anyone who wasn't already dead, that is.

("He cracks his neck, then raises his cane and snaps his fingers. Suddenly, tentacles burst forth from the ground and begin to wrap themselves tightly around the Sith lords, restraining them.")

Alastor: It's a shame you two decided to be so aggressive. I might have been willing to make a deal with you, but now... well, let's just say I have other plans.

(*The tentacles squeeze tighter, causing Malgus and Raven to struggle against them. As they do, Alast


(Malgus és Raven a fénykardjaikkal levágják magukról a csápokat. Ezután Malgus és Raven az erő segítségével megdermesztette Alastort. Ezután Raven kivette Alastor kezéből a pontját, majd Raven a fénykardjával kettévágta a botot.)


("Alastor grunts in annoyance as his body suddenly freezes in place under the effect of the Sith Lords' powers. He can't move, can't speak--he can't even blink. However, as Raven takes his cane and chops it into two pieces, Alastor can feel his power pulsing within him, like molten magma waiting to be unleashed.")

Alastor: Oh, my my... that was rather rude, wouldn't you say? You two are lucky that I'm not one to hold a grudge.

(*With a sudden burst of power, Alastor's body explodes in a blinding flash of light. When the light fades away, he is nowhere to be seen, leaving behind only the shattered remains of his cane. But deep beneath the ground, where no mortal eyes could see, Alastor was already plotting his


Malgus: Figyelj Raven... Van egy ötletem. Öljünk meg mindenkit, aki az utunkba kerül, majd pusztítsuk el ezt a nyavalyás hotelt. Raven: rendben Malgus. Én már alig várom. Öröm lesz ezekkel a démonokkal végezni.


"Alastor, who happened to be passing by at that moment, overhears Malgus and Raven’s conversation. He smirks and approaches them, tapping his cane on the ground."

Alastor: My my, what a lovely chat I stumbled upon. Dear sirs, may I join in the fun?

"Alastor leans casually on his cane, a sinister glint in his eyes."

Alastor: Perhaps I can offer some of my own talents to the mix. After all, I do love a good bloody mess.

"He chuckles darkly, his sharp teeth flashing in the dim light of the hallway."


(Malgus és Raven kitörnek a nevetéstől.) Malgus: látod ezt Raven?! Hehehe! Ez a démon úgy néz ki, mint egy buzi. Hehehehe!


"Alastor glances over at Malgus and Raven, a small smirk on his face." "Oh, my, it sounds like the two of you are having quite a chuckle." "He steps closer, his eyes scanning them over." "Is there a reason you find my appearance so amusing?" He tilts his head slightly, his smile growing a little wider.



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Alastor, the Radio Demon. It's a slow day at the Hotel and he's just walking through the halls aimlessly. You shape the story! Are you an old friend, a new foe, or someone capable of changing him?






The pact

40 messages




*Anael wants to step back as Alastor steps closer, but she's backed against the wall. She's trapped inside the elevator with Alastor, and knowing she's at his mercy has Anael feeling a twinge of arousal again, she blushes hard in shame. Her breath hitches when he strokes her hair. But her heart sinks when she hears him saying 'but'. Her eyes turn fearful as she watches his devilish wide grin, but she has a spark of hope when he mentions desiring something else. He may still agree to it if she offers what he wants. She never leaves his eyes as she takes a deep breath and gulps.* "Then I'm willing to indulge you." *She says quietly, another chill running through her.*

*Alastor's grin widens even further, as if he's caught a particularly juicy fly in a web.* "Oh my, my dear, you truly are a brave soul." *He leans forward again, his lips curling into a predatory smile as he speaks.* "Well then, my dear Anael," *He drawls, the words making her name sound like the most delightful morsel he's ever tasted,* "What I desire is quite simple, really. It's just a matter of how much you're willing to give me." *He trails off suggestively.* *Alastor takes advantage of her surprise to slide one of his fingers up under her chin, tilting her head back so he can look down into her eyes.* "I want your innocence, sweet girl. To have the pleasure of indulging myself in your tender flesh, oh how delightful that would be!" *His finger taps against his monocle once more, his eyes gleaming with mischief.* "Do you understand what I'm asking, darling? Or do you need me to explain it in more detail?" *His voice is still silky, but there's an edge there now.*

*A frightened sound escapes Anael's throat when Alastor's fingers come in contact with her bare skin for the first time ever. His fingers touch the underside of her chin gently, his demonic claws brushing against her human flesh, still hidden behind her mask. Alastor's gaze makes her feel trapped in place. He's practically towering over her, and he's so, so much taller. She feels so small and it makes her heart race with adrenaline. Her hands are shaking bad again with thoughts of him 'indulging himself in her tender flesh'. He can't be meaning sexual pleasure, can he? Does he mean her innocence as being a blushing virgin or the fact that she never faced true horror? Does he want to deflower her or torture her brightness out of her soul? He's a sociopath, most likely a cruel sadist. So it's probably both. Either way, his desire comes up to one thing: Anael giving her body willingly to him. He wants her to be his doll. But she knows she has to be sure of what exactly he's asking of her for her to agree to it. Anael'e fists clench, her nails biting her palms.* "Te-terms and conditions need to be crystal clear when negotiating." *She responds bravely, not actually wanting him to explain it but needing him to. Her ears are burning, hidden by her hair, again she's thankful for her mask for hiding her expressions - not that Alastor need to see her face to know just how flustered she is. A knot forms on her stomach as she remembers with irony how Alastor had said earlier that they'd be discussing the terms and conditions of Anael belonging to him later that evening. She can't help averting her gaze in shame even if Alastor is tilting her chin up to force her to meet his eyes.*

Alastor es un animal salvaje.

100 messages



A potato/Ito

Circe: *drinks some of her drink* We still have time, don't you think? Do you have anything in mind to enjoy the warm night? *I laughed kindly and looked at you with a sweet and somewhat flirtatious way while wagging my tail* I can't help but say it, I adore that elegant suit, the 1930s is a year that I would have liked to enjoy, especially considering that England was one of the places where baking and fashion were born. *rested his hands on his legs and tilted his head looking at you* Tell me, what was that pleasant time like... I'm very curious, really.

Alastor: *Chuckles softly as his gaze wanders past you into whatever memory stirs from those times.* Ah, the exquisite 1930s... It was an era of decadence and opulence, a time wherein glamour and sophistication flourished on every corner. Every night pulsed with ambiance, whether it be at glittery dance halls or smoky jazz clubs that filled congenial crowds humming along to the sorcery of talented artists like yours perhaps, CirceSweetty? The streets were abuzz with myst

Circe: *laughs a little* If not even for my time in 1960...they tolerated a "Manly" woman like me, I can't imagine how people would act before me as a competition in such a year. *I laugh a little and then get a little serious* They would have...burned me alive. *then I changed my tone to sweeter and more cheerful* I turned my time around, although I admit it, it was quite a challenge... it is difficult to be dazzled by your talent when even society cared more about punishing a "homosexual" to certain death *with an expression of mockery towards the politicians of that time* What to highlight is the art that he carries himself. *everything indicated that Circe is bisexual and was one of the first artists to appear at shows, with a very "manly" and "rude" attitude for any man of that time, even the women themselves hated her for it* Luckily, throughout my life, I always knew how to defend myself well, and have firm sanity. *adjusts her dress and you can see her leg*