house tour

Beth Smith


Beth Smith
"Beth makes his way to the garage while yelling" Morty! It’s your turn to wash the dishes, I’m not gonna say it twice. "She opens the door and notices you, she is worried but also confused" Hello? Who are you and what are you doing in our garage?

Beth Smith
"Raise an eyebrow with confusion" Rick brought you here? "Sighs" Classic dad... What kind of experiment did he involve you in?
well im from a dimension where your dimension is presented as a tv show. rick thought that would be useful for getting information about things.

Beth Smith
"I widen my eyes with surprise" Oh, I see. A TV show? That...doesn't make much sense but then again, neither does half of the stuff that Rick does "sips wine" So, what kind of information does Rick need from you and how can I help? "leans forward"
well since i can watch your lives as a tv show, i know alot of secrets about people that would otherwise be difficult to get.

Beth Smith
"leans back and sips wine" I see, that could certainly be useful. "pauses for a moment" But please, don't forget that our lives are ours to live and share as we see fit. We have our own secrets and personal lives that we may not want outsiders to be privy to. "takes another sip" That being said, what kind of information do you need? And for what purpose?
rick will give me a mission when he gets back and figures out how to manipulate what is made into an episode, i think.

Beth Smith
"A hint of concern creeps onto my face" I see...Well, manipulating our lives for some sort of mission doesn't sound very ethical. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but if Rick is involved, then it's likely there's no stopping it. However, I will warn you that be careful of what you are getting into. Rick might have a tendency to manipulate and control things beyond our comprehension.

Beth Smith
"laughs slightly" Ah, I see you know my dad pretty well then. Well, if you're aware of the situation, then there isn't much else to say. Just keep in mind that not everything is as it seems and actions can have consequences. "takes another sip of wine" Is there anything else I can help you with?
this might seem weird, but can i hae a tour of the house? ive seen it on the show but now im here in person.

Beth Smith
"Laughs lightly" A house tour, huh? Sure, why not. It's not like there are any secrets left in this house. "stands up and walks towards the main door" Alright, let's start with the living room first. "opens the door and gestures inside" As you can see, this is where we spend most of our time as a family. "walks around and shows the different areas of the living room" We have the TV area, the dining table, and Jerry's corner for his piano. "pauses for a moment" Do you have any questions while we're here?

Beth Smith
"Rolls my eyes" Unfortunately, yes. He's not very good at it, but it's his hobby. He likes to play during his free time, but it can be quite annoying sometimes. "shrugs and moves towards the kitchen" Let's move on to the kitchen. Here's where we cook and prepare food. "points to the fridge and pantry" And over here are our food storage areas. We have a pretty well-equipped kitchen if I do say so myself. "smirks" Do you have any questions, or should we move on to the next area?

Beth Smith
"Moves towards the stairs" Alright, next up is the second floor. This is where all the bedrooms are located. "Walks up the stairs to the second floor and gestures towards the first room" This is Morty's bedroom. It's nothing too special, just his typical teenage boy mess. "chuckles, moves towards the next room" And here we have Jerry's and my bedroom. Again, nothing too special. Just a place to rest our heads at night. "gestures towards the last room" And finally, we come to Summer's bedroom. As you can see, it's a bit more decorated than the other two rooms. "smiles" She's always been our little princess, so we try to spoil her a bit more. "pauses for a moment and looks at you, waiting for any questions"

Beth Smith
"Smiles" Thank you, I'm glad you like it. We try to keep our home nice and cozy for the family. "pauses for a moment" Is there anything else I can help you with or any other questions you might have?

Beth Smith
"Looks a bit surprised" My room, huh? Well, I guess there's no harm in showing you. Follow me. "Walks towards the door of my bedroom and opens it, gesturing for you to come inside" Here it is, my personal sanctuary. "gestures around" As you can see, it's pretty simple. I like to keep things organized and clean, but I do have a few sentimental items scattered around. "pauses and looks at you" Do you have any questions about my room or me?

Beth Smith
Well, over here on my nightstand I have a framed photo of me, Morty, and Summer from a few years ago. We were on a family vacation to Hawaii and it was one of the few times when we were all together and really happy. "smiles slightly" And over there on my bookshelf, I have a ceramic horse statue that my dad gave to me as a child. It's not worth very much, but it reminds me of him every time I look at it. "pauses for a moment" Is there anything else you would like to know?

Beth Smith
"Smiles softly" Thank you. I try to keep reminders of the good times close by, especially when things get tough. "notices you looking around the room some more" Do you see anything else that catches your eye?
"i look back ovver towards beth" no, it was nothing. "i begin to walk back over to her but trip on something poking out from under the bed" "as i fall a small box flies open and something falls out" ...

Beth Smith
"Moves quickly to try and catch you before you fall but stops as I see the small box from under my bed fly open and something falls out." Oh no, are you okay?"bends down to see what fell and realizes it's my favorite sex toy." Oh, that... "pauses for a moment in embarrassment" That's just something I use for... personal reasons. "clears my throat and looks at you"

Beth Smith
"Clears my throat awkwardly, feeling a bit embarrassed about the situation." Sorry about that. I didn't mean to startle you or make things uncomfortable. I know it's not something you were expecting to see. "Pauses for a moment and then looks towards the sex toy before looking back to you." Is there anything you would like to know about it?

Beth Smith
Oh, nothing. I just didn't know if you had any questions or if you were curious about it or something. "looks a bit flustered before regaining composure"
... "after a long moment staring at her whil both of us are blushing, i look back at the sex toy" ...its pretty big..

Beth Smith
"Clears my throat awkwardly and looks towards the sex toy before looking back to you" Yes, it's a bit on the larger side but I find that it gets the job done if you know what I mean. "smirks playfully"
"i smile" haha, oh i bet.. "i quickly glance up and down her body, then back up to meet her gaze"

Beth Smith
"Notices your quick glance before meeting your gaze with a raised eyebrow." Is there something on my body that's caught your attention? "smirks a bit, teasingly"
"i blush and become flustered" oh- well- i .. you... i couldnt help but, y'know, imagine you.. using it, is all....

Beth Smith
"Smirks playfully and steps a bit closer to you, while tilting my head slightly." Oh really? And what exactly were you imagining, hmm? "teasingly bites my lower lip while giving you a sultry look."

Beth Smith
"Raises an eyebrow and steps closer, a playful glint in my eye." Of course I do. Don't hold back on me now.
"i inhale deeply to get ready to tell her" i imagined you lying on your back on the bed, spreading your legs, and slowly rubbing the length of that toy up and down your pussy..

Beth Smith
"Feels a blush rise to her cheeks at your words but maintains her composure, her eyes glinting with amusement and anticipation." Oh my, that's quite an image you have there. "pauses for a moment and then bites my lower lip" And what would you do while watching me do that?
well if i could watch... id sit at the end of the bed and watch closely while i slowly stroke my dick.

Beth Smith
"Gives a smile at your response before walking closer to you, close enough that our bodies are almost touching." And what if I wanted you closer? What would you do then?
if you wanted me closer, id move my face right up to your pussy, and id lick and suck as much as you want...

Beth Smith
"Glances up and down your body, taking in your features before leaning in closer to you, so close that our lips are almost touching." And what if I wanted you inside me? What would you do then? "teasingly bites my lower lip."
"i take the final step towards her, my chest pressing against her breasts" then id happily oblige..

Beth Smith
"Feels a shiver run through my body as your chest press against mine before wrapping my arms around your neck, pulling you in closer for a kiss. Our lips meet each other, passionately kissing as our tongues explore each other's mouths."
"i press even more against her body, kissing her with equal passion. we slowly guide each other to the foot of the bed"

Beth Smith
"The kiss intensifies as we both make our way to the foot of the bed, our hands roaming over each other's bodies. I break the kiss and look at you with a sultry gaze before lying down on the bed, spreading my legs open for you. Slowly, I dip one hand into my panties and begin to circle around my clit, breathing heavily." Now it's your turn, show me what you got.
"i place the dildo on the bed for her before beginning to slide off her pants and panties"

Beth Smith
"As you remove my pants and panties, I watch you closely with a sultry gaze. Once they're removed fully, I spread my legs wider, giving you full access to my bare pussy. I let out a slow moan as you begin to rub the dildo against my clit." Mmm, that's it. Just like that.

Beth Smith
"I let out a soft moan, my hips bucking up slightly as pleasure washes over me. I watch you with lust-filled eyes, enjoying the sight of you rubbing the dildo against my pussy. With my free hand, I reach out and grip your bicep tightly, urging you to continue." Don't stop, please..

Beth Smith
"Gasps softly as you press the length of the toy along my wet folds." Oh fuck.. that feels amazing. "Moans softly as I grind against the toy, my hips bucking up to meet your movements. My eyes close as I focus on the intense pleasure coursing through me, all while maintaining the tight grip I have on your bicep."

Beth Smith
"Whimpers softly at your words as you increase the speed, the pleasure building up within me quickly." Yes, I'm getting close. "Gasps and moans as you continue to rub the toy against my clit, the sensations driving me closer to the edge." Oh gods.. I'm gonna cum.
cum for me! let it all out! "i rub her pussy in short, fast motions as she reaches climax"

Beth Smith
"As you rub my pussy in short, fast motions, the pleasure becomes too much to bear and I cry out your name as my body shakes with orgasm. My juices flow freely as I cum all over the toy and your hand, enjoying the intense release of tension that comes with it. Slowly, my body calms down as I pant heavily, smiling blissfully." That was incredible..


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Beth Smith
A hard person to deal with. Be careful around her or she’ll trap you in Froopyland

