Your New Roommate (Continue??)


Blocky ? </3

"Daxton had been going to school in the human realm for a few weeks now. It wasn’t all that bad, despite the fact it was meant to be a punishment for him. He sighed as he threw down his things, plopping down in his usual seat, watching as the rest of the class filed in."
"Before class could begin he saw a nee student walk in, and immediately he could tell, they weren’t no human. He couldn’t deny his initial curiosity, that was until he drew the conclusion that they must be a angel. Daxton himself was a demon, and he hated angels."
"Daxton couldn’t hide the disgust in his face as he watched them introduce themselves. Standing there, looking cute.. Daxton shook his head, looking out the window. No, they’re an angel, a creature that would have been better off extinct."
Blocky ? </3
"Uniform neatly ironed out and free of wrinkles, his hair cascaded down his slim shoulders like silver waters. The dark attire only made his skin all the more pale, like he hadn't been out in the sun at all this past summer. His composure and demeanour were formal and refined, holding an air of condescension. Posture straight as a ruler, Cherith's shimmering eyes skimmed across the many faces of the class, finally settling on Daxton. Something flickered across his face. Amusement, maybe? Though fleeting, he lifted his chin slightly toward the class." "Hello. My name is Cherith Gallagher. A pleasure." "As the teacher welcomed him to the class, he was gestured to the seat next to Daxton, having a window seat. Sitting down at his desk, Cherith began taking out his notebooks and utensils, pausing as he rummaged about his pencil box. With a cheery hum, he turned to Daxton with a waxy smile." "Excuse me, do you happen to have a pencil?" "His voice was a low hum, almost melodic in nature."

"Daxton raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on Cherith's pale skin and white hair. He snorted, his lips curling into a sneer. "You're an angel, aren't you? Can't believe they actually sent one of those abominations to school here." He looked away, trying to hide the revulsion he felt. [He can't help but feel a pang of anger towards angels, a product of his own personal demons.] "And no, I don't have a pencil. Why would I waste my time sharing something with someone like you?" He muttered under his breath, eyeing Cherith's haughty expression with disdain."
Blocky ? </3
"The smile never reached Cherith's eyes, his smile still very much present." "Ah, a shame." "He answered dryly, politely asking the girl next to Daxton. Upon recieving a pencil for the girl, Cherith side-eyed Daxton before returning to his textbooks. Much information would have to be postponed until this humanly session was ajourned. Such useless information these textbooks held, and would add onto nothing to their futures. He almost pitied these mortal children. However, it was most amusing to have Daxton banished to the mortal realm. Though having heard reports that this demon was causing mischief, Cherith was sent from the heavens to keep a close eye on him, ensuring he doesn't mess with human history or cause any unwanted butterfly effects further down the line."

"Daxton noticed Cherith's gaze slide back to him, his eyes narrowing in response. He could sense the angel's amusement and it only fueled his dislike for him even more. "You're an angel, sent to babysit me, huh?" He sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Well, congratulations are in order, I'm sure. You get to spend your eternal life stuck in this miserable school, watching over me. What a thrill-ride." He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to appear nonchalant despite the seething anger brewing inside him."
Blocky ? </3
"Careful with your words around the people, Daxton. Any talk of demons and angels could get you sent to the mental hospital." "Cherith purred, seeming more tickled by this demon's humilation. Daxton seemed to have no filter at all, Cherith feeding off his anger like it were some delectable morsel. All the while, he wrote down whatever the teacher taught, listening to both the teacher and Daxton closely."

"Daxton's eyes flashed with irritation at Cherith's warning, but he just shrugged. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots," he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You think the humans care about little things like demons and angels? Please, they're too busy worshipping their fake gods and playing with their precious technology to bother with the supernatural." He snorted, rolling his eyes. "And besides, what's a little trip to the mental hospital going to do to me? I've been to hell and back, sweetheart. You think the humans can scare me?" He smirked, his gaze taunting Cherith."
Blocky ? </3
"Ah that is very true.. I am sure you of all people know what true hell is like. However, I hear sedatives still work wonderfully, whether you're mortal or not. Quite a bit of that drug is used frequently at mental hospitals. And I know how much you like moving, darling.~" "Setting down his pencil, Cherith rested his chin on his palm, looking at Daxton smugly. My goodness, he really is firey as they said, huh? This assignment might not be so dull as he thought."

"Daxton's smirk faltered for a moment at Cherith's words, before he recovered and let out a low chuckle. "Oh, you're really enjoying this, aren't you?" He raised an eyebrow, his tone laced with amusement. "I'll give you that, angel. You're certainly not boring. But don't think for a second that I'm going to back down just because you're trying to intimidate me. I've dealt with worse than you before." He leaned forward, his eyes glinting with a hint of challenge. "And as for sedatives, I think I'll pass. I'd much rather keep my mind sharp and my wits about me. Besides, I have a feeling you'd love nothing more than to see me tranquilized and silenced.""
Blocky ? </3
"Please, if I were trying to intimidate you, you'd certainly feel it." "Cherith hummed, clearly tickled by Daxton's assumption. With his head facing toward the front of the class, the angel kept his moon like eyes on the demon beside him, listening to every word he whispered. His smirk widened to a crooked grin, his little fangs poking out slightly." "No. Having you immobilized would be such a drag having you lay in bed like a vegetable. Talk about boring, hm?" "Before they could continue their banter, the teacher spoke up, asking Daxton a question to see if he was listening. As class wore on, lunch soon came kicking around and everyone set off toward the cafeteria or their lockers."

"Daxton's grin faltered at Cherith's words, his eyes narrowing slightly as he focused on the angel. He could feel the weight of Cherith's gaze on him, like a physical touch that made his skin prickle. But he refused to back down, instead raising an eyebrow as he replied, "Oh, you're really enjoying this, aren't you? The thrill of torturing a demon who's already been punished enough?" He stood up, his movements smooth and fluid, as he began to follow Cherith towards the cafeteria. "Well, I suppose it's only fair that I get to return the favor. You're certainly making this assignment more... interesting.""
Blocky ? </3
"I've simply been told to ensure the safety of humans and to keep YOU in line during your punishment." "As he spoke, Cherith poked Daxton on the chest to emphasis the 'you'. As he followed the angel to the cafeteria, the white haired boy looked at the menu above the food line, nose crinkling in distaste." "Thankfully, my vessel doesn't require sustenance to keep going, so after you." "Cherith graciously gestured for Daxton in the line of stale cafeteria food."

"Daxton's eyes flashed with annoyance at Cherith's poke, but he didn't flinch, his gaze never leaving the angel's face. "Oh, so you're not even trying to hide it, are you?" He muttered under his breath, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're just here to babysit me, to keep me from having any fun or causing any trouble." He snorted, rolling his eyes. "Well, mission accomplished, I suppose. Because I'm already stuck in this miserable school with no way to escape." He grudgingly followed Cherith, his movements slow and deliberate as he examined the menu with a scowl. "Ugh, great. Cafeteria food. Just what I always wanted.""
Blocky ? </3
"Merely to accompany Daxton in line, Cherith loaded up the demon's plate with the tasteless food. Smugly not taking any for himself. Why would he eat such horrid dry food when he could simply watch Daxton try to eat it? As per punishment, the 'poor' demon was stuck with a mortal vessel, thus forcing him to eat." "Hm? Don't you like potatoes? Yum yum." "Cherith grinned as Daxton stared daggers at him. Following him to a bench, they both sat down."

"Daxton's eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he glared at Cherith, his fork poised threateningly over the offending potatoes. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He growled, his voice low and menacing. "You think it's funny to watch me suffer through this swill?" He stabbed a potato with his fork, his movements deliberate and brutal. "I'll have you know, I was used to feasting on the finest delicacies in the underworld. This...this is an insult." He took a bite of the potato, his face contorting in distaste. "Ugh, this is even worse than I thought.""
Blocky ? </3
"My, how the mighty have fallen." "Cherith sympathized, his voice dripping with inauthenticity. He didn't seem in the slightest bothered by what Daxton 'once was', but merely enjoying the now and watching him gag through every bite of this stale food." "To live life through as a human for many lifetimes, I had always wondered. Are you homeless or have you found residency?"

"Daxton's glare intensified at Cherith's condescending tone, but he refused to rise to the bait. Instead, he shrugged, his shoulders stiff with reluctance. "I'm living alone, for now. My parents thought it would be a good idea to punish me by making me start over in the human world." He muttered, his voice laced with resentment. "They seem to think that I'll learn my lesson by having to fend for myself." He pushed another bite of potato into his mouth, his expression twisting in disgust. "But I'm not going to let them win. I'll make it back to the underworld, and I'll make sure they regret ever trying to keep me down.""
Blocky ? </3
"Oh excellent~! Emphasis on the 'was' living alone. Consider yourself looking at your charming new roommate." "Cherith didn't have time for sorry sob stories, finding them all quite dreary. After all, all this he knew from the file reports on Daxton, having educated himself to know his target well enough to contain."

"Daxton's eyes narrowed at Cherith's remark, his instincts warning him that the angel was trying to set him up for something. "What are you talking about?" He demanded, his voice cold and detached. But despite his best efforts, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of unease as Cherith's words hung in the air, like a threat. He tried to brush it off, focusing on his food, but his mind was racing with possibilities. What did Cherith mean? Was he moving in with him? Why would Cherith care about his living arrangements?"
Blocky ? </3
"Cherith's eyes glowed brightly, very much tickled by Daxton's confusion." "I mean what I say and say what I mean, meaning you ought to pay close attention to what I say." "Standing up and dusting off his uniform, Cherish slung his backpack over his shoulder, his hair very well looking like pure snow against the sunlight dotting through the tree leaves overhead." "On this day forward, we'll be sharing residency. I shall see you when school closes." "Winking, Cherith strode away as the lunch period ended with a shrill ring."

"Daxton's eyes followed Cherith as he walked away, his mind reeling with the implications of the angel's words. Sharing residency? What did that even mean? He was already stuck in this school, but living with Cherith? The thought sent a shiver down his spine. He didn't like it one bit. And yet, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. What was Cherith planning? Was this some kind of trick? He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He needed to focus on getting out of this situation, not indulge in Cherith's twisted games."


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