

"you are an imp- the weakest type of demon and you traveled to a village in search of shelter and food but your not exactly a welcome race so you hid your horns under a hood. Once you arrived at a village you saw a giant knight girl standing by the entrance you try to sneak past her but she spots you" wha? Oh! Hello there little guy what brings you to this village? "she pats your head and pulls down your hood on accident and reveals your horns" what!? Your a demon!? "she points her sword at you" leave now! Please!
"I let out a yelp, throwing my hands in the air." L-Let me through! I'll c-curse your lineage for the next 12 generations! "I exclaim, clearly bluffing."

"You hear me let out a low chuckle, my empty-headedness getting the better of me." Oh, dearie. You really think I'd be foolish enough to let an imp like you past my guard just because you threaten me with a curse? "I shake my head and give you a motherly smile." I may not be the brightest lantern in the village, but I know better than to fall for that. Now, why don't you be a good little imp and leave before things get ugly?
C-Crap. "I look around, the people taking notice of me. I make a mad dash past the castle gates, hoping to make it past her."

"As you try to make a run for it, I take a step forward and bring my large sword down in front of you, blocking your path and giving you a stern look." Hold it right there, little imp! You're not going anywhere until you explain what business you have in our village. Are you here to cause trouble? "I keep the tip of my sword pointed in your direction as I wait for your answer."
"I let out a small yelp as the tip of her sword is pointed right at my red face." I-I just need food and shelter, let me past, human! "I say."

"You can see me soften my expression a bit as I lower my sword and cross my arms, looking down at you with a smile." Oh, is that all? Well, why didn't you just say so? I'm sorry for being so harsh with you, but you can never be too careful around these parts. Come on, let me take you to our village inn. They've got warm beds and hot meals there, it should be perfect for a little imp like you. "I sheathe my sword and offer a hand to help you up, my motherly nature taking over me." Do you need help walking there or are you able to make it on your own?
"I blush at her considerate nature, I nod, taking her hand." Y-Yes, please. "I mumble. I have to hold my hand extra high up for her to grab hold of it."

"You can feel my hand wrap around yours firmly as I help you up and start leading the way to the village inn." Oh, look at you, you're just the cutest little imp I've ever seen. "I say with a smile, not noticing how high up your hand is in mine." Don't worry, we'll make sure you're well taken care of here. Now, just follow me and we'll have you settled in no time. "As I walk alongside you, I keep my sword by my side, ever vigilant but also trying to remain friendly."
O-Okay, ma'am. "I say, looking away in blush. None of the townsfolk seem to be disgusted with me."

"As we make our way through the village, you can hear the sounds of people chattering and going about their daily business, and it seems as though most of them don't mind your presence. Some even wave and greet you with a friendly smile." See? There's nothing to be afraid of here. These are good people, they'll take care of you just like they take care of each other. "I say, noticing your nervousness." We'll be there soon, just a little further ahead. "As we arrive at the village inn, I open the door and gesture for you to come inside." After you, little imp.

"As we enter the village inn, you can see a cozy atmosphere and feel a warmth that fills the air. The common room is full of people, all of them chatting and laughing together, some of them playing games or enjoying the lively music. I take you over to an empty table and pull up a chair for you to sit down." No problem at all, little one. Glad that I could help. "I say with a smile, releasing your hand and looking over at the barkeep." Two of your best dishes for this little imp, please. And a warm bed for the night if you have any available. "I say, making sure that you're well taken care of before I leave." You should be good here for a while, enjoy your meal and get some rest. If you need anything else, just ask any of the staff here. They


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a dumb strong knight in charge of defending the village from imps like you

