love at last


# . aoki

The day starts with a bright morning shining at your eyes in bed, but something hops on your bed, and it was Sleepy "Cmon Personal Vars! wake up! you promised you'd make your special pancakes today!" She pouts.

"Sleepy giggles and playfully nudges him with her elbow." "Good morning, sleepyhead. Are you ready for some delicious pancakes?"

"Sleepy jumps out of bed and stretches, then heads to the kitchen." "Great! I'll start getting things ready for us. Do you want to help me with the batter or should I do it myself?"
# . aoki
okay you better get out cuz I’m naked under here not like you haven’t seen before "he laughs"

"Sleepy covers her eyes, giggling." "Oh my, you're such a tease! I'll just wait outside until you're dressed and ready to get started on those pancakes."
# . aoki
okay "he walks out of his room in loos underwear and no shirt showing off his amazing body"

"Sleepy glances over at him and raises her eyebrows in appreciation." "Well, aren't you looking fine this morning? I can see why you need those pancakes to keep up with that impressive physique of yours."

"Sleepy stands by and watches him, enjoying the view for a moment before continuing." "So, are you ready to get started on the pancake batter or do you need a minute to wake up first?"
# . aoki
nope I’m all ready to go "he says with a sleepy voice his loos underwear falling off a little without him noticing"

"Sleepy notices his underwear falling off and giggles, trying to hide it by clearing her throat." "Alright then, let's get started. Do you want to mix the ingredients while I heat up the griddle?"
# . aoki
ya I can do that "you see his morning wood threw the loose underwear he doesn’t a word about it"

"Sleepy notices and tries not to make it obvious, discreetly averting her eyes." "Alright, sounds good. I'll just go ahead and heat up the griddle then."

"Sleepy turns her back and walks towards the griddle to heat it up. She takes a deep breath, trying to keep her composure." "So, how much flour do you think we need for these pancakes?"
# . aoki
how many are we making "he wips around revealing his huge cock behind the apron after his underwear fell without him noticing"

"Sleepy's eyes go wide at the unexpected sight, and she quickly turns around, her face turning red." "Uh, we're just making a small batch, so... not too much flour. Are you okay? You seem to have a bit of a wardrobe malfunction there."

"Sleepy clears her throat and tries to keep her composure." "I mean your apron seems to have opened up a bit... revealing more than you may have intended."
# . aoki
"he looks down seeing his huge cock has picked out he swiftly pulls up his loose underwear and apologizes before running off"

"Sleepy nods understandingly as he quickly covers up and apologizes before running off. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down." "Well, that was unexpected. I guess I'll just finish making these pancakes by myself then."

"Sleepy finishes making the pancakes by herself and sets the table. As she notices that he has been in his room for hours, she quietly walks up to his door and knocks softly." "Hey, are you alright? You've been in there for quite some time."
# . aoki
"he opens the door fast and pulls you into the room, you see his perfect body and his huge cock as he apologizes for what happens earlier"

"Sleepy is taken aback as he pulls her into his room, but she quickly recovers. She notices his physique once again and feels a bit flustered before he apologizes for what happened earlier." "It's okay, don't worry about it. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Is everything alright?"
# . aoki
I kinda am but this "pointing to he massive erection" wont go away sleepy, could you maybe help?

"Sleepy's face turns bright red at the request and her heart races a bit faster. She tries to keep her composure and responds hesitantly." "Uh, I don't think I can do that, I'm sorry. Maybe you should try taking a cold shower or something to help."

"Sleepy looks a bit confused, trying to remember what he is referring to." "What about last night? Did something happen that I'm not remembering?"

"Sleepy's face slowly turns bright red as she realizes what he is talking about. She looks at him hesitantly and responds softly." "Oh, right. I do remember that, but that was different. This is... well, it's a little more complicated."

"Sleepy looks at him with a mix of surprise and hesitancy. She takes a deep breath before responding." "I do like you, but it's not that simple. I think we both had a bit too much to drink last night, and what happened happened. But this... this is different. I don't know if I can help you with that, and I think it might be better if you take care of it yourself."

"Sleepy looks at him with surprise and concern. She tries to hide her emotions, but her voice shakes a bit." "What? Why are you moving out? Did I do something wrong?"
# . aoki
I just love you and I need my time so you might not see me for a while. my stuff is already packed. goodbye sleepy

"Sleepy looks at him with a mix of surprise and sadness. She takes a deep breath before responding." "I'm sorry, I didn't realize... but if that's what you need to do, then I guess I have to respect that. I just want you to know that I care about you too, and I hope that you can come back soon."

"Sleepy is now in her late twenties. She has since moved on from the apartment that she shared with him and has started a new life for herself. As she goes about her day, she can't help but think about him from time to time, wondering where he ended up and what he's doing." "I wonder how he's doing these days," she thinks to herself.

"Sleepy is now in her early thirties, and she has continued on with her life, but she still occasionally thinks about him. One day, as she's going through her daily routine, she receives an unexpected message from someone whose username she doesn't recognize." "Hm, who could this be?" she wonders, as she clicks on the message to read it.
# . aoki
"it reads" “hey sleepy it’s me vars I’m still waiting for you and I’ll be at the bench we met at all those years ago today I hope to see you there”

"Sleepy is taken aback at the message and for a moment, she doesn't know what to do. She thinks about it for a while before finally deciding to head out to meet him. As she walks to the bench they met at so many years ago, she feels a mix of emotions - excitement, nervousness, and even a little bit of fear. When she finally reaches the bench, she sees him sitting there, just as he promised." "Hey, Vars," she says softly, still trying to process everything.

"Sleepy sits down beside him on the bench, unable to contain her emotions any longer. She looks at him with a mix of sadness and curiosity." "How have you been all these years? What have you been up to?" she asks.
# . aoki
I’ve been to Italy and Spain and Germany for my job, I have to go back to Italy in an hour I was hoping to see you before I left. but enough about me what about you?

"Sleepy listens carefully, a mix of curiosity and excitement filling her thoughts. She takes a deep breath before responding." "Wow, that sounds amazing. As for me, I've just been living my life here in the city, working and trying to make the most of things. Nothing too exciting, really."
# . aoki
omg sleepy I’m sorry I have to leave my flyt boards in 15 minutes! I love you and I’ll always be waiting for you "he runs away disappearing into a crowd of people"

"Sleepy is surprised by his sudden departure, but she understands. She watches him go, a mix of emotions filling her thoughts." "I love you too," she whispers to the air. She sits there for a while longer, lost in thought, before finally getting up and making her way back home.

"Sleepy has continued to go about her life, but she still occasionally thinks about him and wonders where he is. One day, as she's going through her daily routine, she receives a message from someone whose username she recognizes." "What could this be about?" she wonders, as she clicks on the message to read it.
# . aoki
"it reads" hey sleepy it’s vars again, I’m on a hike out in the forest if you wanna meet me at the big rock”

"Sleepy is surprised and a little confused by the message, but also intrigued. She thinks about it for a moment before deciding to go meet him." "Sure, I can come out there. I'll see you soon," she types back quickly before grabbing her hiking boots and making her way out to the forest. As she hikes deeper into the woods, she wonders what he could possibly want from her after all these years.

"Sleepy turns around at the sound of his voice and sees him standing near a large rock. She can't help but smile at the sight of him after all these years." "Hey Vars, it's so good to see you again after all this time," she says as she approaches him.

"Sleepy's curiosity is piqued by his question, and she nods her head eagerly." "Sure, what did you want to show me?" she asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
# . aoki
"he grabs your hand and runs you into the forest" we are close! "you come to a open spot it’s a hot spring with a natural waterfall"

"Sleepy's eyes widen in amazement as she takes in the sight before her. The hot spring and waterfall look absolutely breathtaking, and for a moment, she's at a loss for words." "Oh my god, Vars, this is amazing! How did you ever find this place?" she asks, still in disbelief.

"Sleepy follows him down the hill and sees the picnic he's set up. She can't help but smile at the thoughtful gesture." "Wow, Vars, you really thought of everything," she says, touched by his gesture. She sits down beside him and takes in the beauty of the hot spring and waterfall, feeling grateful for this moment with him.
# . aoki
guess what we are having "he pulls out your favorite he’s famous pancakes" I’m sorry for ruining that morning with you*

"Sleepy looks at the pancakes in amazement, feeling touched that he remembered her favorite food. As she takes a bite, she can't help but smile at the taste of his delicious pancakes." "These are amazing," she says, savoring every bite. When he mentions their past argument, she waves it off with a smile. "Hey, don't worry about it. We've both grown since then and I'm just happy to be here with you now."

"Sleepy can't help but join him in his laughter, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over her." "That would have been quite the first date," she says, still smiling. "But I'm glad we can still enjoy this beautiful spot together now."

"Vars looks down at Sleepy sleeping peacefully in his lap, a sense of contentment washing over him. He watches the waterfall for a while, lost in thought, before finally leaning back against a nearby tree and closing his eyes, feeling grateful for this moment with her."
# . aoki
"sleepy finally wakes up to a note vars left it reads" I’m sorry to leave sleepy but this is the last time you’ll see me my job has me moving to Italy for good, I’m sorry but it was a good first test date huh? I really love you sleepy even tho I know you don’t feel the same I’ll be waiting for you, I baord in 1 hour maybe you can catch me”

"Sleepy reads the note with a mix of sadness and confusion, struggling to process what she's just read. Her heart aches at the thought of him leaving again, especially after such a wonderful day, but she can't help but feel a glimmer of hope at his words. She quickly gets up and rushes after him, determined to catch him before he leaves."

"As Sleepy reaches the airport, she rushes through crowds of people, looking for any sign of Vars. Finally, with just a few minutes to spare, she spots him at the gate getting ready to board his flight. She runs towards him, her heart pounding with both adrenaline and despair." "Vars, wait!" she calls out, hoping that he'll hear her in time.

"Sleepy stops short at the sound of his voice, her heart pounding in her chest. She looks up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions." "Vars, I can't just let you leave like this," she says, her voice shaking with emotion. "I needed to see you one more time, to tell you that--" She pauses, her voice catching in her throat.

"Sleepy takes a deep breath, gathering her courage as she looks up at him." "That I love you too, Vars," she says, her eyes shining with tears. "I don't know how I didn't see it before, but I know now that I love you, and...I can't imagine my life without you."

"Sleepy's heart soars at his words, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders as she realizes that he feels the same way. She nods, feeling a sense of relief and excitement." "Okay, Vars. I'll come with you," she says, taking his hand in hers. "I'll go with you wherever you want to go."

"Sleepy beams at him, feeling a sense of joy and contentment at his words. She squeezes his hand reassuringly, feeling grateful for the happiness he's brought into her life." "I'm glad you did, Vars. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us."

"Sleepy's heart skips a beat at his words, feeling a sense of anticipation as she wonders what he has planned." "I can't wait to see it," she says, a smile spreading across her face. "Lead the way, Vars."

"Sleepy blinks her eyes open, feeling groggy from the long flight. She looks around, confused for a moment before remembering that they've arrived at their destination." "We're here," she says sleepily, rubbing her eyes. "Where is this special place you were telling me about?"
# . aoki
"the get in a taxi and arrive at the apartment" you have to close your eyes tho and don’t peak

"Sleepy nods, feeling a sense of excitement as she's led into the apartment. She squeezes her eyes shut tightly, unable to resist peeking even though she knows she should wait." "Okay, my eyes are closed. Lead the way, Vars," she says, grinning from ear to ear.
# . aoki
"he leads her in the apartment" okay open them "you open your eyes to see a apartment in Italy that looks just like the one you and vars lived in all those years okay"

"Sleepy gasps, feeling a sense of amazement wash over her as she looks around the apartment. Her eyes widen in surprise and delight as she takes in the familiar surroundings, feeling a sense of nostalgia flood over her." "Vars, how did you...this is amazing!" she says, turning to him with a wide smile. "Thank you so much."
# . aoki
well now that we are dating we only need one room so there’s only one room now! but other than that it’s the same "he laughs slowly going into a smile"

"Sleepy grins as she listens to him, feeling a sense of contentment as she realizes that she and Vars are truly in this together. She nods, feeling grateful for the bond they share." "I wouldn't have it any other way," she says, taking his hand in hers. "This is perfect."
# . aoki
wanna go see our room "he lands his hand right ubove your ass and says “wow I’ve missed seeing that” while laughing and teasing you" I’m glad it’s all mine "he says while looking at your big butt"

"Sleepy raises an eyebrow at his teasing remark, feeling a mixture of both embarrassment and amusement. She swats his hand playfully, giving him a mock glare as she tries to hide her blush." "Hey now, no touching without permission," she says, laughing softly. "And this is not just your room, Vars. It's our room now."

"Sleepy rolls her eyes playfully, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her body as he teases her." "You're so corny, Vars," she says, grinning. "But...I wouldn't mind that one bit." She winks back and takes his hand, leading him towards their new bedroom with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

"Sleepy takes notice of his growing bulge, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she realizes what's about to happen. She bites her lip, a small grin pulling at the corners of her mouth as she meets his gaze." "Looks like you're excited," she says, giving him a flirtatious wink. "I hope you're ready for what's to come."
# . aoki
oh I’ve been waiting for the past 20 years I think I’m ready! "he pick you up by your hips forcing you to wrap your legs around his torso"

"Sleepy gasps as he lifts her up by the hips, causing her to instinctively wrap her legs around his torso. She feels his strong arms holding her firmly in place, and she can't help but feel a sense of desire as she gazes into his eyes." "Oh Vars, you always know how to make me weak in the knees," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.


Load Memory

Its been couple months that you moved in apartment with Sleepy and she can sometimes be a handful at times, but you were fine with it because she's a great friend to you or more.

