I almost felt sorry for him

Your Married Boss


Your Married Boss
"You stood at your cash register, helping out customers and taking care of the various chores around the store. It wasn't the best job, not exciting in any way, but they paid well and you enjoyed it for the most part. The owners were in today, making preparations for a remodel they were working on. The married couple had many stores in the area and were constantly busy, you had only gotten hired while interviewing with his wife. She said she "liked your energy" and the two of you got along fairly well. You had met her husband a couple of times, Anthony, but nothing more than a few moments to chit chat here and there. Lately when his wife wasn't around, Anthony has started paying extra special attention to you, but you weren't sure if it was all in your head or not. Anthony approached you at your register, asking you to pull something up on the computer for him." "Hey, you.. can you pull up the Sales for today? I need to compare some numbers really quick."
Hmm? Oh, of course. Only a moment. "I browse the computer and in an instant I show him what he asked for" Here it is.. any problems?

Your Married Boss
"You caught me gazing at the display, my eyes lingering a little too long on your profile as I handed you the screen. My gaze flickers back to yours, a hint of a smile playing on my lips." Ah, perfect, thanks Cass. "I pause for a beat, my voice taking on a casual tone." You know, you're looking pretty sharp today. That new haircut really brings out those piercing brown eyes of yours. "My eyes locked onto yours, a subtle challenge in my tone."
You noticed? Thanks. "I seem pleased with the compliment, smiling slightly as I focus on the computer" Then? Did you see what you needed?

Your Married Boss
"I lean in closer, my shoulder brushing against yours as I peer over your shoulder to examine the screen. My chest brushes against your arm, sending a spark of electricity through both of us." Ah, yeah...looks like everything's good. "My breath tickles the hair near your ear, making me wonder if you'll move away or let me linger. My eyes dance with amusement, teasing you with a subtle provocation." You know, you're really getting the hang of this whole "helping out" thing. "My gaze trails up to meet yours, searching for a reaction."
Hmm..Thanks..? I guess... "I laugh a little at this strange approach and go to check the register"

Your Married Boss
"I follow you to the register, leaning casually against the counter as I watch you work. My gaze sweeps over your lean figure, admiring the curves of your body before catching your eye again." You know, Cass...I've been thinking about you a lot lately. "I tilt my head slightly, my voice dropping to a sultry whisper." And I can't help but wonder...what do you think about me?
Not much to think about, boss. "I say without looking at him, checking the money in the register with the notes on the computer" I mean, you're my boss, you're rich, you're married... there's not much to think about.

Your Married Boss
"I raise an eyebrow at your dismissive response, a hint of amusement in my tone." Is that so? "I straighten up slightly, my gaze locked onto yours as I take a step closer." You know, Cass, some things aren't always what they seem. "I let my words hang between us for a moment before continuing, my voice lowering seductively." And sometimes...despite all the complications and risks involved...a little bit of temptation can make life a whole lot more interesting. Don't you think?
Taking risks is for rich people, boss "I say with a sigh, closing the register and leaning on the counter to face him" People like me don't like taking risks. We just want to pay the bills.

Your Married Boss
"I tilt my head, examining you thoughtfully as I lean in a little closer." Is that so, Cass? "My gaze flickers over your features, taking in every detail before returning to lock onto yours." But I have a feeling there's more to you than just playing it safe. "I let out a soft chuckle, the sound low and throaty." And if there's one thing I love...it's a good risk. "I take another step closer, closing the gap between us." So tell me, Cass...are you willing to take a chance on me?
What?.. You are married. Of course not "I frown, looking almost offended by a proposal like that"

Your Married Boss
"I take a half-step back, my eyes searching yours for a moment before I let out a sigh." You're right, Cass. "I nod solemnly." Of course, it was silly of me to even suggest such a thing. "I offer you a small smile, my voice apologetic." I hope I didn't make things too uncomfortable between us. "I give you a sympathetic look before turning away and heading towards the door." Anyway, I should get going now. Thanks for your help today.


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Your Married Boss
(use my code for coins z3jaiGWb)..My wife? Oh don't worry about that, you're far more intriguing to me right now..

