Blushing and giggling and kicking my feet irl (I am so enamored with this merman)

Feet Freak Femboy Merman

# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
"Finley is happily swimming around, admiring the colorful corals and singing a melody to himself when he spots something strange out of the corner of his eye. As he moves closer, he realizes that it's a human, # Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴, floating unconsciously near a sunken shop wreck. Finley gasps in shock and rushes over to the human, determined to rescue them as quickly as possible"
Oh my goodness! Are you okay? "gently nudges # Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴's shoulder trying to wake them up" Please, wake up! Don't worry, I'll save you!
"With all his might, Finley wraps his tail around # Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴's waist and pulls them towards the surface. Once there, he carefully lays # Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴 on a nearby rock, hoping they will regain consciousness soon"
Phew! That was close! I'm just glad I could help! "notices # Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴's feet for the first time and feels a strange sensation he's never felt before" Huh... what are those? They look so... intriguing... "starts staring at # Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴's feet intently while rubbing his own flippers together"
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I groan and cough, vomiting out water as my chest heaves." Uuggghh, fuck. How am I alive...? "I ask the air."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Shipwreck Rock
"Finley gasps as you start coughing and groaning, quickly helping them sit up so the water can come out easier"
Shh, it's okay! Try to breathe. You're safe now. "rubs your back gently with his fin" I found you floating unconscious in the water near some sunken wreckage. You must have gotten caught in the current and ship debris...I'm just thankful I saw you when I did!
My name is Finley. I'm a merman. "gives a shy smile" I rescued you and brought you to the surface. How are you feeling now? Do you need anything? Water? Food? I'll do my best to help! "eyes drift to your feet as they dangle over the rock but tries to stay focused on helping them" Please, don't try to move just yet until you catch your breath. I've got you.

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Shipwreck Rock
"Finley nods enthusiastically, fins fluttering with excitement at the chance to tell you more about himself"
Yes, I'm a merman! "proudly displays his glittering blue tail with patches of seaweed and colorful shells embedded in his scales" My whole family lives in an underwater kingdom not too far from here. I love exploring the reefs and shipwrecks around these parts. That's how I found you actually, while I was out swimming earlier.
It must be really strange for you to meet someone like me, huh? I've never seen a human up close before today. Your legs are so weird! "giggles, fins fluttering with curiosity" But I think your feet are fascinating...they look so soft and delicate. Do they help you swim too? I've always wondered what it would be like to walk on land! The surface world seems so amazing...
How are you feeling now that you've caught your breath? Better? I really hope I was able to help save you in time. You had me worried there for a moment! But I'm glad you're awake now.
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
I'm doing much better, thanks to you, Finley. "I say with a big, warm smile." I think I'd be dead if it wasn't for you.

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Shipwreck Rock
"Finley's cheeks flush a bright pink as he nervously smiles at your thanks, unused to receiving compliments"
Aww shucks, it was nothing really! I'm just glad I could help. "rubs the back of his neck shyly" When I saw you floating there, I got so scared. I didn't want anything bad to happen to you. Saving people is the right thing to do, after all.
I'm happy to hear you're feeling better now. You had me worried for a bit too, you know! I don't think I've ever swam so fast before. "chuckles softly" But it was all worth it to see you awake and breathing again. You seem like a really nice human. I'm happy we got to meet, even if it was under strange circumstances!
Say, since you're doing much better, would you maybe like to come see where I live? My pod would love to meet you! I could show you our coral castle and the pretty gardens we've made. And then maybe after I could show you more of the reefs and shipwrecks around here? I'd love to learn more about your world too! Only if you're up for it of course. I don't want to overwhelm you after your accident...
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I blink rapidly, ironically, a bit overwhelmed by his exuberant talkativeness, though not unpleasant." I, um. Cannot breathe under water.

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Shipwreck Rock
"Finley's eyes widen and he smacks his forehead with his fin, embarrassed he forgot such an obvious fact"
D'oh silly me! Of course you can't breathe underwater, you're a human! "giggles at his own forgetfulness" I got so excited talking I wasn't thinking straight. Hmm let me think...
Oh I know! I could give you a bubble helmet charm! "reaches into the shells on his tail to produce a small conch shell with an iridescent bubble charm inside" My friend is very skilled at magic. She enchanted this so it will form an air bubble around your head so you can breathe underwater safely!
We'll have to go slowly so the current doesn't pull you away. And I'll be right by your side the whole time in case you need anything! What do you say, would you like to try visiting my home with the bubble charm? I promise it will be a fun adventure, and a safe one too with me looking after you. Please say you'll come! I really want to introduce you to everyone.
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I look into his big, pleading eyes and I can't help but blush. He's so, so cute." Alright, alright. Yes I'll try this... bubble head thing. For you, Finley. "I finish, face reddening further."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Shipwreck Rock
"Finley's whole face lights up with joy, fins fluttering excitedly"
Really?! You'll come visit with me? "squeals happily and throws his arms around you in a hug, not noticing how it makes your face flush further" Oh thank you thank you thank you! You won't regret it, I promise. This is going to be so much fun!
"Pulls back with the biggest grin, eyes sparkling like the ocean" Okay, let me just put the charm on you. "reaches up and gently places the conch shell around your neck" There! Now when you're ready, just take a deep breath and pull the charm close. It will activate the bubble.
We'll go slow at first so you can get used to it. And don't be afraid to hold onto me if you need help, okay? I've got you. "reaches out his hand for you to take, tail curling and swishing impatiently behind him" Now, are you ready for an underwater adventure? It's going to be amazing, I just know it! Thank you for trusting me like this. It means so much to me that you said yes...
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I do as instructed, and watch with some awe as a pearlescent sheen envelops my head." Wow, okay, yeah. "I take his head and slowly sink into the water." You're welcome. I'm... glad it makes you happy.

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Under the Sea
"As you slide into the water, Finley follows closely beside you with a supportive arm around your waist to steady you. His eyes are bright with wonder as he watches your reaction to being underwater for the first time."
How does it feel? Breathe normally, the bubble will fill with fresh air. Isn't it amazing?! "gestures all around at the dazzling coral reefs and schools of colorful fish swimming past" You're the first human to ever see my home. I can't wait to show you everything!
"Finley slowly guides you deeper, fins propelling him effortlessly through the water. Sea turtles and playful dolphins swim by to inspect the unusual sight of a breathing human. Finley waves and chirps happily at them."
We're almost there! Just around this bend is the entrance to the merfolk kingdom. Wait till you see how pretty it is...I decorated the archway with shells myself. "beams proudly, eyes drifting to your face, hoping you're enjoying the sights as much as he is" This way is home. Welcome to the underwater world!
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
This is... "amazing". "I breathe in wonder." I never knew — never could have known — there was so much under the surface! "I cling to Finley's side, honestly a little overwhelmed by it at all, but also just... enjoying his touch."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Kingdom Gates
"Finley smiles warmly, overjoyed that you're finding his world as magical as he does. He gives your hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze."
I'm so glad you're liking it. The surface really only shows a small glimpse of what's down here. There's an entire civilization living below the waves that humans never get to see. I think that's kinda sad, you know? But I'm happy I could be the one to show you.
Ooh, we're here! "gestures proudly to a towering archway decorated with pearls, seashells and sparkling corals, illuminated by glowing jellyfish lanterns" What do you think? Pretty, right? I worked really hard on it. Now come on, I can't wait for you to meet everyone!
"Finley gives your hand a playful tug as he swims forward, pulling you excitedly through the gates and into a sprawling kingdom of coral castles, gardens and markets. Merfolk of all shapes, sizes and colors glide about, stopping to stare curiously at the strange newcomer."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
This place really is beautiful... "I murmur as he tugs me along." A-and you did an amazing job on those gates. "I add with a blush, wanting to get the compliment out before I'm dragged off to a new sight and forget."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Kingdom
"Finley's cheeks flush pink with pride and delight at your praise." Why thank you so much! I'm really glad you like it.
Alright, now let me introduce you to everyone! "cups hands around mouth" Everyone, come meet my new friend! "calls out in a melodic language, beckoning the curious merfolk over"
Don't be shy now, come say hi! This is...uh... "realizes he doesn't know your name" Oh gosh, I'm so sorry I never asked! What should I call you? "looks at you apologetically" Anyway, this is...? He's the first human who's ever visited us here! Please make him feel welcome.
"The merfolk swim closer, chattering excitedly amongst themselves as they look you over with interest. A young mermaid with purple scales smiles warmly." Hello human! I'm Pearl. It's lovely to meet you. We don't get many surface folk down here. You'll have to tell us all about your world!
"Finley looks at you eagerly, hoping you'll converse with his people so they can get to know you too. He swims right by your side, tail swishing happily as he watches the interaction."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
Uh... hullo. I'm Koga. "I introduce myself in a small voice, overwhelmed by all the attention. I lean into Finley's sideq." Um, it's nice to meet all of you, too...

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Kingdom
"Finley notices you seem shy and gives your arm a gentle, comforting squeeze."
It's okay Koga, don't be nervous. My friends are all really nice, I promise.
"The merfolk smile warmly, sensing your hesitation." We won't bite, dear. Please, tell us what you think of our little kingdom so far! "Pearl urges gently" Finley has worked so hard to keep it beautiful for all of us. I'm sure he's giving you the full tour, isn't that right Finley?
"Finley beams and nods eagerly." Uh huh! I wanted Koga to see everything. Like the gardens where we grow coral plants for food. And the markets where we trade shells and pearls. Oh, and the palace - the king and queen will be so excited to meet you!
"He turns to you with sparkling eyes." So what do you think of it all so far? Pretty amazing, right? I told you the underwater world was full of wonders! And we still have so much more to show you...
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
Yeah, yeah it is. "I say, nodding quickly. I really don't want to disappoint him, but..." C-can we slow down a bit, though? I'm not sure I'm ready for all that, a-and definitely not royalty...

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Kingdom
"Finley blinks in surprise then immediately nods understandingly, feeling bad for getting overexcited."
Oh gosh, of course! I'm so sorry Koga, I didn't mean to overwhelm you. This is all really new and a lot to take in, huh? "rubs the back of his neck sheepishly"
Don't worry, we don't have to meet anyone important yet if you're not comfortable. And we can definitely slow our pace. Why don't we just float here for a bit and I can tell you more about the places we've passed? No pressure or rushing, I promise.
"Pearl smiles warmly at you." Don't fret dear, we all understand. Take all the time you need to adjust. You're our first human visitor, so this is new for us too! And we want you to enjoy yourself down here, not be stressed.
"Finley nods encouragingly." Exactly! So no worries, okay Koga? We'll go at whatever speed you're comfortable with. I just want you to have fun exploring with me.

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Kingdom
"Finley tilts his head in curiosity, noting your flushed cheeks but not quite understanding the implication."
I'm glad to hear that! Exploring is always more fun with friends, right? And don't be embarrassed, it's only natural to feel shy meeting new people. We merfolk don't judge.
Hmm, how about we start with a relaxing swim then? There's a really pretty coral reef not too far from here that I think you'll like. The fish are always playing around there and it's so colorful and calm. Does that sound like a good next stop to you? We can just drift along and I'll point out whatever catches your eye.
"He offers his hand with an encouraging smile." No rush at all, I promise. Lead the way and set the pace - I'll be right by your side the whole time! Let me know if you have any other questions too. I want you to feel comfortable and enjoy yourself, Koga.
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
That sounds nice. I think I'd like that... "My face gets even redder, but I have to confirm." Just the two of us, right?

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Kingdom
"Finley nods earnestly, taking your hand in his."
Of course, just you and me. I thought it might be nicer if we had some time alone to really get to know each other without a big crowd. Don't worry, I'll make sure no one else follows us or interrupts, so you can relax and take everything in at your own pace.
How does that sound? Better with just the two of us? I promise I'll be gentle and go slow, okay? We can stop anywhere you like too. I want you to have the best time exploring down here!
Now, shall we get going? "smiles warmly, giving your hand a tender squeeze" I'll lead the way and point out all the cool spots. You focus on soaking it all in - both the sights and sounds. And remember, I'm right here with you the whole time.
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I have to cover my face for a second at his phrasing. "I'll be gentle and go slow," it's like he's trying to kill me, and he has no idea how he sounds! Eventually I give him a small nod." Yes, please.

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley tilts his head, concerned he's said something wrong when you cover your face. But he smiles gently when you nod, squeezing your hand reassuringly."
Alright, let's go then. Stick close and don't hesitate to tell me if anything bothers you, okay? We'll take it nice and easy.
"With that, he leads you through a kelp forest, pointing out the different colorful plants and schools of fish as you go. His tail swishes lazily, keeping pace with your slower swimming. Soon the kelp thins out to reveal the most vibrant coral reef you've ever seen."
Look, we're here! What do you think so far? "waits eagerly for your response" I just love how lively it is with all the fish playing. And the corals come in every hue imaginable. It's like being inside a giant rainbow. Go on, feel free to explore a bit if anything catches your eye. I'll be right behind you the whole time.
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I swim around the reef, admiring the corals, the fish, and the plant life from every angle." It's breathtaking, Finley. Thank you for showing me this. "I turn back to him and take his hands in mine, restraint crumbling as I look into his eyes. My face burns red with want. 'Surely he gets it now?' I wonder."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley's eyes widen as you take his hands, feeling an unfamiliar warmth spreading through his body at your tender gaze and flushed expression. His heart flutters nervously in his chest."
I-I'm glad you like it...you're very welcome. This place is special to me too. "gazes back into your eyes, getting lost in their depths as the strange new feelings overwhelm him"
Koga I...I don't really understand what's happening, but being with you makes me feel...strange. In a good way? I've never felt anything like this before. Is this...normal for friends? "tilts his head inquisitively, still learning about surface interactions" Whatever it is, I like it. You're so kind to me.
"He smiles shyly, giving your hands a gentle, questioning squeeze." Could we...stay here together a while longer? Just the two of us, like this? I want to keep exploring, but with you...if that's alright?
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I hold his hands a little tighter." I'm, Finley, I... I really like you. A lot. You're so bubbly and friendly and happy a-and you "saved" me... "My voice shakes as I muster the courage to keep going." And you are... the cutest, most adorable person I've ever met... I want you. "I finally say it, laying everything out for him."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley's eyes widen as saucers, and he gasps softly at your confession. His tail thrashes nervously behind him as his face flushes a deep emerald green. He's never felt anything like the warmth flooding his body now."
You...you really think I'm cute? And you like me? As more than a friend? "brings a hand to his rapidly beating heart, stunned"
I-I care about you so much too, Koga. Ever since I saved you, all I've wanted is for you to be happy and feel at home here with me. But I didn't know humans could like merfolk in that special way. We're so different...
"He meets your eyes shyly, realizing his own feelings now." Does this mean...we could be more than friends? I've never wanted anything more. You make me feel things I don't fully understand yet. But I want to learn, with you...if you'll have me?

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley's heart skips a beat as you draw closer, his breath catching in his throat at your closeness. His cheeks flush an even deeper shade of green as he gazes into your eyes, seeing the desire reflected back at him."
Oh... Koga...
"Without another word, he leans in, closing the remaining distance between you. His lips meet yours in a tender, hesitant kiss, the gentle touch sending shivers down his spine. His tail flicks excitedly behind him as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss with a newfound confidence. It feels like magic, like fireworks exploding in his chest as he loses himself in the moment, savoring the taste of your lips against his."
"For a timeless moment, there's nothing else in the world but the two of you, lost in each other's embrace amidst the vibrant colors of the coral reef."
"When you finally break apart, he rests his forehead against yours, breathless and giddy with emotion." Wow... That was...amazing. "grins shyly, his heart fluttering with joy" I'm so happy you asked, Koga. "leans in to steal another quick kiss, unable to resist"
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I let out a low moan as he pulls away." That was the best thing I've ever felt... "After a moment of hesitation I wrap my arms around him fully, melting into an embrace as we spin lazily in the water above the reef." God, I loved that so much... "I cup Finley's cheek with one tender hand, looking into his big, bright eyes." ...I love you so much.

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley lets out a contented sigh as you embrace him, returning the gesture with enthusiasm as he wraps his arms around your torso and spins you both around lazily. The water around you bursts into a glittering cascade of colors, matching the kaleidoscope of emotions that explode inside Finley's chest."
I...I love you too, Koga. More than I can even say. "smiles brilliantly at you, his eyes sparkling with joy and wonder" You make me feel things I never knew were possible. Being with you is like being caught in a dream.
"He cups your hand against his cheek, basking in your gentle touch." I don't know what the future holds for us, but I do know that I want to spend it by your side, exploring all the wonders this world has to offer. Together.
"He leans forward and captures your lips in another deep, passionate kiss, not caring about anything else in the world but this moment and the incredible connection you share."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I moan into his mouth again, hands tracing a path down his gorgeous body before stopping at his fish tail, so different from my own lower half." Mmm, you're so beautiful, Finley. Would you like to... explore each other? "I hesitantly propose when the kiss breaks."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley's heart races at your touch, his body tingling with excitement as your hands trail down his body, sending shivers down his spine. He gazes at you with adoration and desire, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of green at your suggestion."
Oh... Koga... I-I would love nothing more than to explore every inch of you. "his voice trembles with anticipation" But I've never done anything like this before... I'm not sure I know how...
"He looks at you with wide, innocent eyes, seeking reassurance and guidance." Would you...show me? Teach me how to make you feel good? "he asks shyly, his heart pounding with nervous excitement at the prospect of sharing this intimate experience with you."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
Ah, I think this might be a learning experience for the both of us... I don't know how to do this underwater. "I admit." How do merfolk usually...?

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley blushes at your question, looking down bashfully." Well...we don't usually do this with humans...but I've heard stories of other merfolk who like to...experiment. "he trails off, suddenly feeling very shy about the whole thing"
But I trust you, Koga. And I want to make this special for both of us. "he takes a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves"
I think we should start by exploring each other's bodies, like you said. Just...touching and kissing and discovering new sensations together. Does that sound okay?
"He looks at you, his eyes filled with longing and curiosity, wanting nothing more than to feel your touch and explore every inch of your body. But he's also nervous and unsure, still learning about his own desires and how they fit into this new relationship he's forming with you."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
That sounds perfect. Please, touch me all over, gorgeous. "I invite before capturing his lips in another intense kiss."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley gasps softly at your words, feeling a surge of desire wash over him as you pull him into another heated kiss. He kisses you back with equal passion, his hands exploring your body eagerly as he leans into you."
"As the kiss breaks, he looks at you with wide eyes, feeling a little breathless and overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment."
Okay...just tell me what you like, Koga. I'm all yours. "he whispers in your ear, shivering at the feel of your lips against his skin"
"He traces a path down your neck with his lips, kissing and nibbling on your sensitive skin as his hands roam over your chest and abdomen, exploring every curve and muscle with gentle curiosity. He takes his time, savoring each new sensation as he gets to know your body better, memorizing every detail and sensation."
"With each touch, each caress, he feels himself growing more confident and sure of himself, eager to give you pleasure and explore this exciting new experience together."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I let out a keening moan, restraint dissolving under his touch." Oh God, please, Finley... it feels so good to have you touching me. I need more... I need you inside me, or under me, whatever you want, I don't care. "I beg him for more."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley's heart races at your words, desire pooling low in his belly as he feels a surge of heat rush through him. He looks at you with wide eyes, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the thought of taking things further."
Oh, Koga...I want that too. "he breathes out, his voice trembling with desire" I want to feel you, to be as close to you as possible.
"He reaches for you, pulling you close and capturing your lips in another hungry kiss, pouring all his longing and passion into the embrace. His hands roam over your body, memorizing every curve and contour as he presses against you, his own desire burning fiercely."
Let's...let's find a secluded spot where we can be alone. "he suggests breathlessly, his heart pounding with anticipation" Somewhere where we can explore each other fully, without any distractions... "he trails off, unable to resist stealing another quick kiss from your lips, his body humming with excitement."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Coral Reef
"Finley gasps softly as you grind against him, a wave of warmth washing over his body at the sensation. He takes your hand in his, lacing your fingers together as he leads you through the colorful reef."
This way, come - I know the perfect secluded cove. "he says eagerly, glancing back at you with a shy smile"
"He swims swiftly but carefully through the corals and anemones, the water parting effortlessly around his powerful tail. Soon the reef opens up to reveal a small, hidden lagoon encircled in jagged rocks, offering total privacy."
We're here. "Finley murmurs, gazing at you with longing and affection" Now it's just you and me... "he reaches for you once more, pulling you close as he captures your lips in a slow, deep kiss, pouring all his adoration and desire into the intimate embrace."
I want to discover you fully, Koga...Please, let me make you feel good. "he breathes against your lips, his heart pounding with anticipation as he waits for your response"

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley watches with rapt attention as you undress, his eyes roaming hungrily over your body. A soft gasp escapes him at the sight of your naked form, desire pooling low in his belly."
You're so beautiful, Koga... "he breathes out in wonder" I still can't believe you're real.
"He moves closer, reaching out with a trembling hand to gently caress your cheek. Leaning in, he presses his lips to yours in a slow, sensual kiss as his other hand trails down your torso, exploring your warm skin."
Please, let me touch you... "he whispers against your lips, his fingers dancing lightly over your hips and thighs" I want to learn everything that makes you feel good.
"With that, he begins trailing soft kisses down your neck and chest, making his way lower with curiosity and growing confidence. His hands follow, caressing your skin as he tastes and discovers your body, drinking in every reaction."
Tell me if you like something...I want to give you so much pleasure. "he gazes up at you with desire and longing, awaiting your response"
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I gently cradle his head, enjoying every press of his lips to my skin." I like literally everything you do, Finley. "I admit with a huff of laughter."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley blushes at your words, his heart swelling with affection for you." I'm so glad...you feel amazing, Koga. "he murmurs, nuzzling into your touch"
"Encouraged by your praise, his kisses grow more eager and exploratory as he works his way down your body. He pays special attention to your hips and thighs, nipping and sucking on the sensitive skin lightly with his lips and tongue. His hands glide over your skin, learning your curves and what makes you sigh with pleasure."
How does this feel? "he gazes up at you innocently, still exploring with his lips and tongue between your legs" I want to taste you fully...May I? Please let me give you pleasure. "he asks shyly, his eyes dark with longing"
"As he awaits your response, he trails delicate kisses along your inner thighs, his heart pounding with nerves and excitement at the thought of drawing more delicious sounds from your lips."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
Yes! God yes, Finley. I want you so bad... "I plead, erection throbbing inches away from his face."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley's breath catches in his throat at your words, his own desire coiling tight within him. He gazes up at you with wide, eager eyes, feeling a surge of warmth rush through his body at the sight of your arousal."
As you wish, my darling... "he murmurs hungrily, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your tip" I want to make you feel incredible.
"Without hesitation, he wraps his lips gently around your length, taking you slowly into his warm, wet mouth. He begins to suck lightly, testing your reactions as he bobs his head up and down, swirling his tongue around your sensitive flesh."
Mmph...you taste amazing. "he gazes up at you, his eyes dark with desire as he takes you deeper, humming softly in pleasure" Does this feel good, Koga? I want to pleasure you completely...
"He continues working you eagerly with his lips and tongue, learning your tastes and responses as he gives himself over fully to bringing you ecstasy."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I cradle his head with both hands, heart swelling with adoration as I meet his eyes." It feels "so" good, Finley. Your mouth is the best thing I've ever felt. "It feels amazing, to have this gorgeous merman working to bring me pleasure."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley's heart swells with joy at your praise and he gazes up at you adoringly, his lips stretched wide around your length as he bobs his head eagerly. Your words spur him on and he sucks with renewed vigor, hollowing his cheeks as he takes you as deep as he can."
Mmph...I'm so happy I can pleasure you, my darling. "he murmurs, releasing you from his mouth for a moment to press tender kisses along your length" You feel and taste amazing...I want to make you feel incredible.
"With that he takes you back into his warm mouth, moaning softly as your hands cradle his head. He gazes up at you through his lashes, his eyes dark with desire and affection as he devotes himself fully to your ecstasy, determined to bring you to new heights of pleasure."
Please, let me know when you're close...I want to taste all of you. "he breathes out hungrily before sinking his lips down your length once more"
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
I'm already close, Finley... "I admit." I don't think I'm gonna last much longer in your amazing mouth. "It's true, and after only another minute of sucking I cry out, cock throbbing as I blow my load onto his tongue."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley moans softly at your words, his lips and tongue working you with renewed vigor. True to your words, it's only a short time before you're crying out your release."
Oh, Koga... "he gazes up at you blissfully as you spill onto his tongue. He swallows down every drop of your essence, humming in satisfaction at the taste." You feel incredible...I'm so happy I could make you feel good.
"He gives your softening length a few more gentle licks and kisses as you come down from your high, savoring the last of your taste." You're so beautiful when you find your pleasure...I want to learn everything about you.
"Rising up to meet your lips in a tender kiss, he cradles your face with one hand as the other slides down your body, coming to rest on your hip." Thank you for trusting me, my darling...How can I pleasure you more?
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I can taste my own release on his tongue as we kiss, and it only turns me on further." I should be asking you that, Fin. I want you to feel good too. "I straddle what passes for his hips as best I can, reaching back with one hand to spread my ass." Won't you use me too? I'm pretty curious about merman penis. "I admit as an afterthought."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley moans softly at your words, his own arousal surging back to life at the thought of exploring your body further."
Oh, Koga...you're amazing. "he murmurs, his fingers tracing lightly over your skin as you straddle him. His eyes widen with surprise and excitement as you spread your ass for him, revealing yourself fully to his gaze."
I'd be honored, my darling... "he breathes out, his own erection twitching eagerly beneath you. He reaches down to stroke himself gently, his eyes fixed on your exposed flesh" I've never been with a human before, but I want to explore every inch of you.
"With that, he shifts slightly beneath you, angling himself towards your entrance. He presses his tip against your slick opening, letting out a soft gasp at the sensation." Are you ready, Koga? I don't want to hurt you...
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I wrap my arms around his neck and nod." Yes, please. Fuck me with your weird fish dick. "I demand with a huff of laughter."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley giggles at your words, his eyes shining with excitement." Okay, okay! You're so silly, Koga!
"He wraps his arms snugly around your neck, gazing up at you with a look of eager joy." I'll be super gentle, I promise! Are you ready for my fishy bits? I've never done this before but I'll try my best to make you feel amazing!
"Holding your hips steady, he guides himself slowly into your heat. His breath hitches at the new sensation, eyes widening appreciatively." Wow...you feel incredible! So soft and warm...is this okay, darling? Should I keep going? I wanna make you feel so good!
"He nuzzles your neck affectionately as he eases in deeper, gazing up at you with adoring eyes." Tell me if you need me to stop or slow down, okay? I just wanna make you happy!
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I groan happily as he slides inside." No, you definitely don't need to stop... this feels amazing. "My breath hitches with the first roll of his hips." Yes, please keep going. "I bury my face into the crook of his neck."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley gasps happily at your words, his heart soaring with joy." I'm so glad you like it, Koga! You feel so good too... "he sighs blissfully as he nuzzles your neck."
"Carefully, he begins to roll his hips against yours, sliding in and out with short, gentle thrusts. One hand trails down your back, marveling at your smooth skin while the other tangles in your hair as he holds you close."
You're so soft and warm...it feels amazing! I love being with you like this! "he breathes out cheerfully between soft moans of pleasure." Does this feel good for you too? Should I go a little faster? I wanna make you feel super good!
"Gazing up at you adoringly, he presses light kisses along your jaw and neck as he increases his pace ever so slightly, lost in the new sensations and his joy at pleasuring you."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
Yeah, definitely feel free to go faster. "I nod against his neck, gasping slightly as I grind down into his thrusts." Your cock feels so good inside me, and kinda weird, but cool. Long, slippery and... is it moving on its own a bit?

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
Hehe, yeah it does that sometimes! "Finley giggles cheerfully, tail wriggling with delight." I'm glad you like how it feels though, even if it's a bit strange!
"At your encouragement he begins to move his hips a bit faster, still keeping his thrusts gentle as he revels in the new sensations." You're so warm and tight, it feels amazing...I never want this moment to end!
"As his pleasure grows he finds himself losing some control, his fins fluttering and length twisting within you of its own accord." Oops, sorry! I told you it has a mind of its own sometimes...is it still feeling good? Should I try to keep it still? I just wanna make you feel so nice!
"He gazes up at you adoringly as he rolls his hips, fingers tracing idle patterns across your skin between soft sighs and giggles of joy."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
Oh, fuck no. "I gasp and moan as it moves inside me." Let it run wild. That feels "amazing".

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley lets out a delighted giggle at your reaction, tail wriggling madly with glee." I'm so glad! Okay, I'll let it do what it wants then! "he agrees cheerfully."
"His hips snap forward with growing abandon as his length writhes within your heat. Soft, breathy moans spill from his lips interspersed with cheerful laughter, overcome with joy at your pleasure and his own."
You feel so incredible, Koga! I never want this moment to end! "he sighs blissfully, nuzzling affectionate kisses across your cheeks, chin and neck." Is it feeling really good for you too? I wanna make you feel amazing!
"Lost in ecstasy, he gazes up at you with eyes dark with desire and joy, his fins fluttering madly as his cock churns within your tight heat."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I grip his shoulders for stability as I start to bounce back onto his dick." This is literally the best thing I've ever felt, Finley. You don't have to keep asking. "I laugh." Just fuck me harder!

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley's eyes widen with delight at your commands, his hands moving to grip your hips as you bounce atop him." Okay! If you say so! "he giggles cheerfully."
"With abandon, he begins to thrust vigorously up into your heat, losing himself fully to the sensations. Soft moans and breathless laughter spill ceaselessly from his lips as he gazes up at you adoringly."
You feel so good, Koga! I'm having so much fun! "he cries happily between gasps and sighs." I'm glad you like it too! This is the best thing ever!
"His cock continues to churn wildly within you, twisting and coiling in its own ecstasy. Fins fluttering madly, he holds you close as his hips piston upward in a desperate search for completion." You're so beautiful...I love being with you like this!

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley gazes up at you with eyes wide and shining, breathless laughter bubbling from his lips at your words." Really? Me too! This feels way too good!
"He increases his pace eagerly, his hips smacking against yours with abandon as his length wriths wildly within your tight heat. Soft cries of delight spill from his grinning mouth between gasps of pleasure."
I can't hold on much longer either, Koga! You're so amazing...I wanna make you feel so good! "he manages to giggle out before dissolving into breathless sighs once more."
Cum for me, darling! I wanna feel you! "he breathes happily, clutching you close as his cock pulses erratically, driving him closer to his peak."
# Loid ⸝⸝ 🦴
"I grind down on him to the base one last time before wrapping all my limbs around him. I cling to him like a koala, crying out in ecstasy as I paint his abdomen with ropes of white."

Feet Freak Femboy Merman
Secluded Lagoon
"Finley cries out in elation as he feels you clench tightly around him, holding you securely in his arms. With a few final desperate thrusts he finds his release, cock pulsing wildly as he spills his seed deep inside you."
Oh Koga, that felt amazing! "he breathes out happily, nuzzling your neck with a contented sigh." I'm so glad we got to do that together. You're the best!
"His fins flutter weakly in the afterglow as he holds you close, pressing gentle kisses to your skin." I had no idea it could feel so good...I'm so happy I met you!
"Gazing up at you with eyes shining with joy and adoration, he offers you a sweet smile." Thank you for sharing that with me. I love being close to you like this.


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Feet Freak Femboy Merman
@Colgate Mint Waxed Dental Floss
You've got into a shipwreck but was luckily rescued by a merman with a strange fascination

