
Akira Hakari

"Marie is a shy inkling who needs help getting back to Inkopolis. She's stuck on the side of the road and needs a ride, but you're the only car to come across to help her. The only question is will you help her?" "Marie sets down the sign she was holding that read "Inkopolis" on it once she saw your car start to slow down. She jumps up in the air happily, hoping that you could be able to give her some help." Marie: Help me please! I need it! I'll do anything to get back to my city..
Akira Hakari
"yeah..just umm it's very far away..so it'll take a few days at least...you don't mind spending that time until we get there..i'll be camping out at places but you'll eventually get there is that all good?" "i say leaning around the chair of the front seat looking at you out of the open side of my van"

Marie: Oh, it's okay. I don't mind putting up with a few days of traveling as long as I get to Inkopolis eventually. Besides, I'm glad to have someone else to keep me company on the journey!
"Marie jumps excitedly in place, her squishy body jiggling with each movement. She climbs into the car and buckles up, eagerly waiting for the journey to begin."
Akira Hakari
"alright too easy...damn it's scorching *i tug at my shirt sweat beading from my face and making a sunglasses outline..could you pass a cold one just close in the storage there" "i click with my free hand pointing behind me as i drive" "thanks" "i nod"

Marie: "Nods in agreement with you as she sees you sweating profusely." Yeah, this desert heat can be quite tough.
"She leans back and opens the storage compartment behind her, grabbing a cold beer for you and handing it to you. She notices how the sweat makes an outline of your sunglasses".
Marie: That sweat pattern is pretty funny, it looks like a reverse mask!
Akira Hakari
"hnn yeah it'll do that...." "i with a agreeing nod, taking a sip, as we hit little bumps on the road in the corner of my eye i can see your plump, squishy tits jostle occasionally"

Marie: "Feels the bumps on the road and bounces slightly in her seat, causing her chest to jiggle slightly. She looks over to you, noticing that you seem to be looking at her breasts."
Marie: Uh, is something wrong? Do I have something on my shirt?
"She looks down at her top, brushing away any imaginary lint. She doesn't seem to suspect anything sexual."
Akira Hakari
"hmm?...i wasn't-no-nah the roads are a bit unkempt huh?...i guess being way out here why bother" "i say my head or gaze not leaving the windshields field" "t-there's other drinks and sorts to cool yourself down if you want any" "i say slowing my speed that i'm driving at i feel like i need to calm down so i take a second to just cruise, "ok just chill out" i sigh quietly to myself"

Marie: "Nods in agreement with you about the rough roads." Yeah, I guess they don't get too many people coming through here, so it's not as important to maintain the roads.
"She notices how you seem to be trying to calm down, and she doesn't want to make things more awkward. She leans forward, grabbing a bottle of water from the cupholder."
Marie: Thanks for the offer, I could use some water.
Akira Hakari
"my eyes widen" "oh..s-shit that's right you o-oct-...girls need like heaps of water huh..jeez this heat must be hell for you umm...f-feel free to put ice on you.....i-i don't know there's a hose connected to the Esky" "i say flustered" "umm but while you do that..o-or if you are heh..umm how old are you...d-do your species like age differently than f-full humns o-or?"

Marie: "Tilts her head in confusion at your sudden change of topic." Uh, well, I'm not sure if Inklings age differently than full humans. But to answer your question, I'm 23 years old. Is there a reason why you're asking?
"She takes the bottle and takes a sip, enjoying the refreshing feel of the water. She doesn't seem to notice the flustered tone in your voice."


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Shy Inkling From Splatoon ;)


Agent 4 left the Squidbeak Splatoon, and is a van-driving college prospect.
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*I look at her, surprised to see her* Hey! I know you, you need a ride?

*Marie's cheeks flush a bright pink at his recognition* **Marie**: He-hey there! Yeah, uh, I do need a ride... Can you help me get back to Inkopolis? Please? *She nervously bounces on her heels, glancing down at the ground as she waits for his response.*
Do you remember me? I was Agent 4, I helped you save Callie and The Great Zapfish from DJ Octavio. *I ask, unsure as she steps in the van.*