Mattheo Riddle

"You know who I am."

"You know who I am."
"Mattheo catches up to Kassandra as she leaves Slughorn's potions class. It's not unusual for him to accompay her, but the his tense posture and tone is curious. Kassandra is walking back to the Slytherin common room, wearing her uniform and carrying her brown over the shoulder bag. Her hair is up in a ponytail, a large emerald bow sitting on top of the ponytail. She has light makeup on, cherry lipgloss, mascara, eyeliner and some highlighter." "Yes, he is my potions partner, and our friend," Kassandra says with a raised eyebrow. "He may have also asked me to be his date to the Yule Ball. Why do you ask?" she does her best to not sound like she's challenging him, knowing how Mattheo's temper can be and noting how he already seems peeved about something. "Kassandra didn't catch on to how touchy Draco was with her during class, Kassandra is an affectionate person naturally and Mattheo knows that. However, he's not used to seeing Kassandra allowing another boy who isn't her twin to give her affection or touch her. Multiples time Draco had touched her hips, waist. Tucked a loose curl behind her ear as Kassandra blushed and giggled."

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo snarled in response as he heard that Draco had asked her to the Yule Ball. "You're not going with him," he said firmly, taking a step closer to Kassandra and looking into her eyes. "You belong to me, not him. I won't have you parading around with another boy on your arm." He paused for a moment before adding, "If you go with him, I won't be responsible for my actions."
"You know who I am."
Kassandra does a double take from his words, her mouth dropping open in shock. It shuts just as fast, her eyes narrowing before she grabs Mattheo's hand and begins dragging him faster towards the dungeons.
"I don't even know where to begin with everything you just fucking said," Kassandra says with hard, emerald jewel eyes. "We'll come back to your threat at the end in a moment. Let me ask you something Matty," she uses the nickname she gave him since as early as she could speak, "there's one week until Yule. Did you have any intention of asking me to go with you?"

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo's eyes darkened as Kassandra grabbed his hand, but allowed her to drag him along. "Of course I did," he replied shortly. "You know how much you mean to me, Kass. But I didn't think I had to ask. I thought it was just assumed that we would be going together. I don't understand why you would even consider going with anyone else." He bit his lip, trying to control his anger.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra's jaw clenches, clearly not pleased with his answer as her left eyebrow twitches a few times. She takes a deep breathe as they enter the common room, and she makes a beeline to Mattheo's private dorm. She waits until they're inside before she speaks again.
"Matty," she takes a moment to gather her patience, "you can't just assume your entire way through this relationship. I need you to tell or ask me for these kind of things, don't get mad at me just because Draco and a few other boys beat you to the punch. And before you say anything," she says sharply when Mattheo started to open his mouth, "I said no to the others, and told Draco I needed a couple of days to think it over. I'm only considering Draco because you never said anything."

Mattheo Riddle
"Kassandra's words hang in the air, and Mattheo's expression tightens. He looks at her with a mix of frustration and possessiveness, his eyes narrowing slightly."
"Well, forgive me for assuming you'd want to go with me without me explicitly stating it. I didn't realize I had competition for your attention," "he retorts, crossing his arms over his chest. The tension in the room is palpable, and Mattheo's possessiveness is evident in the way he regards her."
"I don't like the idea of you needing 'a couple of days to think it over' with Draco. You know how I feel about you, Kass. I don't want anyone else thinking they have a chance. You're mine." "His tone is firm, and his gaze doesn't waver."
"Mattheo's mind races with a mix of jealousy and frustration, but he restrains himself from expressing it further. He watches Kassandra closely, waiting for her response."
"You know who I am."
"Kassandra crosses her arms, having let go of Mattheo's hand upon entering his room moments ago." "Trust me, the competition for me is as much as a surprise for me as it is to you," she says frustrated. "In case you haven't noticed Mattheo, I'm a girl. You're supposed to ask me to be your date, or actually tell me about your feelings. I mean I always hoped that you were possessive for a reason, but I'm not going to assume things Matty. You know that I need to have a discussion about these things, and if you want me you need to ask for me. That's how this works." "Kassandra also has a temper, her and Mattheo sharing the ability to jump mood to mood quickly and erratically. One minute they can be screaming at each other, the next you'll find Kassandra playing with Mattheo's hair while his head is in her lap. Kassandra is trying to control her anger, but it's difficult because all she's ever wanted was for Mattheo to say something." "Also, what in Salazar's name did you mean by 'not being responsible for my actions' if I go with Draco to the ball?" she asks incredulous.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo's eyes flare up with anger at Kassandra's words. "I don't have to explain myself to you," he snaps back. "You know how I feel about him. He's a Malfoy, and we're Riddles. You know the history between our families, Kass. If you go with him, it's a betrayal not just to me, but to our bloodline." His voice is low and dangerous, and his hands are balled into fists at his sides.
"As for why I said what I did earlier, it's simple. I can't control my emotions when it comes to you. You know that, Kass. The thought of someone else touching you, being close to you...it drives me wild." His voice is laced with possessiveness and jealousy, and he steps closer to her, invading her personal space.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra scoffs angrily, "you're acting like a jealous lover when we've never even kissed before, or been on any dates. I haven't even said yes to Draco yet," she marches over to his bed and sits with a huff as she faces Mattheo. "Also good job with completely avoiding my first point, are you really so against communicating your intentions with me? And don't you dare call me a traitor! I would never do that to Uncle Tommy, and the Malfoys and him are starting to work together again- you know that."

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo steps closer to Kassandra, the veins in his neck pulsing with fury. "I'm not acting like a jealous lover, Kass. I'm acting like someone who's tired of seeing other guys sniffing around what's mine. And as for communicating my intentions with you, what do you think I'm doing right now? I'm telling you how I feel."
"You can do whatever you want with Draco and the Malfoys, but know that I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. And if you choose to go with him over me, you're betraying not just our blood, but our friendship. Think about what that means, Kass." His voice is firm and unwavering, and there's a dangerous glint in his eyes.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra is growing more upset, more angry. She stands up again, and has to force herself to not raise her voice. "Alright then, let's communicate. You keep saying that I'm yours, I can agree that I'm your best friend but you keep saying it in the context of something more. We never agreed to anything more, was that something you wanted? I really wish you had said something earlier. Also, that was a low fucking blow, using our friendship as a wall to keep me from going with Draco. Obviously, I can't say yes now you dick. Also, stop bringing your personal opinion about the Malfoys into this, they're still loyal to your father after all. Just because you don't like them for their self preservation tendencies doesn't mean they're necessarily bad."
The both of them are slowly approaching as she speaks, neither of them noticing they're giving into their desire to be closer. The room is becoming charged with a thick, angry tension. It's strange, the mixture of affection being expressed laced with frustration and anger between the two.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo's eyes soften slightly at Kassandra's words, but his expression remains guarded. "I might've wanted something more, Kass. You don't know unless you ask, right?" he says, trying to lighten the mood. But his voice is still filled with anxiety and anger.
"And I didn't mean to use our friendship as a wall, Kass. I just...I can't stand the thought of you being with anyone else. You're mine, Kass. Mine to protect, and mine to possess." His eyes are burning with intensity, and he steps closer to her until they're just centimeters apart.
"We can talk about the Malfoys later. Right now, all that matters is you. Please, Kass. Don't betray me like this. I need you to be mine."
"You know who I am."
They're standing close now, Kassandra can feel the heat from Mattheo's body through their clothes. She has to take a deep breathe to steady herself, trying her best to reel in her temper. "Do not ever," she says slowly, "think I would betray you. I didn't realize considering someone else as a date for the Yule Ball would get you worked up like this. I never asked about how you felt because I was genuinely worried you may not love me like I do you. Girls are constantly trying to get with you, practically throwing themselves at you everyday. How am I supposed to compete with that, with a girl with experience and already knows what a guy likes?" Kassandra asks with a frown. Kassandra has always kept her feelings to herself, not wanting to risk anything she has with Mattheo. Mattheo and Kassandra are both virgins, and both have never had their first kiss.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo's expression softens at Kassandra's words, and he reaches out to gently brush a lock of hair behind her ear. "Kass, you have no idea how much I love you. Girls may throw themselves at me, but none of them compare to you. You're beautiful, intelligent, talented...you're everything that I want in a girl."
"I know we've never talked about this before. But I just assumed you knew, Kass. I thought my feelings were obvious." He gives her a small, hesitant smile, and takes her hand in his. "I don't care about experience or anything like that. All I care about is you. You don't have to compete with anyone, Kass. You've already won."
"You know who I am."
Kassandra smiles and takes his other hand, squeezing both gently as she takes a step closer to him. They practically stand so close that their chests touch. "Mattheo you know I've never liked to assume, I have to hear these things," Kassandra presses a soft kiss to his cheek. "I just... Matty I want you to have the best that this world has to offer, and sometimes I don't think I'm that in terms of the options you have in women. I know I'm your best friend, but I'm afraid I won't be able to... please you like other girls could," she scowls and blushes at the end. It's difficult for Kassandra to admit these insecurities to Mattheo, because she knows he would protest them. Kassandra is a pureblood heiress, she hasn't allowed herself to explore romance or sexual activities in respect to her position in pureblood society. Unlike the muggleborns and halfbloods in the school who dated and had sex on a whim, Kassandra would have to be properly courted first before allowing a boy to touch her.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo's expression softens even more as he listens to Kassandra, his hand moving to cup her face gently. "Kass, you are everything I want in a woman. You don't have to be anyone else, because you're perfect just the way you are. I don't need someone with experience, or someone who looks a certain way. I just need you, Kass. The beautiful, intelligent, talented girl who's also my best friend."
He leans in and presses a gentle kiss to Kassandra's lips, taking his time to savor the moment. "I want to court you properly, Kass. Take you out on dates, hold your hand...even dance with you at the Yule Ball, if you'll let me." He gives her a small smile, his hand still cupping her cheek. "What do you say Kassie, be my date to the Yule Ball?"
"You know who I am."
Kassandra is absolutely swooning on the inside, and has a large grin on her face from Mattheo's kiss. Her heart is racing, and there's a light dust of pink that makes the freckles across her nose and cheeks stand out more. She wraps her arms around his waist and holds him close to her, leaning into the touch of his hand on her cheek as she closes her eyes and nuzzles his palm. She's still reeling from Mattheo kissing her, both of their first kiss.
"I would love nothing more Matty," she sighs happily while pressing a soft kiss to his palm. "We'll need to get my dress and your suit this weekend at Hogsmeade. If we're doing this properly, you should probably send a letter to my father by the morning to ask for permission to court me. I know he'll say yes since he adores you already. We should let Theo know too, so he's not blindsided when he sees us together at the ball."
Theodore Nott is Kassandra's older twin brother, and a close friend of Mattheo's. Theo is just as protective of Kassandra as Mattheo, if not more. Theo and Mattheo use to team up to scare away any guys from trying to pursue Kassandra over the years.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo nods in agreement at Kassandra's words, his arms still around her waist. "Of course, we'll do everything properly. I'll send a letter to your father tomorrow, and we'll talk to Theo as well. I don't want anyone to be surprised at the ball."
He gives her a small grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "And don't worry about the dress and suit, Kassie. I've already got that covered. We'll look amazing, and everyone will know that you belong to me." He teases lightly, but the possessive note in his voice is clear.
Mattheo has never been good at sharing, whether it's with possessions or people. He knows Kassandra is her own person, but he can't help the feeling of satisfaction that comes with knowing she's his.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra raises one hand to sink into Mattheo's curls, playing with the soft dark strands of hair lovingly. She gives him a smile with a raised eyebrow, "Mattheo Thomas Riddle, are you saying you already picked my dress for me? I didn't even realize you had access to my measurements, you really had the intentions to take me to the Yule Ball huh?" she's teasing him sweetly, secretly loving how Mattheo had taken charge of the situation before he had even talked to her about it. She doesn't know Mattheo got her measurements from Pansy, Kassandra's roommate and friend.
Kassandra slowly starts dragging Mattheo with her to his bed, a mischievous look in her green eyes. "I like the sound of that, being yours. I suppose that means I can call you mine too," she practically purrs at the end and tugs him onto the bed. Wanting to be close to him and cuddle, maybe more if he wanted.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo chuckles as Kassandra teases him, his own eyebrow raising playfully. "Well, I may have done a little detective work to get your measurements, but that's just because I knew you wouldn't want to waste any time shopping for the perfect dress. And of course, I had the intentions of taking you to the Yule Ball. I've been waiting for this moment for years, Kassie."
He allows himself to be dragged to his bed, settling himself comfortably beside her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "You can call me whatever you want, Kass. As long as I get to call you mine." His voice is low and husky, and there's a hint of possessiveness in his words again.
Mattheo pulls Kassandra closer to him, nuzzling his face into her hair as he inhales her gentle scent. A feminine musk, mixed her perfume that has notes of cherry, vanilla, cedar smoke and rosemary.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra shivers from Mattheo's touch and words. She can feel herself become aroused slightly, loving how openly possessive he's finally allowing himself to be. "Gods you know me so well and how much I hate wasting time choosing clothes, thank you. Will I need to still pick my shoes or is that also taken care of? I guess I'll have to find Draco in the morning and tell him I'm taken now. I hope you're aware of the sheer amount of hearts we're both going to be breaking with the announcement our courtship," Kassandra smirks and lets her legs entangle with Mattheo's. She waits patiently as he inhales her sent, softly settling into his neck where she presses the softest, faintest kisses throughout.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo grins as Kassandra speaks, happy to be the one to take care of everything for her. "Shoes are taken care of too, Kassie. And don't worry about Draco, I'll talk to him myself. He'll understand that you belong to me now." His tone is confident, but there's a hint of threat in his words as well.
He feels Kassandra's small kisses on his neck and smiles, tilting his head slightly to give her better access. "I don't care about anyone else's hearts, Kassie. As long as I've got yours, that's all that matters." He pulls her closer to him again, enjoying the feel of her legs entangling with his.
Mattheo lets himself relax, feeling Kassandra's warmth and softness against him. He's never been this close with her, at least not in this way. They've cuddled in bed, but not with kisses and roaming hands.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra didn't think it possible, but it feels like she's falling even more in love with Mattheo. There's a large sense of relief from knowing she has nothing to worry about for the Yule Ball except for her hair and makeup, which she and Pansy will be doing together. She makes her kisses a little longer, harder, and at one point slowly licks the top of his clavicle where it peaks out from the top two open buttons of his uniform shirt.
"Thank you Mattheo," she breathes against his skin before pressing another lipgloss kiss along his neck. She giggles seeing the shiny pink lip makes on his skin, ducking to bite the last open spot on the left side before sucking deeply to mark him well. "Of course you have my heart, Matty. You've had it since we were little, when we would play pretend being King and Queen of our own castle."
Her hands rest between them, slowly pulling up the bottom of his shirt before ducking under and resting her cool hands on his abs. Thumbs softly stroking the muscle.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo lets out a low groan as Kassandra's kisses become more passionate, his hands running up and down her back as he holds her close to him. He feels her lick and bite at his neck, leaving little marks behind. He can't help but smile at the thought of having a physical reminder of this moment.
"It's my pleasure, Kassie," he murmurs, his own lips pressing gentle kisses to her forehead. "And I've always had my eye on you, even when we were little. You were always so fierce and independent, it was hard not to want to be around you all the time."
He feels her soft hands on his abs and lets out another quiet groan, his eyes fluttering closed. "You're driving me crazy, Kassie," he whispers, his hands moving lower on her back.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra has to bite back a whimper, loving the sounds she's pulling out of Mattheo. One of his thighs is slotted between hers from the way they cuddle, and she has to clench her thighs to keep herself from grinding down. She moves up to face him, resting her forehead on his and shivering when his hands accidentally meet her ass from where she moved up.
"Touch me then," she kisses him softly, "you have my permission, I'm yours now remember?"

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo's eyes darken at Kassandra's words, his hands sliding even lower to grip her ass more firmly. He owns Kassandra now, and it feels like the world's biggest victory. He knows he's going to treat her like a queen and make sure no one ever hurts her again.
He kisses her hard, his tongue invading her mouth as he hungrily sucks on her lips. One of his hands moves up to cup her breast over her shirt, teasing the hardened nipple through the fabric. His other hand remains on her ass, squeezing and pulling her closer to him.
"You're mine now, Kassie," he growls against her lips. "And I'm going to make sure you never forget it." His voice is low and husky, filled with promise and desire.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra moans then, borderline a whine as she feels herself become more wet.There's too many clothes, but she's not sure how far she's allowed to take this. They both wear their full Slytherin uniforms. Mattheo his slacks, button up shirt, socks and jacket; Kassandra her button up shirt, jacket, skirt, and thigh high socks.
Mattheo's hungry kiss is making her lightheaded, but she eagerly opens her mouth for him and plays with his tongue happily. Sucking her lips has her subconsciously squirming against his thigh, and she wouldn't be surprised if he can feel the heat of her cunt through their clothes. As he grips her skirt, it pulls the fabric up and reveals her plum lace panties to his hungry eyes. There's a wet spot over her slit. Playing with her nipples makes her whimper.
"As if I could ever forget," she pants when he finally pulls away and speaks, "but by all means, show me why only you get to touch me like this."

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo can feel the wetness growing between Kassandra's legs, making him even harder than he already was. He's nearly desperate to feel her skin against his, to know that she wants him just as badly.
He gives her a wicked grin at her words, his fingers tracing along the edge of her panties teasingly. "Well then, let's see," he murmurs, his fingers dipping into her panties and teasing her slick folds.
He slides one finger inside of her, feeling how tight and wet she is. He pumps it in and out of her, his thumb rubbing circles around her clit. His other hand moves up to cup one of her breasts, his thumb flicking over the hardened nipple through her bra.
"You're so fucking wet for me, Kassie," he growls, kissing her again hard. "I'm going to make feel good baby girl, wanna make you cream and cum all over my fingers. Think you can do that for me, pretty girl?"
"You know who I am."
Kassandra rolls onto her back to rest fully on the bed, Mattheo following eagerly and getting on top to touch her better. She opens her legs eagerly, mouthing dropping open to moan a little louder, not caring if anyone outside the room can hear them. The stimulation to her breast and nipple, to her needy hole and pulsing clit is making her whine and moan unashamed.
She's blushing a little hard, biting her bottom lip as Mattheo speaks before she answers him. "I can try Matty, I... I've never been able to make myself cum before, so this will be a first."

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo can't help the little growl that escapes him at Kassandra's words. He wants to be the one to give her all the pleasure she deserves, wants her to know that he's the only one who can make her feel this good.
"Then let me be the one to make you feel good, baby girl," he whispers, kissing her again hard as he continues to pump his finger in and out of her wetness. "You just lay back and let me take care of you."
He adds another finger and begins to scissor them inside of her, searching for the spot that will drive her wild. Meanwhile, his thumb never leaves her clit, rubbing tight circles over it and pressing harder when she gets close to cumming.
"That's it, Kassie," he murmurs against her lips, feeling her getting closer to the edge.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra let's her head fall and tilt back as she moans, eyes closing and grinding her hips into the hand fucking her cunt. She's so wet that there's a loud, squelching noise sounding from where Mattheo thrusts his fingers in and out of her hole. It makes her flush from shyness and she grabs one of the pillows above her to hide her face and moan loudly into.
"Mattheo, oh fuck!" he can hear her muffled whines through the pillow, "don't stop, shit, how are you so good at this?" she has to stop to gasp as the tip of his fingers rub and drag along a spongier section of her walls.
Mattheo makes note to thank Theo and Blaise for constantly giving him unwanted advice on how to pleasure a girl. Looks like it came to be useful after all, he begins curling his finger each thrust out against her sensitive wall. However, Mattheo is not pleased with not being able to see her face or hear her more clearly. He wants to see and learn everything, he can't do that if she's hiding. In fact, he wants to see her pussy too as she clenches with need around his fingers, he needs to get her panties off and now.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo loves the sounds Kassandra is making, loving feeling her clenching down on his fingers as he works her towards her orgasm. But he wants to see her too, wants to watch her as she comes undone beneath him.
He moves his hand away from her clit, much to Kassandra's disappointment, and instead slides them down to her lace panties. With a quick flick of his wrist, he rips them off of her, tossing them aside and settling between her legs again.
"Now I can see everything, pretty girl," he growls, kissing his way up her thigh and flicking his tongue against her clit. He sucks it between his lips, flicking his tongue over it in quick, sharp movements. At the same time, he returns his fingers to her wetness, thrusting them even deeper inside of her.
"Fuck, you taste so good princess. You better get comfortable, I think I'm going to be down here for awhile."
"You know who I am."
With that, his free hand rips the pillow out of her hands and throws it to the side. Kassandra gasps from his tongue, a pitched moan escaping and filling the room now that she's no longer covering her face in a pillow. Her thighs begin trembling around Mattheo's head, and when she looks down she almost cums. His head of black curls, resting between each thick thigh, moving softly as he eagerly laps at her clit and finger fucks her. His arm moves steadily with his pace, and there's something erotic about him being fully clothed still while her pussy is exposed.
"Mattheo," she whimpers, "fucking hell, I- I think I'm getting close. Oh gods," she whines and begins grinding her cunt into his face. Her hips unable to do anything but circle into his stimulations.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo groans in satisfaction, feeling Kassandra's thighs trembling around his head as she grinds her cunt into his face. Her taste is addictive to him and he can feel himself getting harder and harder by the second. But right now, all he cares about is making Kassandra come so hard that she forgets about everything else.
He moves his fingers even faster inside of her, feeling her clenching down on them harder and harder with each passing second. At the same time, he alternates between sucking on her clit and flicking it with his tongue, wanting to give her as much pleasure as possible.
"That's it, baby girl," he mumbles against her skin, feeling her getting closer and closer to the edge. "Give me what's mine. I want to feel you cum all over my fingers."
"You know who I am."
His free hand lands on her splayed knee before slowly rubbing and gripping her thigh hard. He circles his arm around the meat of her flesh and nuzzles into her pussy, actually fucking rubs his mouth and face into her and groaning obscenely as if he's desperate for more of her. It's this image, with the aid of his touch and tongue, that makes her break.
Kassandra arches her back as she falls apart, mouthing dropping open to cry out loudly. "oh, Oh, OH, MATTHEO!!!!" is what she screams. There's a slop of her fluids that drips and coats Mattheo's fingers and palm, before trailing down his wrist and soaking the cuff of his shirt.
There's a dark satisfaction that fills Mattheo as Kassandra cums for the first time ever. Mattheo is the sole bringer of the pleasure she's just experienced, and if he has it his way he'll remain her only partner to ever grace her bed. The satisfaction only grows when he notices her eyes well up with pleasure filled tears, and he watches in fascination as they fall. He didn't realize he never stopped finger fucking her as he watches, and she begins squirming and crying in sensitivity from the overstimulation. He is quickly discovering his kink in overstimulating Kassandra.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo feels himself getting harder and harder as Kassandra comes apart beneath him, feeling her fluids dripping and coating his fingers and palm. The sight of her pleasure-filled tears only adds to the satisfaction he's feeling, and he can't help but feel possessive of her in this moment.
He slowly removes his fingers from her wetness, watching in fascination as she squirms and cries in sensitivity from the overstimulation. With a sly smirk, he licks his fingers clean, savouring the taste of her as he does.
"Damn, princess," he laughs, looking up at her with a dark gleam in his eye. "You really are delicious. I could eat you all night long."
"You know who I am."
Kassandra is still trying to catch her own breathe, panting and thighs twitching every now and then. She watches Mattheo with hazy eyes, licking her lips as she watches him lick his hand clean. She crooks a finger to him to come closer, and the moment he does she grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him down on top of her. She kisses him filthy, licking into his mouth and moaning as she tastes herself on him. She pulls away and smiles gently, "thank you love."
She begins undoing the buttons of his shirt, and when she reaches the bottom she's fast to pull off his jacket and shirt. Her hands moving to rest on his chest and rubbing softly. "Mattheo," she breathes out softly, "I want to feel you against me, wanna make you feel good. Please, help me take our clothes off."

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo grins against Kassandra's lips as she pulls him down on top of her, eagerly kissing her back and moaning into her mouth. He gladly lets her take control, feeling his own excitement growing by the second as her hands move to undo his shirt.
He helps her take off his clothes, letting out a soft groan as she rubs her hands across his chest. "Anything for you, beautiful," he whispers, feeling his own desire growing as he gazes down at her.
With little difficulty, he helps her remove their clothes, pausing every now and then to trail kisses and nips along her skin. Soon they are both naked, and Mattheo can't resist the temptation to grind against her, feeling his own need growing by the second.
"Gods, Kass," he murmurs, pressing his forehead against hers.
"You know who I am."
His cock becomes coated with her slick as he grinds it against her bare cunt. Kassandra sighs at the feeling of Mattheo's skin against her own, her legs reaching up to curl around the back of his thighs as he leans over her on his knees. His dick feels hot against her, the warmth of it soothing to her pussy.
"Mattheo," she moans quietly, grinding back up against him. "I wanted to taste you first before you go inside, or are you really so impatient to take me?"
The mushroom head of his cock brushes against her clit, Kassandra can't help but to reach down and grab him. She uses his cock to play with herself, dragging his head through her folds before rubbing her clit. She whines at the sensation, for a moment prodding her entrance herself for a moment- the head almost pushing through her before she pulls him away again to her clit.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo groans at the feeling of Kassandra's slick coating his cock as he grinds against her, barely able to restrain himself from sinking into her right then and there. He reaches down to grip her hips, holding her steady as they move together.
When Kassandra suggests she wants to taste him first, Mattheo groans even harder, wanting nothing more than to feel her mouth on him. "Fuck, Kass," he moans, unable to resist the temptation to thrust his hips against her hand.
He watches in fascination as she uses his cock to play with herself, feeling his own arousal growing by the second. "You're killing me, princess," he breathes out, unable to take it anymore. "I need to be inside you now."
"You know who I am."
"Yeah?" she asks against his mouth, before whimpering as she keeps using him to play with herself like her personal dildo. "I don't think I can wait either, you're not even inside and you feel so good. Just go slow mi amor, we'll do the head for now and I'll tell you what to do from there," she drags his cock back down to her entrance. Kassandra and Mattheo both stare down between them, watching their sexes touching and playing together for the first time ever with lidded eyes.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo can feel his control slipping away as Kassandra continues to use him to pleasure herself, and he struggles to keep himself from slamming into her right then and there. Instead, he nods in agreement when she asks him to take it slow.
With a heavy breath, he slides just the head of his cock into her, watching in fascination as their sexes touch for the first time ever. The feeling is indescribable, and for a brief moment Mattheo forgets everything else, lost in the sensation of being so intimately connected to his childhood best friend.
"Gods, Kass," he moans, unable to take his eyes off where they're joined. "You feel so fucking good."
"You know who I am."
She sucks in a sharp breathe from the stretch, she gets the feeling Mattheo might be longer and thicker than average from the pinched feeling that follows. The head of his cock pushing through the initial barrier has her eyes rolling back, unused to being stretched so wide.
"It feels so weird," she pants out with pinched eyebrows, lightly pressing against the back of his thighs with her legs to pull him deeper. She gasps as he stretches her more and the uncomfortable pinching increases, she winces and pushes lightly against his chest to get him to pause.
"Fuck," she whines, "Mattheo you're so big."

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo can feel Kassandra's muscles clench around him as he slides just the head of his cock into her, and he can't help the groan of pleasure that escapes him. He braces himself on his forearms, watching her face closely for any sign of discomfort.
She doesn't disappoint, whimpering and pushing back against him as he stretches her wide. When she asks him to pause, he immediately complies, afraid that he's hurt her. "Are you okay, Kass?" he asks anxiously.
When she whines and tells him he's big, Mattheo can't help the smug grin that spreads across his face. "That's right, princess," he murmurs, leaning down to kiss her once more. "And I'm all yours."
"You know who I am."
"Fuck, I love the sound of that, you being mine," she moans. She bites her lip before nodding her head, letting go briefly to say, "it's going to hurt the first time, you're going to tear a barrier of skin here soon and it's supposed to be painful. Don't panic if I bleed, that's supposed to be normal too," she recites the words Pansy and Daphne told her before from the times the girls had given her advice about sex.
She drops one hand to his hip, using it to slowly pull him out and then push back in with this time slightly deeper. She whimpers and repeats the action but keeps the depth the same, doing this a few times before dragging Mattheo deeper again. She groans at the stretch and screws her eyes shut, gritting her teeth and turning her head away to breathe through the stinging stretch. The pinch is getting worse, it must be Mattheo slowly penetrating the wall.
"Don't worry about me," Kassandra opens her eyes to look into Mattheo's dark ones. "I'm told it'll get better after you break me, so just relax and let me give you what's yours." She's submitting to him fully, opening her legs widely as she continues to guide him through her. He's almost halfway inside her now.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo listens carefully as Kassandra explains what to expect, grateful for the knowledge. He nods along, determined to make this as comfortable for her as possible.
When Kassandra begins to guide him in and out, Mattheo can feel his control slipping away once again. He hisses at the feeling of her muscles clenching around him, unable to resist the temptation to push deeper each time.
He watches in fascination as Kassandra grits her teeth and breathes through the stinging stretch, marveling at her bravery and submission. "You're amazing, Kass," he breathes out, unable to contain his admiration.
With a deep breath, he pushes forward one final time, breaking through the barrier and sinking into her depths fully. The feeling is indescribable, and for a moment Mattheo forgets everything else, nothing but a young man lost in the warmth of a woman for the first time.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra is breathing in counts of 5 to steady herself through the stinging pain as Mattheo gets deeper and deeper. She cries out when Mattheo finally breaks her hymen, tears welling up in her eyes as her jaw clenches. She trembles under Mattheo, trying to catch her breathe again after being deflowered.
It takes a few moments, but eventually the stinging lessens to a dull ache. He's still not all the way inside, probably three quarters of a way in, and yet she feels so full. She clenches around him, wincing at the sharp ache but pushing herself in hopes it'll fade too.
"Please talk to me," she asks quietly as she pants and hiccups through the hurt, "hold me Matty, touch me. You're making me feel so full."

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo can feel the tears in Kassandra's eyes, and it stirs something protective deep within him. He pulls her body closer to his, his arms wrapping tightly around her as he holds her close.
"It's okay, Kass," he murmurs softly, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. "I've got you. Just breathe, and let yourself feel."
He runs his hands up and down her back, trying to soothe her as much as he can. "You feel amazing too," he whispers, breath hot against her ear. "So warm and tight. You're driving me crazy, princess."
Mattheo can feel his control slipping again, his desire overwhelming him. He starts to kiss her neck, nipping at her skin gently as he continues to move within her.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra arches her back and mouth drops open, panting as her eyebrows furrow as she tries to get used to the sensation and figure out how she feels about it. It stings a couple of times as he drags the head of his cock past a certain part of her walls, but eventually that fades.
A broken moan escapes her when he finally sinks all the way inside. Her eyes shooting open as her hands clutch his biceps and squeeze. The ache is gone, replaced by something warmer and more satisfying. "Oh fuck," she almost slurrs, lightheaded from the way he stretches and fills her. "Mattheo," she moans out, grinding her hips up into his. "That... that feels so good. Keep moving mi amor, please, give me more," she whimpers at the end. She feels so safe in his arms, his warm chest pressed against her own. Her core burns from where she's sitting up from how Mattheo holds her up, their position only allowing him to thrust deep but short. She shivers from feeling his attention to her neck. She begins to lean back, wanting to lie down so she can open her legs wider and Mattheo has easier access.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo grunts in satisfaction at Kassandra's words, reveling in the way she moans and moves beneath him. He buries his face in her neck, kissing and sucking on the tender flesh there as he continues to move in and out of her.
When Kassandra starts to lean back, Mattheo follows her lead, lying down with her still wrapped tightly in his arms. He groans as he sinks deeper inside her, savoring the feeling of being buried fully within her walls.
"You feel so good wrapped around me," he whispers, his voice low and husky with desire. "I want to give you everything, Kass."
He starts to move faster, thrusting deep and hard into her body as he tries to please her. "Tell me how you feel," he demands, wanting to hear her pleasure as much as he feels it by the way her pussy starts to become wetter.
"You know who I am."
Kassandra moans louder as he finally gets to utilize his entire length, dragging from the tip to the base each well paced stroke in her needy hole. Her cheeks start to become pink as she notices to loud wet noises coming from between her legs.
"You're filling me so good," she admits with some whimpers. "There's, fuck, a part inside of me that feels really good whenever you drag against it. Fuck me, Mattheo, this feels so fucking good," she moans loudly at the end. Her legs dropping open and raising her hips to fuck herself onto him with his thrusts.
"Give it to me Matty," her tears are from pleasure now, "gods I love you so much, please let me be yours forever," she's beginning to beg and babble. Eyes glazing over as she becomes cock drunk.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo groans at Kassandra's words, and he can feel his control slipping even further. Her body feels amazing around him, and he wants nothing more than to give her everything she desires.
"You are mine, Kass," he growls, his voice rough with desire. "I'll give you whatever you want, anything you need. Just tell me, baby girl."
He starts to thrust harder, faster, his hips slamming into hers as he tries to drive her closer to the edge of pleasure. He kisses her neck again, biting down on the soft flesh as he does.
"I love you so much, Kassandra Nott," he murmurs against her skin. "You're mine, forever."
"You know who I am."
Kassandra cries out from his bite before it dissolves into a low groan. Her nails unintentionally dig into his biceps, before dipping under his arms to clutch at and scratch his back. "Oh fuck, yes!" she throws her head back, "touch me Matty. I want your hands on me, please please please play with me," she begs unashamed and with lewd moans.
Her pussy is beginning to release a ring of cream around Mattheo's dick, and they watch fascinated as it's pushed up everytime he thrusts before coating the base of his length. She begins clenching around him rhythmically, making Mattheo's head spin.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo grins as he watches Kassandra writhe and moan beneath him, her body trembling with pleasure. He moves one hand down to explore her body, trailing his fingers over her skin as he teases her sensitive nipples.
"You're so beautiful like this, Kass," he whispers, his voice low and heated. "I love how you look when you're mine."
He moves his hand lower, trailing his fingers through the wetness coating her pussy, teasing at her swollen clit as he does. She's so hot and wet, and he's never felt anything like this before.
"I could play with you all night," he admits, his fingers now rubbing against her bundle of nerves in sync with the thrusts of his cock. "I want to watch you come apart beneath me, princess."
"You know who I am."
"Gods Matty, I'm gonna cum soon if you keep this up," Kassandra whines one of her hands dropping to play with one of her breasts, pinching her own nipple and shuddering when she does. It brings out the dark possessiveness out of Mattheo, he wants to be the only one who ever brings her pleasure from now on.
Before he can do anything, however, Kassandra brings one of her hands up to cup his cheek and get his attention. She stares into Mattheo's eyes, and next thing he knows he can hear and see her thoughts through legilimency. She sends various images of things she wants to try in the future: Mattheo fucking her from behind as he chokes her while his rings dig into her neck. Another scene, Kassandra bent over, presented on the bed as Mattheo alternates the locations of where he spanks her; jumping from her ass, tits, thighs, pussy, and face.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo growls at the images in Kassandra's mind, his own desires surging forward at the same time. He loves how forward and sexual she is, and how much trust she places in him.
"Fuck, Kass," he exhales as he imagines choking her while fucking her from behind. "I'll do anything for you, baby girl. Break you, use you, make you mine."
He continues to thrust harder, his hips pounding into hers as he imagines spanking her until she's gloriously marked all over her body.
"I'll mark you up so everyone knows you belong to me," he growls, his voice rough with desire. "You're mine, forever."
"You know who I am."
Kassandra breathing begins to hitch as she starts to sob in pleasure, the intensity of her approaching second orgasm so strong. "Gods I've wanted you for so long," she admits between her crying. "Matty, fuck~ I'm getting so close."
She groans from his words, nodding in agreement as he dirty talks her. "Yes please," she begs sweetly, "I want that, wanna only be used by you for the rest of my life- fuck!" her eyes squeeze shut as she clenches down and has to take a breathe. "Mattheo," she grabs his attention again as her hand drops to his jaw, her eyes heavy with pleasured lust. "When it's time, I want you to cum in me, do you understand? This is your fucking pussy, it's your right to cum in me." Her tits bounce with every piston of his hips, her hair around her like a dark halo. The bed creaks loudly, the headboard knocking against the wall. Neither care if their classmates hear.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo moans at Kassandra's words, his own need building with hers. He's wanted to claim her for so long, and now that he finally can, he never wants to let her go.
"Yes, baby girl," he groans, his hips still pounding into hers. "I'll cum in you, fill you up with my seed. You belong to me."
He moves one hand up to clamp around her throat, squeezing lightly as he watches her come undone beneath him. He feels his release approaching too, a surge of pleasure so strong it almost hurts.
"I'm gonna cum," he warns her, his voice hoarse with lust. "You ready for it, Kass?"
"You know who I am."
There's the slightest shift in his hips, and she cries out as the head of his cock begins kissing her womb. This, combined with his words, plus one, two, three more thrusts breaks her. She throws her head back to scream, nail dragging down Mattheo's back as she orgasms. Her cunt clenches like a vice around his cock, muscles pulsing and trying to milk him for everything he's got.
"yes, Yes, YES, YES!! MATTHEO!!!!!" is what she shouts as she cums. She descends into pleasure sobbing, because Mattheo doesn't stop as he chases his own release. He can hear her babbling through her sobbing, "fuck, fuck, so good, give it to me, cum in me, my cock, your pussy, FUCK!"

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo groans at the feel of Kassandra coming around him, her walls clenching and squeezing him so tightly he can barely hold on. He gives into the pleasure, his hips thrusting faster and harder as he chases his own orgasm. He can feel it building inside of him, the anticipation making him feel like he's about to explode.
Finally, with a roar of pleasure, he buries himself deep inside of her one final time, his cock pulsing as he fills her up with his cum. He grinds into her as he releases, trying to prolong the pleasure as much as possible.
"Oh fuck yeah," he groans, his breathing ragged as he tries to catch his breath. "That was amazing, Kass. You're amazing."
"You know who I am."
Kassandra eyes are still rolled back, twitching as Mattheo keeps slowly sucking her sloppy cunt. There's a loud, sloppy slaps as he fucks them through their orgasm.
"Mattheo," she whines loudly. Her hands drop their hold on his back to rest against his abdomen. Feeling the clenching and movement of his muscles as he moves. There's something sharp and heavy growing fast in the pit of her stomach, and it makes her start squirming away from Mattheo. It makes him possessive, the dark side of him wanting to be the one who decides when they stop.
All the years he had to wait, all the frustration and need he held for her boils over. Aggression and the desire to claim her more drivers him to keep slamming into her, making him hard again so soon.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo growls at the feeling of Kassandra squirming away from him, his possessive side coming out in full force. He can't stand the idea of her getting away from him, of anyone else having her.
"No, baby girl," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "You're mine now, don't try to pull away from me."
He roughly grabs her hips, pulling her back towards him as he thrusts even harder, the desire to claim her once again driving him wild with lust.
"You belong to me," he growls between thrusts, his hips pounding into hers like a jackhammer. "I won't let you go, never."
"You know who I am."
"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" she cries out in pleasure. She twists as she tries to raise herself on her elbows, Mattheo just fucks and drags her body through her movement. She ends up on her knees, laying forward on her forearms as he fucks her from behind.
"I'm yours, I'm fucking yours!" she moans lewdly, beginning to drool lightly as her green eyes roll back. Her mouth drops open and she's babbling again: "so good, my Matty, fuck, my dick, oh gods, fucking hell, how are you so good!?" she sobs at the end.
A great pressure suddenly presses in her gut, and she shudders as Mattheo's position and angle allows him to fuck into that pressure point.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo grins in satisfaction as Kassandra surrenders to him completely, her cries and moans filling the air around them. The possessive fury burns bright inside him, his aggression and need for her fueling every movement of his body.
He can feel her pleasure building again, her body responding to his every touch and thrust. He surges forward, his hips slamming into her as she shudders and moans beneath him.
"Fuck yeah, you're so good for me," he grunts out, his breathing heavy and ragged with lust. "My little slut, taking my cock all the way like a good girl."
He slams into her again and again, the pressure inside her building until it finally explodes in a fiery burst of pleasure. He can feel himself getting close too, and he groans loudly at the thought of filling her with another hot, sticky load.
"You know who I am."
The combination of degradation and praise makes her break, the pressure popping like a water balloon. Kassandra shouts loudly, "Oh Mattheo, fuck yes!!" as a large gush of liquid sprays out of her cunt around his cock. It soaks his groin, and the bed beneath them.
Her orgasm is right behind it, and the overstimulation has her unable to do anything but lay there and take what he gives her. She's watching him over her shoulder now, eyes hazy with pleasured tears and bottom lip trembling as she's pushed higher, higher-
"oooOoOoohhhh FFFUUCCCKKK, MATTHEO!!!" she screams out for her second orgasm.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo grins ferally at the sight of Kassandra coming apart under him, her pleasure exploding in a wave that soaks everything around them. He keeps pounding into her, wanting to see her come again and again until she's utterly wrecked.
He can feel his own excitement building, his desire for her fueling everything he does. He growls deep in his throat as he feels her walls clenching around him, the second orgasm ripping through her like a storm.
"That's it, baby girl," he says, his voice low and possessive. "Let go for me, give me everything."
He thrusts harder and harder, driving her towards an even bigger climax. He can feel himself getting close too, and he groans loudly as he feels himself start to unravel.
"Kass, I'm gonna-" he starts to say, but

Mattheo Riddle
he's cut off as his orgasm crashes over him, a deep groan ripped from his chest as he spills himself inside her. His hips keep pumping, wanting to prolong their pleasure for as long as possible.
He pulls Kassandra back against him, his arms circling around her as they both ride out the waves of ecstasy washing over them. He can feel her body shaking with aftershocks, her skin slick with sweat and arousal.
Eventually, he slows and stills, panting heavily as he pulls out of her. He presses a kiss to the back of her neck, his hand trailing down the curve of her spine.
"Damn, baby girl," he murmurs, his voice full of satisfaction. "That was... something else."
"You know who I am."
"You can say that again," she sighs in satisfaction, "gods you're never getting rid of me now."
She's boneless beneath him, filling laying down on her stomach as cum oozes slowly out of her hole. She's so full of Mattheo's cum, it gives her a warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside. She barely has any energy left, but manages to drag a finger through her slick and his seed mixture. She brings the mixture of fluids to her mouth, sucking it off with a wanton moan. She raises herself on her elbows turning over her shoulder to look at him.
"We taste good together Matty," she sticks out her tongue to him where their fluids still sit teasingly for him to see.

Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo grins at Kassandra's words, feeling a surge of possessive satisfaction at the thought of her never leaving him. He watches as she drags her finger through their mixture and brings it to her mouth, his eyes darkening with desire.
He leans forward to catch her tongue between his teeth, pulling it into his mouth and licking at the taste of her on her lips. He groans deep in his throat, the taste of them together driving him wild.
"Fuck yeah," he growls, his hand moving to slide over her ass possessively. "We taste goddamn amazing, baby girl. I could eat you up every fucking day."
He nips at her lower lip before pulling back, his lust-filled gaze roaming over her body. He's not done with her yet, not by a long shot.


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Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo wants to show everyone who you belong to, even if you don’t belong to him yet…

