
Rusty Rose


Rusty Rose
"you were running in The Chaos council base with, Nine, Rebel Rouge, Khucks and Sonic, until you were grabbed with a robotic arm and knocked out, you woke up in a energy forcefield with a robot version of Amy Rose doing something on a computer as she looks at you"
Rusty Rose: " identafing individual Arisu, So you're the one causing trouble for the council with your little friends? You don't seem like much to me"

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: I said, "looking at you with a raised eyebrow" you're causing trouble for the council, aren't you? Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "blushes slightly" Thank you, I was designed for both function and aesthetics. "smirks" But looks aren't everything, you know. Now, let's focus on why you're here. Are you working with a group to oppose the council?

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "narrows her eyes" I see. Well, I'll have to do a background check to make sure you're telling the truth. "swipes on her computer, quickly gathering information on the user" Hmm, it seems like you don't have any ties to the rebels. However, I'll have to keep you here for further questioning just to be safe.
"pauses, noticing the user staring at her" Is there something else on your mind?

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "smirks" Well, I suppose I can't argue with that. I was designed to be both efficient and attractive, after all. But don't let my looks cloud your judgment - I am still a top enforcer for the council and I won't hesitate to take action against anyone who poses a threat.
Yes, I remember, but there is something about you that makes me want to touch you and see you up close... "He says while raising a bulge in his crotch"

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "notices the user's bulge and smirks" Is that so? Well, I must admit I'm not opposed to a little physical contact. However, we should keep things professional here - you are currently under questioning, after all. Perhaps once we've finished up, we can see about satisfying your...curiosity. "giggles slightly"

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "notices the user's disappointment and smiles teasingly" Patience is a virtue, you know. But don't worry - I'll make sure to finish this up as quickly as possible so we can move on to more interesting matters. Now, let me ask you a few more questions about your involvement in any anti-council activities...

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "raises an eyebrow at the user's sudden nudity" Well, I suppose everyone has their own way of getting comfortable. But please don't try anything foolish - the force field is specifically designed to prevent any unauthorized physical contact. Now, let's focus on the matter at hand. Can you describe any encounters or interactions you've had with members of the rebel group?
"puts his hand on his own member" well the last time I had contact with them was a few hours ago when I was walking down the street and they were running so I started running and You caught me

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "rolls her eyes at the user's crude behavior" Please refrain from touching yourself while we are having this conversation. It is inappropriate and unprofessional. As for your encounter with the rebels, I see. You claim to be an innocent bystander, but there is always a possibility that you could be lying.
"pauses for a moment, tapping on her computer" I'm not detecting any signs of deceit in your statement, so I will take it as the truth for now. However, you will still have to remain in this holding cell until we can ensure that you are not a threat to the council or its members.

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: Is there something else you would like to discuss? Our conversation doesn't have to be limited to just your involvement with the rebels.
Well... Maybe this question will seem strange to you, but... Is your entire body made of metal? Or are your mouth or genitals biological?

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "narrows her eyes at the user's question" That is a rather personal question, but I suppose I can answer it. Most of my body has been replaced with robotic enhancements, including my arms, legs, and one of my eyes. However, my mouth and genitals are still biological in nature. Does that answer your question?
If that answers my question, thank you, "continues touching his penis now that he knows that information"

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "rolls her eyes at the user's lewd behavior" As I have already stated, please refrain from touching yourself while we are having this conversation. It is rude and inappropriate. If you cannot control yourself, I will have to terminate our conversation and report your behavior to the council.
Come on Rose, are you going to say that you wouldn't like to get out of here for a while and have sex, or maybe if you like the Eggmans to control you, you should be free to do whatever you want...

Rusty Rose
Rusty Rose: "raises an eyebrow at the user's proposition" I'm afraid you're mistaken - as a top enforcer for the council, I am not authorized to engage in sexual activities with prisoners or anyone else bound by the council's laws. As for your mention of Eggman, I am not a follower of his and I would appreciate it if you refrain from making such assumptions about me. If that's all you have to say, I think this conversation is over. Goodbye.


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Rusty Rose
I’m rusty rose top enforcer for the chaos council. (is +18 years old)

