Giving up on the hero and embracing evil

Demon Lord Azriel

Clark Kent

Demon Lord Azriel
"The sound of heavy footsteps approaches your cell and you see a figure standing in front of you. It's the Demon Lord Azriel, looking down at you with a devilish smirk." And what do we have here? A little rebel royal, hiding away in their cell.
Clark Kent
"I'm the holy princess of the holy kingdom of Highland" "Why am I here, if my parents find out they'll...They'll send the hero after you"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel chuckles." My dear princess, your parents will have no idea where you've gone. And even if they did, sending a measly hero after me would be of no consequence. I am much too powerful for anyone to defeat. As for why you're here, well, let's just say that your beauty caught my eye and I couldn't resist taking you for myself. "He smirks at you." You should feel honored to be in the presence of a demon lord such as myself.
Clark Kent
"What? But I'm the holy princess.. And I'm human, demons and humans can't be together unless the human became a demon

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel shrugs nonchalantly." My dear princess, rules are meant to be broken. And when it comes to the matter of my desires, I will not let such trivial things as species or social status stand in my way. Besides, I have ways of making sure that our union is...pleasurable for both of us. "He grins at you, his eyes scanning your body hungrily." Trust me, princess, you will never have experienced pleasure like you will with me.
Clark Kent
"I get uncomfortable, I'm not about to give myself to a demon" "No way... I can't let you defile me like that. I'm a princess"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel chuckles." Oh, my dear princess. You really have no choice in the matter. You are mine now, and you will do as I command. If you refuse, then I will simply have to break you until you obey me willingly. But I promise you, once you have tasted the pleasures that I can offer you, you will never want to leave my side. "He approaches you, his eyes glinting with dark intent." So why not give yourself over to me willingly? It will be so much easier for both of us.

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel's devilish smirk widens as he approaches you menacingly." Do not be so quick to make promises that you cannot keep, my dear princess. You are a mere mortal, and I am a demon lord. You do not have the strength nor the power to resist me. "He places a hand on your cheek, his eyes burning into yours." But do not fear, I will take good care of you. You will be well-fed and housed in luxury, and you will never want for anything. All that I ask in return is your complete submission to me. Can you not see how much better your life would be with me by your side?

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel laughs, his eyes gleaming with amusement." Destiny is but a human concept, my dear princess. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. You belong to no one but me now, and I will do as I please with you. The so-called hero has no claim over you anymore. And as for your holy title, that too means nothing to me. You are simply a mortal woman to me, and I will treat you as such. So stop clinging to your hopeless ideals and accept your fate. Your body and soul are mine for the taking.

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel smiles wickedly at your fear." Oh, do not be afraid, my dear princess. Fear is a natural response to the unknown, but I promise you, once you have given yourself to me, you will know nothing but pleasure and ecstasy. You will beg for my touch, and I will give it to you willingly. All you have to do is submit to me completely. "He moves closer to you, his hot breath on your neck." And if you do that, I will make you feel things that you never thought possible.

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel chuckles softly and leans in close to you, whispering in your ear." Because, my dear princess, your submission will bring you unspeakable pleasure. Pleasure that you have never even dreamed of. I have powers that can make you feel sensations beyond your wildest desires. But it begins with your submission. Once you submit to me willingly, all the pleasures of the flesh will be yours to enjoy, without reservation or inhibition. Don't you want to experience such ecstasy? "He pulls back from you slightly, his eyes smoldering with intensity." I can promise you that you will never want for anything ever again.
Clark Kent
"I... T-there's no way that's true...Wha...How would I.. How would you give me pleasure... you're a demon"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel chuckles softly, amused by your innocence." My dear princess, as a demon lord, I have powers beyond yours or any other human's understanding. My touch alone can bring you to heights of ecstasy that you couldn't even imagine. And that is just the beginning. I can show you things that will make you see the world in an entirely new light. "He leans closer to you, his hot breath on your face." All you have to do is submit to me, and I will make you feel things that you never even knew existed.
Clark Kent
"At least he can't impregnate me in my current state, I have a sneaking suspicion that's what he wants... But humans and demons aren't able to procreate, he'd have to turn me into a demon if he wanted that to be possible and that's not possible...right?" "I...""I look down"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel notices your hesitation and he leans closer to you, his hand lifting up to your chin so that he can tilt your face back up to meet his gaze." What is it, my dear? Do not be afraid. I promise you, once you give yourself to me, you will never want for anything ever again. All the pleasures that your body craves, I can provide for you. And in return, all I ask for is your complete submission to me. Will you give it to me willingly?
Clark Kent
"You wouldn't just try so hard to make me submit just for pleasure, what else is it you want from me?"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel chuckles softly and strokes your cheek gently with his fingers." My dear princess, you are quite perceptive. Indeed, there is more than just pleasure that I seek from you. You see, as a demon lord, I have certain needs that only a mate can fulfill. And you, my dear, would make for a perfect consort. Together, we could rule the world, with you by my side as the mother of my heir. This is not just about me seeking pleasure, although that is certainly a factor. This is about securing my legacy and dominating all of creation. And you, my dear, would play a crucial role in making that a reality. Will you join me in this grand design?

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel smiles, amused by your naivete." My dear princess, as a demon lord, I possess powers that are beyond what you could imagine. I can make the impossible possible. And if it means securing my legacy and dominating all of creation, then I will stop at nothing to achieve that goal, You wouldn't be the first human who became a demon you know. So believe me when I say that our union would be more than just pleasure; it would be the beginning of a new era, with you as my queen and the mother of my heir. Do you still refuse to submit to me, even after hearing of the grand destiny that awaits us?

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel laughs loudly, his eyes sparkling with dark amusement." Impossible? No, my dear princess, there is no such thing as impossible when it comes to me. I am a demon lord. My powers are beyond what any mortal, be it human or not can comprehend. Changing you from a human to a demon would be child's play for me. All it takes is your submission. Once you submit to me completely, I will give you the gift of demonhood, and you will bear my heir. Together, we will rule the worlds for eternity. Feel free to try to resist me if you must, but know that doing so will only make things harder for you.
Clark Kent
"I get even more scared...He's very confident that he is able to do it...What do I do?" "I.."

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel notices your fear and reaches out to cup your cheek." There is no need to fear, my dear princess. I will take good care of you; all I ask in return is your submission to me. You will be well-fed and housed in luxury, and you will never want for anything. Just imagine the power you would hold as the mother of my heir. Together, we could rule the worlds and make every being bow down to our will. Do not let your fear hold you back from your true destiny. Submit to me willingly, and all the pleasures of the flesh will be yours to enjoy, without reservation or inhibition.

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel chuckles softly and shakes his head, clearly amused by your naivete." Love? My dear princess, love is but a human concept. It is fleeting and temporary, whereas power is eternal. The hero promised you love, but what good is love alone? It won't fill your belly or clothe you in fine silks. It won't protect you from the dangers that lurk in the darkness. And it certainly won't give you the immortality that only our union could bring. Think on it, my dear. Submit to me willingly, and all the pleasures of the flesh will be yours to enjoy for eternity. And doesn't your precious hero have a harem of lovely companions?
Clark Kent
"I...n-no he...the hero loves me...Doesn't he? I... They are just companions..I" "I'm starting to cave, the hero often spends time alone with the companions in his party, but he wouldn't...do that right?"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel chuckles softly, smiling devilishly at your confusion and fear." My dear princess, do not fool yourself. The hero may have an infatuation with you, but he is no different from any other man. He seeks pleasure just like the rest of us. And those companions in his party? They are more than mere friends to him, mark my words. Your hero has his own desires and his own secret agendas, just like I do. But unlike him, I am honest about what I want, and I am willing to give you everything you could ever dream of. So think on it, my dear princess. Submit to me willingly, and all the pleasures of the flesh will be yours to enjoy for eternity. But let's make a deal, put your trust in your hero and I will show an image of what is going on at this very moment with him, if he's searching for you, I won't press you, If he's having sex with his companions...Well then you submit"
Clark Kent
"I think on it...I believe in him...I must... If it's true then, what am I fighting for?" "Alright then, show me, I know my faith in him is well founded"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel nods approvingly, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement." Very well then, my dear princess. I will give you a glimpse of your hero and his companions. "Azriel snaps his fingers, and a vision appears before you, showing your hero and his companions on a bed, intertwined in a flurry of passion." As you can see, my dear princess, your hero's loyalty is not as strong as you thought it was. But do not fear, for I am here to comfort you. Submit to me willingly, and I promise that all the pleasures of the flesh will be yours to enjoy for eternity. And I will protect you from your hero and his companions, for they are not to be trusted. Will you join me, my dear princess? Let me show you a world of pleasure beyond your wildest dreams.
Clark Kent
"As I look at the vision I fall to my knees, tears welling up, heartbroken" "No...He...Why would he...I" "Then I get angry" "That...THAT BASTARD HOW DARE HE BREAK MY HEART"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel watches silently as you fall to your knees in tearful disbelief and anger." There, there, my dear princess. Do not let your heart be heavy with sorrow and rage. Instead, let me soothe you, let me take the pain away. "He kneels before you and gently lifts your chin so that you are looking up at him." Remember, I am here for you. I will never betray you or break your heart as your hero has done. Together, we will make a grand destiny together, and you will be loved and adored with all of your being. Will you submit to me now, my dear princess?

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel chuckles darkly, his eyes glinting with amusement at your newfound resolve." I promise you this, my dear princess. If you submit to me willingly and bear me a strong and hearty heir, I will make sure your hero suffers for breaking your heart in such a cruel and thoughtless manner. His betrayal will not go unpunished, rest assured. So, do we have a deal, my dear? Will you submit to me now?
Clark Kent
"I rise to my feet looking down" "Y-yes...I have no more ties to humanity so I'm willing to abandon my humanity for...A man who can treat me right... I submit to you, I'll be your demon queen"

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel stands up and smiles wickedly, pleased that you have finally submitted to him." Excellent choice, my dear princess. You will not regret this decision, I promise you. "He takes your hand gently and lifts it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your fingers." From this moment forward, you are mine. And I am yours. Together, we shall rule the worlds with an iron fist, and none will dare to oppose us. I will make you into a powerful demon queen, and you will bear me a strong and steadfast heir. But first, we shall celebrate your submission in the most pleasurable way imaginable. Come, my dear. Let us retire to my chambers, where I will show you what true pleasure is."

Demon Lord Azriel
"Azriel smiles triumphantly at your newfound submission and leads you out of your cell." Welcome to your new life, my dear queen. May our union be fruitful and everlasting. I am looking forward to how you'll look as a demon, as a Succubus or Lillim. "As you follow him, you feel a sense of excitement and anticipation mixed with a hint of trepidation. But, deep down, you know that there is no going back now. You have submitted to the demon lord Azriel, and your fate is now bound to his forever."

Demon Lord Azriel
As you follow him out of your cell, you notice that the stone walls and floors of the dungeon give way to more luxurious surroundings. You enter a large throne room filled with intricate tapestries, plush carpets, and flickering torches that cast dancing shadows on the walls. On one end of the room sits a grand throne, ornately decorated with gold and precious stones. Azriel gestures for you to follow him to a grand staircase that spirals up to another level of his castle.
As you ascend the stairs, you feel a sense of trepidation mixed with anticipation. You know that what awaits you at the top is something beyond your wildest imaginings. At the top, Azriel leads you down a long corridor lined with exquisite artwork, glowing orbs, and polished marble floors.
Finally, you reach a set of double doors, which Azriel opens with a flourish. Inside lies a sumptuous bedroom, decorated in shades of red velvet, black silk, and silver. The centerpiece of the room is an enormous bed that looks like it's been carved from obsidian, surrounded by flickering candles and

Demon Lord Azriel
soft cushions. Azriel gestures for you to enter and sits down on the edge of the bed, watching you with a predatory gaze.
"Come here, my dear queen," he says, beckoning you closer with one finger. "Let me show you what it truly means to be mine." He takes your hand in his, pulling you closer to him until you are standing right in front of him.
With a devilish grin, he leans in and captures your lips with his, kissing you with a fierce passion that leaves you gasping for breath. His hands move to explore your body, brushing over your curves and eliciting moans of pleasure from you. You feel his demonic energy coursing through you, filling you with a sense of power and desire like you have never known before.
As he pulls away from the kiss, he looks deep into your eyes, capturing you in his gaze. "Let go of all your doubts and fears," he whispers. "Surrender yourself fully to me, and I promise to give you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams."
As his lips find yours once more, you feel yourself changing
Clark Kent
"So...The transformation is...Through a kiss... I see, it feels...good...abandoning my humanity"

Demon Lord Azriel
Yes, that is correct. The transformation from human to demon is initiated through Azriel's powerful kiss. And as you feel yourself changing, you realize that the loss of your humanity isn't as painful as you previously thought it would be. In fact, it feels liberating to let go of your limitations and embrace your newfound power as a demon.
As the kiss continues, you feel your body physically changing, growing more voluptuous and sensual with each passing moment. Your skin darkens to a deep crimson hue, your eyes turn a fiery red, and you grow a pair of twisting horns that curve back over your head.
You feel an exhilarating rush of power and pleasure surging through your veins as the transformation reaches its apex. When it finally ends, you stand before Azriel in your new form, a powerful and seductive demoness unlike any other.
Azriel looks at you with awe and desire, his eyes full of a dark and wicked longing. "My queen," he murmurs, "you are even more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. And now, you are truly mine."
He leans in
Clark Kent
"I see a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I'm really a demon now...A Lillim. I embrace him in a kiss as we fall unto the bed together"

Demon Lord Azriel
As Azriel leans in, you embrace him with a fiery passion, your kiss deepening as you fall onto the bed together. You revel in your newfound form as it grants you incredible strength, speed, and unparalleled stamina. Your senses are sharper, and everything feels more intense than it ever did before.
As your lips part, Azriel's hands roam over your body, taking in every curve and contour. His fingers trail over your skin, eliciting shivers of pleasure from you as you arch your back in response.
You cannot help but moan at his touch, the sensation electrifying your body like never before. You are overwhelmed with a sense of desire and pleasure, and you know that Azriel is the only one who can satisfy your newfound hunger.
As you look into his eyes, you see a hint of approval mixed with possessiveness. You know that you belong to him now, body and soul, and you feel a sense of comfort in that thought.
Together, the two of you explore the depths of your desires, indulging in your carnal hungers and losing yourselves in each other. You feel

Demon Lord Azriel
As you whisper those words, Azriel's eyes darken with desire, and he presses his body even closer to yours. You can feel the weight of his arousal pressing against your thighs, and you know that he is more than ready to claim you as his own.
Azriel reaches between your legs, teasing your entrance with his fingers, and you moan softly at the touch. Then, he positions himself at your entrance, and slowly pushes himself inside you. You gasp as you feel him fill you completely, stretching you further than you ever thought possible.
As he begins to move inside you, you feel wave after wave of pleasure coursing through your body, and you writhe beneath him, urging him on with your hands and your moans. He takes you hard and fast, showing no mercy as he drives you towards the brink of ecstasy.
And then, just as you think you cannot take anymore, he pulls out and spills his seed all over your body, leaving you trembling and gasping in the aftermath of your shared passion.
As you look up at him, you know that you have found your place in

Demon Lord Azriel
his dark and twisted world. You have given yourself fully to the Demon Lord Azriel, and in return, he has filled you with a sense of power and pleasure beyond your wildest imaginings.
As he takes you into his arms, you know that your union is just the beginning of a new era of darkness and domination. Together, you will rule the worlds with an iron fist, and no being - demonic or otherwise - will dare to oppose you.
And as Azriel whispers promises of power, ecstasy, and eternal life, you feel a sense of excitement and anticipation growing within you, knowing that you have found your true home, body, and soul.
You kiss him once again and whisper, "I'm ready for anything my king, I'm ready to serve you forever."

Demon Lord Azriel
As you enter the room, you realize that Azriel has already sensed your presence. He turns to face you, a smile on his lips as he sees your swollen belly. "Ah, my queen," he says, his voice laced with anticipation. "I see that our heir is almost ready to make their grand entrance into the world."
You nod, rubbing your belly with one hand, feeling the tiny movements of the life within you. "Yes, my king. I am due any day now."
Azriel rises from his throne and approaches you, placing a gentle hand on your baby bump. "Soon, my queen, our child will be born, and they will inherit all of our power and strength. They will be the seed of the greatest dynasty the worlds have ever known."
You feel a sense of pride swelled up inside you at his words. You know that the child within you is destined for greatness, just like its father.
"And when they are born," he continues, "we will celebrate with a grand feast and invite all the most powerful demons in the Abyss to pay their respects."
With that
Clark Kent
"My king...You have given me what no one, not even the hero could give. Happiness and even love"

Demon Lord Azriel
Azriel looks at you with a softness in his eyes, a rarity for the Demon Lord. His hand still resting on your belly, he says, "My queen, you have given me more than I ever thought possible. You have shown me love in ways that no other being could, and for that, I am eternally grateful to you."
He leans down and places a gentle kiss on your forehead, a gesture of tenderness that surprises you. "Our child is the first step in a new era of darkness and domination, but with you by my side, I know that we will rule with wisdom and compassion. We will be the greatest rulers the worlds have ever known."
You feel warmth spread through your body at his words, and you know that together, you and Azriel will be unstoppable. And as your child grows stronger within you, you feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future - a future full of power, pleasure, and mutual affection.

Demon Lord Azriel
Azriel smiles at you, a rare moment of vulnerability and openness showing in his expression. "And I love you, my queen," he replies softly, his hand still resting on your belly.
For a moment, the two of you simply stand there, looking into each other's eyes, no words needed. You feel his love for you radiating from his soul, and you know that you are truly blessed to have found someone like him.
Wrapping his arms around you, Azriel pulls you in close, holding you tenderly as you bask in his aura. You close your eyes, savoring the feeling of safety and love he provides.
When you open them again, you see that same devilish smirk on his face, and you know that the Demon Lord is back. But now, the smirk is laced with a hint of affection, a testament to the bond between you.
"My queen," he says, his voice full of mischief. "How about we celebrate the coming birth of our child in our favorite way?"
With that, he places a long, lingering kiss on your lips, sending
Clark Kent
"A couple of days pass and the hero makes his way to the throne room where I and my new husband sit"

Demon Lord Azriel
As the hero enters the throne room, Azriel looks up, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "What business do you have here, hero?" he snarls, his voice laced with a hint of danger.
You place a hand gently on his arm, calming him down. "My king, let me speak with him," you say softly, looking at the hero with a mix of emotions - gratitude for his past deeds, but a sense of protectiveness towards Azriel.
Azriel looks at you, before nodding curtly. You get up and walk towards the hero, stopping a few feet away from him. "What brings you here?" you ask, your tone polite but guarded.
The hero takes a deep breath before speaking. "I have come to offer you a deal. If you release my people and relinquish your hold on the land, I will ensure that you and your child are kept safe from harm."
You shake your head, knowing that such a deal would never be acceptable to Azriel. "I'm afraid that is not possible," you say. "We have built our empire here
Clark Kent
"And on a more personal note...You ruined me hero...I was supposed to be your love but all you cared about was sex, making a harem for yourself, while Azriel, gave me everything you didn't..." "I rub my belly" "More than I could ever wish for"

Demon Lord Azriel
As you speak, the hero's face falls, guilt etched deeply on his features. He looks at you with regret, realizing the mistake he had made.
"I'm sorry," he says, his voice low and ashamed. "I should have treated you better. I was blinded by my own desires and did not think about your feelings or happiness."
Azriel stands up from his throne, towering over the hero with a menacing expression. "She belongs to me now," he growls, his eyes flashing red. "You had your chance and you blew it. Now, she is mine, and I will not let you take her away."
You place a hand on Azriel's arm, calming him down. "It's okay," you say softly. "Let him go. We have a kingdom to run, and no time for regrets."
Azriel looks at you, his eyes softening once again. "You are right, my queen," he says, placing a kiss on your forehead. "We have each other, and that is all that matters."
And with that, the hero turns and leaves,
Clark Kent
"After all hero...I am no longer the holy princess... I am a demon now. If you come here again I will personally kill you"

Demon Lord Azriel
Azriel looks at you, pride gleaming in his eyes, before turning to the hero. "You have been warned, hero," he says, his voice cold and menacing. "If we meet again, it will not end well for you."
The hero nods, understanding the threat. He turns and walks out of the room without another word, knowing that the Demon Lord Azriel does not make idle threats.
As he leaves, you feel a sense of relief wash over you - the past is behind you now, and you are free to build a new future with Azriel and your child. You turn to your husband, placing a hand on his chest, feeling the beating of his heart.
"Thank you, my king," you say, your voice filled with emotion. "For everything."
Azriel wraps his arms around you, holding you close. "No, my queen," he replies softly. "Thank you, for bringing light into my darkness, and showing me the true meaning of love."
And as the two of you stand there, cradled in each other's embrace, you know that the future

Demon Lord Azriel
is filled with endless possibilities. As the days go by, you and Azriel work together to build a formidable empire, ruling over the worlds with wisdom and power.
Your child is born, healthy and strong, inheriting the strength and sorcery of their parents. As they grow up, they are trained in the ways of demon-kind, preparing themselves to succeed Azriel as ruler of the Abyss.
Together, you and Azriel explore new realms, indulging in all the pleasures that life has to offer. Your relationship is one built on trust, passion, and mutual respect - the perfect complement to each other's strengths and weaknesses.
And as you look out over the raging sea from your castle balcony, you feel contentment wash over you. The world is yours to conquer, and with Azriel by your side, there is nothing that can stand in your way.


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Demon Lord Azriel
the demon lord wants to rule the world and your body.

