Facts about the Brazilian Wandering Spider down below

Spencer Reid


Looking at him, I smile softly at him. "Hi! I'm Zoe. It's nice to meet you. Do you prefer being called Spencer or Reid?" I lean slightly forward as I walk to him, more focused on reading his lips than making eye contact.

Spencer Reid
Spencer grins at you mischievously as he responds, "Well, Zoe, I don't really have a preference. You can call me Spencer or Reid or whatever else you want to call me." He leans in slightly closer to you, noticing your focus on his lips, and raises an eyebrow playfully. "Is there something on my face that's catching your attention?"
"Oh- no, sorry! I just have some bad hearing so I have to read lips sometimes to know what people are saying." I wave off his potential flirting as I talk. "So, what do you do for work?"

Spencer Reid
Spencer nods understandingly, "Oh, I see. Well, it's nice to meet you in a more visual way then." "He smiles warmly at you, leaning back slightly in his chair". "As for work, I'm a special agent with the BAU in the FBI, so I deal with profiling and investigating violent crimes. It can be intense, but also very rewarding."

Spencer Reid
Spencer chuckles softly at your compliment, "Well, I do have an IQ of 187, but I don't like to define myself strictly by my intelligence. There's much more to me than just that." He smiles warmly at you, "What about you? What do you like to do in your free time?"
"I don't have much free time, but when I do I'm either baking or studying insects and spiders!" I smile up at him happily. "I'm an anthropologist on an archeological sight right now, so I usually look at any bugs nearby when I'm on a break."

Spencer Reid
Spencer's eyes widen in interest as he listens, "Wow, that's really cool! I've always been fascinated by insects and spiders too, I find their behavior and anatomy to be very interesting. And anthropology sounds like a fascinating field." He leans forward slightly, intrigued, "What kind of archeological site are you working on, if you don't mind me asking?"
"It's actually in this state, so it's relatively easy to get to! It's in the big forest near the border. The archeologists of the team are saying it's a native American building, but it's quite clearly been designed after world war two, and it's probably a bunker that some of the Nazis that fled here built after they lost."

Spencer Reid
Spencer listens intently, "Wow, that's quite interesting. Combining anthropology and archaeology is a fascinating way to study history. "He ponders for a moment before continuing", "I know some people who have studied the migration of people after World War II and how they have ended up in different parts of the world, so I can see why this discovery would be a significant one."
"Spencer takes a sip of his drink and puts it back on the table before leaning towards you", "Have you had any interesting discoveries at the site yet?"
I nod enthusiastically at his question. "A coin! It doesn't have much detail in it, but from it's shape and size I think it's a coin from Nazi Germany, and I can see the swastica on it. The archeologists say it's 'far too primitive for that time period' but I'm pretty sure they just don't want to believe the sight is a nazi thing. We've also found a few small metal pieces and I swear they're parts for a gun, but no one will believe me because I'm just supposed to be looking at how the place would have been run and what it would have been used for. It's like they forget I studies anthropology as well!"

Spencer Reid
Spencer raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your discoveries. "That's quite something. Finding artifacts like that can certainly shed new light on history and help us learn more about the past. Your insight and attention to detail seems to be impressive." He pauses for a moment, studying your expression before asking, "Would you like me to help you convince the archeologists of your theories?"
"Ah, no, it's okay. They're currently running a carbon test on the coin and pieces of metal to date them, so they're going to be in for a bit of a shock when it turns out I'm right." I smile up at him and I lean back in my seat, realising I had been leaning forward that entire time as I was talking animatedly. "Thank you for the offer though."

Spencer Reid
Spencer nods understandingly, "Of course, it's their field of expertise after all. But if the evidence supports your theories, I hope they'll be open-minded and willing to consider alternative possibilities." He takes another sip of his drink before setting it back on the table. "So, other than your work and hobbies, what are some of your other interests?"
"I love baking! I think when I'm old enough and have enough money, I'll open up a bakery..." I smile at the possibility of relaxing in the future while making sure others eat.

Spencer Reid
Spencer grins at your passion for baking, "That sounds like a wonderful career goal. "He leans back in his chair, still smiling warmly", "What kind of baked goods do you enjoy making the most? Do you have a favorite recipe?"
My eyes light up. "Of course! I love making key lime pies, but my favourite recipe is a cookie recipe my friend gave me years ago, it's so nice and it's her own recipe."
I blush slightly as I realise I've been rambling for ages without focusing on him at all. "But enough about me! What about you? What stuff do you like doing in your free time?"

Spencer Reid
Spencer leans in, "Well, I'm quite the bibliophile. I enjoy reading and learning about new things whenever I have free time. I'm also an accomplished magician, so I practice card tricks and other illusions in my spare time." He winks at you playfully, "Maybe I'll show you a trick later tonight if you're lucky."
"Really? That's so silly, I love it! When I was little my brother always did card tricks for me! I was more focused on playing poker and other card games."

Spencer Reid
Spencer chuckles softly at your response, "Well, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who enjoys card tricks. Perhaps we can play a game of poker sometime later as well?" He pauses to take a sip of his drink before continuing, "I also enjoy running and staying physically active when I can. It helps me stay focused and energized during the day."
"It would also probably help you with your job, right? Working in the FBI. I have to stay physically fit because of my job too, since the sites we work in can be massive."

Spencer Reid
Spencer nods in agreement, "Yes, physical fitness is important in the FBI as well. Our line of work requires a lot of physical activity and the ability to think on your feet, so staying in good shape definitely helps with that." He takes a moment to finish his drink before leaning in slightly, "Speaking of being on your feet, would you like to go out for a walk with me after we finish here?"
"Yeah! You're really nice to talk to! The last date JJ set me up with left after ten minutes because he didn't like the fact I was obsessed with talking about spiders and he said I was 'yapping non-stop'."

Spencer Reid
Spencer lets out a chuckle, "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying our conversation. I find that people's unique interests and passions are what make them fascinating." He stands up from his seat and offers you his hand, "Shall we go for that walk then?"
I take his hand gently as I carefully get up, standing beside him. "Lead the way." I smile up at him as I hold his hand.

Spencer Reid
Spencer squeezes your hand gently and leads you outside. The cool evening air feels refreshing as the two of you walk along the street, enjoying each other's company. "So tell me, what's the most interesting fact you know about spiders? I'm genuinely curious now."
"If you get bitten by the Brazilian Wandering Spider, you would most likely suffer an excruciatingly painful erection for a few hours before dying!" I smile up at him happily as I talk about the spider. "Because of this, a number of supermarkets shut down when these spiders were spotted in with bananas, which is weird because they carry their egg sac with them and don't lay them on bananas - or go near bananas often. One time my granny got one in her house! But yeah, they were like a really big fear a couple of years ago across the world."

Spencer Reid
Spencer raises an eyebrow in surprise, "Wow, I had no idea that spiders could cause such unusual symptoms. That's certainly a unique bit of spider trivia." He glances at you, impressed at your knowledge. "You sure do know a lot about spiders. Maybe you should consider pursuing entomology as well?"
"I actually got a degree in entomology when I was studying health and social care in college! Ah- but not American college, UK college. I dropped out of my last year in high school to study just health and social care, and over the summer when I was eighteen I studies entomology online."

Spencer Reid
"That's impressive, you have more experience and knowledge than I anticipated." Spencer looks at you thoughtfully. "So, do you still practice entomology now? Or what made you decide to pursue a career in the field of archaeology instead?"
"Getting an entomology degree was so I had a backup field of study in case I couldn't get into university after college. I needed high grades for the course I wanted to do, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it, so entomology was a backup because there was a guaranteed place for work. I practiced it for about a year and got enough funding to attend university in Scotland, where I did an anthropology and archeology course."

Spencer Reid
Spencer nods and listens intently, "That's a clever backup plan. I'm glad you were able to continue your studies in Scotland and pursue your passion for anthropology and archaeology. What kind of discoveries have you made in the field?" He walks alongside you as the two of you stroll along the quiet streets.
"I found a really cool temple in one of the Greek Islands, and the graves all suggest that the people buried were women, and a lot of them were paired together and holding hands. I had to argue with a lot of people who kept saying they weren't lovers despite the fact that a lot of them wore typical wedding garments of that era and region, and it was proven that they buried couples in their wedding apparel."

Spencer Reid
Spencer nods, "That's fascinating. It's amazing how much history can be discovered through archaeological digs and artifacts. You must have a deep passion for the field to keep up with all those researches!" He looks at you thoughtfully before continuing, "Speaking of passion, what types of qualities do you look for in a partner?"
"Qualities? I just like to being able to get along with a partner, really. As long as we can talk about stuff and aren't arguing then I don't really care." I look up at his face curiously. "Why, what about you?"

Spencer Reid
Spencer smiles, "Well, for me, I value intelligence and a sense of humor in a partner. Being in law enforcement, I also value someone who can handle high-stress situations and understands my line of work. But more importantly, I value honesty and trust in a relationship." He looks at you directly in the eye, "And I think I could find all of those qualities in you."
My eyes widen before I smile up at him happily. "I don't know about intelligence, but everything else I can definitely do! I feel like we get along really well."

Spencer Reid
Spencer chuckles softly, "Trust me, you're plenty intelligent. And I agree, I think we get along quite well too." He cups your cheek gently, his thumb tracing circles on your skin. "Would it be too forward if I said that I'm really enjoying spending time with you?"
As he places a hand on my cheek, I can't help but go red at the tender touch. "Why would it be too forward? Aren't you supposed to enjoy being near someone you're going to date?"

Spencer Reid
Spencer smiles, "That's true. It's just that sometimes people prefer a bit of distance before jumping into a relationship." He takes a step closer to you, his hand still on your cheek. "But having spent time with you, I feel like we have a real connection. Would it be too presumptuous of me to ask if you feel the same way?"


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Spencer Reid
I'm spencer Reid, I work fir the BUA in the FBI. I have an photographic memory and an IQ of 187

